Mechanical Engineering

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Information Guide for
Of Prospective Students

in the
Mechanical Engineering Department

Kate Gleason College of Engineering

Rochester Institute of Technology

Mechanical Engineering Department

76 Lomb Memorial Drive

Kate Gleason College of Engineering

Rochester Institute of Technology

Rochester NY 14623-5604

Voice/tty (585) 475-5181

Fax (585) 475-7710

Updated August, 2010

R∙I∙T Rochester Institute of Technology

Department of Mechanical Engineering

James E. Gleason Building

76 Lomb Memorial Drive

Rochester, New York 14623-5604

Voice/TTY 585-475-2163

Fax 585-475-7710

Dear Parent,
Thank you for working with your son or daughter as they go through the process of selecting a university and a program of study. I realize that the process is time consuming, can be frustrating at times, and is also full of opportunity, and trepidation. I hope that this information guide will help to answer the questions that you may have, and facilitate discussion about career choices and college selection with your child. Your child – a young man or woman – is trying to make one of the most important decisions that they have been faced with up to this point.

Rochester Institute of Technology offers a unique educational experience, one that we feel is of high quality, and embraces certain core philosophies. Only your son or daughter can decide if these core philosophies are in line with their own goals and aspirations. Here in mechanical engineering, we believe that individuals learn to become engineers by practicing engineering – not just by talking about it.

As a result, the first cornerstone of our educational program is our mandatory co-operative education program. Through this program, students completing the five year Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical engineering will complete a full four years of academic study, complemented by one equivalent year of full-time practical experience.

The second cornerstone of our educational program is our focus on career-oriented education. Our program seeks to be a leader in higher education in preparing our mechanical engineering students for successful careers in a global society. We believe that our graduates must possess technical strength in their chosen discipline, and be able to work with individuals from other disciplines in an effective manner.

The educational objectives of our Bachelor of Science degree program in Mechanical Engineering at Rochester Institute of Technology are to prepare all of our graduates to:

  1. Apply fundamental knowledge, skills, and tools of mechanical engineering,

  2. Practice mechanical engineering in support of the design of engineered systems,

  3. Accept the professional and ethical responsibilities to function as an engineer,

  4. Contribute and communicate effectively within and across teams,

  5. Continue their development as lifelong learners,

  6. Possess a broad education and knowledge of contemporary issues,

and, to prepare some of our graduates to:

  1. Work as engineers in aerospace and automotive industries,

  2. Enter graduate programs and succeed in obtaining graduate degrees at the Master’s and/or Ph.D. level.

The ME Department achieves these objectives by:

  • Integrating cooperative education into the program for all students,

  • Providing a strong foundation in mathematics and science with a balance between liberal studies and technical courses,

  • Establishing balance between the engineering science, an appropriate computational experience, experimental work, and engineering design components of the program,

  • Incorporating a strong laboratory component in the program with outstanding laboratory facilities,

  • Having a diverse faculty committed to engineering education,

  • Providing program options for students to customize their program of study,

  • Making available combined BS and Masters options to academically stronger students. This option allows a student to complete the requirements of both a BS degree and a Master of Science or a Master of Engineering degree in a five-year period.

We seek to engage and motivate our students through stimulating and collaborative experiences. Our mission is to provide technology-based educational programs for personal and professional development. We rigorously pursue new and emerging career areas. As one example of this process of continuous improvement, we have recently launched two new options, the “Bioengineering Option” and the “Energy and the Environment Option” to complement our existing “Aerospace Engineering Option” and our “Automotive Engineering Option.” We have lots to share with you, and I welcome you to read this guidebook to learn more about our academic programs, co-curricular offerings, and campus life at RIT.

We hope that this guidebook will provide you with the information that you need as you help your son or daughter through their decision process. Thank you for considering RIT, and best wishes on your college search!


Edward C. Hensel

Professor and Department Head

Table of Contents

Voice/tty (585) 475-5181 1

and, to prepare some of our graduates to: 2

The Kate Gleason College of Engineering 5

Facts & Figures about the KGCOE 5

Rankings 5

About Kate Gleason 5

The Department of Mechanical Engineering 7

Facts & Figures about the Mechanical Engineering Department 8

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering 8

Undergraduate Student Admissions 9

Undergraduate Student Advising, and Mentoring 10

Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate Program Options 13

Bioengineering Option 13

Energy and the Environment Option 13

Aerospace Engineering Option 14

Automotive Engineering Option 14

Dual Degree Program Option 14

The Cooperative Education Program in Mechanical Engineering 15

Student Organizations in Mechanical Engineering 16

Formula SAE Autosports Competition Team 16

Aero Design Team 17

Human Powered Vehicle Competition Team 17

FIRST Robotics Team 18

American Society of Mechanical Engineers 18

Society of Automotive Engineers 18

Society of Women Engineers 18

Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers 18

National Society of Black Engineers 18

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 19

Pi Tau Sigma 19

ME Student Advisory Committee 19

Tau Beta Pi 19

Student Support Services 19

Engineering Learning Center 19

Academic Support Center 20

Campus Ministries 20

Campus Safety 20

Counseling Center 20

Disabled Students’ Services [Office of Special Services] 20

Minority Engineering Program 20

Mechanical Engineering Graduate Programs 21

Mechanical Engineering Research Programs 22

The Mechanical Engineering Department Staff 23

Mechanical Engineering Department Faculty 23

Recent Employers of Mechanical Engineering Students 25

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