HIV/AIDS is part of core business, but not first priority
National department of health (condom delivery)
Not specific on external mainstreaming
The Black Sash (Cordaid)
- activities have not been modified
- specific research on the link between social grants and HIV/AIDS
No info
Not specific on external mainstreaming
- core activities have been modified (linking sexual violence and HIV/AIDS)
- additional activities on HIV/AIDS awareness raising of school children
NISAA staff execute all activities
Not specific on external mainstreaming
- core activities have not been modified
- specific HIV/AIDS activities added to current programme (awareness raising, capacity building of HBC groups, counselling workshops for HBC givers)
No info
Process facilitated by other donor (Bread for the world)
Extra HIV/AIDS activities have been added to core programme (awareness raising, capacity building of HBC groups)
Other donor (Africa group Sweden) facilitated the process
NOVIB rejected a proposal on external mainstreaming because it was too ambitious and would change the core business
- pilot project to develop a model approach for HIV/AIDS mainstreaming within the micro finance sector
No info
- Workshop on the link between micro finances and HIV/AIDS, organised by HIVOS