Sessional : 50 Marks
Sessional : 25 Marks
Theory : 100 Marks
Theory : 25 Marks
Total : 150 Marks
Total : 50 Marks
Duration of Exam. : 3 Hrs.
Duration of Exam. : 3 Hrs.
Un it-1 :- CPM -
Project Management, Bar chart and Milestone Chart s,
Elements o f network, development of network, network analysis.
List of Expe riments :
1. Experiment on a two-hinged arch for horizontal thrust & influence
Unit-I1 : - Concrete Technology -
Co ncrete making materials :
line for Horizontal thrust.
cements, aggregates, water, admixtures, properties of fresh and
2. Experimental and analytical study of a 3 bar pin jointed Truss.
hardened concrete, variability of concrete strength, extreme weather
3. Expe rimental and alalytical study of deflect ions for unsymmetrical
concreting, Testing of concrete mixes, prestressed concrete.
bending of a Cantile ver bea m.
4. Begg’s deformeter-verification of Muller Breslau principle.
Unit-II1 :- Mix Design -
Princ iple s of c oncret e mix design, basic
5. Experimental and analytical study of an elastically coupled beam.
considerations, Factors in t he choice of mix design, outline of mix design
6. Sway in portal frames-demonstration.
pro cedure, ACI mix design practice, USBR method, British mix design
7. To study the cable geometry and statics for different loading
method IS guidelines .
8. To plot s tres s-st rain curve for c oncret e.
Unit-IV :- Heavy Construction -
Construction of large structures,
dams, bridges, multi-storeyed buildings etc.
Unit-V :- Construction Equipments -
Introduction to heavy
Sessional : 25 Marks
construction equipment, crushers, hot mix, plants, dozers etc.
Theory : 25 Marks
Total : 50 Marks
Books Recommended :
Duration of Exam. : 3 Hrs.
List of Expe riments :
1. Handbook o f mix de sign - BIS
1. To determine the coefficient of drag by Stoke’s law for spherical
2. PERT & CPM by B.C. Punmia
3. Concrete Technology by M.S. Shet ty.
2. To study the phe nomenon of cavitat ion in pipe flow.
3. To determine the critical Reynold’s number for flow through
commercial pipes.
4. To det ermine t he co efficient of dis charge for flow over a broad
crested weir.
5. To study the characteristics of a hydraulic jump on a horizontal
floor and sloping glacis including friction blocks.
6. To study the scouring phenomenon around a bridge pier model.
7. To study the scouring phenomenon for flow past a spur.
8. To determine the characteristics of a centrifugal pump.
9. To study the momentum characteristics of a given jet.
10. To determine head loss due to various pipe fittings.
Tacheometry :
Tacheometric constants, calculating horizontal
distance and elevations with the help of tacheometer.
Sessional : 25 Marks
Practical : 25 Marks
3. Setting of simple circular curves by off set method, off set from
Total : 50 Marks
chord produced, off set from long chord and by deflection angle method.
Duration of Exam. : 3 Hrs.
4. An exercise of triangulation including base line measurement.
Leadership -
Concepts of leaders hip, role of t raining role o f leader,
leaders hip in industry.
Professional ethics
-concepts of ethics character, duty &
Sessional : 25 Marks
responsibility, disciplines, Integrity, courage etc conducts, codes.
Theory : 25 Marks
- Dynamics of human behaviour, classification of motives,
Total : 50 Marks
pay, promo tion, compe tit ion, a nd partic ipa tion rewards et c. job
Duration of Exam. : 3 Hrs.
Tests on Cement :
Human Relations
- Behaviour modification techniques, industrial
1. Standare consistency of cement using Vicat’s apparatus.
relations, characteristics of gro up behaviour, Mob psychology,
2 . Fineness of cement by Sieve analysis and Blaine’s air per meability metho d.
lookouts, handling of grievances, labour welfare.
3. Soundness of cement by Le-Chatelier’s apparatus.
4. S ett ing t ime of cement, initial and final.
- Process, bareness & effective communication
5. Compressive st rength of cement.
6. Measurement of specific gravity of cement.
- Genesis, Inter group, resolving conflicts team building
Tests on Aggregates :
Labour Industrial & Tax Law
- Factory act, workmen compenstion
act, minimum wage act etc.
1. Moisture content and bulking of fine aggregate.
2. Fineness modulus o f coarse and fine aggregates.
Accident Safety
- Classification & ac tion
Tests on Concrete :
1. Workability of cement concrete by (a) Slump test (b) Compaction
factor test (c) Flow table test.
Sessional : 50 Marks
2 . C omp ressiv e streng th o f co ncrete by ( a) C ube test , (b) C ylind er test.
Theory : 50 Marks
3. Indirect tensile strength of concrete-split cylinder test.
Total : 100 Marks
4. Modules of r upture of concrete by flexure test
Duration of Exam. : 3 Hrs.
5. Bond strength between steel bar and concrete by pull-out test.
6. Non-destructive testing of concrete.
List of Experiments :
Books Recommended :
Theo dilite :
Study of theodolite, measurement of horizontal angle,
1. Concrete Manual-M.L. Gambhir, Dhanpat Rai & Sons, New Delhi.
measurement of vertical angle, Permanent adjustment.
2. Concrete Technology-M.L. Gambhir, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
Drawings :
Sessional : 50 Marks
1. Structural drawings of various types of welded connections
Theory : 100 Marks
(simple and eccentric)
Total : 150 Marks
2. Beam to column connections (framed & seat connections)
Duration of Exam. : 3 Hrs.
3. Column bases-slab base, gussested base and grillage foundation.
Unit-I :- Introduction -
Pr opert ies of st ruct ural st eel. I .S. Rolled
4. Plate girder.
sections and I. S. spe cifications.
5. Roof truss.
Unit-II :- Connections -
I mportance, various types o f connections,
Books Recommended
simple and moment resistant, riveted, bolted and welded connections.
1. Design of steel structures, A.S. Arya & J.L. Ajmani, Nem Chand
Unit-III :-
Design of Tension Members : Introduction, types of tens ion
& Bros., Roorkee.
members, net sectional areas, design of tension members, lug angles
2. Design of steel structures, M. Raghupati, TMH Pub., New Delhi.
and splices.
3. Des ign of s teel struct ures, S.M.A. K azmi & S.K . Jindal, Prentice
Hall, New Delhi.
Unit-IV :- Design of Compression Members -
4. Design of steel structures, S.K. Duggal, TMH Pub. New Delhi.
effective length and slenderness ratio, various types of sections used
for columns, build up columns it s, neces sit y, design of built up columns,
laced and bat tened columns including the design of lacing and battens,
design of eccentrically lo aded compression members & columns.
Unit-V :- Column Bases and Footings:
Introduction, types of
column bases, design of slab base and gusseted base plate, design of
Sessional : 50 Marks
gusseted base subjected to eccentrically loading, design of grillage
Theory : 100 Marks
Total : 150 Marks
Duration of Exam. : 3 Hrs.
Unit-VI :- Design of Beams :
Introduction, types of sections, general
Unit-I :- Design of Flexible Pavements -
Types o f pavements.
design crit eria for bea ms, design of lat erally supported and unsupported
Flexible and rigid pavements. Components of a pagvement and their
beams, design of built up beams, web buckling, web crippling and
functions. Fac tors affecting design of pavements. Design of t hickness
diagonal buckling.
of a flexible pavement by Group Index method, CBR method
(inclu ding lat est IRC guide lines), Triaxial met ho d and Burmiste r’s
Unit-VII :- Gantry Girders -
Introduction, various loads,
specifications, design of gantry girder.
Unit-II :- Design of Rigid Pavements
- Westergaard’s theory,
Unit-VIII :- Plate Girder :-
Introduction, elements o f plate girder,
critical locatio ns of loading, load and temperature stresses. Critical
design steps of a plate girder, necessity of stiffeners in plate girder,
combination of st resses. IRC guidelines for determinat ion of thickness
various t ypes of stiffeners, we b and flange splices (brief introduc tion),
of a rigid pavement.
Curtailment of flange plat es, des ign of beam t o c olumn connect ions :
: Require ment s, t ypes, pat t erns. Spacing o f expansio n and
Introduction, design of framed and seated connection.
contract ion joint s. Functions of dowe l a nd tie bars.
Unit-III :- Highway Construction : Non-Bituminous Pavements
Books Recommended :
Brief introduction to earthwork machinery : Shovel, hoe, clamshell,
dragline, bulldo zers. Principles of field co mpaction of subgrade.
1. Highway Engg. by S.K. Khanna & C.E.G. Justo , Nem Chand
Compacting equipments. Granular roads. Construction steps o f
Bros., Roorkee.
WBM. WMM. Construction of cement concrete pavements, Slip-
2. Principles and Practice of Highway Engg. by L.R. Kadiyali, Khanna
form pavers, Basic concepts of the following : soil stabilized roads,
Publishe rs, Delhi.
use of geo-synthetics, reinforced cement concrete pavements, prestress
3. Principles of Pavement Design by Yo der, E.J. & Witezak, M.W.,
concrete pavements, roller compacted concrete pavements and fibre
John Wiley and So ns, USA.
reinforced concrete pavements.
4. Tunnel Engineering by S.C. Saxena, Dhanpat Rai Publications,
New Delhi.
Unit-IV :- Construction of Bituminous Pavements
- Various types
5. A t ext book of Tunnel, Bridges and Railway Engg. by S.P. Bindra,
of bituminous constr uctio ns. Prime coat, tack coat, seal coat and
Dhanpat Rai Delhi.
s urface dres sing. Const ruction of BU SG, Premix carpet , BM , DBM
and AC. Brief coverage of machinery for construction of bituminous
ro ads: bitumen boiler, sprayer, pressure distributo r, hot-mix plant,
co ldmix plant, tripper trucks, me cha nic al paver o f finisher, rollers.
Sessional : 50 Marks
Mastic asphalt, Introduction to various IRC and MOST spec ificat ions.
Theory : 100 Marks
Total : 150 Marks
Unit-V :- Highway Maintenance
- Pavement failures. Maintenance
Duration of Exam. : 3 Hrs.
operatio ns. Maintenance of WBM, bituminous surfaces and cement
Unit-I :- Water Quantity :
Importance and necessity of water supply
concr ete pavements. Pavement evaluation. Benk leman beam.
scheme. Water demands and its variations. Estimation of total quantity
Introduction to various types of overlays.
of water requirement. Population forecasting. Quality and quantity of
sur face and ground water sources. Selectio n of a source o f water
Unit-VI :- Highway Drainage and Hill Roads
- Surface drainage
supply. Types of intakes.
: types, br ief design. Types of sub-surface drainage. Special
characteristics of hill roads: geometrics, hair pin bends, construction
Unit-II :- Water Quality :
Impuritie s in wa ter a nd their sa nit ary
of hill roads, drainage of hill roads, maint enance problems of hill roads.
significance. Physical, chemical and bacteriological analysis of water,
water borne diseases, water quality standards.
Unit-VII :- Highway Economics and Finance
- N eed of economic
evaluation. Highway user benefits and costs. Methods of economic
Unit-III :- Water Treatment :
Objectives, treatment pro cesses and
evaluation: benefit cost ratio method, net present value method, internal
their sequence in co nventional treat ment plant, sedimentation-plan and
rate of return method, comparison. Highway finance.
aided with co agulation. Types, features and design aspects. Mixing
bas ins and F locculat ion units. Filtration-mechanism involved, t ypes of
Unit-VIII :- Tunnels
- Se ctions of t unnels : Advantages, limit ations
filters, slow and rapid sand filtration units (features and design aspects),
and suit ability of each section. Shaft. Pilot tunnel. Driving t unnel rocks:
Disinfection principles and aeration.
sequence of construction operations, full-face method, heading and
bench method, drift method. Driving tunnels in soft ground: sequence
Other water treatment pr ocesses : Purification processes in natural
of co nstruction operations, needle beam method, shield tunneling,
system, water softening, removal of taste and odour, advanced methods
compres sed air t unneling.
of w ater t reatment , deflouridat ion, dis solved solids removal.
Unit-IV :- Water Conveyance System :
Conveyance o f water,
Intake structures, Rising and Gravity system, Dual systems, Pumping
Sessional : 50 Marks
Systems and pumping stations, valves and appurtenances, pipe
Theory : 100 Marks
materials and pipe fitting, O & M and trouble shooting for conveyance
Total : 150 Marks
s ystem.
Duration of Exam. : 3 Hrs.
Unit-V :- Water Distributi on System :
Layo u t of Dist ribu tio n system
Unit-I :- Soil Formation and Composition
- Dea d End system, Grid Iro n syst em, Ring syst em, Radial syste m,
Introduction, soil and rock, Soil Mechanics and Foundat ion Engineering,
their merits and demerits, Distributio n Reservoir-functions and
origin of s oils, weathering, soil format ion, major soil deposits of India,
determination of storage capacity, Water Distribution Network,
pa rticle size, particle shape, inter-particle forces, soil st ructure, principal
Analysis of distribution network, layout, capacity and pressure
clay minerals.
requirements, leak detection, Maintenance, Water supply in buildings
Unit-II :- Basic Soil Properties
and plumbing.
Introduction, three phase system, weight-volume relationships, soil
Books Recommended :
grain pro perties, soil aggregate properties, grain size analysis, sieve
analysis, sed ime nt at ion analysis, gra in size dist ribut io n cur ve s,
1. Water Supply and Sewerage : E.W. Steel.
cons istency of soils , consis tency limits and their det ermination, activity
2. Water Supply and Sewage by Terence J. McGhee.
of clays, rela tive densit y of sa nds.
3. Water Supply Engineering : S.R. Kshirsagar.
4. Water Supply Engineering : S.K. Garg.
Unit-III :- Classificatio n of soils
5. Water Supply Engineering: B.C. Punmia, Ashok Jain & Aru Ja in.
Purpose of classification, classification on the basis of grain size,
6. Ma nual on Wat er S upply a nd Treatment : Ministry of U rban Dev.,
clas sificat ion on the bas is of plasticity, plasticit y chart, Indian Sta ndard
New Delhi.
Classificat ion System.
7. Water Supply Waste Disposal and Environmental Pollution
Unit-IV :- Permeability of Soils
Engineering by A.K. Chatterjee.
Intro ductio n, Darcy’s Law and its validity, discharge velocity and
8. Elements of Public Health Engineering by K.N. Duggal.
seepage velocity, factors affecting permeability, laboratory
9. Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering by G.S. Birdie and J.S.
det ermina tion of c oefficient of permea bilit y, dete rminat ion of fie ld
permeability, permeability of stratified deposits.
10. Environmental Enginee ring by Howard S . Peavy, Donald R. Rowe
and George Tchobanoglous.
Unit-V :- Effective Stress Concept
11. Water and Waste Water Technology by Mark T Hammer.
Principle of effective stress, effective stress under hydrostatic
condit ions, capillary rise in s oils, effective st ress in the zone of capillary
rise, effective stress under steady state hydro -dynamic conditions,
seepage force, quick condition, critical hydraulic gradient, two
dimensional flow, Laplace’s equation, propert ies and utilit ies of flow net,
graphical method of construction of flow nets, piping, protective filter.
Unit-VI :- Compaction
Introduction, role o f moisture and compactive effect in compaction,
laboratory determination of optimum moisture content, moisture density
relat io nship, c ompaction in fie ld, compactio n o f cohesionle ss soils,
modera tely cohesive soils and clays , field c ontr ol of compaction.
Unit-VII :- Vertical Stress Below Applied Loads
Introduction, Boussinesq’s equation, vertical str ess distr ibution
diagrams, vertical stress beneath loaded areas, Newmark’s influence
Sessional : 50 Marks
chart, approximate stress distributio n methods for loaded areas,
Westergaard’s analysis, conta ct pressure.
Theory : 100 Marks
Total : 150 Marks
Unit-VIII :- Compressibility and Consolidation
Duration of Exam. : 3 Hrs.
Introduction, components of total settlement, consolidation process,
Unit-I Roots of Equation :
one-dimensional consolidation test, typical void ratio-pressure
Graphical Methods, Newton Raphson’s Method, Solution of Ordinary
relationships fo r sands and clays, normally consolidated and over
differential equations by Runga Kutta Metho d, Solution of linear
consolidated clays, Casagrande’s graphical method of estimating pre-
algebraic equations by Relaxation Methods.
consolidation pressure, Terzaghi’s theory of one-dimensional primary
consolidation, determination of coefficients of consolidation,
Unit-II Numerical Interpolation :
consolidation settlement, Construction period settlement, secondary
Numerical Int erpola tion : Linear a nd Lagra ngian Ingt erpolat ion,
Numerical Int egration, Trapezoidal and Simpson’s Rule. Curve Fitting
Unit-IX :- Shear Strength
: Linear a nd Polynomia l re gr ession. Curve Fitt ing: Linear and
Introduction, Mohr stress circle, Mohr-Coulomb failure-criterion,
Polynomial regression.
relationship between principal stresses at failure, shear tests, direct shear
Unit-III Evolution of program design concepts
t est, unconfined compression test, tri-axial compression tests, drainage
Basic object oriented co ncepts. Object o riented languages: C++,
conditions and strength parameters, Vane shear test, shear strength
co nstructs & syntax : Algorithm develo pment and implementation ;
characteristics of sands, normally consolidated clays, over consolidat ed
Applic atio n of object orient ed pr ogramming in Civil Engineering
clays and part ially s aturated soils, s ensitivit y and thixot ropy.
Syst ems.
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