Land Bank Financial Intermediation Loan: The project’s development objective is to sustainably scale up Land Bank’s wholesale financing, specifically to benefit emerging farmers. Negotiations authorized on 29 May 2015. Environmental Assessment Category F. Project: P150008. US$110.0 (IBRD). No consultants are required. Land and Agricultural Development Bank of South Africa, Contact: Lebogang Serithi, Chief Financial Officer; Land Bank, Contact: Lebogang Serithi, Chief Financial Officer.
South Sudan
South Sudan Agriculture Development and Food Security Project: he project seeks to revitalize the agriculture sector in South Sudan through capacity building, institutional strengthening and technology dissemination. Tentatively, its PDO is to enhance the production of major staple crops and increase farmer's income Identification completed on 20 December 2011. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$ 30.0 (IDA Grant). Consulting services to be determined. Implementing agency(ies) to be determined.