Maxsus ta’lim vazirligi nizomiy nomidagi Toshkent davlat pedagogika universiteti qoshidagi akademik litsey Nurmatov J. N, Kudratov K. X

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Simple Past ishlatiladi:

I got up early today. Men bugun erta turdim.

He was late for the lecture today. U bugun ma’ruzaga kech qoldi.
5. Present Perfect since (biror vaqtdan hozirgacha) predlogi bilan ishlatiladi:

I haven’t heard from him since June. Men iyundan buyon u haqda eshitganim yo‘q.

He has known Mr. Bell since 1998. U mister Bellni 1998-yildan buyon taniydi (biladi).

Since bog‘lovchisi bilan bog‘langan qo‘shma gapning bosh gapida Present Perfect, ergash gapida Simple Past ishlatiladi:

I have only received two letters from him since I came back from London.

Men Londondan qaytib kelganimdan buyon undan faqat ikkita xat oldim.

I haven’t heard from him since he left Tashkent. U Toshkentdan ketganidan buyon

u haqda eshitganim yo‘q.

Since ravishi bo‘lgan gapda ham Present Perfect ishlatiladi:

He left Tashkent in 1998, and I haven’t seen him since.

6. Davom zamonda ishlatilmaydigan fe’llar bilan Present Perfect Continuous o‘rnida Present Perfect ishlatiladi:

He has been here since two o’clock. U soat ikkidan buyon shu yerda.

I have known him for three years. Men uni uch yil (davomida) taniyman.

Ba’zi fe’llar bilan ham Present Perfect ham Present Perfect Continuous ishlatilishi mumkin:

I have lived in London for five years (yoki: I have been living in London for five years). Men Londonda besh yil yashayapman.
7. after, when, as soon as, until (till), if bog‘lovchilari bilan bog‘langan payt va shart ergash gaplarda Future Perfect o‘rnida Present Perfect ishlatiladi:

I shall go to the country as soon as I have passed my examinations.

Men imtihonlarimni topshirgach qishloqqa boraman.

I’ll give you the book after I have read it. Men kitobni o‘qib bo‘lganimdan keyin uni sizga beraman.

We shall start at fi ve o’clock if it has stopped raining by that time.

Agar yomg‘ir to‘xtasa, biz beshda jo‘naymiz.

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