As there were no porters, we had to carry the luggage ourselves.
Hammollar bo‘lmaganligi sababli, biz yuklarimizni o‘zimiz ko‘tarishimizga to‘g‘ri keldi.
Since you have finished your work, you may go home.
Ishingizni tugatgan bo‘lsangiz uyingiz ga ketishingiz mumkin.
Now that he is here, he can help you.
U shu yerda ekan sizga yordam beradi.
He walked quickly for he was in a great hurry.
U tez yurdi, chunki u juda shoshilayotgan edi.
1. Natija ergash gaplar bosh gapning mazmunidan kelib chiqadigan natijani bildiradi va bosh gapga so that bog‘lovchisi yordamida bog‘lanadi.
Og‘zaki nutqda so that o‘rnida ko‘pincha so ishlatiladi:
He went to the lecture early so that (so) he got a good seat.
U yaxshi joy egallash uchun leksiyaga erta bordi.
She sat behind me so that (so) I could not see the expression on her face.
U yuzining ifodasini ko‘rmasligim uchun mening orqamga o‘tirdi.
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