Additional Financing to Financial Sector Rapid Response Project: This project is to assist DAB to improve its core function of banking supervision and regulation, and to help improve access to formal banking services by establishing key initial building blocks for further financial sector reform. Over its five-year implementation period, FSSP aims to strengthening DAB's capacity through: (i) strengthening of the off-site supervisory functions of DAB, (ii) strengthening of DAB's accounting and internal audit capabilities, and (iii) establishment of an effective human resource management system, and (iv) development of an effective information technology system. The project also assists in developing financial sector infrastructure through: (i) establishment of a Public Credit Registry, (ii) establishment of a Collateral Registry, and (iii) supporting the physical development of the Afghanistan Institute of Banking and Finance (AIBF). Approval completed on 26 November 2013. Environmental Assessment Category C. US$ 6.7 (IDA Grant). No consultants are required. Ministry of Finance, E-mail:, Contact: Adris Walli, Aide Coordination Specialist; Da Afghanistan Bank Tel: (93-79) 722-3340, E-mail:, Contact: Zalmie Sherzad, Project Director.