(N) Second Private Sector Competitiveness & Economic Diversification - AF: Objective to be Determined. Identification completed on 13 July 2016. US$ 14.5 (IDA Credit). Consulting services to be determined. Implementing agency(ies) to be determined.
Transport & ICT
Lesotho Transport Infrastructure and Connectivity Project (LTIC): The proposed development objective of the Transport Infrastructure and Connectivity Project is to improve access to markets and promote job creation in targeted areas of Lesotho, whilst supporting improvements in road safety. This is to be realized by: (a) improving road access through application of output and performance based contracts (OPRC) and construction of footbridges; (b) improving road safety management capacity and mitigating road safety risks; and (c) building capacity and strengthening institutions in the transport sector. Concept completed on 18 May 2016. Environmental Assessment Category B. Project: P155229. US$ 30.0 (IDA Credit). Consultants will be required. The Kingdom of Lesotho Tel: 26658916035, E-mail: mrapapa2003@yahoo.co.uk, Contact: Mapalesa Rapapa, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Finance; Ministry of Public Works and Transport Tel: 26622327310, E-mail: khoelimalerato@gmail.com, Contact: 'Malerato Khoeli, Principal Secretary; Roads Directorate of the MoPWT Tel: 26658871466, E-mail: sydneytsiu@gmail.com, Contact: Mr. Sydney Matsepe, Acting Director General.