Part-time training
Trainees who have been given approval to undertake training for a period at less than full-time during the year of data collection.
Examination outcome
The total number of trainees who have sat an examination and the number who have sat and passed the examination.
Data excludes examination results from overseas medical practitioners wishing to practise in Australia.
Examination results for international medical graduates who have been assessed as being partially comparable are not to be included.
Examination name
This refers to the name of the college training programs for which vocational trainees are being examined as part of their medical college training requirements.
Rural pathway
Rural Pathway registrars undertake their training in rural and remote areas. These areas were previously defined as Rural, Remote and Metropolitan Area (RRMA) classification areas 3-7.
Since 1 January 2010 rural areas have been defined using the Australian Standard Geographical Classification – Remoteness Area (ASGC-RA) as Remoteness Areas 2-5.
New fellow
A fellow who has been admitted to the medical college in the specified year. This includes trainees who have completed their training in Australia or overseas.
A medical practitioner, who has been granted fellowship of the medical college through completion of a college training program or by other mechanisms.
This includes active fellows who have been trained overseas and who either successfully completed assessment or were exempted from assessments for admission into the college.
It excludes those who hold life membership by virtue of their age and those who are retired.
Substantially comparable
Medical colleges assess overseas trained specialists to determine whether they meet Australian standards to practise their specialty within Australia.
Overseas trained specialists who are assessed as substantially comparable are eligible to become fellows of the relevant medical college without further examination but may require a period of up to 12 months oversight and peer review prior to admission to Fellowship.