I offer my candidature for award of fellow of ISGPB. I certify that the information given in the form is correct and no vigilance/disciplinary proceedings are pending against me.
Signature of the Nominee
Significant Achievements of the Nominee
Please give a brief statement of the most significant research achievements of the nominee which, will be circulated to the Fellows.
(To be typed clearly within the space provided)
Name of the nominee:
(Surname followed by given name)
Designation & Address:
Date of birth:
Age (as on 30.07.2016):
Life Membership duration:
Special attainments of the nominee (maximum 200 words)
(A) Research Papers published in Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding: Name of author(s), year of publication, title, name of the journal, volume no. and page Nos.
(b) Research papers published in other NAAS rated journal indicating name of author(s), year of publication, title, name of the journal, volume No. and page nos. with descending order of NAAS score (other than given in 1A (a)}.
S. No.
List of Publications
NAAS Journal ID
B. Other publications
Books (publisher etc.)
S. No.
List of Publications
b. OthersCatalogues, Extension Bulletin, Research Bulletin etc.
S. No.
List of Publications
2. Products/Technologies, Protocols/process/methodology developed (Please see item 2 in the Guidelines)
A. Products/Patents/Technologies
B. Protocols/concept/process/methodology developed
3. Awards & honors, including Scientific Leaderships (Please see item 3 in the Guidelines)
4. Life membership (Beyond five years)
Allocation of marks for different criteria:
Publications – maximum 45 marks
Concepts, Processes, Products, Technologies, Patents & Books – maximum 40 marks
Awards & honors, including Scientific Leadership – maximum 10 marks
Life membership (after five years) – Maximum 10 marks)
1. PUBLICATIONS (Maximum 45 marks)
A. Research papers
(a) Papers in IJGPB (10 marks): 2.0 mark for each paper
(b) Research papers in other NAAS rated Journals (20): 3.0 marks for each research paper with NAAS rating >10.0; 2.0 marks for each research paper with NAAS rating 0.6 to 9.9; 1.0 marks for each research paper with NAAS rating < 6.0
All the authors will get full marks in publications with multiple authors.
The nominees should submit the list of their publications in the descending order of NAAS scoring of journals. For this purpose, list of Journals as identified by NAAS and available on Academy website: www.naasindia.org should be consulted and the Journal ID should be mentioned in the column provided in the proforma against each publication.
B. Other publications (10 marks)
a. Books: Books with at least 100 pages with ISBN No., published by a reputed publisher or organization, such as ICAR, CSIR and National Academies. Books published by the research institutes/ universities may not be considered (Each authored book: 2 marks and edited book: 1 mark).
b. Other publications: Popular articles, bulletins, pamphlets, seminar/symposia papers/abstracts, book chapters etc. (0.25 marks each)
2. Products/Technologies, Protocols/process/methodology developed (Maximum 40 marks)
Note: An illustrative (but not exhaustive) description of indicators is provided below for allocation of marks. The Committee may consider equivalent indicators for scoring. The Committee may identify many other examples as they review the cases.
A. Products/Patents/Technologies 35
Products: Development of new products {eg. Variety (3 marks each), unique germplasm/genetic stock registered with NBPGR (1.5 marks each), and development of new value-added products(1.5 marks each)} that have been economically evaluated and adopted or have the potential to be adopted on a wide scale.
Patents granted with details of Patent No., Accession No., Trade Marks for GI, Germplasm Registration and IP protection should be provided (3 marks each).
Technologies: Documentary evidence should be enclosed for the adoption of products and technologies and their impact on livelihood of farmers/commercial value and acceptance by clients/stakeholders.
Each product, variety and technology adopted in large scale area occupied by a variety as (% of area under crop) by farmers/clients/stakeholders (based on Breeder Seed Demand or other authentic source) and made significant impacts (1 mark for each).
B. Protocols/concept/process/methodology developed 5
Such as propounding a new theory/methodology or describing pathways and mechanisms of a process, development and description of steps/components of a process that explain the total mechanism of operation, new protocols, methods etc. It should be published either in any NAAS rated journal or book or in some policy paper of government agency (2.0 marks each)
Proven leadership in institution building/advance centre of national/international repute
Fellowship of National Science Academies (INSA, NASI, IAS, INAE, NAMS)
Other awards by ICAR, CSIR, DST, DBT, NRDC, National Academies, etc.
National level Best Teacher/Researcher/Extension Worker award
International Post-Doctoral fellowships/awards such as Humboldt, Fulbright, DAAD, BOYSCAST, JSPS, Commonwealth, JIRCAS, including those from the international centres of higher learning
Young Scientist Award/Associateship by the National Science Academies
Awards by the Universities, Deemed to be Universities and State Government
National level Professional Society Award
Gold Medal, Fellowship, Honorary Membership based on the professional achievements
Other awards/recognitions (excluding paper/poster award)
Institute level Best Teacher/Researcher award
Chair of prestigious committees/taskforce; President/Secretary of professional societies; Leadership position in research programmes or research organizations e.g. Director/Project Director; Office bearers/Life members of NAAS rated Journals (1 mark each)
Life membership (Beyond five years) – (Maximum 5 marks)
One mark for each year beyond five years of life membership