Youth Employment and Employability Project: The proposed Project Development Objective (PDO) is to improve employability and labor income of poor youth living in selected municipalities. Project beneficiaries will include youth between 15 and 29 years of age from poor households that are no longer in school and are poorly connected with labor markets living in selected municipalities. Concept completed on 26 April 2016. Environmental Assessment Category C. Project: P156454. US$130.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministerio de Trabajo y Prevision Social Tel: 5032529-3876, E-mail:, Contact: Nora Lopez, Directora de Empleo y Prevision Social; Secretaria Técnica y Planificación de la Presidencia Tel: 503-2511-5012, E-mail:, Contact: Juan Melendez, Director de Programas Estratégicos; Instituto Nacional de la Juventud Tel: 5032527-7400, E-mail:, Contact: Sofía Sanchez, Sub-Directora de Promoción de Empleo Juvenil; Ministry of Finance Tel: 5032244-3001, E-mail:, Contact: Carlos Caceres, Minister.