1. O‘tgan zamon noreal shart gaplar o‘tgan zamondagi farazni ifodalaydi va shuning uchun ham uni amalga oshirish mumkin emas. O‘tgan zamondagi noreal shart gapda ish-harakat Past Perfect zamonda, bosh gapida should (would, could, might) fe’lidan keyin Perfekt Infinitiv (Have + P.P.) keladi:
If + subject + had + P.P. + subject + should (would) could might + have + P.P.
If I had seen him yesterday, I should have asked him about it.
Agar men uni kecha ko‘rganimda edi, men undan bu haqda so‘ragan bo‘lardim.
If we hadn’t lost our way, we would have arrived sooner.
Agar biz yo‘limizni yo‘qotmaganimizda edi, biz ertaroq kelgan bo‘lardik.
He would not have caught cold if he had put on a warm coat.
Agar u issiq palto kiyganida edi, shamollamagan bo‘lar edi.
He could have done it if he had tried.
Agar harakat qilganida (urinib ko‘r ganida) u buni qila olgan bo‘lar edi.
You might have found him there if you had called at six o’clock.
Agar soat oltida kelganingizda edi, siz uni o‘sha yerdan topishingiz mumkin edi.
Ba’zan could o‘rnida should (would) + be able to yoki should (would)
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