Maxsus ta’lim vazirligi nizomiy nomidagi Toshkent davlat pedagogika universiteti qoshidagi akademik litsey Nurmatov J. N, Kudratov K. X

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Most of the fl owers in the garden were planted by the schoolchildren.

Bog‘dagi gullarning ko‘plari o‘quvchilar tomonidan o‘tqazilgan edi.

Most of the gentlemen looked angry. Erkaklarning ko‘pchiligi achchig‘langan edi.
Ot umumiy ma’noda ishlatilib, aniq bo‘lmagan shaxs yoki buyumlar haqida gapirilganda, mostdan keyin kelgan ot oldida artikl ishlatilmaydi:

Most flowers smell sweet. Ko‘p gullar xushbo‘y hid beradi.


A lot of, a great deal of, a good

deal of, a great number of, a good

many, a great many ko‘p

a few bir nechta, oz

to be at a loss qiynalmoq

a little oz

at a speed of tezlikda

as a result of natijasida

at a time when vaqtda, mahalda,-da

at a time bir vaqtda, bir martada

on a large (small) scale katta (kichik) hajmda

all of a sudden to‘satdan

to go for a walk sayr qilmoq

it is a pity afsus

as a matter of fact haqiqatda

to have a good time vaqtni yaxshi o‘tkazmoq

for a short (long) time qisqa (uzoq) vaqt davomida

to have a mind — moqchi bo‘lmoq

in a loud (low) voice qattiq (past) tovushda

to be in a hurry shoshilmoq

to be in a position holatda bo‘lmoq

to have a look qaramoq

to have a cold shamollamoq

to have a headache boshi og‘rimoq

to take a seat o‘tirmoq

in the morning ertalab

in the evening kechqurun

in the afternoon tushdan keyin

in the night tunda

what is the time? Soat necha?

the day before yesterday o‘tgan kun

on the whole umuman

the other day shu kunlarda, yaqinda

to go to the theatre (the cinema,

pictures) teatrga (kinoga) bormoq

to play the piano, the violin pianino, skripka chalmoq

the day after tomorrow ertadan keyin

in the country qishloqda, dala-dashtda (shahardan tashqarida)

on the one (other) hand bir (boshqa) tomondan

to tell the time vaqtni aytmoq

to tell the truth haqiqatni aytmoq

to pass the time vaqtni o‘tkazmoq

to run the risk tavakkal qilmoq,

xavf-xatarga qo‘ymoq

on the right (left) o‘ngda (chapda)


at night tunda

by sea dengiz orqali

by day kunduzi

by land quruqlik orqali

at home uyda

by water suv orqali

at work ishda

in debt qarzga

at sunset kun botar mahal

by heart yoddan

at fi rst sihgt birinchi qarashda (ko‘rishda)

by mistake adashib, xato qilib

at peace tinch(likda)

by name nomi bilan

at war urush holatida

by order of –ning buyrug‘i bilan

by tram (by air, train, boat, bus) (poyezd, kema, avtobus) havodan (samolyotda) tramvay bilan

at table stolda (tushlikda, nonushtada, kechki ovqatda, dasturxonda degan ma’noda)

at dinner (breakfast, supper) tushlikda (nonushtada, kechki ov qatda)

by post (airmail) pochta (havo pochtasi) orqali

on deck palubada by chance tasodifan

to go to school maktabga (o‘qishga) bormoq

in demand talab katta bo‘lmoq,

on sale sotuvda

at school o‘qishda on demand talabi bilan

to go to town (yaqin) shaharga bormoq

in fact amalda

to be in town shaharda bo‘lmoq

in sight ko‘rinishda

in conclusion natijada

on board ship kema bortida

to go to bed o‘ringa yotmoq

day and night kechayu kunduz


  1. Choose the appropriate article.

What is ... longest river in the world

A) a

C) some

B) the

D) an

E) -

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

... corruption is a problem in most countries.

A) The

C) A

B) An

D) -

E) some

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

My favourite subject at school was ... physics.

A) -

C) an

B) a

D) the

E) any

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

... disabled need more help from the government.

A) -

C) The

B) A

D) An

E) Some

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

... USA consists of fifty states.

A) -

C) An

B) A

D) Some

E) The

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

... Madrid is ... capital of ... Spain.

A) - / the / the

C) - / the / -

B) The / - / the

D) - / a / -

E) The / a / the

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

When we were on holiday, we stayed at ... hotel. Sometimes we had our evening meal at ... hotel and sometimes we went to ... restaurant.

A) a / the / -

C) the / a / the

B) a / the / a

D) a / a / the

E) the / the / the

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

Do you often listen to ... modern music

A) any

C) a

B) an

D) the

E) -

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

... rouble is ... currency of ... Russia.

A) The / the / -

C) - / the / -

B) The / the / the

D) A / a / the

E) The / - / the

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

Do you know ... Browns? They are very nice people.

A) a

C) the

B) -

D) an

E) any

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

What ... lovely doll!

A) the

C) some

B) a

D) -

E) an

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

My nephew is in ... army.

A) some

C) a

B) -

D) an

E) the

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

Kate works in ... city centre.

A) -

C) the

B) some

D) a

E) an

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

I’m going away at ... end of this week.

A) the

C) an

B) a

D) some

E) -

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

We had ... supper in a very nice restaurant.

A) the

C) -

B) a

D) an

E) some

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

We watched the news on ... television.

A) -

C) an

B) a

D) the

E) some

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

We heard the news on ... radio.

A) some

C) -

B) an

D) a

E) the

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

We had ... very nice breakfast.

A) a

C) some

B) -

D) an

E) the

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

It’s late. Let’s go ... home.

A) a

C) some

B) -

D) an

E) the

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

Do you like ... Russian chocolate?

A) a

C) some

B) -

D) the

E) an

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

... yen is the currency of Japan.

A) An

C) A

B) Some

D) -

E) The

  1. Choose the appropriate articles.

Do you think ... rich should pay more taxes than... poor?

A) the/a

C) the/-

B) the/the

D) a/the

E) -/-

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

... Japanese invented many technological innovations.

A) Some

C) A

B) -

D) The

E) An

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

We called ... Professor Johnson last night.

A) a

C) an

B) the

D) -

E) some

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

... professor phoned and said, that he would come later.

A) The

C) Some

B) A

D) An

E) -

  1. Choose the appropriate articles.

We visited ... Kuwait and ... United Arab Emirates.

A) the / the

C) - / -

B) the / -

D) a / the

E) - / the

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

... Guardian is a weekly newspaper.

A) An

C) The

B) Some

D) A

E) -

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

... aerobics is my favorite sport.

A) The

C) Some

B) -

D) An

E) A

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

... police have arrested a friend of mine.

A) -

C) A

B) An

D) Some

E) The

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

Can you play ... trumpet?

A) the

C) an

B) a

D) some

E) -

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

I’d like to have ... piano.

A) some

C) a

B) -

D) the

E) an

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

Rome is ... capital of  Italy.

A) the / the

C) a / -

B) a / the

D) - / the

E) the / -

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

(in a shop) Have you got these trousers in ... size 48?

A) -

C) a

B) some

D) the

E) an

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

Our train leaves from ... 6th platform.

A) an

C) the

B) -

D) a

E) some

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

Mrs. Smith is a religious believer. She goes to ... church every Sunday.

A) a

C) the

B) -

D) an

E) some

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

Do you like ... tea?

A) a

C) the

B) an

D) -

E) some

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

Did you like ... tea we had after our meal last night?

A) some

C) a

B) -

D) the

E) an

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

You are ... very woman I need.

A) an

C) a

B) -

D) some

E) the

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

I took a seat in ... sixth row.

A) the

C) a

B) an

D) some

E) -

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

... bread is necessary for life.

A) A

C) -

B) Some

D) The

E) An

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

Bring ... salt from the kitchen.

A) a

C) an

B) the

D) any

E) -

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

She teaches ... biology at school.

A) an

C) the

B) some

D) -

E) a

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

He showed ... patience that I had never expected of him.

A) a

C) the

B) an

D) -

E) some

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

You must learn ... patience.

A) a

C) -

B) an

D) the

E) some

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

He opened the letter with ... excitement that he could not conceal.

A) the

C) -

B) some

D) a

E) an

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

This telegram caused ... excitement.

A) an

C) the

B) -

D) a

E) some

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

Our country is very rich in ... cotton.

A) an

C) -

B) some

D) the

E) a

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

... Smiths arrived from Manchester yesterday.

A) A

C) An

B) The

D) -

E) Some

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

These are such interesting ... books!

A) -

C) a

B) an

D) the

E) some

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

... salt can be obtained from sea water.

A) An

C) The

B) Some

D) -

E) A

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

Do you like ... orange juice

A) a

C) -

B) the

D) some

E) an

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

Did you like ... orange juice we had at the party last night

A) an

C) any

B) the

D) -

E) a

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

I like ... students I study with at university.

A) the

C) an

B) a

D) any

E) -

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

Do you like ... strong black tea?

A) any

C) -

B) the

D) a

E) an

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

I like studying with ... students who are lively.

A) some

C) the

B) an

D) a

E) -

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

Can you pass ... vinegar?

A) the

C) an

B) a

D) any

E) -

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

I often listen to ... music.

A) -

C) an

B) the

D) a

E) some

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

... most people like playing chess.

A) A

C) The

B) An

D) -

E) Some

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

Are you afraid of ... cats?

A) -

C) some

B) the

D) a

E) an

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

Excuse me, where is ... university?

A) a

C) an

B) the

D) -

E) some

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

When I finish school, I want to go to ... university.

A) the

C) -

B) a

D) an

E) some

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

Ted has gone to ... hospital to visit Jane. She is at the hospital now (as a visitor).

A) some

C) a

B) the

D) -

E) an

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

He didn’t go to ... work two days before.

A) a

C) some

B) an

D) the

E) -

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

They heard sports news on ... radio.

A) the

C) an

B) a

D) some

E) -

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

They watched the football match ... television.

A) a

C) -

B) some

D) an

E) the

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

We had ... dinner in a very nice restaurant.

A) an

C) -

B) some

D) the

E) a

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

What time is ... lunch?

A) an

C) a

B) the

D) some

E) -

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

Your jacket is ... same colour as mine.

A) a

C) an

B) the

D) some

E) -

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

Can you switch off ... television

A) the

C) an

B) a

D) -

E) some

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

We are having lesson in ... Room 17.

A) a

C) -

B) an

D) the

E) some

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

  • Which room are they having lesson now?

  • They are having lesson in ... 17th room.

A) an

C) a

B) some

D) -

E) the

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

There are millions of stars in ... space.

A) -

C) a

B) the

D) some

E) an

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

I tried to park my car but ... space was too small.

A) a

C) -

B) an

D) the

E) some

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

How much are those ... tomatoes?

A) an

C) a

B) the

D) -

E) some

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

My uncle is a writer. He writes ... novels.

A) -

C) the

B) some

D) an

E) a

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

Do you know ... Professor Smith?

A) a

C) the

B) some

D) an

E) -

  1. Choose the appropriate articles.

... Moscow stands on ... Moskva river.

A) A / the

C) The / a

B) - / the

D) The / the

E) - / a

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

... doctor has just been sent for.

A) An

C) -

B) Some

D) A

E) The

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

Have you ever been to ... South America?

A) a

C) -

B) an

D) the

E) some

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

When I was in Buckara I stayed ... Alimovs’.

A) a

C) -

B) an

D) the

E) some

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

... Great Britain imported cheap raw materials from its colonies.

A) -

C) A

B) The

D) An

E) Some

  1. Choose the appropriate articles.

Suddenly I felt ... sharp pain in my side. ... pain was really terrible.

A) the / a

C) the / the

B) a / a

D) a / the

E) a / -

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

I often go to ... Ilhom theatre.

A) -

C) an

B) a

D) the

E) some

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

Father has promised to buy me ... watch for my birthday.

A) a

C) the

B) an

D) any

E) -

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

Look at ... watch, what’s the time

A) any

C) a

B) -

D) the

E) an

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

Paul found ... Russian literature the most interesting subject.

A) a

C) -

B) an

D) the

E) some

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

What is on at ... Tinchlik cinema

A) an

C) -

B) some

D) a

E) the

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

... Petrov rang you up while you were absent.

A) A

C) the

B) An

D) any

E) some

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

... English are fond of tea.

A) An

C) The

B) -

D) A

E) Some

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

What letters arrived by ... yesterday’s mail

A) the

C) -

B) a

D) some

E) an

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

Have you ever been to ... Caucasus?

A) the

C) a

B) an

D) -

E) some

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

Would you like to be ... poet?

A) the

C) an

B) a

D) some

E) -

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

I have seen ... good plays recently.

A) any

C) some

B) an

D) a

E) -

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

I love ... pineapples.

A) -

C) some

B) the

D) a

E) an

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

Nick has got ... hazel eyes.

A) the

C) a

B) some

D) an

E) -

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

Most of my friends are ... students.

A) an

C) the

B) some

D) -

E) a

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

Can you turn off ... light

A) some

C) the

B) a

D) an

E) -

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

I must go to ... bank to get some money.

A) the

C) -

B) some

D) a

E) an

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

Is there ... bank here

A) the

C) -

B) a

D) an

E) some

  1. Choose the appropriate article.

This is ... most interesting book which I have ever read.

A) a

C) -

B) the

D) some

E) an

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

 flat is quite large and comfortable.

A) Some

C) A

B) -

D) An

E) The

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

Where is  book?

A) an

C) a

B) the

D) -

E) some

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

When we went out,  moon was shining.

A) the

C) -

B) any

D) a

E) an

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

 manager told you to do it at once.

A) An

C) A

B) Any

D) -

E) The

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

 woman is waiting for you.

A) An

C) The

B) A

D) Any

E) -

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

I have got  son and  daughter.

A) a / a

C) the / the

B) the / a

D) a / the

E) - / -

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

I want  double room with  bathroom.

A) the / a

C) a / an

B) - / -

D) a / the

E) a / a

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

I have bought  newspaper.

A) an

C) -

B) any

D) a

E) the

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

There is  vacant seat in the third row.

A) some

C) an

B) a

D) the

E) -

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

How many times  month do you go to the theatre?

A) an

C) a

B) -

D) the

E) any

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

Open  door, please.

A) an

C) a

B) some

D) -

E) the

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

They went into the restaurant and sat down at  table by  window.

A) the / the

C) a / the

B) a / a

D) the / a

E) - / -

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

It was very dark in  forest.

A) an

C) a

B) some

D) any

E) the

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

They are still working in  field.

A) an

C) a

B) any

D) the

E) -

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

Pass me  mustard, please.

A) the

C) -

B) an

D) a

E) any

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

This is  most responsible task of all.

A) the

C) a

B) -

D) some

E) an

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

 Japanese live on islands.

A) -

C) An

B) Any

D) Some

E) The

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

During the war she looked after  wounded.

A) -

C) a

B) an

D) the

E) any

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

I like to read  English books.

A) a

C) -

B) little

D) an

E) the

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

 Vienna is  capital of  Austria.

A) the / a / -

C) - / a / -

B) - / the / -

D) - / the / a

E) a / the / an

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

 father wants to speak to you.

A) The

C) A

B) An

D) Any

E) -

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

How old are you,  young man?

A) -

C) some

B) a

D) the

E) an

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

Can I speak to  Captain Richardson?

A) the

C) -

B) any

D) a

E) an

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

When  World War II broke out, I was in  Moscow.

A) the / -

C) - / the

B) - / -

D) the / the

E) a / a

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

You can get there in  time if you go by  train.

A) a / the

C) a / a

B) the / the

D) the / a

E) - / -

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

I have been neither to  South Africa nor to  North America.

A) the / the

C) - / -

B) - / the

D) the / -

E) a / a

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

He travelled widely throughout  United States.

A) an

C) a

B) the

D) -

E) some

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

Have you ever been to  South?

A) a

C) -

B) some

D) an

E) the

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

 old don’t always understand  young.

A) The / the

C) - / the

B) An / the

D) A / a

E) The / -

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

 last week of the month was full of events.

A) The

C) A

B) -

D) Some

E) An

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

 dog is a friend of man.

A) A

C) An

B) -

D) Any

E) The

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

What  lovely day!

A) the

C) a

B) an

D) -

E) some

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

Will you be back in  hour?

A) -

C) any

B) a

D) an

E) the

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

I like  Literature and  History, but I don’t like  Mathematics.

A) - / the / a

C) a / the / -

B) - / - / -

D) - / the / -

E) the / the / the

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

He was worried by  same problem.

A) an

C) a

B) -

D) some

E) the

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

I haven’t met  Browns since they returned from London.

A) -

C) the

B) a

D) an

E) any

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

Did you go to  Black Sea or to  Volga for your holiday?

A) the / the

C) - / the

B) - / -

D) the / a

E) a / a

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

We will go on board  Admiral Nahimov.

A) an

C) a

B) some

D) the

E) -

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

Would you like to put at  Sheraton or to  Intercontinental?

A) - / -

C) the / the

B) a / the

D) the / -

E) - / the

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

That is  third time you have trodden on my toe.

A) any

C) a

B) the

D) -

E) an

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

 quicker you are,  more likely you are to make mistakes.

A) A / a

C) The / -

B) The / a

D) The / the

E) A / an

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

His novel became  best-seller.

A) the

C) a

B) -

D) an

E) any

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

I have never won  first prize in my life.

A) -

C) an

B) a

D) the

E) some

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

You say  Shakespeare lived here. Do you mean  Shakespeare or somebody else?

A) the / the

C) the / -

B) - / -

D) - / a

E) - / the

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

He reads  New York Times regularly.

A) an

C) -

B) a

D) any

E) the

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

This is such  difficult sentence that I can’t translate it.

A) the

C) -

B) an

D) a

E) some

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

Suddenly we heard  shot, them  second and  third.

A) a / the / the

C) the / the / the

B) a / a / a

D) - / - / -

E) a / the / a

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

I’d like to say  few words.

A) -

C) the

B) any

D) an

E) a

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

Close  eye, and then  other.

A) an / the

C) one / the

B) - / -

D) an / -

E) one / -

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

I really need  cup of coffee.

A) the

C) an

B) one

D) a

E) -

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

I don’t like drinking coffee at  breakfast.

A) an

C) the

B) -

D) a

E) some

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

 dinner we had at Webster’s restaurant was marvellous.

A) The

C) A

B) Any

D) -

E) An

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

We didn’t get up until 10 o’clock and had  late breakfast.

A) the

C) an

B) -

D) a

E) some

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

I don’t like driving at  night.

A) a

C) the

B) -

D) an

E) some

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

I’ll see you again in  New Year.

A) a

C) an

B) any

D) -

E) the

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

  • You look upset.

  • Yes, I have had  terrible morning.

A) an

C) a

B) the

D) -

E) one

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

She usually stays in  bed till late at the weekend.

A) an

C) the

B) -

D) a

E) some

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

  • Have you seen my socks?

  • You left them on  bed.

A) -

C) a

B) an

D) any

E) the

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

I have bought  bed.

A) an

C) -

B) the

D) any

E) a

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

Jane plays tennis well, but she will never be  Steffi Graf.

A) an

C) a

B) the

D) -

E) some

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

 President Bush is to make a statement later today.

A) A

C) -

B) The

D) An

E) Any

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

That’s not  Stephen Fraser I went to school with.

A) the

C) an

B) a

D) -

E) any

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

I will be with you in  .

  1. one quarter of an hour

  2. a quarter of an hour

  3. a quarter of one hour

  4. a quarter of hour

  5. one quarter of and hour

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

Against her parents’ wishes, she wants to be  .

A) the journalist

C) a journalist

B) journalist

D) journalists

E) an journalist

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

This tastes lovely. What is on  ?

A) a sauce

C) sauces

B) the sauce

D) sause

E) an sauce

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

 arrived for you this morning.

A) Furniture

C) Some furniture

B) A furniture

D) Some furnitures

E) Any furniture

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

 the most popular form of fiction writing.

A) The novel is

C) the novels are

B) Novel is

D) Novels are

E) Some novel are

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

Frank works as  .

  1. a security guard at a university

  2. a security guard at university

  3. a security guard at the university

  4. security guard at a university

  5. a security guards at university

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

What have we got  ?

A) for the dinner

C) for dinner

B) for a dinner

D) to dinner

E) to a dinner

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

She is  colleague of mine.

A) a

C) the

B) one

D) -

E) an

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

Sydney is  beautiful city.

A) the

C) an

B) one

D) -

E) a

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

Sydney is  capital city of New South Wales.

A) an

C) -

B) a

D) the

E) one

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

English has become  international language.

A) a

C) one

B) -

D) the

E) an

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

English has become  international language of business.

A) an

C) a

B) the

D) -

E) one

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

A: Why did you decide to stay in this hotel?

B: It was  cheapest I could find.

A) a

C) the

B) an

D) -

E) some

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

There is  bus coming.

A) a

C) an

B) the

D) any

E) -

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

 bus is coming (=it’s the bus we are waiting for)

A) A

C) An

B) Any

D) -

E) The

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

 tree looks beautiful now that it is spring (= the tree here in the garden)

A) A

C) -

B) The

D) An

E) Some

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

There was a serious fire in  block of flats in Glasgow last night.  building was totally destroyed.

A) a / An

C) the / The

B) - / -

D) the / A

E) a / The

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

We had  good time on holiday.  hotel was comfortable, and  beach was only ten minutes away.

A) the / the / the

C) a / a / the

B) - / the / the

D) a / the / the

E) the / a / a

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

Pictures can help students learn  meaning of new words.

A) a

C) the

B) one

D) -

E) an

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

Each new word has  different meaning.

A) the

C) an

B) -

D) one

E) a

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

He suddenly heard  sound like a gunshot.

A) the

C) an

B) a

D) any

E) -

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

He was woken up by  sound of gunfire.

A) any

C) the

B) an

D) a

E) -

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

In  middle of his speech he started to cough uncontrollably.

A) a

C) an

B) -

D) the

E) some

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

Would you like to hear  good news?

A) some

C) a

B) -

D) the

E) an

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

I enjoy  pop music (= but not all)

A) -

C) the

B) some

D) a

E) an

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

I always like getting  good news (=good news in general)

A) some

C) the

B) a

D) an

E) -

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

 teachers like having long holidays (= all teachers)

A) An

C) A

B) Some

D) The

E) -

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

I like  pop music (= pop music in general)

A) a

C) -

B) an

D) the

E) one

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

We need food, medicine and  blankets. (appeal after earthquake)

A) a

C) one

B) the

D) -

E) an

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

There are  old blankets in the wardrobe. Shall I throw them out?

A) a

C) the

B) some

D) -

E) an

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

A post office is a place where you can buy  stamps.

A) a

C) an

B) the

D) some

E) -

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

I’d like  stamps, please.

A) -

C) the

B) some

D) an

E) a

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

There were  20 000 people at the protest march (= approximately)

A) the

C) an

B) a

D) -

E) some

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

Before you put them on, always check your shoes for  spiders.

A) -

C) the

B) a

D) an

E) some

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

I can smell  smoke!

A) some

C) an

B) a

D) the

E) -

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

 flowers really brighten up a room.

A) a

C) an

B) -

D) the

E) one

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

 flowers you bought me are lovely.

A) A

C) -

B) One

D) An

E) The

  1. Choose the appropriate answer.

The woman opened  gate and looked thoughtfully at  house.

A) the / -

C) a / a

B) - / the

D) the / the

E) the / a

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