100 general provisions

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D. Cable Insulation. After the continuity of a conductor has been verified, test the insulation of that conductor and its connections. Ensure that each disconnect switch is in the open position and that the load side of each quick disconnect connector kit is unplugged during this test. Temporarily disconnect a grounded neutral conductor from earth ground when it is being tested. In addition, when a grounded neutral is under test and the circuit utilizes local equipment earthing rather than a continuous equipment grounding back to the power service, temporarily connect one of the companion line conductors to provide the equivalent of the continuous equipment grounding cable.

When the circuit conductor is comprised of both new wire or cable and wire or cable installed prior to the current project, test the insulation by the megohmmeter method and the resistance of the conductor under test to earth ground or any other conductor shall exceed 10 megohms.

When the circuit conductor is comprised of entirely new wire or cable, test the insulation by the high potential method in accordance with Supplement 1003.

E. Lowering Device Operation. Demonstrate to the Engineer that lowering devices on any luminaire supports so equipped operate properly by lowering and raising the luminaire assembly through the full range of motion of the device for each device on two separate occasions at least 10 days apart. The Engineer shall record the dates of operation for each device and in case of failure the details of both the failure and the date and details of the correction. The Engineer will consider a particular unit satisfactory when the device has operated twice in succession on separate occasions without malfunction.

F. System Performance. Prior to acceptance and after all other tests are done, the completed lighting system shall be operated on electrical energy from the power company through the permanent customer service connection in its intended normal manner for ninety consecutive days. Notify the Engineer at least 3 days prior to the commencement of this performance test. In addition to the beginning and ending dates of the test period, the Engineer shall record the date and details of each failure and the date and details of the repair. The Engineer will consider the performance satisfactory when the lighting installation has operated for ninety consecutive days without a failure due to the workmanship of the Contractor.

625.20 Plastic Caution Tape. Install tape approximately 6 to 10 inches (150 to 250 mm) below the final finished grade. Place with the printed side up and parallel with the finished surface. Insure that the tape is not pulled, distorted or otherwise misplaced in completing the trench backfill.

625.21 Removal of Lighting Equipment.

A. Luminaire Removal. Remove the luminaire from its support taking care not to damage the luminaire, support or wiring connections. If the luminaire is to be reused within the same project, carefully store the luminaire on the project site. If the luminaire is to be reused, but not within the same project, carefully store the luminaire on the project site for pick up by the owner. If the luminaire is not to be reused, properly dispose of the luminaire off the project site.

B. Luminaire Support Removal. Remove the luminaire support taking care not to damage the luminaire support, foundation or structure to which it is attached or wiring connections. If the luminaire support is to be reused within the same project, carefully store the luminair support on the project site. If the luminaire support is to be reused, but not within the same project, carefully store the luminaire support on the project site for pick up by the owner. If the luminaire support is not to be reused, properly dispose of the luminaire support off the project site.

C. Luminaire Support Foundation Removal. Remove the luminaire support foundation a minimum of one foot (0.3 m) below finished grade or clear of proposed construction, backfill the resultant depression with compacted soil and restore the disturbed area.

D. Pull Box Removal. Remove the pull box, properly dispose of it off the project site, backfill the resultant depression and restore the disturbed area.

E. Disconnect Existing Circuit. Disconnect the portion of the lighting circuit to be removed or abandoned from the portion of the circuit to remain in service at the designated node point. Remove the cable from the link no longer to remain in service from the node point enclosure. Remove the conduit or duct for the link no longer in service from the node point enclosure and properly close the resultant openings in the enclosure unless the conduit or duct is to be left in place to allow another circuit link to enter the node enclosure.

F. Power Service Removal. Remove the existing power service equipment and properly dispose of the equipment off the project site. Equipment to be removed includes the wood pole or other supporting structure, foundation work pads, equipment enclosures, photoelectric cell and associated conduits, wiring, overhead or underground service lateral and all other appurtenances. Cut the cable enclosed in conduit which runs into the ground at the lower end of the bend to horizontal approximately 2 feet (0.6 m) below grade. Backfill the resultant depression and restore the disturbed area.

Coordinate with the power company to insure that the company disconnects the service and that items which belong to the power company that are removed, such as the meter base, are returned to the power company.

625.22 Method of Measurement. Bracket arms will be included with the light pole, light tower or combination support on which they are mounted for payment. However, when a bracket arm is to be mounted onto an existing support or a support provided by another aspect of the project, it may be a separate item for the purpose of payment in which case payment will be made for each bracket arm.

Transformer bases will be included with the light pole, light tower or combination support on which they are mounted for payment. However, when a transformer base is to be fitted to an existing light pole, it may be a separate item for the purpose of payment in which case payment will be made for each transformer base.

Light pole anchor bolts will be furnished with the light pole and the setting of the anchor bolts included with the foundation. However, in the case of a light pole mounted onto structures such as bridges and retaining walls where the bolts normally furnished with the light pole are not of the proper length and shape and/or the setting of the bolts must be done when the structure is constructed rather than being at the time of construction of the light pole foundation, the bolts shall be a separate item for payment in which case payment will be for each bolt with the count being the number of bolt ends projecting for the anchoring of the light pole. Separate payment shall also be made when the bolts are being set in a normal light pole or light tower foundation but the light pole or light tower is being furnished by the Contractor or by others to the Contractor.

Foundations for light poles or light towers include excavation, reinforcing steel and, for light poles or light towers mounted on median barrier or retaining walls, the junction box at the point where the stub conduit to the light pole or tower joins the main lighting circuit raceway and the stub conduit from the junction box to the light pole or light tower. Anchor bolts, conduit ells and surface restoration not included elsewhere are also included with the foundation.

Junction boxes include the drain.

Pull boxes include the underdrain.

Power service includes the control equipment, the support and foundations on which the equipment is mounted, the pull boxes with underdrain for gathering the lighting circuits into the control equipment at the power service location, ground rods and incidentals required for a completed power service. Also included are any poles, conduits, wire and cable to be provided by the owner to receive the incoming power from the power company.

Structure grounding system includes any ground rods or ground grids required as part of the system.

Ground grids include any ground rods required as part of the grid and includes the associated grounding conductor and connections from the resultant grid to the first point (or points) of connection. Ground grids that result from the addition of ground rods as a result of earth ground resistance measurements will be the sum of each ground rod installed such sum will also include all connecting cable and trenching.

A ground rod includes the associated grounding conductor and connections from the rod to the first point of connection.

Trench will be measured to the center of a light pole foundation, the center of a light tower foundation, the center of a pull box, the center of the pole of an embedded pole mounted power service, the center of the foundation for a power service with a foundation, or the wall of the building when the power service for the lighting in, on or within the building with no allowance for elevation change. The payment for trench includes all excavation, granular and other backfill material, compaction, disposal of surplus materials and restoration to match surrounding surface including any seeding, sodding or other plantings which were disturbed and the replacement of any minor items such as guardrail or fence panels, and return to former position and mounting of items such as trash containers, planter boxes or parking meters and small signs which were temporarily moved to facilitate the trenching. The payment for trench in paved areas includes the aforementioned and in addition sawing and removal of pavement, along with the repaving over the trench. Trench in paved areas shall be separated for payment into Type A for pavements or sidewalks less than 6 inches (150 mm) thick and Type B for pavements 6 inches (150 mm) or greater.

Conduit will be measured to the center of a light pole foundation, the center of a light tower foundation, the center of a pull box, the center of the pole of an embedded pole mounted power service, the center of the foundation for a power service with a foundation, or the wall of the building when the power service for the lighting in, on or within the building with no allowance for elevation change. The payment for conduit includes couplings (plain, expansion, and alignment), bends, hubs, bushings, condulets and other such appurtenances but not junction boxes and pull boxes. Conduit to be encased in concrete or installed by jacking or boring will be paid separately from conduit to be traditionally installed. Concrete and other materials for encasement or the jacking or boring are included with such conduit where specified.

Distribution cable will be measured to the center of foundation, pull box, junction box or power service, plus an allowance of 5 feet (1.5 meters) on each end except for a power service where the allowance will be 10 feet (3 meters) to allow for slack and connections with the sum multiplied by the number of conductors required.

Pole and bracket cable will be measured as the light pole support height plus the designated arm length with the sum multiplied by the number of conductors required. For twin arm poles the sum shall be increased by the length of the second arm plus the length of the first arm.

Duct cable will be measured to the center of foundation, pull box, junction box or power service, plus an allowance of 5 feet (1.5 meters) on each end except for a power service where the allowance will be 10 feet (3 meters) to allow for slack and connections with no multiplier for the number of conductors. Duct-cable includes the cable(s) and being a factory assembly is differentiated by the number and size of the conductors in each assembly.

Plastic caution tape will be measured to the center of a light pole foundation, the center of a light tower foundation, the center of a pull box, the center of the pole of an embedded pole mounted power service, the center of the foundation for a power service with a foundation, or the wall of the building when the power service for the lighting in, on or within the building with no allowance for elevation change.

625.23 Basis of Payment. The Department will pay for accepted quantities at the contract prices as follows:

Item Unit Description

625 Each Luminaire, (Functional Type),

(Housing Size if Conventional),

(Light Distribution), (Lamp Wattage),

(Light Source), (Voltage)

625 Each Glare Shield

625 Each Light Pole, (Pole Style),(Design Number)

625 Each Light Tower,(Design Number)

625 Each Light Pole Anchor Bolts

625 Each Light Pole Foundation

625 Each Light Tower Foundation

625 Each Junction Box,(Length X Height X Depth)

625 Each Pull Box, (Material Type),(Length X Height X Depth)

625 Foot (Meter) Conduit, (Material Type), (Nominal Diameter)

625 Foot (Meter) Trench

625 Foot (Meter) Trench in Paved Area,(Type)

625 Foot (Meter) Conduit Jacked or Drilled,(Material Type),

(Nominal Diameter)

625 Each Power Service

625 Each Ground Rod

625 Each Ground Grid

625 Each Structure Grounding System

625 Foot (Meter) Pole and Bracket Cable,(Size of Conductors in AWG),

(Voltage Rating)

625 Foot (Meter) Distribution Cable,(Size of Conductors in AWG),

(Voltage Rating)

625 Foot (Meter) Duct Cable, (Duct Diameter) with

(Number of Conductors),

(Size of Conductors in AWG),

(Voltage Rating) Conductors

625 Each Connector Kit

625 Each Cable Splicing Kit

625 Each Service to Underpass Lighting

625 Each Portable Winch Drive Power Unit

625 Each Luminaire Removed

625 Each Luminaire Support Removed

625 Each Luminaire Support Foundation Removed

625 Each Pull Box Removed

625 Each Disconnect Circuit

625 Each Power Service Removed

625 Foot (Meter) Plastic Caution Tape

626.01 Description

626.02 Materials

626.03 Layout

626.04 Installation

626.05 Method of Measurement

626.06 Basis of Payment
626.01 Description. This work consists of furnishing and installing barrier reflectors on guardrail blockouts, concrete barrier, retaining wall, and bridge parapets.

626.02 Materials. Furnish materials from the Department’s Qualified Products List (QPL) conforming to the following:

Barrier Reflectors 720.04

Conform to the manufacturer’s recommendations for corrosion resistant fasteners, brackets, or adhesives.

Use barrier reflectors that are mountable on guardrail blockouts, concrete barriers, retaining walls, and bridge parapets. For wall or parapet mount, the barrier reflector may not extend further than 5 inches (125 mm) in a horizontal direction towards the traffic lanes.

626.03 Layout. Lay out all locations to ensure proper placement. The Engineer will approve the layout before installation of the reflectors.

Furnish reflectors at the beginning and the end of all barrier runs and at least one additional point evenly spaced between the termini. Space the reflectors at 100 feet (30 m) on tangents and on curves of less than 5 degrees (more than 350 m radius). Space the reflectors at 50 feet (15 m) for curves of greater than 5 degrees (350 m radius or less).

The Contractor may vary the spacing on tangents and curves of less than 5 degrees (more than 350 m radius) from 65 feet to 125 feet (20 m to 40 m) in the final 250 feet (80 m) to achieve even spacing of the reflectors.

If using a buffer end section or similar device on the end of the guardrail, place the first reflector so that it is visible to approaching traffic.

If tying guardrails, barriers, retaining walls, or bridge parapets together in a continuous run, use the total length of the run for determining the number and location of reflectors.

If installing a run of rail or barrier that is at varying distances from the edge of pavement, place a reflector where the run first approaches closest to the pavement. If this results in spacing greater than 125 feet (40 m), or 65 feet (20 m) in cases where 50-foot (15 m) standard spacing is required, install an additional reflector. If a non-reflectorized impact attenuator is in place, place an additional reflector on the face of the attenuator nearest to, and directed toward, approaching traffic.

626.04 Installation. Attach the reflector with a suitable corrosion resistant fastener or adhesive conforming to the manufacturer’s recommendations.

On concrete barriers, retaining walls, and bridge parapets, place the top of the reflector so its height is 26 inches (650 mm) above the near edge of pavement, except that the top of the reflector is at least 3 inches (75 mm) below the top of the concrete barrier.

Install guardrail blockout reflectors on the side of the blockout away from traffic. Install guardrail blockout reflectors on the side of the blockout nearest the edge of pavement. Install the guardrail blockout reflector so that the reflective surface is above the guardrail.

Remove loose concrete, rust, dirt, and other loose material from the surface of the concrete barrier using a wire brush. Remove dust created by wire brushing before applying adhesive. Apply adhesive to clean and moisture-free surfaces according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Ensure that the reflector face is clean and free of dust, dirt, adhesive, or any foreign material after installation.

Except if mounted on a guardrail blockout, rotate the reflective face of one-way reflectors upward from the vertical (or plumb) position 2 to 3 degrees to facilitate “rain washing” of the reflector face.

When replacing reflectors on a concrete surface, locate the new reflector approximately 3 inches (75 mm) horizontally in either direction from the old location.

If specified, use bi-directional reflectors (white/white) on the outside of curves on two-lane highways.

Use barrier reflectors that are the same color as the adjacent edge line.

The Department will classify the reflectors as follows:

Mounting Location




Type A

Type A2

Concrete barrier, retaining walls, or bridge parapets

Type B

Type B2

626.05 Method of Measurement. The Department will measure Barrier Reflector by the number of each in place, completed and accepted.
If a bi-directional reflector consists of two one-way reflectors mounted back-to-back, the Department will measure it as one bi-directional reflector.

626.06 Basis of Payment. The Department will pay for accepted quantities at the contract prices as follows:

Item Unit Description

626 Each Barrier Reflector


630.01 Description

630.02 Materials

630.03 Certified Drawings

630.04 Sign Fabrication

630.05 Foundations

630.06 Sign Supports

630.07 Sign Erection

630.08 Sign Shipment and Storage

630.09 Specific Service and Tourist-Oriented Directional Signs

630.10 Covering of Signs

630.11 Barrier Wall Assembly for Sign Supports

630.12 Removal and Storage, Reerection, or Disposal of Signs and Supports

630.13 Inspection

630.14 Method of Measurement

630.15 Basis of Payment
630.01 Description. This work consists of furnishing and installing traffic signs, sign supports, and foundations complete and ready for service. This work also includes necessary excavation and backfill, disposal of discarded materials, and restoration of disturbed facilities and surfaces to a condition equal to that existing before this work started.

630.02 Materials. The acceptance of materials and products is based on Certified Test Data, furnished in triplicate, or on test results of samples according to 106.02, as required by the Laboratory.

Transfer manufacturers’ guarantees or warranties on all traffic sign material to the Department or other maintaining agency upon completion and acceptance of the project.

Furnish materials conforming to:

Concrete, Class C 499, 511


Structural steel 711.01

Reinforcing steel 509.02

U-channel posts 730.015

Square posts 730.016

Tube and pipe 730.01

Anchor bolts and nuts 730.02

Poles and arms 730.03

Base and arm plates 730.04

Handhole covers 730.05

Pole caps 730.06

Arm caps 730.07

Hardware 730.08

Stainless steel 730.09

Stainless steel hardware 730.10

Messenger wire 732.18


Sheet and plate 730.11

Extrusions 730.12

Tube and pipe 730.13

Castings 730.14

Forgings 730.15

Welding rods 730.16

Hardware 730.17

Other materials:

Decals 725.21

Reflective sheeting, Type F 730.18

Reflective sheeting, Type G 730.19

Reflective sheeting, Type H 730.192

Reflective sheeting, Type J 730.193

Nonreflective sheeting 730.20

Silk screen inks 730.22

Transparent electronic cuttable films 730.23
630.03 Certified Drawings. Furnish certified drawings according to 625.06. Submit sign support certified drawings that cover all design types such as ground mounted, rigid overhead, span wire mounted, and overpass structure mounted supports. On the drawings, show overall height, sign clearance above foundation, span length, sign locations, sign overall heights and widths, and glare shield height and location, if applicable.

Submit sign design certified drawings that show the overall extrusheet size dimensions including glare shield, panel type and length, temporary overlay sign dimensions and location on the covered sign, the type and quantity of assembly and mounting hardware, and guide sign legend details. Furnish guide sign legend details that include sheeting type, copy type, character size and spacing, and reference or code numbers. Indicate the guide sign background and legend colors. For the sign layout, conform to standards maintained by the Department. It is not necessary to submit drawings of standard warning, regulatory, or route marker signs.

630.04 Sign Fabrication. Sign types include flat sheet, double faced, extrusheet, and temporary overlay. Flat sheet signs consist of one-piece units made of aluminum. Double faced signs consist of flat sheet aluminum or extruded aluminum blanks with legend on both sides. Extrusheet signs consist of a number of horizontal panels assembled to form a complete sign. Temporary overlay signs consist of an aluminum sheet covering portions or entire surfaces of extrusheet signs.

Prior to reflective sheeting application, clean aluminum sign surfaces either by total immersion in a tank containing an alkaline solution of the manufacturer’s specification or by steam cleaning with an alkaline solution of the manufacturer’s specification, followed by a thorough rinsing with running water. After cleaning, etch the surface with an acid solution, and dry. Do not allow cleaned and etched surfaces to become contaminated by contact with oil or grease. Drill or punch bolt holes to finish size.

Use sign legends according to the OMUTCD and the Sign Design Manual. Use Clearview font for positive contrast legends on freeway and expressway guide signs and on all other guide signs when permitted in the Sign Design Manual. Use capital legends and upper/lower case legends in accordance with the Sign Design Manual. When either is permitted in the Sign Design Manual, use upper/lower case legends.

For flat sheet, double faced mile marker, double faced street name and ground mounted extrusheet signs, use Type G, H or J reflective sheeting for background and reflective legends. For overhead extrusheet signs, use Type G, H or J reflective sheeting for the background, and use Type H or J reflective sheeting for reflective legends, shields and symbols (including hazardous cargo plate, airport symbol, arrows and borders). Apply reflective sheeting to the surface according to the manufacturer’s recommendations, with no blisters, wrinkles, tears, or blemishes. Do not use reboundable or damage control sheeting for permanent signs.

For reflective legends on flat sheet, double faced mile marker and double faced street name signs, use reverse silk screen transparent ink, electronic cuttable film, or direct applied reflective sheeting copy. When using direct applied reflective sheeting copy, apply all legend on a sign with the same rotation angle orientation. For nonreflective legends, use direct silk screen black ink or direct applied nonreflective black sheeting copy. For double faced mile marker signs, use flat sheet aluminum and apply reflective sheeting and legend to both sides. For double faced street name signs, use extruded aluminum blanks with a minimum thickness of 0.063 inch (1.6 mm) and thicker, stiffened edges, and apply reflective sheeting and legend to both sides.

Extrusheet panels consist of flat sheet aluminum reinforced with aluminum extrusions attached by spot welding. Panels extruded in a single operation may be used in lieu of extrusheet panels. Do not use extruded panels and extrusheet panels in the same sign. Bolt together the minimum number of full length, sheeted panels to achieve the sign height, using aluminum bolts, washers, lock washers and nuts. For reflective legends, shields and symbols (including hazardous cargo plate, airport symbol, arrows and borders) use direct applied reflective sheeting. Apply all reflective legend on a sign with the same rotation angle orientation. For nonreflective legends, use direct applied nonreflective black sheeting copy.

For temporary overlay signs, use 0.080-inch (2.0 mm) thick flat sheet aluminum, with a maximum panel size of 8  4 feet (2.4  1.2 m). Apply sheeting and legend as described above for extrusheet signs. Attach temporary overlays to extrusheet signs in the shop or field using aluminum blind rivets at a maximum spacing of 18 inches (0.5 m) on the peripheries of the temporary overlays and 24 inches (0.6 m) within the interior.

Use fluorescent yellow green reflective sheeting for the following signs: SCHOOL (S4-3), School Crossing (S1-1), yellow portions of school speed limit (S5-H3, S5-H4, S5-H5), SCHOOL ENTRANCE (S3-H3), SCHOOL BUS STOP AHEAD (S3-1), SCHOOL BUS TURN AHEAD (S3-H2), Bicycle Crossing (W11-1), Pedestrian Crossing (W11-2), Handicap Crossing (W11-9), SAFETY ZONE (W11-H15), and Playground (W15-1). Fabricate supplemental signs [such as SHARE THE ROAD (W16-1), Advisory Speed Plate (W13-1), Distance Plates (W16-2, W16-2a, W16-3, W16-3a), Supplemental Arrows (W16-5p, W16-6p, W16-7p and AHEAD Plate (W16-9p)] from fluorescent yellow green sheeting when used with a sign above.

Use fluorescent yellow reflective sheeting for all yellow signs, yellow portions of multi-colored signs, and yellow sign post reflectors, except for signs and portions of signs required to be fabricated with fluorescent yellow green reflective sheeting.

For lighted signs, cover glare shield and rectangular luminaire support tube with nonreflective sheeting matching the predominant sign color.

Furnish 4  2.5 inch (100  62 mm) sign identification stickers of Type F reflective sheeting as shown in Figure 1. For signs fabricated in English based sizes, use white stickers with red ink legend. For signs fabricated in hard metric based sizes, regardless of the sign message units contained on the sign face, use yellow stickers with red ink legend. Place the stickers on the back side of the sign in the lower right corner of rectangular signs, or in an equivalent location for other sign shapes, approximately 3 inches (75 mm) from side and bottom sign edges (for smaller signs, these dimensions may be reduced). Position the sticker so it can be read horizontally and is clearly visible, not near bolt holes or rivets, and not obstructed by the sign support when erected.

Silk screen the fabrication data onto the face of the sticker, and include the sheeting manufacturer identification code and year of fabrication. Alternatively, the numbers 0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7 and 08-09-10-11-12 may be silk screened onto the sticker with the correct sheeting manufacturer identification code and fabrication year punched out, respectively. At the time of sign erection, indicate the erection data by scratching out the appropriate month and year.

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