Madison/Dane County Continuum of Care Application Process and Schedule

Permanent Supportive Housing: Serving 100% chronically homeless

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Permanent Supportive Housing: Serving 100% chronically homeless

  • Rapid Re-housing: Serving homeless individuals and families coming directly from the streets or emergency shelters, and includes persons fleeing domestic violence situations and other persons meeting the criteria of paragraph (4) of the definition of homeless.

    Housing must have minimal barriers using the Housing First approach and built-in strategies to promote success. Proposals must indicate that names of program participants for permanent housing programs will be pulled from the HSC Permanent Supportive Housing Prioritized List. Permanent housing programs must consider individuals or families in order of prioritization.

    FY 2015 Permanent Housing Bonus Initiative Summary:

    The Permanent Housing Bonus is based on two overarching criteria: CoC need and project quality. A CoC is eligible to apply for up to 15 percent of its FPRN (final pro rata need). New projects created through a permanent housing bonus must meet the project eligibility and threshold requirements established by HUD in Sections V.F.2.d and V.F.2.e of the FY15 NOFA (Both have been extracted from the FY15 NOFA and found below).

    Name of Agency:      

    Name of Proposed Project:      
    Please indicate the type of project:

     Permanent Supportive Housing Bonus

    Rapid Re-Housing


    1. Provide a brief overview of your project in one or two paragraphs, including the number of units and target population.


    2. Please list any additional organizations involved in implementing the renewal project, provide a brief description of what each will do, and describe past performance that demonstrates each organization’s capacity and qualification to serve the proposed population and/or administer the project.

    3. Identify the homeless population served, including their characteristics and needs for housing and supportive services, where they come from, and the outreach used to bring them into the project.

    4. What housing gap/need does this renewal project address?
    5. Briefly describe in one or two paragraphs how your project will commit to and assist in the advancing of the Madison/Dane CoC towards a Housing First model. Note the ways it addresses removing barriers to entry, utilizing best practices, efforts of prioritization of Chronic Homeless and Veterans in turnover units, client centered service delivery, inclusive decision-making, etc.)
    Enter requested budget by double-clicking on the embedded spreadsheet below.
    1. Projects must provide a 25% match to any requested CoC funds other than lease funds. Match letters must be provided at the time the application is submitted into eSNAPS.

    2. Rental assistance budgets must be calculated using the spreadsheet above.

    3. Project may not request CoC Admin funds more than 7% of the requested CoC program funds.
    In addition to the answers to the questions above, proposals will receive additional points for the following:

    Proposals that are converting an existing transitional housing program to a permanent supportive housing or rapid re-housing project will receive priority.

    Proposals for permanent housing projects that clearly document a gap in services will score higher than those projects that do not.
    Proposals for permanent housing that utilizes the Housing First model and commits to pulling and considering names of homeless individuals and families from the HMIS prioritized list.
    If requesting Rental Assistance budget, budget must be calculated using the worksheet below (double-click to access). No other method of calculating rental assistance budget is allowed.

    Rental Assistance Budget Worksheet

    Please click on the link provided below to obtain 2015 FMR amounts.

    2015 FMRs

    Project Name:


    Project Number:


    Rental Assistance:











    County/FMR Area:


    Size of Units


    # of Units


    FMR/Actual Rent


    # of Months


    Total Budget




























    0 Bedroom


















    1 Bedroom


















    2 Bedrooms


















    3 Bedrooms


















    4 Bedrooms


















    5 Bedrooms


















    6+ Bedrooms




































    Signature: _________________________________________Date: ______________________________
    Contact Person: ___________________________________ E-Mail Address:     ________________ __
    Phone Number: _____________________________________
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