MAXSUS SO‘ROQ GAPLAR 1. Maxsus so‘roq gaplar gapning biror bo‘lagiga beriladi va Who?Kim? What? Nima? Qanday? Which? Qaysi? When? Qachon? Where?Qayerda? Qayerga? Why? Nima uchun? How? Qanday? How much? Qan cha?How many? Nechta? How long? Qancha vaqt? Necha soat? kabi so‘roqso‘z lar yoki so‘zlar guruhi bilan boshlanadi.
2. Maxsus so‘roq gaplarda so‘z tartibi umumiy so‘roq gaplarnikiga o‘xshaydi, faqat gapning boshida so‘roq so‘zlar qo‘yiladi:
When,Where,Why,How,How much,How many}+{ yordamchi fe’l modal fe’l }+ ega + asosiy fe’l + va h.k.
MAXSUS SO‘ROQ GAPLARNING JAVOBLARI 1. Maxsus so‘roq gaplarga ma’no tomonidan zarur bo‘lgan barcha gap bo‘laklarini takrorlash bilan toliq javob beriladi. Bunda, odatda, otdan yasalgan gap bo‘laklari olmoshlar bilan almashtiriladi:
When did the teacher read an interesting story to the students?
He read it to them yesterday.
To whom did the teacher read an interesting story yesterday?
He read it to the students.
What did the teacher read to the students yesterday?
He read an interesting story to the students (yesterday).
What did the teacher do yesterday?
He read an interesting story to the students (yesterday).
2. Ingliz tilida ham o‘zbek tilidagidek qaysi gap bo‘lagiga savol berilgan bo‘lsa, o‘sha gap bo‘lagining o‘zi bilan ham javob berish mumkin:
When did the teacher read an interesting story to the students?
To whome did the teacher read an interesting story yesterday?