Minutes of a parish council meeting held on

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WEDNESDAY, 14th AUGUST 2013 at 7.30 pm in the School
Present: Mrs E Bryan (chairman), Mr M Birt, Mr B Dodd, Mr T Spencer,

Mrs S Watford (clerk), Cllr E Holmes

Apologies: Mrs M Wright

The chairman opened the meeting by announcing that Mrs Green had written to say that, due to family commitments, she wished to offer her resignation from the Parish Council. The resignation was accepted reluctantly, as Mrs Green had served conscientiously on the Council for over 40 years and would be greatly missed.

There were no declarations of interest.


It was agreed that these were a true record of the July meeting, and they were signed by the chairman.


  • 42 King Street. It was pointed out that it was necessary to demonstrate that the footpath ran from King Street through to Sandy Lane: Mr Dodd would supply a copy of a relevant map of the area.

  • Churchyard. Herberts had laid some tombstones down, but no estimate to repair them had yet been received.

  • Allotments. The skip had now been down at the allotments for some weeks and was filling up gradually. Len Wright would contact Kent Skips when it was full.

  • Manege, Mucky Lane. It was reported by Cllr Holmes that both Andrew Dudley, the enforcement officer, and Jim Worley, head of regulatory services, considered that the manege was being used for private purposes only, in accordance with a planning condition. Although complaints had been received about the amount of traffic using the lane, the Parish Council were unable to prove otherwise.


  • Leicestershire Together. A broadband progress report.

  • LCC. Broadband stakeholder forum.

  • LCC. Proposed traffic calming scheme. An emailing explaining the LCC’s reasoning behind their proposal to erect signs, as opposed to having a 20 mph speed limit in Scalford. A letter would be written to Ryan Davis, with copies to the school, Ben Dutton (LCC) and David Wright (LCC), asking where it was intended to place these proposed signs, as there is no room on the pavements for them. A suggestion would be made that three signs be used – one at each entrance to the village.

  • Came & Co. Advice on preventing damage to property during the summer.

  • LCC/MBC. Speeding traffic. The LCC would be sent a picture of the area, asking for a speed bump at the end of Sandy Lane.

  • LCC. Cost saving review.

  • LRALC. Two copies of the Good Councillor’s Guide would be ordered.

  • MBC. Invitation to a Civic Service on 1st Sunday. This would be regretted.

  • Leicestershire Police. Crime report.

SIGNED ....................................................................... DATE ................................................................

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  • Annual accounts. An updated summary of accounts had been circulated. It was agreed that the word ‘insurance’ should appear on one of the column headings.

  • The following cheques were signed: E-on (£1,767.60, new column, No 186); Nurture (£67.20, No 187); Instaprint (letterheads, No 188, £48.99).


  • Consent 13/00384/TCA. High Garth, Church Street, Scalford

  • Application 13/00276/FUL – the Old Brickyard, Scalford. The Parish Council and objectors had had notice of amended plans. This application would be going to Committee as there had been sufficient objections. A response from the Parish Council would include copies of their previous comments, as they would have expected some notice to have been taken of these. There were also concerns about the apparent inclusion in the amended plans of an unmarked area within the boundary; and it was considered that the Planning Officer should ask for a business plan, as justification had to be provided for any commercial development. Finally, as there seemed to be no move by the Borough Council towards rescinding the Certificate of Lawfulness, and this had now dragged on for 18 months, the Ombudsman would be contacted.

  • MBC. New Melton Local Plan. A letter listing key subjects to be included in the new plan, and the organisation of themed reference groups.

  • MBC. Temporary traffic regulation order, Ironstone Lane, Scalford.

  • Planning lists


  • Hedge cutting. A notice would be put in the Village News regarding garden hedges which overhung the pavement, and asking for owners to cut them back. The LCC would be thanked for cutting the hedge along the Eastwell road, but asking them to also cut the hedges at the Wycomb road triangle.

  • Pothole. There was a pothole by the triangle at the junction of South Street/School Lane.

  • Ombudsman. Cllr Elaine Holmes suggested that, when contacting the Ombudsman, a separate letter be sent to the Planning Committee advising them of the Parish Council’s action

SIGNED ..................................................................................... DATE ......................................

Page 2 of 2 (August 2013)
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