Nairobi Bus Rapid Transit Project: Improve mobility on the main east-west corridor (along highway A104) of the Nairobi city. Identification completed on 1 April 2016. Environmental Assessment Category A. US$ 250.0 (IDA Credit). Consulting services to be determined. National Treasury; Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure (Infrastructure).
Addl Financing - Kenya Water Security and Climate Resilience Project: The PDOs of KWSCRP-1 are to (a) increase availability and productivity of irrigation water for project beneficiaries and (b) enhance the institutional framework and strengthen capacity for water security and climate resilience in certain areas of the country.
Within the PDO, ‘capacity for water security and climate resiliency’ primarily includes improved water services, flood protection, and analytical capacity to understand and manage hydrological variability. Approval completed on 26 June 2015. Environmental Assessment Category A. Project: P151660. US$ 58.0/3.5 (IDA Credit/KWBP). Consultants will be required. Implementing agency(ies) to be determined.
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