Bangladesh Investment Promotion and Financing Facility Project II (IPFF II): The objective of the project is to increase private sector participation in infrastructure by enhancing access to long term financing. Identification completed on 8 March 2016. Environmental Assessment Category F. US$ 350.0 (IDA Credit). Consulting services to be determined. BANGLADESH BANK; Ministry of Finance.
(R) Modernization of State-Owned Financial Institutions Project: The proposed project development objective is to contribute to the modernization, transparency and efficiency of state-owned banks. Approval completed on 30 June 2016. Environmental Assessment Category C. Project: P155363. US$ 150.0 (IDA Credit). Consultants will be required. BFID Tel: 88029576013, E-mail:, Contact: Mr. Md. Eunusur Rahman, Secretary; PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF BANGLADESH, Contact: Md. Eunusur Rahman, Secretary.