Measurement of coseismic deformation by satellite geodesy

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Arnaud, A., Etude et analyse des artefacts dans la construction de l'image interférométrique, Doctoral, Inst. Polytechnique National Toulouse, 1997.

Berthier, E. (2005), Universite Paul Sabatier, Toulouse.

Catita,(2005), Faculty of Sciences, Lisbon.

Carnec, C., Interférométrie SAR Différentielle : Application à la détection et au suivi de mouvements de terrain, Doctorat de l'Université, U. Paris 7, 1996.

Chlieh, M., Etude du cycle sismique en zone de subduction par Interferometrie Radar, these doctorale, IPG Paris, prevu 2002.

Delacourt, C., Détection et analyse de mouvements de surface par interférométrie différentielle, Ph.D., Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, 1997.

Dupont, S., Génération de modèles numériques de terrain par interférométrie ROS, Doctoral, U. Nice-Sophia Antipolis, 1997.

Funinng, G. (2005), D. Phil. thesis, University of Oxford.

Gasperi, J., Etude de la déformation lithosphérique active par interférométrie radar. Application à la region de Hengill, Islande, Ph.D., Univ. P. Sabatier, 1999.

Henriot, O., Fonctionnement d'une zone transformante et de son raccord avec un rift : L'exemple de la zone transformante de Tjörnes, Islande., doctoral thesis, Université de Savoie, 2000.

Huot, E., Etude de l'évolution temporelle de phénenomènes terrestres au moyen de l'imagerie radar, Ph. D., Université de Caen, 2000.

Jonsson, S. (2002), Modeling volcano and earthquake deformation from satellite radar interferometric observations, Ph.D. thesis, 164 pp, Stanford University.

Kelfoun, K., Processus de croissance et de déstabilisation des dômes de lave du Volcan Mérapi Java Centrale, Indonésie): Modélisation des dômes, dynamique des écoulements pyroclastiques associés et surveillance par stéréo-photgrammétrie, Ph. D., Université Blaise Pascale II, 1999.

Llubes, M., Sur les marees de charges oceaniques et leur observation par gravimetrie et interferometrie radar, U Paul Sabatier, 1998.

Michel, R., Les mesures de mouvements par imagerie SAR et leur application en glaciologie et en sismotectonique, Ph.D., U. Paris XI Orsay, 1997.

Pathier, E. (2003), Apports de l’interférométrie radar différentielle à l’étude de la tectonique active de Taiwan, Ph.D. thesis, 278 pp, Universite Marne-La-Vallee, Paris.

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Wright, T. J. (2000), Crustal deformation in Turkey from Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry, D. Phil. thesis, University of Oxford.

Selected conference proceedings 1997- 2000

Buongiorno, M. F., and S. S., The Contribution of Remote Sensing Techniques to the Mitigation of Natural Risks, in International Meeting on: Contribution of Earth Sciences to the Mitigation of Natural Hazards, Rome, ITALY, 2000.

Buongiorno, M. F., and S. Stramondo, The Contribution of Remote Sensing Techniques to the Mitigation of Natural Risks, in International Meeting on: Contribution of Earth Sciences to the Mitigation of Natural Hazards, Rome, ITALY, 2000.

Deffontaines, B. et al., Preliminary interferometric results on 921 chichi earthquake (central taiwan),, in Int. Workshop on annual commemoration of Chichi earthquake, Taipei, R.O.C., Taiwan, edited by C. H. Loh, and W.-I. Liao, 105-110, 2000.

Deffontaines, B., B. Fruneau, E. Pathier, D. Raymond, C. T. Lee, J. Angelier, H. T. Wang, and J. P. Rudant, Long time SAR Interferometry for detection active ground motions: The Tainan anticline (SW Taiwan), in Taiwan Natural Mitigation,, Main Library of National Taiwan Unversity, Taipei, Taiwan, 21-29, 2000.

Deffontaines, B., J. P. Rudant, S. Wade, S. Gobert, A. Bedidi, F. B., D.-F. P., and Bailly A, Geomorphological and geological validation of Digital Terrain Models processed from spatial imagery, Applications in the Pyrennees (S France) and E Sénégal (W Africa), in ERS coll. Gothenburg., Gothenburg, Sweden, ESA, 2000.

Fielding, E., T. J. Wright, B. Parsons, P. England, P. Rosen, S. Hensley, and R. Bilham, Topography of Northwest Turkey from SAR interferometry: applications to the 1999 Izmit earthquake geomorphology and coseismic strain, in Eos Trans. AGU (Fall Meeting Supplement), San Francisco, AGU, 1999.

Fruneau, B., and F. Sarti, A method for the automatic characterization of interferometric fringes free of atmospheric artifacts : application to the study of the subsidences on the city of Paris, in Workshop Fringe 99, Liege, Belgium, ESA, 1999.

Fruneau, B., J. P. Rudant, D. Obert, and D. Raymond, Small displacements detected by SAR interferometry on the city of Paris (France), in 2nd International workshop on Retrieval of Bio-and geo-physical parameters from SAR data for land applications, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, ESA, 557-563, 1998.

Fruneau, B., J. P. Rudant, D. Obert, and D. Raymond, Small displacements detected by SAR interferometry on the city of Paris (France),, in International Geoscience and Remote Sensing symposium, Hamburg, Germany, IEEE, 1999.

Hanssen, R., and R. Klees, An empirical model for the assessment of DEM accuracy degradation due to vertical atmospheric stratification, in Second International Workshop on ERS SAR Interferometry “FRINGE99”, ESA, Liege, Belgium, 1999.

Hernandez, B., F. Cotton, M. Campillo, F. Courboulex, M. Cocco, and S. Stramondo, Rupture History of the 1997 Umbria-Marche (Central Italy) Largest Earthquakes from Inversion of GPS, SAR and Near Field Seismological Data, in American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 1999.

Hernandez, B., F. Cotton, M. Campillo, F. Courboulex, M. Cocco, S. Stramondo, and O. Scotti, Rupture history of the 1997 Umbria-Marche (central Italy) largest earthquakes from inversion of GPS, DInSAR and strong motion data, in Int. School of Geoph., 17th course - Fault interaction by stress transfer: new horizons from understanding earthquake occurrence, Erice - Sicily, ITALY, 2000.

Huot, E., and I. Herlin, A model for detecting phasimetric SAR effects coming from rainy events, in Proceedings of International Conference on Image Processing, Chicago, USA, IEEE, 1998.

Huot, E., and I. Herlin, Cropland detection with [Huot and Herlin] interferometry: A segmentation model, in Proceedings of International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP'98, Seattle, Washington, USA, IEEE, 1998.

Huot, E., I. Cohen, and I. Herlin, An unwrapping method for interferometric SAR images, in International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Munich, Germany, IEEE, 2853-2856, 1997.

Huot, E., I. Herlin, and D. Béréziat, Segmentation of temporal effects on phasimetric SAR images, in Proceedings of International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Brisbane, Australia, IAPR, 1390-1392, 1998.

Lu, Z., C. J. Wicks, D. Dzurisin, W. Thatcher, and J. Power, Studies of volcanos of Alaska by satellite radar interferometry, in ERS-ENVISAT Symposium, Goteborg, Sweden, ESA, 2000.

Rudant, J. P., N. Classeau, F. M. Le Tourneau, H. Trebossen, Guilloppe, and B. Deffontaines, Examples of SAR ERS images for development studies and up-dating existing mapping in amazonian area, in ERS/ENVISAT syposium, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2000.

Sarti, F., B. Fruneau, and T. Cunha, Isolation of atmospheric artifacts in differential interferometry for ground displacement detection : comparison of different methods, in ERS/ENVISAT syposium, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2000.

Stramondo, S. et al., Modeling Coseismic Displacements Resulting from SAR Interferometry and GPS Measurements During the 1997 Umbria-Marche Seismic Sequence, in EGS '99, The Hague, Holland, 1999.

Stramondo, S., F. Doumaz, L. Colini, and M. Anzidei, The September 26, 1997 Colfiorito ITALY, earthquakes: modeled coseismic surface displacement from SAR Interferometry and GPS, in Atti XVII Congresso GNGTS 98, Roma, ITALY, 1999.

Stramondo, S., F. R. Cinti, and S. Salvi, The August 17, 1999 Izmit earthquake: preliminary results from SAR interferometry, in Workshop on Integration of earth science research on the Turkish and Greek 1999 earthquakes and needs for future cooperative research, Istanbul, Turkey, 2000.

Stramondo, S., S. Salvi, and F. R. Cinti, The 1999 Izmit earthquake: preliminary results from SAR interferometry, in AGU 2000 Spring Meeting, Washington, USA, 2000.

Stramondo, S., S. Salvi, M. Tesauro, M. Cocco, and R. Lanari, SAR Differential Interferometry (DInSAR) applied to the 1997 Umbria-Marche seismic sequence: comparison with GPS and modeling of the coseismic displacement pattern, in FRINGE99, Liegi, Belgium, 1999.

Wright, T. J., B. E. Parsons, and E. J. Fielding, Measurement of crustal strain accumulation by satellite radar interferometry, in Eos Trans. AGU (Fall Meeting Supplement), San Francisco, AGU, 1999.

Wright, T. J., B. Parsons, J. Jackson, M. Haynes, E. Fielding, P. England, and P. Clarke, Source parameters of the 1 October 1995 Dinar (Turkey) earthquake from SAR interferometry and seismic bodywave modelling, in 2nd Int. Workshop on ERS SAR Interferometry (Fringe 99), Liege, ESA, 1999.

Wright, T. J., B. Parsons, J. Jackson, M. Haynes, E. Fielding, P. England, and P. Clarke, Source parameters of the 1 October 1995 Dinar (Turkey) earthquake from SAR interferometry and seismic bodywave modelling, in Workshop on active tectonics of Western Turkey, in memoriam to Paul L. Hancock, Istanbul, ITU, 2000.

Wright, T. J., P. England, E. Fielding, and B. Parsons, Source parameters of the 1999 Turkish earthquakes from SAR interferometry, in NATO Advanced Research Seminar, Istanbul: Integration of earth sciences research on the 1999 Turkish and Greek earthquakes and needs for future cooperative research, Istanbul, NATO, 2000.

Wright, T. J., P. England, E. Fielding, and B. Parsons, Using InSAR to determine earthquake source parameters -- The 17 August 1999 Izmit (Turkey) earthquake, in 2nd Int. Workshop on ERS SAR Interferometry (Fringe 99), Liege, ESA, 1999.

Wright, T. J., P. England, E. Fielding, M. Haynes, and B. Parsons, Source parameters of the 17 August 1999 Izmit Earthquake from SAR interferometry, in Eos Trans. AGU (Fall Meeting Supplement), San Francisco, AGU, 1999.

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