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What is a Social Research? 1)
_________________ . It greatly differs from the one
in past in its different aspects and issues. Nowadays
hum anity has already faced a global social affect in
people’s personal or professional lives and activities.
No state can survive without formulated, civilized
society. Unless society is studied thoroughly in a
number o f levels, it may become a “
hard stone” to
rule over. T hat is why it is an essential m atter to hold
special social researches to find out the dem ands or
needs o f society.
o f
scrutinizing , involving which aim
at getting proper solutions to various problematic,
decrepit , disputable questions. Social
research involved the interaction between ideas
and evidences. 2) ___________________. Social
research thus attem pts to create or validate theories
through data collection and data analysis, and its
goal is exploration, description, explanation, and
prediction. It should never lead or be mistaken
with philosophy or belief. Social research aim s to
find social patterns o f regularity in social life and
usually deals with social groups
(aggregates of
individuals), not individuals themselves. Research
can also be divided into pure research and applied
research. Pure research has no application to real
life, w hereas applied research attem pts to influence
the real world.
Social researches are conducted by social scientists
that are responsible not only for holding them but for
the content, objectiveness, appropriateness. Social
researches should be envisaging future development.
__________________ . Social research methods
can generally
vary along a quantitative/qualitative
dimension. Q uantitative designs approach social
phenom ena through quantifiable
evidence , and
often rely on statistical analysis o f many cases
(or across intentionally designed treatm ents in an
experiment) to create
valid and reliable general
claims, related to quantity. Qualitative designs
em phasize understanding o f social phenomena
through direct observation, communication with