Equipment Registration of Coaxial Cable Home Networking (“CCHN”)3 Equipment
IMDA introduces CCHN Regulatory Framework governing the sale and use of CCHN Equipment. IMDA publishes the Code of Practice for the Provisioning of Coaxial Cable Home Networking Solutions (the “Code”) in conjunction with the Technical Specification for CCHN (IMDA TS CCHN) which sets out the technical requirements for equipment recommended for the coaxial cable home networking solution.
Equipment suppliers/dealers dealing in CCHN Equipment are required to ensure that the equipment complies with the technical requirements set out in the IMDA Technical Specification for Coaxial Cable Home Networking (IMDA TS CCHN), and register the equipment under the SER scheme before such equipment is sold for use in Singapore.
In addition, equipment suppliers/dealers shall comply with the applicable provisions set out in the “Code of Practice for the Provisioning of Coaxial Cable Home Networking Solutions” which include:
Dealers that are dealing in CCHN Equipment shall not sell or let for hire CCHN Equipment to any person who is not a recognised telecommunication licensee 4in Singapore, except where approved by IMDA.
3 CCHN is one option for home networking solution that would tap on existing coaxial cables in homes to transmit data within the homes by installing coaxial adaptors and isolation filters (collectively known as the “CCHN Equipment”)
4 Recognised telecommunication licensee refers to Facilities-based Licensee or a Service-based Licensee to which IMDA has granted a Facilities-Based Operations licence or Services-Based Operations licence under section 5 of the Telecommunications Act