(Received November 7, 2016 – Approved March 16, 2017)
ABSTRACT. Purpose of the study is to examine the relationship
between the policies carried out in Turkey between the years 1923-2014
regarding transition between grades and the rates of transition between
grades and student flow rates. Transition between grades has been one
of the most important issues of the education system especially for the
last thirty years. Today, the transition examinations for secondary
education and higher education have become a crisis exhibiting its
effects in social, political, and economical areas. The study employed
one of the mixed method designs, convergent parallel research method;
and quantitative and qualitative data were collected synchronously.
Quantitative data were analyzed by computing the rates of transition
between grades and the student flow rates; and qualitative data were
analyzed using descriptive and content analysis techniques. Rates of
transition between grades and the student flow rates were grouped
under six periods between the years 1923 and 2014, and evaluated by
associating with the policies of transition between grades. It was found
from the study that the changes between the rates of transition between
grades were inconsistent while the student flow rates started increasing
especially with the planned development period. Methods employed in
the transition between grades in the period examined in the study
underwent changes particularly due to the increase in the demand for
Keywords: Turkish Education System
, Educational Planning,
Transition Between Grades
, Student Flow, Formal Education
Ass. Prof. Dr. Gaziosmanpaşa University Faculty of Education erdal.kucuker@gop.edu.tr
Orcid Number:
Ankara University, Journal of Faculty of Educational Sciences, Year: 2017, Vol: 50, No: 1, 43-97
Türkiye’de Kademeler Arası Geçiş ve Öğrenci Akışının Gelişimi
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