Maharshi Dayanand University Rohtak

Part-C Duration of Exam. : 3 Hrs

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Duration of Exam. : 3 Hrs.

Probabilit y Dist ribu tions and Hypo the sis Testing : Condit io nal

Unit-1 :- Introduction :

Definition, object , scope and sub division of

probabilit y, Ba yes t heo rem and its applic ations, expecte d value of a

geology, geology around us. The interior of the earth. Importance of

random variable. Properties and application of Binomial, Poisson and

geology in Civil Engineering projects.

N ormal distributions.

Unit- 1I :- Physical Geology

: The external and internal geo lo gical

Testing of a hypothesis, tests of significance for large samples, Student’s

fo rces causing changes, weathering and ero sion of the surface of the

t-distribution (applications only), Chi-square test of goodness of fit.

ear th. Geo logic al wo rk of ic e, wat er and winds. So il profile and its

Linear Pro gramming : Linear pro gra mming problems formula tion,

importance. Earthquakes and volcanoes.

S olving linear programming problems using (i) Graphical method (ii)

S implex met hod (iii) Dual simplex method.

Unit-1II :- Mineralogy and Petrology

: Definition and mineral and

roc ks. Classific at ion of imp orta nt rock forming minerals, simple

Books Recommended :

description based on pyhysical properties of minerals.

Rocks of eart h s urface, c las sificat ion of rocks. M ineral composit ion,

1. Advanced Engg. Mathematics : F Kreyszig.

Text ures, structure and origin of Igneous, S edimentary and

2. Higher Engg. Mathematics : B.S. Grewal.

Metamorphic rocks. Aims and principkles of stratigraphy. Standard

3. Advanced Engg. Mathematics : R.K. Jain, S.R.K. Lyenger.

geologic al/ st ratigraphica l time scale with its sub division and a short

4. Advanced Engg. Mathematics : Michael D. Greenberg.

description based on engineering uses of formation of India.

5. Operations Research : H.A. Taha.

6. Probability and st at istic s for Engineers : Johnson. PHI.

Unit-1V :- Structural Geology

: Forms and structures of rocks.

Note :

Examiner will se t eight quest ions, t aking t wo fr om P art-A,

Bedding plane and outcrops, Dip and strike. Elementary ideas about

three fro m Part-B and three from Par t-C. Students will be

fold, fault, joint and unconformity and recognition on outcrops.

required to attempt five questions taking atleast one from each

Importance of geological structures in Civil Engineering projects .


Unit-V :- Applied Geology

: Hydrogeology, wat er table, springs and

Artesian w ell, aquifers, ground w at er in e ngineering project s. Artificial

recharge of ground water, Elementary ideas of geological investigations.

Remote s ensing techniques for geological and hydrologica l s urvey and

investigatio n. uses o f geological maps and interpretation o f data,

geological reports.

Unit-VI :-

Suitability and stability of foundation sites and abutments.

Geological conditions and their influence on the selection, location,

type and design of dams, reservoirs, tunnels, highways, bridges etc.


Unit-VII :- Landslides and Hillslope stability



Improvement of foundation rocks, precaution and treatment against

Sessional : 25 Marks

faults, joints and gound water, retaining walls and o ther precautions.

Theory : 25 Marks

Geology and environment of earth.

Total : 50 Marks

Duration of Exam. : 3 Hrs.

Book Recommended:

Elements of co mputers and its working-block diagram of computer

input, output and storage devices memory-primary and secondary

1. A Text Book of Geo logy by P.K. Mukherjee

systems s/w application software/programme.

2. Physical and General Geo lo gy by S.K. Garg

3. Engineering and Genera l Geology by Prabin Singh

Types o f computers-stand alone, multi-user, network/distributed,

4. Introduction of Physical Geology by

A. Holmes.

personal, microcomputer, workstation Servers, mainframes and super


Document preparation using work processing software-purpo se and

characterization of documents, spell checking, mail merge, paragraph


and page layout alignment and justificatio n, tables, charts, graphs,

Sessional : 25 Marks


Theory : 25 Marks

Document presentation using power point-preparation of slides and

Total : 50 Marks

its Presentation, hyperlinks

Duration of Exam. : 3 Hrs.

Concepts of spreadsheets formula graphs and cahrts

Information storage and material-crea ting, editing and viewing atabase,

List of Experiments :

adding deleting and undeleting records, searching a database ordering

1. Verification of reciprocal theorem of deflection using a simply

the database on a selected key

supported beam.

Concept of internet, server types, connectivity (TC/IP shell)

2. Verification of moment area theorem for slopes and deflections

applications of internet like : email and brows ing

of the beam.

Concepts of e-commerce.

3. Deflections of a truss-horizontal deflections & vertical deflections


of various joints of a pin-jointed truss.

4. Elastic displacements (vertical & horizontal) of curved members.

Buncamentals of computer-V. Rajaraman

5. Experimental and analyt ical study of 3 hinged arch and influence

Computer today-SK Basanda

line for horizontal thrust.

MS-office 2 000 for everyone-Sanjay Saxena

6. Experimental and analytical study of behaviour of s truts w it h

Interne t for everyone Alexis Icon a nd Mathews

various end conditions.

Computer fundament als -P.K. S inha

7. To determine elastic pro perties of a beam.

Fundamentals of information technology-Leon and Leon

8. Uniaxial tension test for steel (plain & deformed bars)

9. Uniaxial compression test on concrete & bricks specimens.




Sessional : 50 Marks

Sessional : 25 Marks

Theory : 100 Marks

Theory : 25 Marks

Total : 150 Marks

Total : 50 Marks

Duration of Exam. : 3 Hrs.

Duration of Exam. : 3 Hrs.

Unit-I :- Statically Indeterminate Structures :

Introduction, Static

and Kinematic Indeterminate, Castigliano’s theorems, Strain energy

List of Experiments :

method, Analysis of frames with one or t wo re dundant members using

1. Study of physical properties of minerals.

Ca stigliano’s 2nd t heorem.

2. Identification of rock forming silicate and ore minerals.

3. Recognition of rocks.

Unit-II :- Slope deflection and moment Distribution Methods


4. Use of Clinometer compass and Brunton compass for

Analysis of continuous beams & Portal frames, Portal frames with

mea sureme nt dip and s trike of format io ns.

inclined members.

5. Drawing of geolo gical cross-selections and study of geological


Unit-III :- Column Analogy Method

: Elastic centre, Properties of

6. Study of models of geological structure and outcrops patterns of

analogous column, Applications to beam & frames.

different types of rocks and landforms.

Unit-IV :- Analysis of Two hinged Arches

: Parabolic and circular

Arches, Bending Moment Diagram for various loadings, Temperature


effects, Rib shortening, Axial thrust and Radial Shear fo rce diagrams.

Sessional : 25 Marks

Theory : 25 Marks


Unsymmetrical Bending Introduction, Centroidal principal

Total : 50 Marks

axes of sections, Bending stresses in beams subjected to unsymmetrical

Duration of Exam. : 3 Hrs.

bending, shear centre, shear centre for channel, Angles and Z sections.


Cable and suspension Bridges - Intro duction, uniformly

List of Experiments :

loaded cables, Temperature stresses, three hinged stiffening Girder

1. Chain surveying : Chaining and chain t raversing.

and two hinged stiffening Girder.

2. Compass traversing.

3. Plane tabling: methods of plane table surveying, two point &

Books Recommended :

thre e point proble ms.

4. Levelling : P rofile leveling and plotting of longitudina l section and

1. St at ically Indeterminat e Structures , C.K. Wang, M cGraw H ill

cross sections, Y leveling. Permanent adjustment of level,

Book Co., New York.

Reciprocal leveling, Contouring and preparation co ntour map.

2. Advanced Structural Analysis, A.K. Jain, Nem Chand & Bros.,

5. Use of tangent clinometer.


3. Indeterminate Structures, R.L. Jindal, S. Chand & Co., New


4. Theory of Struct ures, Vol. I, S .P. G upta & G.S. Pandit , Ta ta

McGraw Hill, New Delhi.


Unit-VIII :-

One way and Two Ways Slabs-General considerations,


Design of one way and two ways s labs for distribut ed and concent rated

Sessional : 50 Marks

loads, Non-rectangular slabs, o penings in slabs, Design examples.

Theory : 100 Marks

Total : 150 Marks

Unit-IX :-

Columns and Footings-Effective length, Minimum

Duration of Exam. : 3 Hrs.

eccentricity, short columns under axial compression, Uniaxial and biaxial

Unit-I :- Elementary treatment of concrete technology:


bending, s lender columns, Isolated and wall footings, D esign examples.

requirements of cement, aggregate, admixture and reinfo rcement,

St rength and durability, shrinkage and creep. Design of concrete mixes,


Ret aining Walls-Classificat ion, Fo rc es o n r eta ining walls,

Acceptability criterion, I. S. Specifications. as per i:s 450

design crit eria, stability requirement s, Proport ioning of c antilever

ret aining wa lls, counte rfo rt ret aining wa lls, c riter ia for design of

Unit-II :- Design Petheo ries in Reinforced Concrete:


counterforts, design examples.

stress and limit state methods, Limit state v/s working stress method,

Building code, Normal distribution curve, characteristic strength and

Books Recommended :

characteristics loads, design values, Partial safety factors and factored

loads, stress strain relationship for concrete and steel.

1. Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures, P. Dayaratnm,

Oxford & IBH Pub., N. Delhi.

Unit-III :- Working Stress Method

: Basic assumpt ions, permiss ible

2. Reinforced Concrete-Limit State Design, A.K. Jain, Nem

stresses in concrete and steel, design of singly and doubly reinforced

Chand & Bros., Roorkee.

rectangular and flanged b eams in flexure, steel beam theory, inverted

3. Reinforced Concrete, I.C. Sayal & A,K, Goel, A.H. Wheeler

flanged beams, design examples.

& Co. Delhi.

4. Reinforced Concrete Design, S.N. Sinha, TMH Pub., New

Unit-IV :- Limit State Method :

Basic a ssu mpt io ns, Analysis and


design of singly and do ubly reinforced rectangular flanged beams,

5. SP-16( S&T)-1980, Design Aids for Reinfo rced Concrete to

minimum and maximum reinforcement requirement, design examples.

IS:456, BIS, New Delhi.

6. SP-34(S&T)-1987 Handboo k on Concrete Reinforcement

Unit-V :-

Analysis and Design of Sections in shear, bond and torsion-

and Deta iling, BIS, Ne w D elhi.

Diagonal tension, shear reinforcement, development length, Anchorage

and flexural bo nd, To rsional, stiffness, equivalent shear, Torsio nal

reinforcement, Design examples.

Unit-VI :-

Concrete Reinforcement and Detailing-Requirements of

goo d detailing, co ver to reinforcement, spacing of reinforcement,

reinforcement splicing, Anchoring reinforcing bars in flexure and shear,

curtailment of reinforcement.

Unit-VII :- Serviceability Limit State :

Control of deflection,

cracking, slenderness and vibrations, deflection and moment

relat ionship for limiting values o f span to dept h, limit st ate of crack

width, Design examples.


Books Recommended :


Sessional : 50 Marks

1. Fluid Mechanics-St reet er & Wyile.

Theory : 100 Marks

2. Fo uid Me ch & Hyd . M/ cs by Modi & Seth

Total : 150 Marks

3. Open channel Hydraulics -V.T. Cho w.

Duration of Exam. : 3 Hrs.

4. Hydraulic Mechines - J . Lal.

Unit-I :- Turbulent flow :

Introduction to turbulent flow, mixing length

5. Fluid Mechanics by A.K. Jain

theory, velocity distribution in turbulent flow, resistance of smooth and

6. Fluid Mechanics - Subramanyam.

artificially roughened pipes, commercial pipes, aging of pipes. Losses

due to sudden expansion and contraction, losses in pipe fittings and

valves, concepts of equivalent length of pipe, hydraulic and energy


gradient lines, pipes in series, pipes in parallel, branching of pipes,

Sessional : 50 Marks

pipe network siphon, water Hammer (o nly quick closure case).

Theory : 100 Marks

Total : 150 Marks

Unit-II :- Flow in open channels :

Uniform flow Basic co ncepts,

Duration of Exam. : 3 Hrs.

Resistance equations (Chezy’s and mannings formula), Uniform flow

Unit-I :-

Meaning of management, definitions of management,

computations, Efficient channel section, specific energy concept crit ical

characteristics of management, management vs administration

flow and its comput ations, channel transitions.

management-art, science and profession, importance of management,

development of management thoughts.

Unit-III :- Flow in open channels :

Non-Uniform flow, gradua lly

Principles of management the management functions, Int er relation ships

varied flow-basic assumptions and dynamic equations of gradually

of managerial functions .

flow. Types of slopes and their characteristics, analysis and

computations of flow profiles, dept analysis, surges in open channels.

Unit-II :-

Nature and significance of staffing, personnel management,

funct ions of personnel management, Manpo wer planning, recruitment,

Unit-IV :- Turbines :

Classification definitions, laws, specific speed

selection, promotion-seniority vs merit training-objective s and types

and unit quantities, Pelton turbines-t heir construction and settings, speed

of training.

regulation dimentions o f various element. Action of jet, torque, power

and efficiency for ideal case, characteristic curves. Reaction turbines

Unit-III :- Production Management

:Definition objectives functions

constructio n & setting draft tube theory, runaway speed, working

and sco pe production planning and control its significance, stages in

proportion of hydraulic turbines and characteristic curves, cavitation.

pro duction planning and control its significance, stages in production

Forces on immersed bodies : types of drag, drag o n a sphere, a flat

planning and control brief introduction to the concepts of material

plate, a cylinder and an aerofoil de velopme nt of lift .

management, inventory control, it s importance and various met hods.

Unit-V :- Pumps :

Centrifugal pumps : Various types and their important

Unit-IV :- Marketing Management

: Definition; objectives;

components, manometric, total head, net positive suction head, specific

importance ; limitation; process adve rtisement-meaning of advertising,

speed, shu off head, cavitation. Principle of working and characteristic

objectives , funct ions, criticism.

curves. Priming and maintenance of submersible pumps.

Unit-V :-

Introduction of financial Management objectives of Financial

Reci procati ng pumps

: principle of working, coefficient of discharge,

Management, Functio n and impo rtance to the concept of capital

slip, single acting and double acting pump. Manometric head,

structure and various sources o f finance.

Acceleration head, Working of air vessels, simplex, duplex and three

throw pumps, construction and discharge. Air lift pump.


Unit-III :- Survey Adjustment and Treatment of Observations :

Books Recommended :

Definite weight of an observation, most probable values, type of error,

Test Book

principle of least squares, adjustment of t riangulation figures by method

of least squares.

1. Principles and practice of Management-R.S. Gupta, B.D.

Sharma, N.S. Bha lla (Kalyani Publisher).

Unit-IV :- Astronomy :

Definitions of ast ronomical t erms, st ar at

2. Organisation and Management-R. D. Aggarwal (Tata Mc

elongation, star at prime vertical star at horizon, star at culmination,

G raw Hill)

cele st ia l coo dinat e syst ems, Napier ’s rule of c ir cular part s, various

time systems: sidereal, apparent, solar and mean solar time, equation

Reference Boo ks

of t ime-its caus e, effect, det ermina tion of longit ude, int er-conversion

of time, determination of time, azimuth and latitude by astronomical

1. Principles & pr actices of management - L.M. Prasad (Sultan


Chand Sons)

2. Management -Harold, koontz and Cyrilo Donell (Mc Graw

Unit-V :- Elements of Photogrammetry :

Introduction: types of


photographs, Terrestrial and aerial photographs awerial camera and

3. Marketing Management -S.A. Sherlikar (Himalaya Publishing

height displacement s in vertical photographs , ste reos copic vis ion and

H ouse, Bombay)

stereoscopies, height determination from parallax measurement, flight

4. Financial Management- I.M. Pandey (Vikas Publishing House,

planning, plott ing by radiline method, principle of photo inte rpretation

N ew D elhi)

and photogrammetric monitoring in Civil Engineering.

5. M anagement - James A.F. St oner & R. Edwar F reeman, P HI

Unit-VI :-

Int roduction of remot e s ens ing and it s syst ems .


:- Eight questions are to be set at least one question from each

unit and t he students will have t o attempt five quest ions in all.

Unit-VIII :-

Co ncept of G.I.S. and G.P.S.- Basic Components, data

input, storage & output.


Books Recommended :

Sessional : 50 Marks

Theory : 100 Marks

1. Surveying Vol. 2 by B.C. Punmia

Total : 150 Marks

2. Surveying Vol. 3 by B.C. Punmia

Duration of Exam. : 3 Hrs.

3. Surveying Vol. 2 by T.P. Kanitkar

Unit-I :- Trigonometrical Levelling :

Introduction, height and

distances-base of the object accessible, base of object inaccessible,

geodetical observat ion, refract ion and curvature, axis signal correction,

difference in elevation between two points.

Unit-II :- Trangulation :

Triangulation systems, classification, strengt h

of figure, selection of triangulation stations, grade of triangulation, field

work of triangulation, triangulation computations, introduction to

E.D.M. instruments.


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