AF Bangladesh - Primary Education Development Program III: Additional Financing (AF) in the amount of US$400 million to scale up the Bangladesh Third Primary Education Development Program (PEDP3: P150669). In addition, Level 2 Restructuring comprising: (i) modification of the project scope of work; (ii) revision of the results framework to measure the outcomes associated with the revised scope of work; and (iii) extension of the project closing date from December 31, 2015 to December 31, 2017. The Project Development Objective in the proposed AF operation will remain unchanged and will continue to be to: “(i) increase participation and reduce social disparities in primary education, (ii) increase the number of children completing primary and improve the quality of the learning environment and measurement of student learning, and (iii) improve effectiveness of resource use for primary education.” The proposed Additional Financing would help to finance the cost of the scale-up activities and subsequent restructuring of the project to respond effectively to changes in the Bangladesh primary education sector due to ongoing nationalization of the previous "Registered Non-Government Primary Schools" (RNGPS), scale-up and expansion of interventions of the original PEDP3 project in order to implement a further set of reforms by 2017; and join government’s efforts towards achieving universal primary education specifically by improving scaled up efforts targeting the remaining, hardest-to-reach population groups to overcome the barriers to education for those still out of school, while also tackling emerging concerns related to the quality of learning (such as low teacher-student contact hours of instruction in schools). The original project is well performing, and the recent Mid-Term Review (MTR) rates the progress towards development objectives and implementation satisfactory. Approval completed on 16 December 2014. Environmental Assessment Category B. Project: P150669. US$ 400.0 (IDA Credit). Consultants will be required. Directorate of Primary Education.