Additional Financing: Skills and Training Enhancement Project: The Additional Financing will support the original four components of the Skills and Training Enhancement Project to further contribute towards scaling up ongoing institutional grants to additional public and private institutions to meet the ongoing demand and to fill in the funding gap in the stipend activities. Following are the components under the Additional Financing: Component 1: Improve the Quality and Relevance of Training This component will be implemented through two (2) windows. Window I will support selected additional private institutions offering diploma level programs. These institutions will be chosen on the basis of well-defined eligibility and selection criteria. Window II will support selected additional institutions providing short-term vocational and technical training. These institutions will be chosen based on similar eligibility and selection criteria employed under Window I. Component 2 - Pilots in Technical and Vocational Education and Training Developing pilot activities aimed at strengthening the overall technical and vocational educational training system: Supporting Industry Skills Councils (ISC) and the National Skills Development Council (NSDC) by providing a grant financing and operational cost support to finance establishment of specific offices to about two to four ISCs and NSDC who will guide the overall regulatory and legislative framework for Vocational Education and Training and skills development. Component 3 - Institutional Capacity Development Strengthening the capacity of the Recipient in managing the TVET sector as a whole by way of institutional capacity development of the Directorate of Technical Education (DTE), the Bangladesh Technical Education Board (BTEB) under the Ministry of Education (MoE), and the Bureau of Manpower Employment and Training (BMET) under the Ministry of Expatriate Welfare and Overseas Employment (MOEWOE) program. Component 4 - Project Management, Communications, Monitoring and Evaluation Support for project management, monitoring and evaluation of Project progress and outcomes. Approval completed on 26 September 2013. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$ 16.7 (FSSA). Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of Education Tel: (88-02) 911-0664, E-mail:, Contact: Directorate of Technical Education, Director General.