File name field
is filled with data from the properties
Click the
Save button
in the dialog - the document will be saved to
Click the
Save~ button on the
panel .
Notice how the title on the document tab has changed - it now
shows the part name.
This name is automatically suggested only the first time you
save a file. You can edit it.
A file saving dialog will appear on the screen, in which you
can specify a folder for performing exercises.
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External links - external files that are referenced
General information - general information about the document:
author, creation date, file path, etc.
Document Informationdialog appears on the screen .
The dialogue contains three pages:
Call the command
File - Document Information.... By default, documents are saved in the
My Documents folder. You can make any other folder on
the storage medium work by changing the system
setting as shown in the
General section. Document information Machine Translated by Google
- documents in which the current document is connected to
specification objects;
· After reviewing the information, close the dialog with the
button or click the Close button.
To switch between pages of the dialog, click on the links at the
top of the dialog.
- email addresses and external files to which hyperlinks are
made and others.
this document and/or to which it is linked. For example, for a part it
could be:
Clicking the Edit button on the General tab in the model
document launches the Model Properties command.
Attributes - a list of attribute types assigned to the current
document as a whole.
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Creating a sketch and constructing in a sketch
Click on the list icon to the left of the name and select the ZX plane or
click on it in the graphics area.
Let's start building the part by creating the first
formative element of the part - one of the elements to which it is more
convenient to add all other elements. Often this approach repeats the
technological process of manufacturing the part.
· In the Construction Tree, expand the Origin section
The choice of plane for constructing a sketch does not affect the
further order of constructing the model and its properties. The
future position of the part in space at a given orientation
depends on this.
Creating a Sketch
For the Fork part, it is more convenient to construct a rectangular
plate with rounded corners as the first element. To do this, create a
sketch on the XY plane.
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Click the
Create Sketch button
on the Quick Access Toolbar. The
system will switch to sketch editing mode, the ZX plane will
become parallel to the screen.