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Data on the Generation and Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Other wastes in 2003 (as reported)


(in metric tons)


Amount of hazardous wastes generated under Art. 1(1)a (Annex I: Y1-Y45) of BC

Amount of hazardous wastes generated under Art. 1(1)b of BC

Total amount of hazardous wastes generated

Not reported

Amount of other wastes generated (Annex II: Y46-Y47)
Not reported


Amount of hazardous wastes exported
Not reported

Amount of other wastes exported

Not reported


Amount of hazardous wastes imported

Not reported

Amount of other wastes imported

Not reported

Basel Convention 2002
Country Fact Sheet 2003


Status of Ratifications:

Party to the Basel Convention:

09.05.1994 (a)

Amendment to the Basel Convention:


Basel protocol on Liability and Compensation:

(Accession (a); Acceptance (A); Approval (AA); Formal confirmation (c); Ratification; Succession (d))

Competent Authority

Focal Point

Ministry of Environmental Protection, Physical Planning and Construction

Ulica Republike Austrije 20, 10000 Zagreb


Telephone: (385 1) 378 24 45

Telefax: (385 1) 378 25 555


Ministry of Environmental Protection, Physical Planning and Construction

Ulica Republike Austrije 14, 10000 Zagreb


Telephone: (385 1) 378 21 11

Telefax: (385 1) 378 21 57

E-Mail: or    

National Definition

National definition of waste used for the purpose of transboundary movements of waste exists in Croatia.

The national definition of waste is in accordance with Article 2 of the Waste Act, Official Gazette, No. 178/04. Pursuant to this Law, Waste means any substance or object determined by categories of waste by means of prescribed secondary legislation pursuant to this Act, which the holder discards, intends to or must discard.

According to the Art 3. of the new Regulation on the Categories, Types and Classification of waste with the Waste Catalogue and the List of the Hazardous Waste (Official Gazette 50/05) hazardous waste is:
(4) Hazardous waste means waste determined by categories (generic types) and composition, and must display one or more of the properties established in the Hazardous Waste List.
(5) The Hazardous Waste List forms an integral part of this Regulation and it consists of:

-Annex I to this Regulation establishing the categories or generic types of hazardous wastes as composed according to their nature or the activity which generated them, and

-Annex II to this Regulation establishing the waste properties which render wastes hazardous to human health and the environment.


(6) Hazardous waste is also any other waste which displays one of the properties listed in Annex II to this Regulation or is mixed with waste listed in Annex I to this Regulation.

It is noted that Annex 1.B. and 2. (equal to the Annex I.B and Annex II. of the EU Directive) of the Croatian Regulation are different from Annex I. and Annex III: of the Basel Convention and contain additional wastes as follows:
ANNEX 1.B. (of the Croatian Regulation)
Wastes which contain any of the constituents listed in item 2. of the Annex I. and having any of the properties listed in Annex II and consisting of:
19. animal or vegetable soaps, fats, waxes;
21. inorganic substances without metals or metal compounds;
22. ashes and/or cinders;
23. soil, sand, clay including dredging spoils;
24. non-cyanidic tempering salts;
25. metallic dust, powder;
26. spent catalyst materials;
27. liquids or sludges containing metals or metal compounds;
28. residue from pollution control operations (e.g. baghouse dusts, etc.)

29. scrubber sludges;

30. sludges from water purification plants;
31. decarbonization residue;
32. ion-exchange column residue;
33. sewage sludges, untreated or unsuitable for use in agriculture;
34. residue from cleaning of tanks and/or equipment;
35. contaminated equipment;
36. contaminated containers (e.g. packaging, gas cylinders, etc.) whose contents included one or more of the constituents listed in Annex II;
37. batteries and other electrical cells;
38. vegetable oils;
39. materials resulting from selective waste collections from households and which exhibit any of the characteristics listed in Annex III;
40. any other wastes
2. Waste components referred to in item 1.B. rendering wastes hazardous if they have features listed in Annex II.:
C2 vanadium compounds;
C4 cobalt compounds;
C5 nickel compounds;
C10 silver compounds;
C12 tin compounds;

C15 barium compounds;

C19 inorganic sulphides;

C22 lithium, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium in uncombined form;

C28 peroxides;

C29 chlorates;

C30 perchlorates;

C31 azides;

C35 infectious substances (partly covered by BC)

C36 creosotes (partly covered by BC)

C37 isocyanates; thiocyanates;

C43 aromatic compounds; polycyclic and heterocyclic organic compounds

C44 aliphatic amines;

C45 aromatic amines

C48 sulphur organic compounds;

C51 other hydrocarbons and their oxygen; nitrogen and/or sulphur compounds

Annex II.
List of Hazardous waste
Properties of waste which rather them hazardous
H1 – “Explosive”: substances and preparation which may explode under the effect of flame or which are more sensitive to shocks or friction than dinitrobenzene

H2 – “Oidising”: substances and preparations which exhibit highly exothermic reactions when ion contact with other substances, particularly flammable substances.

H3-A – “Highly flammable”:

- liquid substances and preparations having a flash point below 21° C (including extremely flammable liquids), or

- substances and preparations which may become hot and finally catch fire in contact with air at ambient temperature without any application of energy, or

- solid substances and preparation which may readily catch fire after brief contact with a source of ignition and which continue to burn or to be consumed after removal of the source of ignition, or

- gaseous substances and preparation which are flammable in air at normal pressure, or

- substances and preparation which, in contact with water or damp air, evolve highly flammable gases in dangerous quantities.

H3 - B – “Flammable”: liquid substances and preparations having a flash point equal to a greater than 21° C and less than or equal to 55° C
H4 – “Irritating": non-corrosive substances and preparations which, through immediate, prolonged or repeated contact with the skin or mucous membrane, can cause inflammation.

Waste is an irritant:

- if it is composed more than 10 % of one or more substances classified as irritants

with the designation R41, or

- if it is composed more than 20 % of one or more substances classified as irritants

with the designation R36, R37 or R38 according to regulations in the area of chemicals.

H5 –“Harmful”: substances and preparation which, if they are inhaled or ingested or if they penetrate the skin, may involve limited health risk.

Waste is harmful to human health if it is composed more than 25 % of one or more substances classified as harmful to health according to regulations in the area of chemicals.

H6 – “Toxic”: substances and preparation (including very toxic substances and preparation) which, if they are inhaled or ingested or if they penetrate the skin, may involve serious, acute or chronic health risk and even death.

Waste is toxic:

- if it is composed more than 0.1 % of one or more substances classified as very toxic,


- if it is composed more than 3 % of one or more substances classified as toxic according to regulations in the area of chemicals.

H7 – “Carcinogenic”: substances and preparation which, if they are inhaled or ingested or if they penetrate the skin, may induce cancer or increase its incidence.

Waste is carcinogenic:

- if it is composed more than 0.1 % of one or more substances classified as carcinogenic of the first or second category according to regulations in the area of chemicals.

- if it is composed more than 1 % of one or more substances classified as carcinogenic of the third category according to regulations in the area of chemicals.

H8 – “Corrosive”: substances and preparations which may destroy living tissue on contact

Waste is corrosive:

- if it is composed more than 1 % of one or more substances classified as corrosive with the designation R35, or

- if it is composed more than 5 % of one or more substances classified as corrosive with the designation R34 according to regulations in the area of chemicals.

H9 – “Infectious”: substances containing viable micro-organisms or their toxins which are known or reliably believed to cause disease in man or other living organisms.
H10 – “Toxic for reproduction (teratogenic)”: substances and preparations which, if they are inhaled or ingested or if they penetrate the skin, may induce non-hereditary congenital malformations or increase their incidence.
Waste is toxic for reproduction (teratogenic) if:
- if it is composed to 0.5 % or more of a substances toxic for reproduction classified in the first or second categories of reproductive poisons with the designation R60 or R61 according to regulations in the area of chemicals or

-if it is composed to 5 % or more substances toxic for reproduction classified in the third categories of reproductive poisons with the designation R62 or R613 according to regulations in the area of chemicals.

H11 – “Mutagenic”: substances and preparations if they are inhaled or ingested or if they penetrate the skin, may induce hereditary genetic defects or increase their incidence.
Waste is mutagenic if
-if it is composed to 0.1 % or more of a mutagenic substances classified in the first or second category of mutagenic substances with the designation R46 or

-it is composed to 1 % or more of a mutagenic substances classified in the third category of substances with the designation R40 according to regulations in the area of chemicals.

H12 – Substances and preparation which release toxic or very toxic gases in contact with air, water or acid and the content of free sulphide and cyanide exceeds the following values:

Sulphide - free 10,000 mg/kg of dry matter

Cyanide - free 1,000 mg/kg of dry matter
H13 - Substances and preparation capable by any means, after disposal, of yielding another substances , e.g. a leachate, which possess one of the properties of the preceding points of this table (H1-H12)
1. Waste has the property of H13, if the values of the parameters of the waste exceed

the following values:

Mercury 20 mg/kg of dry matter 1)

Arsenic 2),3)) 5,000 mg/kg of dry matter

Lead 2),3) 10,000 mg/kg of dry matter

Cadmium 2),3) 5,000 mg/kg of dry matter

PAO 100 mg/kg of dry matter

PCB 100 mg/kg of dry matter

PCDD/PCDF 10,000 ng TE/kg of dry matter

POX 1,000 mg/kg of dry matter

Total hydrocarbons: 20,000 mg/kg of dry matter 5)

BTX 500 mg/kg of dry matter

Phenols 10,000 mg/kg of dry matter
1) for solidified waste containing insoluble sulphide, the limit value is 3,000 mg/kg of dry matter

2) does not apply to silicated waste

3) does not apply to stable alloys

5) does not apply to asphalt and bitumen

2. Waste has the property of H13 if the values of the parameters of the leachate or, in

the case of liquid waste the content in the waste, exceed the following values:

Drying residue 10,000 mg/l 1)

pH value: 6-13 2)

Antimony: 5 mg/l

Arsenic: 5 mg/l

Copper: 10 mg/l

Barium: 50 mg/l

Beryllium: 0.5 mg/l

Boron: 100 mg/l

Zinc: 100 mg/l

Cadmium: 0.5mg/l

Cobalt: 10 mg/l

Tin: 100 mg/l

Total chromium: 50 mg/l

Hexavalent chromium: 2 mg/l

Nickel: 50 mg/l

Total selenium and tellurium: 5 mg/l

Silver: 5 mg/l

Lead: 10 mg/l

Thallium: 2 mg/l

Vanadium: 20 mg/l

Mercury: 0.05 mg/l

Ammonium nitrate: 1,000 mg/l

Nitrites: 30 mg/l

Total cyanide: 20 mg/l

Cyanide-free: 2 mg/l

Sulphides: 20 mg/l

Fluorides: 50 mg/l

Total hydrocarbons: 100 mg/l 3), 4)

PAO: 0.05 mg/l 4)

AOX: 10 mg/l

Phenols: 100 mg/l

1) value for liquid waste is 30,000 mg/l

2) value for liquid waste is 2-11.5

3) for ground polluted by oil and waste in the extraction of crude oil the value in

leachate is 5 mg/l

4) centrifuged leachate
H 14 – “Ecotoxic” substances and preparations which present or may present immediate or delayed risk one or more sectors of the environment.


Restrictions on Transboundary Movement

Amendment to the Basel Convention

The amendment to the Basel Convention (Decision III/1) has been implemented in Croatia.

In practice the amendment to the Basel Convention (decision III/I) has been implemented by order of Article 47/1 of the Waste Act, Official Gazette, No. 178/04 where by it is prohibited to import hazardous waste.

Restrictions on export for final disposal and for recovery

Croatia restricts the export of hazardous wastes and other wastes for final disposal and for recovery.

Croatia restricts the export of hazardous wastes and other wastes for final disposal and for recovery by the orders of Articles 50 and 51. of the Waste Act, Official Gazette, No. 178/04 as follows:

Article 50(1) For the export of hazardous waste, the person doing the exporting must obtain the decision prescribed by this Act.

(2) Export referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be permitted to a person registered for carrying out one of the hazardous waste management activities (hereinafter referred to as: the exporter), at the person’s request, if the following requirements are met:

  1. authorisation for import is granted by the state importing the hazardous waste,

  2. the exporter provides a written statement on the type, quantity, composition and origin of hazardous waste, as well as on the reasons for export,

  3. a contract is concluded between the exporter and importer of hazardous waste,

  4. authorisation is issued by the states through which the hazardous waste will transit on its way to the final destination or no written declaration has been issued by the transit state within 60 days from the day of receiving the notification on the intended transboundary transport of hazardous waste,

  5. data is provided on the tariff number, hazardous waste key number , the mode of transport, the border crossing for export,

  6. a document notifying the intended transboundary transport of waste is enclosed – Notification in accordance with the Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal,

  7. the exporter has an appropriate insurance policy or bank guarantee for the amount necessary to cover the costs of the hazardous waste treatment without posing a risk to the environment,

  8. the exporter has an appropriate insurance policy or bank guarantee for the amount necessary to cover the remediation costs in case of an accident.

. Article 51: (1) The Ministry shall decide on the request to export hazardous waste. The decision shall also determine the period for which the decision is valid.

(2) The exporter shall submit a report to the Ministry on the exported quantities and types of hazardous waste by 31 March of the current year, for the previous year.

(3) An appeal shall not be permitted against the decision referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, but an administrative dispute may be instituted.

Restrictions on import for final disposal and for recovery

Croatia prohibits the import of hazardous wastes and other wastes for final disposal and for recovery.

Special conditions for the import of non hazardous waste are prescribed by the orders of Articles 47. and 48. of the Waste Act, Official Gazette, No. 178/04 as follows: Article 47: (1) Import of hazardous waste shall be prohibited.

(2) Import of waste for the purpose of landfilling and use for energy purposes shall be prohibited.

(3) Import of non-hazardous waste that can be recovered in accordance with this Act shall be permitted..

Article 39: Import of non-hazardous shall be permitted to the person registered for import activities (hereinafter referred to as: the importer) at the person’s request, if the following requirements are met:

  1. a contract is concluded between the waste importer and the person exporting waste,

  2. a contract is concluded between the waste importer and the person who is performing recovery and/or treatment of waste,

  3. the waste importer has a statement from the person exporting waste on the type, quantity, composition and origin of waste, as well as on the technology through which it was generated, and on the reasons for its export,

  4. the waste importer has evidence that the person responsible for the recovery and/or treatment of waste has an available technological plant for treating waste which does not present any hazard to the environment (possesses a licence in accordance with Article 41 paragraph 1 of this Act).

  5. the waste importer encloses a statement from the person responsible for the recovery and/or treatment of the imported waste on the type of waste that is to be produced by means of treatment or recovery of the imported waste and on the method of its disposal,

  6. data is provided on the waste tariff number , the waste key number , the mode of transport and the border crossing for import.

The restriction covers all countries and regions.

Restrictions on transit

Croatia restricts the transit of hazardous wastes and other wastes.

Article 52 of the Waste Act, Official Gazette, No. 178/04 as follows:

(1) Transit of hazardous waste in the territory of the Republic of Croatia may be performed by a person who is registered for performing the activity, under the condition that the person obtains the decision prescribed by this Act.

(2) The Ministry shall issue a decision on the transit of hazardous waste at the request of the person doing the transiting.

(3) The decision referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article shall be issued if the person doing the transiting meets the requirements for the export of hazardous waste in an appropriate manner as prescribed by Article 50 of this Act..

The restriction covers all countries and regions.
Due to New Acts on Waste (Official Gazette, No. 151/03 and 178/04) which have been put in force after 2003 transit of non – hazardous waste is approved without any permit.

Reduction and/or Elimination of Hazardous Waste Generation

National strategies/policies

The National strategies on waste being prepared contain the instruments for the reduction/or elimination of the amount of generated hazardous wastes and other wastes.

Legislation, regulations and guidelines

  • Environmental Protection Act
    Published in OG No.82/94, 128/99.

The present Law regulates environmental protection, with a view to preserving the environment, reducing risks to human health and lives, ensuring and improving the quality of life, to the benefit of both present and future generations.. Environmental protection ensures integrated preservation of environmental quality, protection of natural communities, rational use of natural resources end energy in the environmentally soundest manner, as basic conditions for a healthy and sustainable development.

  • National Waste Management Strategy (OG No. 130/05)

The Strategy regulates the management of different types of waste on the territory of the RC, from its generation to final disposal, with a basic aim of achieving and maintaining of an integrated waste management system which will be organized in line with contemporary European requirements and standards. The purpose of an integrated waste management system is to maximally avoid, i.e. reduce the generation of waste, to minimize the adverse impact of waste on the environment, climate and human health, and to harmonize the entire waste management with the principles of sustainable development.

The Strategy includes, in particular:

- Assessment of current sitaution in the field of waste management;

- Basic objectives and measures for waste management;

- Measures for the management of hazardous waste;

- Guidelines for recovery and disposal of waste.

  • Waste Act, (OG No. 178/04) Article 5: The objectives of waste management are:

1. avoiding and reducing the generation of waste and reducing the hazardous properties of waste, particularly through:

  • the development of clean technologies that exploit less natural resources,

  • technical development and promotion of products that do not contribute or minimally contribute to the increase of adverse effects of waste and the risk of pollution,

  • the development of appropriate methods for the disposal of hazardous substances contained in waste intended for recovery,

2. waste recovery through recycling, reuse or reclamation, or through some other procedure that allows separating secondary raw materials, or use of waste for energy purposes,

3. waste disposal in the prescribed manner,

4. remediation of environment polluted by waste.

  • . Regualtion on Requirements  for Handling Hazardous Waste (OG No. 32/98)

  • Ordinance on Packaging and Packaging Waste (OG No. 97/05)

  • Ordinance on Requirements for Handling Waste (OG No.123/97, 112/01)

  • Ordinance on Waste Types (OG No. 27/96)

  • Ordinance on the List of Legal and Natural Persons Carrying Out the Activity of Export of Non-Hazardous Waste (OG No. 1/04)

  • Regulation on Categories, Types and Classification of Waste with a Waste Catalogue and List of Hazardous Waste (OG No.50/05)

Economic instruments/ initiatives

An eco-labeling procedure has been established throught the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund.

Measures taken by industries/waste generators

Certain facilities have established HSE program and ISO 14000 System Quality Control on a voluntary basis.

Transboundary Movement Reduction Measures

National strategies/policies

The National Waste Management Strategy contains basic objectives and measures for development of the Waste Management in Republic of Croatia..

Legislation, regulations and guidelines

The export of waste that can be treated in the territory of the Republic of Croatia in an environmentally sound manner is in accordance with Article 4/9 of the Law on ratification of Convention on Control of Transboundary Movement of Hazardous waste and Its Disposal, Official Gazette, No. 3/94.


Recovery Facilities

Disposal facilities

Information could be obtained from the Focal Point and Croatian Environmental Agency. The authorized facilities treat hazardous wastes generated in the territory of Croatia.

Address of Croatian Environmental Agency is Trg marsala Tita 8, 10000 Zagreb, tel.: +385 1 4886 840, fax: +385 1 4886 850

Bilateral, Multilateral or Regional Agreements

No agreements.

Technical Assistance and Training Available

Information could be obtained from the Focal Point and Croatian Environmental Agency.

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