Maxsus ta’lim vazirligi nizomiy nomidagi Toshkent davlat pedagogika universiteti qoshidagi akademik litsey Nurmatov J. N, Kudratov K. X

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Asking how someone is

A speaker often asks the other person how they are and is usually given a short reply. Thank you can be used instead of thanks but is more formal.

How are you?

How are things?

How’s everything?

Are you okay?

Everything okay?

All right?

Okay, thanks.

Fine, thanks.

Can’t complain.

Not so bad, thanks.

The first speaker might then be asked And you? or And how are you?


It is very common for a guest to be offered tea or coffee.


Would you like some tea/a coffee?


Can I get you anything?


Yes, please.

That’d be great, thanks.

I’d like a coffee/a cup of tea, please.


Nothing for me, thanks.

No thanks.

I’m okay, thanks.


Before saying goodbye, it is polite to show that you are about to leave. You might also thank the other person.

I’m afraid I really must go.

Well, I’ve got to go now.

I think I’d better be off.

Nice to have met you.

Thanks you for lunch/the coffee.

Thanks a lot/very much.

Thanks for a great time.

Not at all.

Don’t mention it.

My pleasure.

You’re welcome.


Pastoral - portrays an idealized and peaceful view of rural life.

Abstract – nonrealistic designs and forms that may be definite and geometric or fluid and formless.

Impressionism – captures a momentary glimpse of a subject , especially to reproduce the changing effects of light by applying paint to the canvas in short strokes of pure color.

Realism or Naturalism – portrays subjects as it is thought they really are without idealizing.

Oil paintings are painted in oils. This painting was highly developed in the epoch of Renaissance. Paintings of this epoch are excellently preserved up to the present. Watercolor began to be widely used in the 17th century. Watercolor paintings are painted in colors, diluted with water. It is better to look at the watercolor paintings from a distance.

Gouache is paint, diluted with water. Paintings of this sort are not preserved very long. That’s why it is used mainly in applied art and in painting placards.

Fresco is one of the wall monumental paintings. Fresco paintings are painted on the plaster of buildings.

Landscape painting reproduces nature. While depicting nature the painter reveals some human feelings. Paintings of this genre help us to know ourselves, to get to know our life and feeling, bring up the love for our motherland. Especially popular landscape painters are: U. Tansikbaev, R. Choriev, Thomas Gainsborough,

John Constable, Shishkin, Levitan.

Portraiture is one of the oldest genres in painting. The main problem of this genre is to depict the characteristic peculiarities of the individual human personality. Some famous portrait painters are Rembrandt, Raphael, and Thomas Gainsborough, A. Abdullaev, Saidov.

Religious genre paintings depict religious faiths of people during this or that period.

EX 293 Learn by heart phrasal verbs with “take” and “put”

to take after - resemble in features or character

to take (away) from – lessen, weaken, diminish

to take something backretreat or withdraw

to take something down – write down

to take off – make a start, leave the ground

to take something outextract, remove

to take upon oneselfassume responsibility

to put an end to- to end or abolish something

to put on- to clothe oneself with

to put off- to postpone

to put out – to cause to stop burning

to put up with- to endure without protest

to put together- to construct by combining parts

to put away – to put in the usual place; to save

to put down – to write down; to make a note of


O‘tgan tugallangan davom zamonning yasalishi
1. Past Perfect Continuous to be fe’lining Past Perfect shakli (had been) va asosiy fe’lning hozirgi zamon sifatdoshi (Present Participle) shakli yordamida yasaladi:

Ega + had + been + Ving

I had been working, he had been working.
2. Past Perfect Continuousning bo‘lishsiz shakli birinchi yordamchi fe’l haddan keyin not inkor yuklamasini qo‘yish bilan yasaladi:

Ega + had + not + been + Ving

I had not been working, he had not been working.
3. Past Perfect Continuousning so‘roq shaklini yasash uchun birinchi yordamchi fe’lni eganing oldiga o‘tkazamiz:

Had + ega + been + Ving?

Had I been working? Had he been working?
1. Past Perfect Continuous Simple Past zamoni bilan ifodalangan birorta o‘tgan zamondagi ish-harakatdan oldin boshlanib o‘sha paytda ham davom etadigan ish-harakatni ifodalaydi. Past Perfect Continuousning ishlatilishi uchun for two hours ikki soat (davomida), for three months uch oy (davomida), for a long time uzoq vaqt (davomida) kabi vaqt ko‘rsatkichlari bo‘lishi shart:

I had been working for a long time when my brother came.

Akam kelganida men uzoq vaqt ishlayotgan edim.

His sister had been living in London for three years when the war broke out.

Urush boshlanganda uning opasi Londonda uch yil (davomida) yashayotgan edi.

It had been raining for two hours when I left home.

Men uydan chiqqanimda yomg‘ir ikki soat davomida yog‘ayotgan edi.
2. Yuqoridagi misollarda ilgari aytib o‘tilgan vaqt ko‘rsatkichlari bo‘lmasa Past Perfect Continuous o‘rnida Past Continuous ishlatiladi:

O‘tgan zamondagi biror vaqtdan oldin boshlanib o‘sha vaqtda ham davom etayotgan ish-harakati Qancha vaqt davom etganligini ko‘rsatuvchi vaqt ko‘rsatkichi bilan/ Qancha vaqt davom etganligini ko‘rsatuvchi vaqt ko‘rsatkichi bo‘lmasa

1. I had been working for a long time when my brother came.

2. His sister had been living in London for three years when the war broke out.

3. It had been raining for two hours when I left home.

4. She had been sleeping for three hours when we returned.

I was working when my brother came.

His sister was living in London when the war broke out.

It was raining when I left home.

She was sleeping when we returned.

3. Past Perfect Continuous o‘tgan zamondagi birorta ish-harakatidan oldin boshlanib o‘sha ish-harakatdan bevosita oldin tugagan ish-harakatni ifo dalash uchun ham ishlatiladi. Gapda davom etgan vaqtni ko‘r satuvchi ko‘rsatkichlar mavjud bo‘lishi ham, mavjud bo‘lmasligi ham mumkin:

Although the sun was shining, it was still cold as it had been raining hard for two hours.

Quyosh charaqlab turgan bo‘lsa ham hali ham sovuq edi, chunki ikki soat (davomida) qattiq yomg‘ir yoqqan edi.

He felt very tired when he came home as he had been playing football. U uyga kelganida qattiq charchaganini his qildi, chunki u futbol o‘ynagan edi.

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