Postgraduate training undertaken by junior doctors who enter the medical workforce.
Postgraduate Year 1 (PGY1)
The year of supervised clinical training completed by graduates of an Australian Medical Council (AMC) accredited medical school. This is also known as the intern year.
Rural area
Rural area classification as RA2 to RA5 under the Australian Standard Geographical Classification – Remoteness Areas
(ASGC-RA) system.
New rural area classification as MM3 to MM7 under the Modified Monash Model introduced in early 2015.
Rural internship
Rural internship is a type of internship when all or majority of it is undertaken in an RA2-RA5 hospital and MM3-MM7 hospital.
Rotational positions
Rotational positions are the rural based intern positions that are filled on rotation by doctors from a metropolitan hospital.
Postgraduate Year 2 (PGY2)
The year of structured supervised clinical training placements, commenced once medical practitioners have completed their internship and gained general medical registration.