Madison/Dane County Continuum of Care Application Process and Schedule

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Madison/Dane County Continuum of Care Application Process and Schedule

Effective date: October 2015

Activities Prior to the NOFA Publication

Point in Time Count and Housing Inventory Chart

  • Committee formed and planning for the January sheltered and unsheltered point in time begins in late fall.

  • Volunteers are recruited and trained; PIT event takes place; decision on “day after event” or other process to double check for unsheltered persons missed the night of the count.

  • Data for sheltered persons is generated through WISP; data for unsheltered persons is collected from volunteers conducting the count; data is combined and the PIT Comparison Memo is updates and distributed to the HSC.

  • Data on Housing Inventory Chart (HIC) compiled, reviewed and approved.

  • January PIT and HIC numbers are entered into HUD HDX system by HUD deadline; retain documentation from HUD that numbers were entered (HUD email).

Board of Directors

  • Reviews and approves MOU with City of Madison as Collaborative Applicant OR opens up process through RFQ.

  • Approves policies and procedures that guide the selection, funding and operation of housing and services programs serving homeless persons.

HUD Field Office

  • Forwards the Grant Inventory Chart (GIW) to the Collaborative Applicant; sends final GIW to HUD Headquarters.

HSC Committees

  • Performance Committee oversees the Performance Spreadsheet; funded agencies are required to quarterly enter program data using an HMIS-generated Annual Performance Report (APR).

  • Data Committee reviews the spreadsheet for performance trends.

  • ICA staff review the data for completeness and accuracy.

  • CoC Application Committee reviews Performance Spreadsheet and reviews ranking of programs based on score.

  • CoC Application Committee, which regularly monthly throughout year to review status of HUD CoC-funded projects, begins planning for pending CoC Application including preliminary discussion on possible reallocation and new projects.

Collaborative Applicant

  • Oversees successful completion of PIT and HIC.

  • Collaborative Applicant receives the Grant Inventory Chart from HUD Milwaukee, has all agencies review for accuracy and returns it to HUD Milwaukee with edits/notes as necessary.

  • Prepares CoC Registration in eSNAPS for CoC.

NOFA Publication in Federal Register

Collaborative Applicant

  • Send email to HSC distribution list with general information regarding the CoC NOFA linking the HUD Notice.

  • Schedules Informational Meeting for new applicants.

  • Creates procedures and schedule; updates notice of intent to apply and new program forms.

  • Ensures that Review Committee has an active chair.

  • Ensures that applications, written funding process and selection criteria are posted on HSC website.

  • Responsible for seeing that proposal selection process are compliant with HUD deadlines published in the NOFA.

  • Accepts intent to apply from interested agencies; sends proposals to CoC Application and Review Committees along with selection criteria form; schedules meetings of CoC Application and Review Committees meetings; ensures that item is on the Board of Directors agenda for approval within the deadlines and timeframe set out by HUD in the NOFA.

  • Following the Board of Directors action approving the list of proposals for inclusion in the CoC application, notifies all applicants of status in writing outside of eSNAPS.

  • Ensures that Consolidated Application, Prioritized Projects and Project Applications including the BONUS and Planning projects are completed in eSNAPS.

  • Submits the application sections in eSNAPS by the due date.

HSC Committees

  • CoC Application Committee schedules planning meetings for the purpose of writing the CoC Consolidated section of the application; reads NOFA, application and application instructions; assigns sections of Consolidated Application to agencies for writing.

  • CoC Application Committee reviews and finalizes responses in Consolidated Application.

  • Review Committee chair recruits persons for reviewing intent to apply forms and schedules; meets and prepares a recommendation for the Board to consider.

Board of Directors

  • Approves ranking for Tier 1 and Tier 2 projects along with Permanent Supportive Housing Bonus and Planning grant requests.


Criteria for Scoring Proposals

Intent to Apply or Not to Apply for Renewal Projects

Intent to Apply for New Project through Reallocation of Funds

Intent to Apply for New Project through BONUS Funds

2015 CoC Application Schedule

Activity # Days Until Due Date


Grant Inventory Worksheet (GIW) is approved by HUD

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

CoC Registration is entered by Collaborative Applicant

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

CoC Registration approved by HUD

Monday, June 29, 2015

NOFA published in Federal Register 63 days until due date

Friday, September 18, 2015

Email sent to HSC distribution list with general information and link to NOFA 59 days until due date

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Email sent to HSC distribution list with Intent to Apply forms for new and renewal projects; notifies agencies of Informational Meeting for applicants 53 days until due date

Monday, September 28, 2015

Informational meeting held to brief applicants on process and answer questions for new applicants 51 days until due date

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Intent to Apply application deadline for electronic submission

43 days until due date (complies with HUD deadline of 30 days)

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Copies of all applications are sent electronically to the CoC Application and Review Committees with criteria for scoring

41 days until due date

Friday, October 9, 2015

CoC Application Committee reviews projects using scoring criteria and prepares Tier 1 and Tier 2 list for Review Committee consideration 36 days until due date

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Review Committee reviews projects using scoring criteria and makes Tier 1 and Tier 2 ranking recommendations to the HSC Board of Directors 35 days until due date

Friday, October 16, 2015

Agencies are notified of Review Committee recommendations and reminded of HSC Board of Director meeting scheduled for 10/16 32 days until due date (complies with HUD deadline of 15 days)

Monday, October 19, 2015

HSC Board of Directors review and approve slate of proposals to be included in the 2015 CoC Homeless Assistance grant application 28 days until due date

Friday, October 23, 2015

Agencies are notified to the Board’s action 28 days until due date

Friday, October 23, 2015

CoC agency applications are due in eSNAPS 14 days until due date

Friday, November 6, 2015

CoC Application Committee completes Consolidated App and Project Prioritization sections 2 days until due date

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Final HUD Due Date

Friday, November 20, 2015 6:59:59 PM CST

2015 CoC Homeless Assistance Grant Proposal Scoring

Agency/Project ____________________________________________

Application Response

Point Values


Permanent Housing Project (PH), Transitional Housing Project (TH) or Safe Haven

HMIS or Coordinated Entry Project

  • 10 pts for PH

  • 10 pts for Safe Haven

  • 10 pts for TH exclusively serving homeless youth

  • 3 pts for TH

  • 0 pts for CE

1. Provide a brief overview of your project in one or two paragraphs, include the number of units and briefly identify the program’s target population.

Pts 0-5 5 pts for clearly defined project, target population and # units/households assisted.

2. If the proposal includes agency(s) other than your own to provide the housing and services, provide a brief description of what each will do. Describe past performance that demonstrates each organization’s capacity and qualifications to serve the proposed population and/or administer the project.

Pts 0-5 5 pts for agencies (and collaborating agencies) with homeless housing/service provision experience.

3. What housing gap/need does this project address?

Pts 0-5 5 pts for clearly defined and documented unmet or continuing need and/or gap in services.

4. Identify the homeless population served, including their characteristics and needs for housing and supportive services, where they come from, and the outreach used to bring them into the project.

Up to 10 pts for clearly defined description of supportive services and outreach efforts.

5. Briefly describe in one or two paragraphs how your project will commit to and assist in the advancing of the Madison/Dane CoC towards full utilization of the Housing First model.

Pts 0-10 10 pts given to program describing program utilizing the Housing First model.

Up to 5 pts given to programs committed to no barriers to housing.

6. Does the proposal identify that the program accepts participants with the following characteristics:

No income: Y N

Current or past substance abuse: Y N

Sex Offender Registrants: Y N

Resistance to Services: Y N

Significant health or behavioral health challenges: Y N

Vulnerability to illness, death or victimization (use of VI-SPDAT): Y N

Pts 0-6 for each YES answer

7. Ability to move program participants from homelessness to housing.

Transfer score from attached list of projects under “Performance Points”

8. Use of Prioritized Housing Lists to fill Vacancies

Additional 5 points

Reviewer Signature:

Total Points

2015 Continuum of Care

Intent to Apply/Policy for Funding Consideration for RENEWALS
To better determine the capacity of the Madison/Dane CoC and accommodate those agencies that intend to apply for renewal funding through the 2015 HUD CoC process, please complete the following information and return this form to by Thursday, October 8, 2015 by 5:00 pm. This form should be completed for any CoC Program renewal that will expire within in calendar year 2016.
If you have questions, please contact Sue Wallinger, or call 608-261-9148 OR attend the meeting of the CoC Application Committee, Wednesday, September 30th, 8:30 am at Housing Initiatives, 1110 Ruskin Street.

  • Agencies with more than one CoC project must submit a separate form for EACH project.

  • If your agency does not intend to renew, you must submit this form as a notification to the CoC.

Name of Agency:      

Name of Project:      
Renewal Amount:      
Start and end dates of the Project Operating Year:      

DO NOT INTEND TO APPLY Will submit a New Program Application in place of RENEWAL 

Please indicate the type of project: (Check only one)

Permanent Housing – Indicate whether PSH or RRH

 Permanent Supportive Housing

 Rapid Re-Housing


Transitional Housing

Supportive Services Only

Safe Haven

If you intend to apply, please answer the following questions:

Project applications will be reviewed based upon adherence to the HUD CoC Program Interim Rule, FY15 CoC NOFA, and FY15 CoC NOFA Policy Priorities, as well as results of the Performance Measure Ranking Criteria.

1. Provide a brief overview of your project in one or two paragraphs, including the number of units and target population.


2. Please list any additional organizations involved in implementing the renewal project, provide a brief description of what each will do, and describe past performance that demonstrates each organization’s capacity and qualification to serve the proposed population and/or administer the project.

3. Identify the homeless population served, including their characteristics and needs for housing and supportive services, where they come from, and the outreach used to bring them into the project.
4. What housing gap/need does this renewal project address?

5. Briefly describe in one or two paragraphs how your project will commit to and assist in the advancing of the Madison/Dane CoC towards a Housing First model. Note the ways it addresses removing barriers to entry, utilizing best practices, efforts of prioritization of Chronic Homeless and Veterans in turnover units, client centered service delivery, inclusive decision-making, etc.)

Policy for Funding Consideration

To be eligible for funding consideration, Project Sponsors must meet the following criteria:

Signature: _________________________________________Date: ______________________________
Contact Person: ___________________________________ E-Mail Address:     ________________ __
Phone Number: _____________________________________

2015 Continuum of Care

Intent to Apply/Policy for Funding Consideration for NEW Projects Using Reallocated Funds
This solicitation seeks pre-applications for projects that will be competitively selected to forward as part of the Madison/Dane CoC application to HUD under the competition outlined in the FY2015 CoC NOFA. Projects locally selected may or may not be subsequently funded by HUD. Please complete the following form and return to by Thursday, October 8, 2015 by 5:00 pm.
If you have questions, please contact Sue Wallinger, or call 608-261-9148 OR attend the meeting of the CoC Application Committee, Wednesday, September 30th, 8:30 am at Housing Initiatives, 1110 Ruskin Street.
Projects for eligible activities should be written for one year terms, except for acquisition/rehab or new construction which are three year terms. If successful, the funding will be available as renewal projects after the initial grant contract expires. All proposed services may be new or an expansion of existing services. Proposed project funding cannot replace other funding sources. Projects must demonstrate cash or in-kind match of at least 25% with some exceptions.
Eligible Project Types:

Eligible project proposals for the FY2015 CoC Application cycle include:

  • Permanent Supportive Housing projects serving 100% chronically homeless individuals and families;

  • Rapid Re-Housing serving homeless individuals, including unaccompanied youth, and families coming directly from the streets or emergency shelter or fleeing domestic violence;

  • New projects for dedicated HMIS;

  • New Supportive Services Only (SSO) projects for centralized or coordinated assessment systems

Permanent Supportive Housing:

Projects seeking new permanent supportive housing funds must serve chronically homeless households (including singles or families) in which one or more household member is disabled. The household must meet HUD’s definition of “chronically homeless”, and come from the streets, emergency shelters, safe havens, or institutions. The only persons who may be served by dedicated or prioritized permanent supportive housing beds are chronically homeless persons as defined in 24 CFR 578.3. Importantly, persons in transitional housing are not considered to be chronically homeless even if they met the criteria prior to entering the transitional housing program. Persons coming from Transitional Housing are not eligible under the FY15 CoC NOFA requirements.

Permanent Supportive Housing projects may include the following eligible activities:

  • Acquisition, Rehabilitation, or New Construction

  • Operations costs of a permanent housing facility

  • Long-term Rental Assistance

  • Leasing (including scattered-site leasing)

  • Supportive Services

  • Administration (no more than 7% of eligible program activities budget)

Rapid Rehousing:
Projects seeking new rapid rehousing funds may provide supportive services, set forth in 24 CFR 578.53, and/or short-term (up to 3 months) or medium-term (3-24 months) tenant-based rental assistance set forth in 24 CRF 578.51(c), as necessary to help a homeless individual or family, with or without disabilities, move as quickly as possible into permanent housing and achieve stability in that housing. When providing short-term and/or medium term rental assistance to program participants, the rental assistance is subject to 24 CFR 578.51(a)(1), but not 24 CFR 578.51(a)(1)(i) and (ii); (a)(2); (c) and (f) through (i); and (l)(1).

Rapid Rehousing projects may include the following eligible activities:

  • Short-term (up to 3 months) or medium-term (3-24 months) tenant-based rental assistance

  • Supportive Services

  • Administration (no more than 7% of eligible program activities budget)

HUD’s Threshold for both PSH and RRH:
“To be considered as meeting project quality threshold, new permanent housing–permanent supportive housing and rapid re-housing–project applications must receive at least 3 out of the 5 points available for the criteria below. New permanent housing project applications that do not receive at least 3 points will be rejected.

(a) Whether the type, scale, and location of the housing fit the needs of the program participants (1 point);

(b) Whether the type and scale of the supportive services fit the needs of the program participants–this includes all supportive services, regardless of funding source (1 point);

(c) Whether the specific plan for ensuring program participants will be individually assisted to obtain the benefits of the mainstream health, social, and employment programs for which they are eligible to apply meets the needs of the program participants (1 point);

(d) Whether program participants are assisted to obtain and remain in permanent housing in a manner that fits their needs (1 point); and,

(e) Whether at least 75 percent of the proposed program participants come from the street or other locations not meant for human habitation, emergency shelters, safe havens, or fleeing domestic violence (1 point).”

Homeless Information Management System - HMIS:
Projects seeking new HMIS funds may be used by HMIS Leads to lease a structure in which the HMIS is operated or as operating funds to operate a structure in which the HMIS is operated, and for other costs eligible in 24 CFR 578.57.

HUD’s threshold for HMIS:
“To be considered as meeting project quality threshold, new HMIS project applications must receive at least 3 out of the 4 points available for the criteria below. New HMIS projects that do not receive at least 3 points will be rejected.

(a) How the HMIS funds will be expended in a way that is consistent with the CoC’s funding strategy for the HMIS and furthers the CoC’s HMIS implementation (1 point);

(b) Whether the HMIS collects all Universal Data Elements as set forth in the HMIS Data Standards (1 point);

(c) Whether the HMIS un-duplicates client records (1 point); and

(d) Whether the HMIS produces all HUD-required reports and provide data as needed for HUD reporting (e.g., APR, quarterly reports, data for CAPER/ESG reporting) (1 point).

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