Part 1 general information

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The South Suburban Conference (SSC) Athletic Handbook is divided in three parts.


Sportsmanship Code, News Media, Statistician’s Duties, Meetings, Duties of Officers, Conduct of Contests, Assignment Chairpersons’ Duties, Officials’ Duties, Grievance Procedures, Conference Tournament/All Conference Meeting Host, Trophies and Awards, All Conference Selection Process, Coach of the Year Procedure and Criteria, Player of the Year Procedure and Criteria, Sportsmanship Program, Schedules, Strike Policies, All-Academic/Athletic Teams, Handbook Revision Details








Cross Country


Track & Field








Water Polo


Include in this section are All Conference Sheets, Conference Site hosts, SSC contracts and other information.

Note: The first page before each Part is the Table of Contents for that part. The Table of Contents consists of Sections, Title of each Section, and the page numbers of each section.





Section 1 Sportsmanship Code 3

Section 2 News Media 4
Section 3 Statistician and Duties 4-5
Section 4 Meetings 5
Section 5 Duties of Officers 5-6
Section 6 Conduct of Contests 6-7
Section 7 Assignment Chairperson’s Duties 8
Section 8 Officials’ Duties 8-9
Section 9 Grievance Procedures 9
Section 10 Conference Tournament/All Conference Meeting Host 9
Section 11 Trophies and Awards 9-11
Section 12 All Conference Selection Process 11-12
Section 13 Coach of Year Procedure and Criteria 13
Section 14 Player of the Year Procedure and Criteria 14
Section 15 Sportsmanship Program 15
Section 16 Schedules 15
Section 17 Strike Policies 16
Section 18 SSC All-Academic/Athletic Team 16
Section 19 Handbook Revisions Details 16


Section 1- Sportsmanship Code

The objective of the Illinois High School Association shall be to stress the educational importance, the culture values, the appreciation of the skills involved in all interscholastic activities, and to promote cooperation and friendship among member schools.

It is the clear obligation of principals, athletic directors, coaches, faculty and all other representatives of Illinois High Schools to practice the highest standard of sportsmanship, ethics and integrity in all interscholastic competition.
As members of the IHSA, all SCC schools shall support and follow the “Sport a Winning Attitude!” campaign of the IHSA as well as the following SCC sportsmanship guidelines:

  1. There shall be no display of derogatory or unsportsmanlike banners or sig ns at the contest site. (All breakthrough signs and homecoming signs/floats must be nonderogatory).

  2. The use of mechanical noisemakers, such as horns, sirens, cowbells, or band instruments (other than band members) shall not be allowed indoor.

  3. Students and fans are encouraged to participate only in acts that will tend to promote cooperation and friendship among the students and school in the South Suburban Conference.

  4. A sportsmanship announcement should be read prior to the beginning of and during each contest. Example can be found in the SAWA Campaign booklet from the IHSA.

An example is:

Good evening, (name of home school) is a member school of the South Suburban Conference. We welcome the participants and fans from (opposing SSC School) to (name of the field, stadium, and gymnasium) for tonight’s game/meet.
One of the goals of SSC athletic is to promote lifetime values. Sportsmanship is one such value that makes this game/meet an educational experience. Now lets meet the starting line-ups
After line-ups are introduced –then introduce the contest officials.
The officials for tonights game/meet are: (name of officials).
The Illinois High School Association registers the officials. Their experience and integrity qualify them to administer the rules of this game/meet. We hope you will enjoy the game/meet and support the athletes in a positive sportsmanlike manner!

Section 2-News Media

The news media will accept scores and information from all individual SSC schools. It shall be the responsibility of the home SSC or the host school of the SSC Conference Champion Tournament/Meet to forward the results to the news media the same day of the contest. All- Conference team selection results are to be forwarded to the conference statistician ONLY. Once the conference statistician has received all-conference team results from all divisions, he/she shall forward all division results to the news media.

Section 3-Statistician and Web Master

  1. Statistician

    1. It shall be the responsibility of each SSC school’s athletic director to report SSC contest scores and information to the statistician.

    2. A conference statistician shall be contracted in May. The salary for this position listed in the appendix under assignment chair’s stipends.

  2. Web Master

    1. It shall be the responsibility of each SSC school’s athletic director to report SSC conference tournament results, coach of the year and player of the year results, sportsmanship results, and any other conference related information to be posted on the SSC web site.

Statistician’s Reporting Duties:

  1. Reports for the Fall Season:

    1. Bi-Monthly reports

      1. Varsity and Sophomore results and standings for:

        1. Football

        2. Girls’ volleyball

        3. Boys’ soccer

    2. End-of-Season Summary Report

      1. All-Conference selections in football, boys’ soccer and girls’ volleyball.

      2. Final results and standing of the conference championship meets in boys’/girls’ cross-country, boys’ golf, girls swimming, girls’ tennis (team and individual).

  2. Reports for the winter season:

    1. Bi-Monthly reports

      1. Varsity and Sophomore results and standings for:

        1. Boys’ basketball

        2. Girls’ basketball

        3. Wrestling

    2. End-of-Season Summary Report

      1. All-Conference selections in boys’/girls’ basketball

      2. Final results and standings of the conference championship meet in boys/girls bowling, boys’ swimming, wrestling (team and individual).

  3. Report for the Spring Season:

    1. Bi-Monthly reports

      1. Varsity and Sophomore results and standings for:

        1. Baseball

        2. Softball

        3. Girls’ soccer

        4. Boys’ volleyball

    2. End-of –Season Summary Report

      1. All-Conference selections in baseball, softball, girls’ soccer, boys’ volleyball.

      2. Final results and standings of the conference championship meet in badminton, boys’ tennis and boys’/girls’ track.

  4. Weekly Reports for Each Season. Release boys’ and girls’ weekly reports on separate sheets and forward copies to each participating school.

  5. A contract is included in the appendix.

Web Master’s Reporting Duties:

  1. Keep SSC All Sports Trophy points and distribute seasonal results.

  2. Bi-annually update all of the constitution and bylaw revisions.

Section 4-Meetings

  1. A monthly meeting of athletic directors from each conference school shall be held at 9:00 a.m. on the second Wednesday of each month at a site to be determined by the president.

  2. Scheduling meetings will be scheduled with other conferences three times if warranted by all parties at a mutually agreed upon site.

Section 5-Officer Duties

  1. Duties of the President.

    1. Preside at all meetings of the general body

    2. Attend the monthly Principals’ meetings acting as a non-voting member. A monthly report will be given a t each of these meetings.

    3. Replace members to active committees where needed.

    4. Assign members to new committee as needed.

    5. Administer and maintain “Do What’s Right” Sportsmanship Program.

    6. Prepare budget for principal’s meeting in March.

    7. Order and distribute SSC All Conference certificates for the year in August or September.

    8. Order SSC All Conference certificates for following year in April.

    9. Update Sports declaration sheet yearly.

  2. Duties of the Vice President.

    1. Assist the president where needed.

    2. Assume the duties of the president when needed.

    3. Serve as liaison for assignment chairpersons.

      1. Evaluation Process-poll each Athletic Director and send results to each assignment chairperson.

      2. Contracts-update salary schedule.

      3. Send IHSA assignment chair info at the end of the year for following year.

    4. Purchase/distribute SSC all Academic/Athletic team pins.

    5. Attend the final yearly meeting of the Principals’ as an observer.

    6. Assume the position of President at the May meeting.

  3. Duties of the Secretary.

    1. Take minutes at all general meetings and distribute them to the member schools and statistician.

    2. Update school information in August meeting and distribute it to the member schools.

    3. Update conference site sheets and distribute to the member schools.

    4. Assume the position of Vice-president at the May meeting.

    5. Update trophy order in April and send to trophy company for following year.

Section 6-Conduct at Contests

In general, the athletic director is responsible for the organization of game administration and actions of the coaching staff. The head coach is responsible for the actions of their staff and players. The administrators in attendance at contest are responsible for the actions of the crowd.

  1. The home (host) school shall retain all gate receipts for all contests.

  2. Visiting schools shall pay all traveling expenses to and from the playing site.

  1. An administrative staff member shall be appointed from each visiting school to take the responsibility for student conduct at contests. It is believed that this procedure will help unify and strengthen practices of good sportsmanship and ethical conduct among all students in the conference. The administrator in charge shall report to the host administrator and make his/her identity and whereabouts known. This practice will be required for all varsity football and boys’ basketball contests.

  2. Visiting teams should be afforded secure locker rooms for all indoor contests when requested. Locks and towels will not be provided.

  3. Forfeits will follow IHSA regulations

  4. A player may not participate in two levels on the same day of a contest unless there has been prior approval by the Principals and Athletic Directors. Levels are defined as Varsity, sophomore and freshmen.

  5. Each school shall be responsible for the maintenance of its interscholastic athletic teams on a nondiscriminatory basis. It is the policy of the conference to accommodate the interests and abilities of both genders with the primary goal of maximizing athletic opportunities for the greatest number of participants of both genders.

  6. Member schools operating or sponsoring separate gender teams shall be responsible for student athletes consistent with the applicable rules of the Illinois State Board of Education.

  7. In the event that any athlete asserts that they have been the subject of discrimination due to the operation of the rules set forth, the athlete will submit the complaint to their superintendent. The superintendent may seek any exception deemed to the complaint to the president of the Superintendents’ Board of Control. The Board shall respond to the request within 21 days.

  8. SSC conference meets shall be held in all sports where individuals may advance in the IHSA tournaments.

  9. The starting times for contests will be mutually agreed upon between the competing schools taking factors such as travel, daylight, officials, availability, and special circumstances into account.

  10. Officials shall be provided and paid by the host school in accordance with the regulations of the SSC and IHSA.

  11. The host school is responsible to provide the necessary equipment and game assistance to conduct the contest.

  12. The home school prepares and sends contracts. Schedules shall be sent to the assignment chairs and statistician within the SSC timeline.

  13. All athletes are eligible for the varsity and junior varsity competition. Sophomore competition shall be limited to sophomore and freshmen. Freshmen competition shall be limited to freshmen.

  14. Starting times, specific locations, and other modifications should be spelled out in the agreed contract. The visiting school shall be notified immediately if any changes in this situation arise.

  15. In the event of an emergency situation prior to the start of the contest, the host school shall determine if the contest will be held. Once the contest starts, the decision rests with the game officials. In the event that the contest has no officials, the host school has jurisdiction to cancel a contest.

  16. If a uniform color conflict occurs, the home team will provide a method of distinguishing the two teams.

  17. If two or more levels are played at the same site and some officials do not show up, the host athletic director has the authority to move officials to facilitate playing games.

  18. The host school cheerleaders and pom pons will only perform at half time.

Section 7-Assignment Chairperson Duties

              1. The assignment chairperson is responsible for “contracting” officials for all interscholastic contests. The officials should have current up-to date IHSA registration. The assignment of unregistered officials to any SSC contests could result in termination of this contract.

              2. Assignment chairs are prohibited from collecting any fees from or requiring officials to attend clinics or camps as a prerequisite to be assigned SSC contests.

              3. The assignment chair shall communicate in writing the “Duties and Expectations of Officials” to each official. This document must be part of the contract. A copy is in the appendix.

              1. One month prior to the start of the sport season, the chairperson shall provide each athletic director

                1. One copy of a master schedule for each level listing the officials assigned to each contest should be posted to the sport specific web page one month before the season. The list should be a complete master schedule

              2. When changes in school’s originally assigned officials occur, the assignment chairperson shall notify the host athletic director or electronically post the change.

              3. The chairperson shall provide a list of officials for the purpose of rating officials for the next season. This list should be distributed prior to the end of the sport season.

              4. The chairperson shall provide an emergency or alternative phone number or contact person for times when they are not available.

              5. The chairperson shall provide each athletic director with an emergency cell phone number or contact person when he/she is not available.

              6. Chairperson will receive a 10% stipend for scheduling tournaments other than the conference tournament. Individual schools must be billed upon completion of the tournament.

              7. A contract is included in the appendix.

Section 8-Official Duties

              1. Any official working any SSC contest must possess current IHSA registration.

              2. Any contracted official working a SSC contest must contact the assignment chairperson if they cannot fulfill their contract. In a case of an emergency cancellation, the official should contact the host school athletic director.

              3. Officials should contact the host athletic director to verify their assignment either prior to or on the day of the contest.

              4. Officials should plan on arriving at the game site at least 30 minutes prior to the scheduled starting time unless arrangements have been made.

              5. Upon arrival, the official should report to the athletic director or person in charge.

              6. When circumstances warrant, the athletic director may reassign officials.

Officials assigned by the assignment chairs shall be compensated according to the NISOC salary schedule included in the appendix.

Section 9-Grievance Procedures

  1. When two member schools cannot find an agreeable solution or when a school feels that a conference regulation has not been followed, a request will be filed with the president of the Athletic Directors’.

  2. The Athletic Directors will make a decision as to the outcome of the grievance and submit the findings to the athletic director(s) of the school(s) involved.

  3. A subsequent report will be given to the Principals’.

  4. In the event that a school is not satisfied with the outcome of the decision, they may appeal the finding to the Principals’.

Section 10-Conference Tournament /All Conference Meeting Host

  1. Entry fees will not be collected from schools for conference tournaments or All Conference Selection meetings.

  2. Each host athletic director must submit a South Suburban Conference check request form to the treasurer of the Principal’s Board for expenditures (form in Appendix), any receipts must be attached.

  3. Reimbursement should not exceed the amount in the proposed budget (found in t he Appendix).

  4. Wrestling will receive the full allotment up front. A request should be submitted December 1st to the Principal’s Board treasure.

  5. No special acknowledgements or presentations are to be made at the SSC Championship meets other than those sanctioned by the SSC.

Section 11-Trophies and Awards

  1. Championship trophies shall be awarded to varsity champions and a plate to sophomore/junior varsity champions in the following sports:








Track and Field









  1. The Principals shall purchase trophies with the following characteristics.

    1. Individual team trophies shall be awarded to all varsity team champions. The varsity trophies shall be approximately 17 inches in height in gold, red or blue.

    2. Plates for the lower level champions also shall be awarded at the same time the varsity trophy is.

    3. In order to have a conference champion in any sport, there must be at least five (5) teams.

  2. The Athletic President shall purchase individual athletic awards. The following sports shall receive individual awards as specified for each division or combined conference as specified by the individual sport guidelines. Varsity athletes will receive All Conference as specified by the individual sport guidelines. Varsity athletes will receive 2 ½” medals or all conference certificates. Sophomore/Junior varsity winners will receive 1 ½” medals.

    1. Badminton-Individual medals will be awarded for each finisher (1st thru 3rd place) of the ten singles flights and medals to those finishing (1st thru 3rd place) in each of the five doubles flights -60 medals.

    2. Baseball-22 all-conference certificates.

    3. Basketball-13 all-conference certificates.

    4. Bowling-10 medals (1st thru 10th place).

    5. Cross-country-10 medals (1st thru 10th place).

    6. Cheerleading –40 all conference certificates.

    7. Dance – 40 all conference certificates.

    8. Football-41 all-conference certificates.

    9. Golf-10 medals (1st-10th place).

    10. Soccer-24 all-conference certificates.

    11. Softball-22 all-conference certificate.

    12. Swimming-9 individual event medals, (1st thru 3rd place) and 3 event individual relay medals (1st thru 3rd place)-63 medals.

    13. Tennis-3 medals per flight (1st thru 3rd place) - 24 medals.

    14. Track-15 events individual medals (1st thru 3rd place) and 4 event relays medals (1st thru 5th 3rd place).

    15. Volleyball-17 all-conference certificates.

    16. Wrestling-medals will be awarded to each finisher (1st thru 3rd place) in each weight class-42 medals.

  3. Ties for Individual Awards

    1. Duplicate varsity and sophomore/junior varsity individual awards shall be awarded to individuals tying for an awarded place.

    2. Host school Athletic Director is responsible for notifying the award supplier of any ties, requesting additional awards.

  4. Ties for Team Awards

    1. Duplicate varsity and sophomore / junior team awards shall be awarded to teams tying for a SSC Conference Championship.

    2. Host school Athletic Director is responsible for notifying the award supplier of any ties, requesting additional trophies.

  5. President’s Cup Trophy - The South Suburban Conference will annually award a President’s Cup Trophy to the member school who has accumulated the greatest number of placement points over the course of the year. This will be done in June of that year. The web master of the Athletic Directors will keep a tally and will make seasonal reports to the Athletic Director (criteria in Appendix).

Section 12-All Conference Selection Process

  1. Phase I- each school will receive a designated number of all conference selections based on their division finish. (Form in appendix).

    1. A coach may request that the other coaches vote to determine who their designated players should be.

    2. A coach may turn down their designated selection(s) if they feel none of their athletes deserve all conference recognition.

    3. Any designated selections that are turned down become additional open selections.

  2. Phase II-In addition, there will be open selections to place additional athletes to the all conference team based on a nomination and voting process. The opening varies according to the sport: football (6), basketball (3), baseball/softball (4), volleyball (3), and Soccer (4).

    1. Coaches may nominate up to two athletes, but may nominate one or none. Nomination sheets must be sent to the hosting athletic director before the meeting takes place (in appendix).

    2. Coaches should use the SSC All conference data sheet to record information about the nominated athletes to be distributed to all other coaches at the meeting.

    3. Each coach will be given time (2 minutes per athlete) to discuss the merits of their nominee (s). (Stat sheet in appendix).

    4. Coaches will than rank the nominated athletes from high number to low number in the order they feel is most warranted. Their number one pick receives the most points (10 nominees, 10 points, etc.)

    5. Coaches must rank their own athletes.

    6. The points are tallied and the athletes receiving the most points will fill the open all conference spots.

    7. NO TIES PERMITTED-If there is a tie for the last open spot, it should be broken in the following manner: (revised 2007-08).

      1. One re-vote on the tied players

      2. Head to head record

      3. Division finish

  3. Phase III- Special Mention will be awarded to any athlete that is nominated for the open spot but does not receive all-conference recognition.

  4. The number of all conference selections should not exceed the number allotted per sport unless there is a tie in the final standings

  5. In the case of a tie in place, the number of selections awarded to each is the number awarded for the place they tied at for example, if two teams tie for 2nd place in basketball both schools are awarded two selections. The next place team than would be 4th, which would receive one selection.

  6. At the end of the meeting, coaches should nominate athletes for all-state considerations. If necessary, ranking the nominees to determine who should receive all- state recognition should be done.

Basketball Boys Volleyball

1st – 3 selections 1st – 4 selections

2nd- 2 selections 2nd – 3 selections

3rd thru 7th – 1 selection 3rd & 4th 2 selections

Plus 3 open selections 5th thru 9th – 1 selection

Total – 7 teams (13) Plus 3 open selections

Total – 9 Teams (19)
Soccer Girls Volleyball

1st- 5 selections 1st – 4 selections

2nd – 4 selection 2nd – 3 selections

3rd – 3 selections 3rd & 4th 2- selections

4th thru 7th 2- selections 5th & 6th & 7th-1 selection

Plus 4 open selections Plus 3 open selections

Total – 7 teams (24), 5 teams (20) Total – 7 Teams (17)
Baseball and Softball Football

1st – 5 selections 1st – 10 selections

2nd – 4 selections 2nd- 7 selections

3rd – 3 selections 3rd – 5 selections

4th & 5th -2 selections 4th- 4 selections

6th & 7th – 1 selection 5th & 6th & 7th-3 selections

Plus 4 open selections Plus 6 open selections

Total – 7 teams (22) Total – 7 teams (41)

Cheer Dance

1st- 5 selections 1st- 5 selections

2nd – 4 selections 2nd – 4 selections

3rd – 3 selections 3rd – 3 selections

4th thru 7th 2- selections 4th thru 7th 2- selections

Total – 7 teams (20) Total – 7 teams (20)

Section 13-Coach of the Year Procedures and Criteria

At the all conference meetings and conference championship meets, a coach of the year will be voted on. The South Suburban Conference Coach of the Year will be awarded to the high school coach who best demonstrates responsibility, integrity, and excellence on and off the field.

  1. Procedure

    1. One coach from each sport will be awarded Coach of the Year by their peers.

    2. Nominations for Coach of the Year shall be made from a member of the coaching group. One nomination per person.

    3. In sports that hold a conference meet or tournament, nominations shall be sent in along with their lineups for that meet. In sports that have all conference meetings, nominations shall be sent in along with their open selection nominations. Nominations may be added on the day of the event.

    4. Nominations will be read at the pre meeting at the conference meet, or all conference meeting, and then voted on by the entire group. COACHES MAY NOT VOTE FOR THEMSELVES

    5. The coach with the most votes shall be named Coach of the Year. If a tie persists, the tie shall be broken by:

      1. Revote until tie is broken.

      2. Winner will receive a plaque with their accomplishment at the banquet.

  2. Criteria - Coaches nominated will be selected Coach of the Year based on the following criteria:

    1. Exemplifies the highest moral character, behavior and leadership, adhering to strong ethical and integrity standards.

    2. Respects the integrity and personality of the individual athlete.

    3. Abides by and teaches the rules of the game in letter and in spirit.

    4. He/She set a good example for players and spectators to follow - refrains from arguments in front of players and spectators; does not make gestures which indicate an official or opposing coach does not know what he or she is doing or talking about; does not throw any object in disgust. Shake hands with the officials and the opposing coaches before and after the contest in full view of the public.

    5. Respects the integrity and judgment of game officials.

    6. Displays modesty in victory and graciousness in defeat in public and in meeting/talking with the media. Please confine your remarks to game statistics and to the performance of his or her respective teams.

    7. Teaches sportsmanship and rewards the players that were good sports.

    8. Does not use of profanity, obscene language, or improper actions.

    9. Provides leadership for the overall success of the program. (Win/Loss Record, and/or record improvement from previous year).

Section 14-Player of the Year Procedure and Criteria

At the all conference meetings for all team sports, one player of the year from each division will be voted for. The South Suburban Conference Player of the Year is awarded to the high school athlete who best demonstrates responsibility, integrity, and excellence on and off the field.

  1. Procedure

    1. One athlete from each division will be awarded Player of the Year.

    2. Coaches will nominate their own athlete. One nomination per school. Coaches may elect to not nominate anyone from their team.

    3. In sports that hold a conference meet or tournament, nominations shall be sent in along with their lineups for that meet. Nominations will be read at the pre meeting at the conference meet, and then voted on by the coaches.

    4. In sports that hold all conference meetings, the first athlete listed on automatic selection list shall be that school’s nominee. Coaches must provide a data sheet, along with a picture of that athlete for the entire group. Each coach will be given two minutes to talk about their nominee. Nominees will be voted on by the coaches.

    5. The player with the most votes shall be named Player of the Year. If a tie persists, the tie shall be broken by:

      1. Revote until tie is broken

      2. Winner will receive a plaque at the banquet.

  2. Criteria

    1. The athlete’s accomplishments on and off the field/court.

    2. Did the athlete treat opponents the way they would like to be treated, as a guest or friend? Never directed remarks at opponents in a taunting manner.

    3. Did the athlete wish opponents good luck before the game and congratulate them in a sincere manner that they would like to be greeted following either victory or defeat?

    4. Did the athlete respect the integrity and judgment of game officials? The officials are doing their best to help promote you and your sport. Treating them with respect, even if you disagree with their judgment, will only make a positive impression of you and your team in the eyes of the officials and all people at the event.

Section 15-Sportsmanship Program

  1. The South Suburban Conference will annually award a Sportsmanship Award Banner to the member school that has accumulated the most points over the course of the current year. The winner will be recognized in June at the Coach of the Year/Presidents Cup banquet.

  2. Ballots will be distributed at All Conference Selection meetings for team sports and at the coaches’ meeting for all individual sports. COACHES MAY NOT VOTE FOR THEIR OWN SCHOOL. Ballots are to be collected at the meeting and the results sent to the web master of the athletic director’s.

  3. The web master will keep a tally sheet for the year and give seasonal reports to the athletic directors and principals.

  4. The ballot and tally sheet are in the appendix.

Section 16-Schedules

  1. The athletic director liaison of each sport shall develop the schedule for that sport. They are the athletic directors from the following schools:

Football-Tinley Park Boys Basketball-Richards

Boys/Girls Golf-Argo Girls Basketball-Oak Forest

Girls Volleyball-Bremen Boys/Girls Swimming-Oak Lawn

Boys Volleyball-Oak Forest Boys/Girls Bowling-Tinley Park

Boys/Girls Cross Country-Shepard Baseball-Reavis

Boys/Girls Soccer-Lemont Softball-Hillcrest

Boys/Girls Tennis-TF South Boys/Girls Track-Eisenhower

Competitive Cheerleading-Argo Boys/Girls Water Polo-TBA Yearly

Wrestling-Evergreen Park Badminton-Argo

Dance-TBA Yearly

  1. Each of the following schools may be represented by varsity, junior varsity, sophomore and freshman boys’ athletic teams in the following sports:

Baseball Golf Track & Field

Basketball Soccer Volleyball

Bowling Swimming Water Polo

Cross-Country Tennis Wrestling


  1. Each of the following schools may be represented by varsity, junior varsity, sophomore and freshman girls’ athletic teams in the following sports:

Badminton Golf Track & Field

Basketball Soccer Volleyball

Bowling Swimming Softball

Cheerleading (Co-Ed) Tennis Water Polo

Cross- Country Dance (Co-Ed)

*NOTE: Junior Varsity and B level competition is encouraged when schools have a large number of participants. The competition may be scheduled, by mutual agreement, between the two schools.

  1. All schools shall maintain accurate athletic eligibility lists and all other materials pertinent to the contests according to the IHSA regulations.

  2. Schedule Limitations:

    1. IHSA limitations shall apply to all sports.

    2. Varsity, sophomore, freshman are each considered an individual level of competition.

Section 17-Strike Policy

  1. Conference Championship Athletic Contests.

    1. If a teachers’ strike cancels an athletic contest, the athletic contest will not be rescheduled, a victory is awarded to the non-striking school that is prepared to play, and the defeat is administered to the striking school.

    2. If both schools are on strike, a defeat is administered to both striking schools.

  2. Reimbursement of Officials. The striking school is responsible for reimbursing the assigned official(s), unless the official can be contracted to another contest for that date.

Section 18-All Academic Athletic Team

The criteria for the SSC All Academic Athletic Team:

  1. A grade point average of 3.5 or higher (based on a 4.0 weighted grade scale, if applicable).

  2. Only senior varsity letter winners will be eligible.

  3. The seventh semester cumulative G.P.A. will be used to determine the candidate’s eligibility.

  4. Senior athletes qualifying for this must meet IHSA requirements for the team membership.

  5. Lapel pins will be awarded to the recipient, the vice president will purchase lapel pins and distribute at the April meeting.

  6. Student/athletes will qualify for SSC All Academic consideration in the following athletic activities: badminton, baseball, bowling, cheerleading, cross-country, football, golf, dance, soccer, softball, swimming, tennis, track & field, volleyball, wrestling, and water polo.

Section 19-Handbook Revisions Details

The athletic directors who serve as the sports chairperson will hold a coaches’ meeting or contact coaches by fax or e–mail and record recommendations from the coaches for SSC Athletic Handbook rule changes and/ or additions. These meeting shall be scheduled no later than the start of the state playoffs. This may also be done at the All-Conference meetings if it meets the revision timeline.

The Sports SSC Chairperson will print out and distribute these recommendations to the Athletic Directors at the SSC Athletic Directors’ General Monthly Meetings. The revisions/additions will be passed out and read at a regular meeting. After consultation with coaches and other parties involved, they will be reread at the next meeting and voted on. SSC Athletic Handbook rule changes will be scheduled on alternating years (2009-10, 2011-12, 2013-14…..).

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