100 general provisions

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621.04 Installation RPM Casting. Cut parallel slots with 1/16” to 1/8” (1.5 mm to 3 mm) clearance on each side for installing RPM castings.

Pavement cuts should be inspected prior to adding casting adhesive.

When a casting is inserted in the cut without casting adhesive to test proper cut, at least 3 of the 4 leveling lugs/tabs must contact the pavement surface and all four keel-ends of castings must be below the pavement surface.

Each casting must be centered lengthwise and should have 1/16” to 1/8” (1.5 mm to 3 mm) clearance between pavement cut and casting for casting adhesive to bond properly. Only the leveling lugs/tabs should be in contact with the pavement surface after insertion of casting in pavement so that a minimum of 1/16” (1.5 mm) of casting adhesive is the bonding adhesive between the casting and pavement. The casting adhesive must fill all voids.

The pavement cut must be completely dry and free of dust, dirt or any other material that will interfere with the adhesive bond to the casting and the pavement. Casting adhesive on the active reflector face must be removed immediately.

Install the RPM casting within 24 hours after cutting the slots into the pavement. On new pavement surfaces, the Contractor may begin RPM placement as soon as the pavement markings for that section are completed and dry.

Ensure that the RPM casting is free of dirt, dust, oil, grease, rust, moisture, or any foreign matter that impairs adhesion to the pavement.

Place RPMs when the pavement surface temperature and the ambient air temperature are at least 40 F (5 C) and the pavement is dry. Heat both parts of the RPM casting adhesive to 100  10 F (38  5 C) during installation when either the pavement surface or ambient air temperature is between 40 and 50 F (5 and 10 C).

Ambient Air


Minimum Period

Protected from Traffic

























Do not allow traffic on the RPMs until the adhesive has cured.

Two component approved casting adhesive is used to fill the pavement cut to within approximately 3/8” (9 mm) of the top of the pavement cut. A minimum of 3 of the 4 leveling lugs/tabs must be in contact with the pavement surface and the casting adhesive should ooze out from under the casting from all sides filling all voids around the casting and be level with the pavement surface.

Mix the casting adhesive according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Complete the mixing operation and placing of the RPMs rapidly. Do not use any mixed batch that becomes so viscous that it cannot be readily extruded from under the RPM with light pressure.

621.05 Installation RPM Retroreflector Attach the reflector to the casting before installation or after the adhesive in the pavement slots has cured.

Remove all dirt, dust, oil, grease, rust, moisture, parts of damaged reflectors, or any foreign matter that impairs adhesion of the reflector to the casting.

Peel the release liner from the back of the reflector with butyl pad. Apply a wide bead (approximately 3/8” [9 mm] ) of an ODOT approved reflector adhesive sufficient to squeeze out on all sides when pressure is applied to seat the reflector.

Apply approximately 100 pounds (45 kg) of pressure on the reflector or foot pressure for 1 to 3 seconds. Do not allow adhesive material on the reflective surface of the reflector. Any adhesive on the active reflector must be removed immediately.

Apply the reflector when the pavement surface temperature and the ambient air temperature are at least 35 F (2 C) and the casting surface is dry. Do not attach the reflector to the casting when rain over the work site is imminent.

621.06 Reflector Replacement. Replace damaged, non-retroreflective, or missing reflectors within the existing marker installations where the casting remains intact with the appropriate reflector type. The Engineer will determine the location of replacement reflectors.

Perform the cleaning and attachment procedure for replacing reflectors within existing RPM installations according to 621.05.

621.07 Reflector Color. Use the appropriate reflector color for the following applications:

A. Channelizing Lines. White/red two-way reflectors with white facing traffic.

B. Lane Lines. White one-way or white/red two-way reflectors as specified, with white facing traffic.

C. Edge Lines. One-way reflectors facing traffic matching the edge line color or two-way reflectors with the edge line color facing traffic and red in the opposite direction.

D. Center Lines. Yellow two-way reflectors.

621.08 Raised Pavement Markers Removed As designated, remove existing raised pavement markers. Fill all depressions caused by removing the castings with asphalt concrete by the end of the next workday. Remove all standing water from the hole before filling. Compact the asphalt concrete flush with the pavement. Removed raised pavement markers become the property of the Contractor.

621.09 Method of Measurement. The Department will measure RPMs by the number of each furnished, complete with reflectors, in place, and accepted.

The Department will measure RPM, Reflectors by the number of each, complete in place, for use on existing RPM castings in the pavement, and accepted.

The Department will measure Raised Pavement Markers Removed by the number. Payment will include the cost of asphalt concrete to fill depressions caused by removal of the castings.

621.10 Basis of Payment. The Department will pay for accepted quantities at the contract prices as follows:

Item Unit Description

621 Each RPM

621 Each RPM Reflector

621 Each Raised Pavement Marker Removed


622.01 Description

622.02 Materials

622.03 Placing Concrete

622.04 Portable Concrete Barrier

622.05 Joints

622.06 Finish

622.07 Curing

622.08 Method of Measurement

622.09 Basis of Payment
622.01 Description. This work consists of furnishing and placing portland cement concrete barrier on the accepted and prepared subgrade, subbase course, or existing pavement. This item also consists of furnishing, placing, maintaining, and removing portable concrete barrier.

622.02 Materials. Furnish materials conforming to:

Concrete, Class C 499

Reinforcing steel and wire fabric 509.02

Forms 515.14

Preformed filler 705.03

Curing materials 705.05, 705.06,

or 705.07 Type 2

Precast concrete 706.13

Dowel bars 709.01 thru 709.05

Steel 711.01

622.03 Placing Concrete. Construct concrete barrier by cast-in-place, precast, or slip-form methods. For slip-form construction, conform to 609.04.C.

622.04 Portable Concrete Barrier. Furnish individual sections not less than 10 feet (3 m) long. If intending to use the barrier at one location on the project, the Contractor may slip-form barriers in place without joints, or with grooved or sawed joints to facilitate removal. As directed by the Engineer, repair or replace barrier sections damaged during handling or by traffic, for the life of the project.

622.05 Joints. Construct joints for cast-in-place or slip-formed barrier of the type and dimensions and at the locations specified.

A. Contraction Joints. The Contractor may construct unsealed contraction joints by either sawing, using metal inserts inside the forms, using a grooving tool, or using full-width 3/4-inch (19 mm) thick preformed joint filler conforming to 705.03. Make joints that are sawed, tooled, or formed by inserts a minimum of 1/8 inch (3 mm) wide and 3 inches (75 mm) deep. Saw joints as soon as curing allows sawing to the required depth with minimal spalling of the concrete surface.

B. Expansion Joints. Use 3/4-inch (19 mm) preformed joint filler conforming to 705.03 to construct expansion joints at the centerline of and around each bridge pier column and on either side of each sign support foundation.

C. Horizontal Construction Joints. If and as shown on the plans, the Contractor may place horizontal construction joints.

622.06 Finish. Immediately following removal of fixed forms or slip-form construction, check the surface of the barrier with a straightedge and correct all irregularities of more than 1/4 inch in 10 feet (6 mm in 3 m). Finish and make corrections to the barrier surface according to 511.18.

622.07 Curing. Cure concrete according to 511.17, Method B and the following additional requirements. Apply the curing compound using an approved mechanical sprayer equipped with a shield to protect the spray from wind. For small areas, the Engineer will allow the use of other acceptable methods.

Do not apply any load or conduct any work that will damage newly placed concrete. Allow a minimum of 36 hours of cure time to elapse on any concrete placed first at a horizontal construction joint. The Contractor may cure precast sections according to 515.15. With the Engineer’s approval, the Contractor may also use radiant heated forms for curing.

The Contractor may use 511.17, Method A for curing of short sections of barrier (leave-outs); however, before the curing is completed for any leave-outs, apply material conforming to 705.07, Type 2 at the normal rate specified in 511.17, Method B.

The Contractor may cure horizontal construction joints between the foundation and the upper portion of the barrier, and between portions of the upper barrier placed separately according to 511.17, Method A or B. Do not remove the membrane before placing the next portion of the concrete barrier.

622.08 Method of Measurement. The Department will measure Concrete Barrier by the number of feet (meters) along the centerline of the top of the barrier, including all transitions, end terminals, and bridge pier sections as specified, complete in place.

The Department will measure Portable Concrete Barrier and Portable Concrete Barrier, Bridge Mounted by the number of feet (meters) for each application of the barrier placed according to the plans. The Department will measure each re-use of barrier sections at a different location required by the plans separately.

The Department will not measure repaired or replacement barrier sections damaged during handling or by traffic.

622.09 Basis of Payment. The cost of all inserts, sleeves, fittings, connectors, reinforcement, dowels, preformed filler, excavation, and backfill is incidental to these items.

The Department will pay for accepted quantities at the contract prices as follows:

Item Unit Description

622 Foot (Meter) Concrete Barrier, Type ___

622 Foot (Meter) Portable Concrete Barrier, ___" (___ mm)

622 Foot (Meter) Portable Concrete Barrier, ___" (___ mm)

Bridge Mounted

623.01 Description

623.02 General

623.03 Basis of Payment
623.01 Description. This work consists of furnishing, placing, and maintaining construction layout stakes necessary for the proper prosecution of the work under the contract and removing all stakes at the completion of the project.

623.02 General. The Department will locate and reference to either strategically placed Project Control Monuments and Project Geometric Layout Coordinate data or Centerline of Construction points with 3 point reference ties as shown in the plans. The Department will establish benchmarks along the line of the improvement outside construction limits. The Department will establish one benchmark for use at each structure with a span greater than 20 feet (6.1 m). The Department will not locate the centerline of short street intersection returns. Locating and referencing the centerline consists of locating and referencing control points such as point of curve, point of tangent, and sufficient points on tangent to provide a line of sight. Establish reference points outside the construction limits in such a manner that they will be available to reestablish the control points at any time during the course of the work. The Engineer will identify to the Contractor control points set by the Department and will keep the field notes in the field office.

Furnish field forces and set all additional stakes for the project, including interchanges, that are needed to establish offset stakes, reference points, slope stakes, pavement and curb line and grade, stakes for bridges, culverts, sewers and drainage structures, paved gutters, walls, monuments, fence, Right-of-Way lines, and any other horizontal or vertical controls, including supplementary benchmarks, necessary to secure a correct layout of the work. Determine the location of slope stakes for grading work by a calculation method, and make a copy of these calculations available to the Engineer for the project records. Set stakes for the line and grade of pavement and curb at sufficient station intervals but not exceeding 50 feet (20 m) to ensure conformance to plan line and grade. Staking of Right-of-Way lines consists of placing tall stakes, properly identified and readily discernible, at points of change in width or direction of the Right-of-Way line and at points along the line so that at least two of the stakes can be seen distinctly from any point on the line. Before beginning construction, stake Right-of-Way lines at locations where construction is to be performed. The Engineer will not require the Contractor to set additional stakes to locate a utility line that is not included as a pay item in the Contract, or to determine the property line between the properties.

The Contractor may elect to perform portions of this work by electronic methods. Submit a plan of action to the Engineer detailing the means and methods to produce the desired results. After the plan of action is approved, layout the first 1000 feet (300 m) of the project by conventional methods. The Department will evaluate the first 1000 feet (300 m) using electronic methods to verify the accuracy of the equipment. Ensure that the accuracy of the electronic methods are within 2 percent of the conventional methods.

Once the accuracy of the electronic methods is established, use the conventional methods to set every 1000 feet (300 m) of the project measured along the centerline. A ground control point is required for every structure, and a print out of the work is required for every 200 feet (60 m) of the project.

If the electronic methods are found to be out of the above tolerance, submit a plan of action to correct the problem. If the problem persists, return to conventional methods.

The Contractor is responsible for having the finished Work conform to the lines, grades, elevations, and dimensions shown on the plans. Any inspection or checking of the Contractor’s layout by the Engineer and the acceptance of all or any part of it does not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility to secure the proper dimensions, grades, and elevations of the several parts of the work. Exercise care in the preservation of stakes and benchmarks, and reset them at no additional cost to the Department when any are damaged, lost, displaced, or removed. Use competent personnel and suitable equipment for the layout work required and that a Registered Engineer or a Registered Surveyor supervises the operation. Do not engage the services of any person or persons employed by the Department for the performance of any of the work covered by this specification.

Verify survey information shown on the plans, except for the centerline of the project, which may be use to lay out the Work.

The removal of layout stakes at the completion of the Work is a final cleanup item that is required as a condition of full payment of 624 Mobilization.

623.03 Basis of Payment. The Department will pay for accepted quantities at the contract price as follows:

Item Unit Description

623 Lump Sum Construction Layout Stakes


624.01 Description

624.02 Limitation

624.03 Method of Measurement

624.04 Basis of Payment
624.01 Description. This work consists of the preparatory work and operations including, but not limited to, those necessary for the movement of personnel, equipment, supplies, and incidentals to the project site; for the establishment of all field offices, buildings, and other facilities necessary for work on the project; for all other work and operations that must be performed or costs incurred before beginning the Work on the other contract items; and for demobilization.

If Mobilization is not included as a pay item in the Contract, the Department will not pay for this work separately but will consider it incidental to the other Contract Items.

624.02 Limitation. The Department will limit the sum of the partial payments specified in 624.04.A and 624.04.B to the amounts shown in Table 624.02-1 under “Maximum Total of Partial Payments”. The Department will pay the balance of the lump sum amount bid, as specified in 624.04.C.

Table 624.02-1

Total Contract Amount

Maximum Total of Partial


More than

Up to, inclusive











































If the lump sum amount bid for Mobilization exceeds the total shown in Table 624.02-1 for partial payments, the Department will pay the excess upon completion of the project.

624.03 Method of Measurement. The Department will measure Mobilization as a unit, acceptably performed.

624.04 Basis of Payment. The Department will make partial payments according to 109.09 and as modified by the following schedule:

A. The Department will release 50 percent of the lump sum amount bid for Mobilization or 50 percent of the amount shown in 624.02, whichever is less, to the Contractor with the first estimate payable, but not sooner than 15 days after the start of work at the project site.

B. The Department will release an additional 40 percent of the lump sum amount bid for Mobilization or 40 percent of the amount shown in 624.02, whichever is less, with the first regular estimate after 10 percent of the original total contract amount, including payments for delivered materials but excluding Mobilization, is earned.

C. Upon completion of all work on the project, including final cleanup, the Department will release payment of the remaining 10 percent of the lump sum amount bid for Mobilization and any amount of the lump sum price bid for Mobilization, in excess of the total amount shown in 624.02 for partial payment. Final cleanup includes but is not limited to the removal of layout stakes installed under Item 623 and as Directed by the Engineer, sediment and erosion control items installed under Item 207.

The Department will pay for accepted quantities at the contract price as follows:

Item Unit Description

624 Lump Sum Mobilization

625.01 Description

625.02 Definitions

625.03 Codes

625.04 Permits

625.05 Materials

625.06 Working Plans

625.07 Incidentals

625.08 Luminaires

625.09 Luminaire Supports

625.10 Foundations

625.11 Junction Boxes (Handholes) & Pull Boxes (Manholes)

625.12 Raceways and Conduits

625.13 Trenching

625.14 Jacking or Boring

625.15 Power Service(Control Equipment)

625.16 Grounding

625.17 Wiring and Cabling

625.18 Connections

625.19 Testing of Installations

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