National Strategic Framework for Rural and Remote Health
The National Strategic Framework for Rural and Remote Health has been developed through collaboration between the Commonwealth, and State and the Northern Territory governments by the Rural Health Standing Committee. It presents a national strategic vision for health care for Australians living in regional, rural and remote areas.
The Framework recognises the unique challenges of providing health care in rural and remote Australia and the importance to all Australians of providing timely access to quality and safe health care services, no matter where they live.
Significant consultation was undertaken across all jurisdictions with policy makers, peak bodies, such as the National Rural Health Alliance, and a wide range of other rural stakeholder groups to inform development of the Framework. The time, input and advice of all involved is acknowledged and appreciated.
The Framework is intended for use by all engaged in the planning, funding and delivering of health services in regional, rural and remote Australia – governments, communities, local health service providers, advocacy and community groups and members of the public. It aims to identify the systemic issues that most require attention to improve health outcomes for rural and remote Australians, such as access; appropriate models of care; a sustainable workforce; the development of collaborative partnerships; and, governance approaches, ensuring that differences between health services and communities are respected and without impeding local planning.
The Framework will provide continuity of strategy development and provide the foundation to support a nationally coordinated approach to effective service delivery, whilst enabling flexibility to recognise local circumstances.
The National Strategic Framework for Rural and Remote Health was endorsed by the Standing Council on Health at their meeting on 11 November 2011. The Rural Health Standing Committee will continue to promote and use the Framework to support policy development; health care planning; and, program delivery in the changing landscape of Australian health care in the years to come.
Dr Kim Hames MLA
Council on Health
Foreword 2
Executive summary 4
Purpose and scope 4
Why a Framework for Rural and Remote Health? 5
The National Strategic Framework for Rural and Remote Health 5
Vision 5
Goals 5
Outcome areas 6
The rural context 6
Box 1: Classifying ‘remoteness’ 7
Health services 10
Rural and Remote Hospitals 11
Health status 13
Box 2: Rurality, distance and prevalence link to health outcomes 13
Mental health 13
Dental health 13
Box 3: Closing the Gap targets 15
Determinants of health 16
Remoteness 16
The rural and remote challenge for health service delivery 16
Rural and remote health service delivery is not the same 17
The policy context 18
Developing the National Strategic Framework 18
Where does this Framework fit with other health policies and plans? 19
Box 4: National Health Reform 19
National Strategic Framework for Rural and Remote Health 21
Vision 21
Goals 21
Principles 22
Key outcome areas 22
Outcome area 1: Access 23
Introduction 23
Meeting community needs – the Central Highlands Community Health Centre, Ouse (Tasmania) 24
Using technology to improve access to services 25
Outcome area 1: Access 26
Outcome area 2: Service models and models of care 27
Introduction 27
Multipurpose Service Program 27
Networking Cancer Services - CanNET (Western Australia) 28
Outcome area 2: Service models and models of care 29
Outcome area 3: Health workforce 30
Introduction 30
Rural Workforce Incentives (National) 30
Recruiting the right workforce 31
Retaining rural and remote health professionals 32
Rural Generalist Medicine (Queensland) 33
Remote Area Nursing Emergency Guidelines and Training (Victoria) 33
Outcome area 3: Health workforce 34
Outcome area 4: Collaborative partnerships and planning 35
Introduction 35
Enhancing health services in the Pilbara (Western Australia) 36
Local planning 36
Implementation of the Strategy for Planning Country Health Services (South Australia) 36
Building partnerships for healthier communities 37
Healthy partnerships in the Ntaria Aboriginal Community (Northern Territory) 38
Collaborative development of primary health care clinical guidelines (Queensland) 38
Outcome area 4: Collaborative partnerships and planning 39
Outcome area 5: Strong leadership, governance, transparency and performance 40
Introduction 40
Supporting Clinical Governance (Queensland) 41
Credentialing and Scope of Practice for Rural and Remote Districts 41
Continuous Quality Improvement in Primary Health Care 41
Improving accountability and performance 41
Aboriginal Health Key Performance Indicators (Northern Territory) 42
Outcome area 5: Strong leadership, governance, transparency and performance 43
Glossary of key terms 44
References 47
Appendix A: Consultation participation 49
Workshop schedule 49
Participating Stakeholder Organisations: 49
Queensland 49
Victoria 50
New South Wales 51
South Australia 51
Tasmania 52
Australian Capital Territory 53
Northern Territory 53
Western Australia 54
Interviews: 54
Written submissions received: 56