100 general provisions

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615.06 Sidewalk. If temporary walks are required, provide one of the types specified in Item 608.

615.07 Maintenance. Maintain all portions of the temporary facilities in good condition with respect to both safety and smoothness for travel as long as it is needed for maintenance of traffic. If the Engineer determines that the Contractor is not properly maintaining the temporary facilities, the Department may put them into proper condition according to 105.15.

615.08 Removal. If the temporary facilities are no longer needed, remove them, except such portions of the embankment as are shown on the plans to be a part of the new roadway embankment, and leave the area in a neat condition.

Take ownership of all material removed, unless otherwise shown on the plans. Use all suitable material in the work or legally use, recycle, or dispose in accordance with 105.16 and 105.17.

615.09 Method of Measurement. The Department will measure the quantity of Pavement for Maintaining Traffic by the number of square yards (square meters) of pavement surface placed, maintained, and removed as directed, measured complete in place.

The Department will measure the quantity of Traffic Compacted Surface under Item 410 and Calcium Chloride under Item 616.

615.10 Basis of Payment. Payment for Roads for Maintaining Traffic will not include those specified for Item 410 Traffic Compacted Surface or Item 616 Calcium Chloride.

The Department will pay for accepted quantities at the contract prices as follows:

Item Unit Description

615 Square Yard Pavement for Maintaining

(Square Meter) Traffic, Class A

615 Square Yard Pavement for Maintaining

(Square Meter) Traffic, Class B

615 Lump Sum Roads for Maintaining Traffic


616.01 Description

616.02 Construction Requirements

616.03 Method of Measurement

616.04 Basis of Payment
616.01 Description. This work consists of applying water or dust palliative for the alleviation or prevention of dust nuisance originating from earthwork construction operations from within the project construction limits.

616.02 Construction Requirements. Perform dust control operations at the time and location and in the amount ordered by the Engineer. Maintain control of the application of water or dust palliative at all times to minimize dust but not to create saturated soil conditions. The Engineer will determine whether water or dust palliative is to be used to alleviate or prevent dust nuisance, and the amounts of each material to be used. Do not apply calcium chloride to areas that will be subsequently seeded or sodded.

Furnish and apply water used for dust control by means of tanks equipped with suitable sprinkling devices.

Use dust palliative consisting of 712.02 calcium chloride or a brine solution containing a minimum of 30 percent by weight of calcium chloride. Spread the calcium chloride uniformly over the surface.

616.03 Method of Measurement. The Department will measure Water by the M gallons (cubic meters) applied and measured either in tanks, tank wagons, or trucks of predetermined capacity; or by means of meters of a type and furnished and installed by the Contractor at no expense to the Department; or determined by weight conversion.

The Department will measure Calcium Chloride by the number of tons (metric tons) by weight measurement, furnished and applied. When brine is used, the Department will determine the weight of calcium chloride by multiplying the number of gallons (cubic meters) by the factor 0.0024 (0.575).

616.04 Basis of Payment. The Department will pay for accepted quantities at the contract prices as follows:

Item Unit Description

616 M Gallons Water

(Cubic Meter)

616 Ton (Metric Ton) Calcium Chloride


617.01 Description

617.02 Materials

617.03 Prosecution

617.04 Shoulder Preparation

617.05 Furnishing and Compacting Additional Aggregate

617.06 Method of Measurement

617.07 Basis of Payment
617.01 Description. This work consists of preparing the shoulder, and furnishing and compacting additional aggregate on the existing or prepared shoulder.

Use all suitable material in the work. Alternatively, legally use, recycle, or dispose of all excavated materials according to 105.16 and 105.17.

617.02 Materials. Furnish materials conforming to 703.18.

617.03 Prosecution. If reconditioning shoulders in connection with a resurfacing project and where traffic is maintained, place shoulder material along with the paving operations as rapidly as possible. Complete all shoulder reconditioning within 4 days following the placement of the surface course or any course that results in a drop-off of 2.0 inches (50 mm) or greater.

617.04 Shoulder Preparation. If shoulder preparation is specified, loosen the existing surface to a depth of 1 to 2 inches (25 to 50 mm). If the surface is an asphalt mix or seal, cut the surface along the edge of the pavement with a blade or disc to give a straight vertical edge. Reduce pieces of loosened material that exceed approximately 1 1/2 inches (38 mm) in size to at least this maximum size or consider these pieces unsuitable material. Remove and dispose of oversized or other unsuitable material that would interfere with placing of aggregate. Reshape the loosened material as necessary to conform to the requirements for placing aggregate.

617.05 Furnishing and Compacting Additional Aggregate. Spread aggregate with approved spreaders. Do not dump or store aggregate on the pavement. Remove spilled aggregate from the pavement as spreading progresses.

Perform the initial compaction of the material using crawler-type tractors, tamping rollers, trench rollers, suitable pneumatic tire equipment, or other suitable equipment. Use compaction equipment weighing at least 6 tons (5 metric tons) and use a minimum of four total passes. Perform final compaction of the surface of the shoulder using approved pneumatic tire equipment. Compact the aggregate immediately after the spreading operation to prevent loss of contained moisture and displacement of the material.

Apply water as directed by the Engineer when required to aid compaction and to prevent segregation of the material.

617.06 Method of Measurement. The Department will measure Shoulder Preparation by the number of square yards (square meters).

The Department will measure Compacted Aggregate, by the number of cubic yards (cubic meters) in place computed from the profile grade and typical sections.

The Department will measure Water by the number of M gallons (cubic meters) according to 616.03.

If the plans provide for the use of aggregate in a variable width or depth course and the Department cannot readily calculate the quantity from profile grade and typical sections, the Department will determine the volume by converting weight (mass) to cubic yards (cubic meters) according to Table 617.06-1.

Table 617.06-1




Crushed stone



Crushed gravel



Crushed slag, less than 90 lb/ft3 (1450 kg/m3)[1]



Crushed slag, 90 to 100 lb/ft3 (1450 to 1600 kg/m3)[1]



Crushed slag, more than 100 lb/ft3 (1600 kg/m3)[1]



Crushed recycled concrete



Recycled asphalt concrete



[1] Based on average dry rodded weight of standard sizes of slag on record at the Laboratory. The conversion factors listed are the long gradation weights. These numbers are based on the dry rodded weights of No. 67, 57, or 8 gradation. The Department will determine slag weights based on weights obtained from the original source.

The Department will classify salvaged or mixed materials according to the material that makes up the majority of the mixture.

The moistures of the delivered material will be less than 2 percent above saturated surface dry condition or the payment will be based on the dry densities and dry weights.

Furnish freight bills or certified weigh bills according to Item 109.

617.07 Basis of Payment. The Department will pay for accepted quantities at the contract prices as follows:

Item Unit Description

617 Square Yard Shoulder Preparation

(Square Meter)

617 Cubic Yard Compacted Aggregate

(Cubic Meter)

617 M Gallons Water

(Cubic Meter)

618.01 Description

618.02 Construction of Rumble Strips on Shoulders

618.03 Method of Measurement

618.04 Basis of Payment
618.01 Description. This work consists of grinding depressions (rumble strips) in paved shoulders.

Construct rumble strips according to the standard construction drawings.

618.02 Construction of Rumble Strips on Shoulders. Furnish equipment to grind the depressions with a rotary cutting head that will produce the required dimensions and a pattern of cutting tips to produce a smooth cut with approximately 0.06 inches (1.5 mm) between peaks and valleys. Ensure that the cutting head is on its own suspension system, independent from that of the power unit, to allow the head to align itself with the slope of the shoulder or any irregularities in the shoulder surface. Equip the cutting tool with guides or a guidance system, clearly visible to the operator, to provide for consistent alignment. Take effective measures to control dust during the grinding operation. Remove and dispose of all grinding materials deposited on the roadway pavement in a manner approved by the Engineer and before opening the roadway to traffic.

618.03 Method of Measurement. The Department will measure Rumble Strips by the number of feet (meters) or mile (kilometer) as the sum of the lengths of the individual segments. The Department will measure lengths along the inside edge of the shoulder, from the center of the first depression in a segment to the center of the last depression in that segment. If Rumble Strips are provided on more than one shoulder, the Department will measure lengths separately for each shoulder segment and add the individual lengths together to obtain the total length.

618.04 Basis of Payment. The Department will not pay for repairing surface damage and extraneous marks caused by the Contractor’s operations.

The Department will pay for accepted quantities at the contract prices as follows:

Item Unit Description

618 Feet (Meter), Rumble Strips, (Asphalt Concrete)

Mile (Kilometer)

618 Feet (Meter), Rumble Strips, (Concrete)

Mile (Kilometer)

619.01 Description

619.02 General

619.03 Method of Measurement

619.04 Basis of Payment
619.01 Description. This work consists of providing, maintaining, and subsequently removing a field office for the exclusive use of the Department for the duration of the Contract at a location approved by the Engineer.

619.02 General. Furnish a completely functional field office of the type specified in the Contract by the date directed by the Engineer.

Furnish each field office with a means for maintaining a room temperature between 68 and 80 F (20 and 27 C).

Furnish electric service for each field office.

Furnish potable hot and cold water for each field office.

Furnish neat, sanitary, enclosed toilet accommodations for each field office. Furnish associated lavatory and sanitary supplies. Portable facilities may be provided with the approval of the Engineer.

For projects requiring moisture and density control of construction materials, provide the field office with a lockable wood or metal storage box of sufficient size to store a nuclear density gauge and an electrical connection for the gauge.

For the type of field office specified, provide the items indicated in Table 619.02-1

Table 619.02-1 Field Office


Type A

Type B

Type C

Minimum ceiling height, ft (m)

7 (2.1)

7 (2.1)

7 (2.1)

Floor space, ft2 (m2)

150 (14)

500 (46)

1000 (93)

Separate enclosed room, ft2 (m2)

(Part of specified floor space)

0 (0)

0 (0)

100 (9)

Telephone service & telephones[1]




Internet service connection [6]



Facsimile machine




Copying machine[2]

1, 8-1/2x14

1, 11x17

1, 11x17

Base radio & 4-hand held units[3]




Calculator with tape




Desk and chair set




Work table, 30  72-inch
(750  1800 mm)




4-drawer, legal size, lockable metal file cabinet




2-drawer, metal file cabinet




Portable fire extinguishers[4]




Plan rack[5]




All-weather parking spaces




[1] For each telephone specified, provide the telephone itself, all wiring necessary to connect the phone and computers or fax machines to the phone company system, and a working separate phone number for each telephone. Connect one phone to a recorded answering device. For Types B and C, provide one speakerphone.

[2] Capable of producing multiple copies of documents of the size designated; provide the copier with all necessary maintenance and paper supplies.

[3] Capable of transmitting and receiving voice communication between office and any area on the project site.

[4] Type 2-A:10-B:C, 5-pound (2.27 g) size

[5] Capable of handling the breakdown of 22  34-inch (559  864 mm) sized plans in to ten sections.

[6] Provide a broadband internet connection capable of download speeds greater than 1.5 Mbps. If 1.5 Mbps is not available, provide the highest speed available in the area.

With the Engineer’s written approval, the Contractor may modify the requirements for the field office.

Maintain all utility services (e.g., electric, security, telephone, water) for the duration of the project.

Furnish a concrete cylinder curing box capable of holding at least eight 6 x 12 inch (150 x 300 mm) cylinders at 73 F (23 C) +/- 3 degrees no matter what the ambient temperature is when constructing either portland cement concrete pavement over 10,000 square yards (8000 m2) or over 50 cubic yards (38 cubic meters) of bridge structure repair or replacement concrete. The box will have a sealed lid.

619.03 Method of Measurement. The Department will measure Field Office, Type ___ by the number of months the office is maintained. A partial month at the end of the project will be paid as a full month.

619.04 Basis of Payment. The Department will pay for accepted quantities at the contract price as follows:

Item Unit Description

619 Month Field Office, Type ___


620.01 Description

620.02 Materials

620.03 Layout

620.04 Removal

620.05 Installation

620.06 Method of Measurement

620.07 Basis of Payment
620.01 Description. This work consists of furnishing and installing delineators or reflectors, removing existing delineators for storage or disposal, and restoring the surface where delineators are removed.

620.02 Materials. Furnish materials conforming to:

Concrete, Class C or F 499

Reflectors 720.01

Posts, flexible 720.03

Steel hardware 730.08

Brackets 730.09

Stainless steel hardware 730.10

Aluminum hardware 730.17

Reflective sheeting 730.19

Delineators consist of reflectors mounted on flexible posts or brackets. Rectangular reflectors are reflective sheeting adhered to either a flexible post or an aluminum plate. If specified, furnish reflectors separately. The colors of reflectors of each type are:

Type C Rectangular white

Type D Rectangular yellow

Type E Rectangular red
620.03 Layout. Lay out all delineator locations to ensure their proper placement. The Engineer will approve the layout before installation is started.

620.04 Removal. Remove delineators, including reflectors, posts, brackets, and miscellaneous hardware. The delineator becomes the property of the contractor. Remove and dispose of concrete for delineator post embedment.

Restore surfaces where delineator posts or concrete for embedment are removed.

620.05 Installation. Install delineators facing traffic, except install red reflectors facing wrong-way traffic. Do not remove the protective paper covering the face of flexible post-mounted reflectors until after installation. Ensure that posts are not more than 1:50 out of plumb. If soil conditions may cause the post to be out of plumb, the Contractor may drive a pilot shaft before installation.

Install flexible posts using methods and equipment that conform to the post manufacturer’s recommendations.

620.06 Method of Measurement. The Department will measure Delineator by the number, including reflectors, supports and hardware, in place, completed and accepted.

The Department will measure Reflector by the number, including hardware, in place, completed and accepted.

The Department will measure Removal of Delineator, by the number.

620.07 Basis of Payment. The Department will pay for accepted quantities at the contract prices as follows:

Item Unit Description

620 Each Delineator, Post Mounted

620 Each Delineator, Bracket Mounted

620 Each Removal of Delineator

620 Each Reflector

621.01 Description

621.02 Materials

621.03 Layout

621.04 Installation RPM Casting

621.05 Installation RPM Retroreflector

621.06 Reflector Replacement

621.07 Reflector Color

621.08 Raised Pavement Markers Removed

621.09 Method of Measurement

621.10 Basis of Payment
621.01 Description. This work consists of preparing the pavement and furnishing and placing plowable raised pavement marker castings (RPMs) and prismatic retroreflectors, and removing existing RPMs for disposal.

621.02 Materials. Furnish materials from the Department’s Qualified Products List (QPL) conforming to the following:

Castings 721.01

Prismatic retroreflectors (reflectors) 721.02

Casting adhesive 721.03

Reflector adhesive 721.04
Before installation, a sample of the products to be used on the project shall be verified to be on the Qualified Products List (QPL) by the Engineer. After completion of the work, a spot check of the castings and retroreflectors is required to verify products used are on the QPL.
621.03 Layout. Before placing RPMs, lay out the location of all RPMs. Locate RPMs within 5 percent of specified spacing. Do not place RPMs under the following conditions:

A. On pavement surfaces with cracking, spalling, or failure of underlying base material.

B. Within 1 foot (0.3 m) of active signal detector loop wires. Exercise care to ensure that detector lead-in cables are not cut.

C. Over pavement markings except with the Engineer’s approval.

D. Closer than 2 inches (50 mm) to a pavement construction (transverse or longitudinal) joint or within an intersection.

E. Within 3 feet (1 m) of a bridge expansion joint.

If the initial location of a RPM is determined to violate one of the aforementioned conditions, relocate the affected RPM longitudinally. Relocate the RPM within a distance not exceeding 25 percent of the specified RPM spacing. If necessary to relocate the RPM to a distance greater than 25 percent of the specified RPM spacing, do not install the affected RPM.

RPMs along double yellow centerline are to be placed in line or on line, but no closer than 2” (50 mm) to a pavement construction (transverse or longitudinal) joint. RPMs installed along a channelizing line are to be placed no more than 1 inch (25 mm) from the edge of the painted line and no closer than 2” (50 mm) to a pavement construction (transverse or longitudinal) joint. Place the RPMs installed along a lane line or dashed yellow centerline between and in line with the dashes no closer than 2” (50 mm) to a pavement construction (transverse or longitudinal) joint.

Install replacement RPMs within 3 feet (0.9 m) longitudinally of the damaged or missing RPM.

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