Literature on Topics Pertinent to the Lower Rio Grande Valley h- hard copy, e- electronic copy, w- web source Agriculture

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Literature on Topics Pertinent to the Lower Rio Grande Valley
H- hard copy, E- electronic copy, W- web source


  1. H United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service & Texas Agricultural Experiment Station. 1981. Soil Survey of Hidalgo County, Texas. National Cooperative Soil Survey.



  1. H Quammen, M. L., & Onuf, C. P. 1993. Laguna Madre: Seagrass changes continue decades after Salinity reduction. Estuaries 16(2), 302-310. doi:10.2307/1352503

  2. H Armstrong, N. E. 1986. The Ecology of Open-Bay Bottoms of Texas: A Community Profile. Washington: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Biological Report 85(7.12).

  3. H DeYoe, H. R., & Kowalski, J. L. 2013. Reassessment of seagrass distribution and biomass in the Lower Laguna Madre, Texas. Texas General Land Office report. ?? p.

  4. E Houser, C., Labude, B., Haider, L., & Weymer, B. 2013. Impacts of driving on the beach: case studies from Assateague Island and Padre Island National Seashores. Ocean & Coastal Management 71, 33-45. doi:10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2012.09.012

  5. H Lonard, R. I., Judd, F. W., & Stalter, R. 2015. The biology of the subtropical and pantropical shrub, Sophora Tomentosa L. (Fabaceae), in coastal dune environments. International Biology Review (2), 1-16.

  6. H Lonard, R. I., Judd, F. W., & Stalter, R. 2015. Biological flora of coastal dunes and wetlands: Solidago sempervirens L. and Solidago sempervirens L. subsp. Mexicana (L.) Semple. Journal of Coastal Research 31(6), 1512—1520. doi: 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-14-00261.1

  7. H Lonard, R. I., Judd, F. W., & Stalter, R. 2015. Biological flora of coastal dunes and wetlands: Borrichia frutescens (L.) DC. Journal of Coastal Research 31(3), 749-757. doi:10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-14-00125.1

  8. H Lonard, R. I., Judd, F. W., & Stalter, R. 2015. Biological flora of coastal dunes and wetlands: Paspalum vaginatum Sw. Journal of Coastal Research 31(1), 213-223. doi:10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-14-00022.1

  9. H Lonard, R. I., Judd, F. W., & Stalter, R. 2013. The Biological Flora of Coastal Dunes and Wetlands: Sporobolus virginicus (C. Linnaeus) K. Kunth. Journal of Coastal Research 29(3), 706-716. doi:10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-12-00139.1

  10. H Lonard, R. I., Judd, F. W., & Stalter, R. 2014. The Biological Flora of Coastal Dunes and Wetlands: Distichlis littoralis (Engelm.) H. L. Bell & Columbus. Journal of Coastal Research 30(1), 199-204. doi:10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-13-00033.1.

  11. H Lonard, R. I., Judd, F. W., & Stalter, R. 2013. The Biological Flora of Coastal Dunes and Wetlands: Distichlis spicata (C. Linnaeus) E. Greene. Journal of Coastal Research 29(1), 105-117. doi:10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-12-00018.1.

  12. H Lonard, R. I., Judd, F. W., & Stalter, R. 2011. Biological Flora of Coastal Dunes and Wetlands: Uniola paniculata L. Journal of Coastal Research 27(5), 984-993. doi:10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-10-00167.1.

  13. H Lonard, R. I., Judd, F. W., & Stalter, R. 2011. Biological Flora of Coastal Dunes and Wetlands: Heterotheca subaxillaris (J. de Lamarck) N. Britton & H. Rusby. Journal of Coastal Research 27(6), 1052-1058. doi:10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-11-00049.1.

  14. H Lonard, R. I., Judd, F. W., & Stalter, R. 2011. The Biological Flora of Coastal Dunes and Wetlands: Batis maritima C. Linnaeus. Journal of Coastal Research 27(3), 441-449. doi:10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-10-00142.1.

  15. H Lonard, R. I., Judd, F. W., & Stalter, R. 2010. The Biological Flora of Coastal Dunes and Wetlands: Spartina patens (W. Aiton) G.H. Muhlenberg. Journal of Coastal Research 26(5), 935-946. doi:10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-09-00154.1.

  16. H Lonard, R. I. & Judd, F. W. 2010. The Biological Flora of Coastal Dunes and Wetlands: Schizachyrium littorale (G. Nash) E. Bicknell. Journal of Coastal Research 26(4), 654-662. doi:10.2112/09-1180.1.

  17. H Lonard, R. I. & Judd, F. W. 2011. The Biological Flora of Coastal Dunes and Wetlands: Panicum amarum S. Elliott and Panicum amarum S. Elliott var. amarulum (A.S. Hitchcock and M.A. Chase) P. Palmer. Journal of Coastal Research 27(2), 233-242. doi:10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-09-00129.1.

  18. H Lonard, R. I. & Judd, F. W. 2009. The Biological Flora of Coastal Dunes and Wetlands: Croton punctatus N. van Jacquin. Journal of Coastal Research 25(1), 23-29. doi:10.2112/07-0933.1.

  19. H Judd, F. W., Summy, K. R., Lonard, R. I., & Mazariegos, R. 2008. Dune and Vegetation Stability at South Padre Island, Texas, United States of America. Journal of Coastal Research 24(4), 992-998. doi:10.2112/07-0841.1.

  20. H Lonard, R.I. 2007. Vulpia C.C. Gmelin. pp. 448-454. In: Flora of North America - North of Mexico. Vol. 24, Magnoliophyta: Commelinaceae (in part): Poaceae, part 1. eds. Barkworth, M.E., K.M. Capels, S. Long, L.K. Anderton, and M.B. Piep. Oxford University Press, New York, Oxford. 911 pp.

  21. H Eddy, M. R. & Judd, F. W. 2003. Phenology of Acacia berlandieri, A. minuata, A. rigidula, A. schaffneri, and Chloroleucon ebano in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas During a Drought. The Southwestern Naturalist 48(3), 321-332.

  22. H Texas General Land Office. 1995. Rio Grande Coastal Impact Monitoring Program: Final Project Report.

  23. H Collins Jr, H. H. 1959. Complete Field Guide to American Wildlife: East, Central and North. Harper & Row Publishers, NY.

  24. H U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1979. Unique Wildlife Ecosystems of Texas. Department of the Interior, Region Two.

  25. H Clover, E. U. 1937. Vegetational Survey of the Lower Rio Grande Valley, Texas. April, v. IV, No. 2, 41-66; July, No. 3, 77-100.

  26. H Fleetwood, R. J. Plants of Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge. Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge. Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife. Alamo.

  27. H Lonard, R. I., Judd, F. W. 2002. Riparian Vegetation of the Lower Rio Grande. The Southwestern Naturalist.

  28. H Copeland, B. J. & Bechtel, T. J. 1974. Some Environmental Limits of Six Gulf Coast Estuarine Organisms. Contributions in Marine Sciences, 18, 171-204.

  29. H Breuer, J. P. 1957. An Ecological Survey of Baffin and Alazan Bays, Texas. Publ. Univ. Texas Instit. of Marine Sci., 4(2), 134-155.

  30. H Hildebrand, H. H. 1969. Laguna Madre, Tamaulipas: Observations on its Hydrography and Fisheries. Lagunas Costeras, un Simposi. Mem. Simp. Internat, 679-686.

  31. H Edwards, R. J., Longley, G., Moss, R., Ward, J., Matthews, R., & Stewart, B. 1989. A Classification of Texas Aquatic Communities With Special Consideration Towards the Conservation of Endangered and Threatened Taxa. The Texas Journal of Science, 41(3), 231-240.

  32. H Clover, E.U. 1937. Vegetational Survey of the Lower Rio Grande Valley, Texas. Madroño, 4(2), 41-66; 4(3), 77-100.

  33. H Hoese, H. D., & Jones R. S. 1963. Seasonality of Larger Animals in a Texas Turtle Grass Community. Publications of the Institute of Marine Science, v.9, pp 38-47.

  34. H Sorensen, L. O. 1963. Growth and Decay of Penicillus capitatus Lamarck in the Lower Laguna Madre of Texas. Publications of the Institute of Marine Science, v.9, pp 106-111.

  35. H Odum, H. T., Siler, W. L., Beyers, R. J., & Armstrong, N. 1963. Experiments with Engineering of Marine Ecosystems. Publications of the Institute of Marine Science, v.9, pp 373-403.

  36. H Humm, H. J., & Hildebrand, H. H. 1962. Marine Algae from the Gulf Coast of Texas and Mexico. Publications of the Institute of Marine Science, v.8, pp 227-268.

  37. H Leslie, D. M., Jr., 2016. An International Borderland of Concern- Conservation of Biodiversity in the Lower Rio Grande Valley: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2016-5078, 120p.,


  1. H Weise, B. R., White, W. A. 1980. Padre Island National Seashore: A Guide to the Geology, Natural Environments, and History of a Texas Barrier Island. Bureau of Economic Geology. The University of Texas at Austin.

  2. H Scott, A. J., Hoover, R. A., & McGowen, J. H. 1969. Effects of Hurricane “Beulah”, 1967 on Texas Coastal Lagoons and Barriers. Lagunas Costeras, un Simposi. Mem. Simp. Internat. Lagunas Costeras, 221-236.

  3. H Rosen, P. S. 1978. An Efficient, Low Cost, Aeolian Sampling System. Geological Survey of Canada, Current Research, Part A, v.781, pp 531-532.

  4. H Ferguson Wood, E. J. 1963. A Study of the Diatom Flora of Fresh Sediments of the South Texas Bays and Adjacent Waters. Publications of the Institute of Marine Science, v.9, pp 237-310.

  5. H Defeo, O., McLachlan, A., Schoeman, D. S., Schlacher, T. A., Dugan, J., Jones, A., Lastra, M., & Scapini, F. 2009. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 81(1), pp 1-12. doi: 10.1016/j.ecss.2008.09.022.

Development and Physical

  1. H Brownsville Navigation District. 1981. Proposed Deepwater Channel and Multipurpose Terminal Construction and Operation Near Brownsville, Texas. Espey, Huston & Associates. Inc. ?? p.

  2. H Militello, A., & Kraus, N. C. 1994. Reconnaissance Investigation of the Current and Sediment Movement in the Lower Laguna Madre between Port Isabel and Port Mansfield, Texas. Conrad Blucher Institute for Surveying and Science. Corpus Christi: Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi. ?? p.

  3. H Peterern, J.K & Malm, Torleif. 2006. Offshore windmill farms: Threats to or possibilities for the marine environment. Ambio 35(2), 75-80.

  4. H Texas Department of Water Resources. 1983. Laguna Madre Estuary: A Study of the Influence of Freshwater Inflows. Austin. ?? p.

  5. H Goldburg, R., & Triplett, T. 1997. Murky Waters: Environmental Effects of Aquaculture in the United States. Environmental Defense Fund. Washington, D.C.

  6. H Tunnell Jr, J. W., Dokken, Q. R., Smith, E. H., & Withers, K. 1996. Current Status and Historical Trends of the Estuarine Living Resources within the Corpus Christi Bay National Estuary Program Study Area. v. I. Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission.

  7. H Everitt, J. H., Yang, C., Judd, F. W., & Summy, K. R. 2010. Use of Archive Aerial Photography for Monitoring Black Mangrove Populations. Journal of Coastal Research 26(4), 649-653.

  8. H Webster, C.F., Repic, R.L., Everitt, J., Escobar, D., & Davis, M.R. 2000. Airborne Videography for the Inventory and Mapping of Point and Nonpoint Source Discharges into the Rio Grande and Arroyo Colorado of Subtropical South Texas. Geocarto International 15(2), 45-50.

  9. H Cifuentes, L., Dunton, K., Eldridge, P., & Morse, J. 1996. The effect of dredge deposits on the distribution and productivity of seagrasses: An integrative model for Laguna Madre. Interagency Coordination Team U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Galveston District. ?? p.

  10. H Hockaday, D. L., Judd, F. W., Everitt, J. H., & Davis M. R. 1989. Distribution and Abundance of Oyster Reefs in South Bay, Texas.

Local history

  1. H Montgomery, J. C. 1929. A Little Journey through the Lower Valley of the Rio Grande: The Magic Valley of Texas. (2nd ed.). Houston: Southern Pacific Lines.

  2. H Pettitt, J.M., & Dutton, R.H. 1977. Limnological Theses and Dissertations Concerning Texas Waters, 1897-1976. The Texas Journal of Science, Vol. 28, Nos 1-4, 295-297, 320-321, 326-329, 334-338.



  1. H Davis, J. R. 1985. Intensive Survey of the Arroyo Colorado Segment 2201. Austin: Texas Department of Water Resources. IS-69.

  2. H Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. 2006. Pollutant Reduction Plan for the Arroyo Colorado Segments 2201 and 2202 Hidalgo, Cameron, and Willacy Counties. Chief Engineer's Office, Water Programs, & TMDL Section, Austin.

  3. H Webster, C.F., Buchanan, T.A., Kirkpatrick, J, & Miranda, R. 1998. Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Donna Reservoir and Contiguous Waters: Results of Intensive Sediment, Water and Fish Sampling and Human Health Risk Assessment. Texas Natural Resources Conservation Commission. AS-161.

  4. H Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. 2003. Pollutant Loading and Dissolved Oxygen Dynamics in the Tidal Segment of the Arroyo Colorado Segment 2201. Strategic Assessment Division & TMDL Team, Austin.

  5. H Arroyo Colorado Watershed Partnership, & Texas Sea Grant. 2007. A Watershed Protection Plan for the Arroyo Colorado Phase I.

  6. H Contreras E., F. 1984. Estudios hidrobiológicos en lagunas costeras. Ciencia 35, 13-18.

  7. H Gunter, G. 1945. Some Characteristics of Ocean Waters and Laguna Madre. Texas Game and Fish, p. 7, 19-22.

  8. H Whitledge, T. E., & Stockwell, D. E. 1995. Effects of Nutrient Distributions on Phytoplankton in Lower Laguna Madre, with Particular Reference to Brown Tide. The University of Texas at Austin Marine Science Institute. Technical Report No. TR/95-004.

Instructional Material

  1. H Discover a Watershed: Rio Grande/ Rio Bravo Reference and Activity Guide. Bozeman, MT: Watercourse, 2001.

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