Business Models for Private Sector-Led Mini-Grid Energy Access Project: The objective of this Project is to support the development of a local market for private-sector led off-grid energy provision using the innovative and renewable energy (RE) based 'Anchor-Business-Community (A-B-C)' business model. Identification completed on 8 January 2014. Environmental Assessment Category A. US$ 8.0 (CSCF). Consulting services to be determined. Implementing agency(ies) to be determined.
UT1 - Upper Trishuli Hydro Project: The project will develop a partial risk guarantee product to support private sector investment in a 216 MW greenfield run-of-river hydro project for domestic power consumption in Nepal. Concept completed on 26 August 2015. Environmental Assessment Category A. Project: P154109. US$ 100.0 (GUID). Consulting services to be determined. Implementing agency(ies) to be determined.
Social Protection & Labor
Strengthening Systems for Social Protection and Civil Registration Project: The project will support strengthening and modernization of administrative systems for delivering social protection benefits and managing vital event registration functions of the Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development (MOFALD). It will also supported associated institutional strengthening. Identification completed on 12 February 2015. Environmental Assessment Category C. US$ 150.0 (IDA Credit). Consulting services to be determined. Implementing agency(ies) to be determined.