Turkey Geothermal Development Project: The Project Development Objective is to scale up private sector investment in geothermal energy development in Turkey. Negotiations authorized on 9 December 2015. Environmental Assessment Category F. Project: P151739. US$250.0/39.8 (IBRD/CCTF). Consultants will be required. Türkiye Sinai Kalkinma Bankasi A.S. (TSKB), Contact: Ince Suat, CEO; Türkiye Sinai Kalkinma Bankasi A.S. (TSKB), Contact: Suat Ince, CEO; Turkiye Kalkinma Bankasi A.S. (TKB), Contact: Ahmet Buçukoğlu, CEO; Turkiye Kalkinma Bankasi A.S. (TKB), Contact: Ahmet Buçukoğlu, CEO.