Zambia - Mining and Environmental Remediation and Improvement Project: Improve the capacity of the Government of Zambia to: i) address environmental health risks to affected local population, and liabilities associated with the mining sector operations, particularly in Kabwe area; and ii) improve environmental governance in the mining sector through improved monitoring and public disclosure of environmental health information.
These objectives will be achieved through:
i) Establishing a mechanism to identify, finance, implement and monitor feasible environmental and social measures for prioritized contaminated areas; and
ii) Strengthening the regulatory and institutional capacity of ZEMA to improve environmental management in the mining sector.
iii) Improving job opportunity for affected people, particularly Women through collaborative partnership with private sector mining companies and neighboring communities. Identification completed on 24 February 2015. Environmental Assessment Category A. US$ 60.0 (IDA Credit). Consulting services to be determined. Implementing agency(ies) to be determined.
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