(N) System Enhancement for Health Action in Transition 2: The project development objectives are to expand the scope, quality and coverage of health services to the Afghan population, particularly to the poor throughout the country and to enhance the stewardship functions of the Ministry of Public Health. Identification completed on 21 June 2016. US$ 100.0 (IDA Grant). Consulting services to be determined. Implementing agency(ies) to be determined.
SEHAT Additional Financing: The proposed AF to the SEHAT project (P129663) will finance the delivery of the Basic Package of Health Services (BPHS) and Essential Package of Hospital Services (EPHS) in the 13 provinces currently supported by USAID. As outlined in its 2/2/14 letter, USAID intends to provide an estimated total program contribution to ARTF in the amount of US$ 227.6 million for the 5 year SEHAT program. In addition to supporting BPHS and EPHS (SEHAT component 1), the USAID contribution will support the provision of technical assistance to strengthen the stewardship capacity of MOPH and program management activities, (SEHAT components 2 and 3, respectively). Approval completed on 25 May 2015. Environmental Assessment Category B. Project: P152122. US$ 248.0 (ARTF). Consulting services to be determined. Implementing agency(ies) to be determined.