1992 mayis kpds sorulari

Following the earthquake, lorry loads of medical supplies were immediately sent to the area

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30. Following the earthquake, lorry loads of medical supplies were immediately sent to the area.

  1. Deprem nedeniyle, tıbbi malzeme yüklü kamyonlar derhal bölgeye ulaştırıldı.

  2. Depremden sonra kamyonlar dolusu tıbbi malzeme derhal bölgeye gönderildi.

  3. Depremle birlikte derhal kamyonlar yüklenerek bölgeye tıbbi malzeme gönderilmiştir.

  4. Kamyonlar dolusu tıbbi malzeme derhal deprem bölgesine ulaştırılmıştır.

  5. Tıbbi malzemenin depremden hemen sonra bölgeye ulaştırılması kamyonlarla gerçekleştirilmiştir.

31. The credit problem should have been settled before work began on the construction of the third bridge.

  1. Üçüncü köprünün yapımıyla ilgili çalışmalar başlamadan önce kredi sorunu halledilmiş olmalıydı.

  2. Kredi sorunu, üçüncü köprünün yapımı başlamadan önce halledilmiş olacak.

  3. Üçüncü köprünün yapımına yönelik çalışmaların başlaması ile kredi sorunu çözümlendi.

  4. Kredi sorunu, üçüncü köprünün yapım çalışmaları başlayınca çözümlenebildi.

  5. Üçüncü köprünün yapımından önce kredi sorunu çözümlenmiş ve çalışmalar başlamıştır.

32. The first banks to provide support for the irrigation project were the private sector ones.

  1. Özel sektöre ait ilk bankalar öncelikle sulama projelerine destek sağlamıştı.

  2. Özel sektöre ait bankaların birçoğu bu sulama projelerini destekledi.

  3. Özel sektör bankaları sulama projesini en önce destekleyen bankalardı.

  4. Sulama projesi için destek sağlayan ilk bankalar özel sektör bankalarıydı.

  5. Sulama projelerine destek sağlayan bankalardan biri de bir özel sektör bankasıydı.

33. I’m not sure that the new press counsellor will be able to answer all the questions concerning the economic situation.

  1. Ekonomik konularla ilgili yeni basın danışmanının tüm soruları cevaplayabileceğini sanmıyorum.

  2. Yeni basın danışmanının, ekonomik durumla ilgili tüm sorulara cevap verebileceğinden emin değilim.

  3. Yeni basın danışmanının, ekonomik durumla ilgili tüm soruların cevaplanmasında yeterli olduğundan emin değilim.

  4. Yeni danışmanın, basının ekonomi ile ilgili tüm sorularına cevap verebileceğinden şüpheliyim.

  5. Basını ilgilendiren tüm soruların yeni ekonomi danışmanı tarafından cevaplanabileceğini sanmıyorum.

34. One another problem affecting the project is the shortage of skilled labour in the area.

  1. Bölgede nitelikli işgücünün bulunmayışı, projeyi etkileyen bir diğer sorundur.

  2. Nitelikli işgücü yetersizliği, bölgeyle ilgili projeyi etkileyen diğer bir sorundur.

  3. Bölgede nitelikli işgücünün bulunmaması, projeyi olumsuz olarak etkileyen ayrı bir sorundur.

  4. Bölgede projeyi olumsuz olarak etkileyen diğer sorunlardan biri, nitelikli işgücünün yokluğudur.

  5. Projeyi etkileyen diğer bir sorun, bölgedeki nitelikli işgücü yetersizliğidir.

35-44 sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümlenin İngilizce dengini bulunuz.

35. Şişmanlığın başka bir nedeni, suyun vücut dokularında tutulmasıdır.

  1. The retention of water in the body tissues, moreover, will cause overweight.

  2. In cases of overweight, too much water is retained by the body tissues.

  3. Another cause of overweight is the retention of water in the body tissues.

  4. Overweight also causes the body tissues to retain more water.

  5. The heavier a person is, the more water is retained in the body tissues.

36. Önceki banka müdürünün kişisel sorunları bile basında manşet olmuştu.

  1. The bank manager was horrified that his personal problems made the headlines.

  2. Previously, it was the bank manager’s personal problems that made the headlines in the press.

  3. Indeed, that was before the bank manager’s personal problems made the news.

  4. The former bank manager’s personal problems even have hit the headlines in the press.

  5. Prior to this, no bank manager’s personal concerns have received such treatment in the press.

37. Basit bir şekilde ifade etmek gerekirse, bayılma beyne giden kanda geçici bir azalmadan meydana gelir.

  1. To put it simply, fainting is due to a temporary shortage in the blood going to the brain.

  2. In plain words, fainting occurs when blood supply to the brain is insufficient.

  3. Quite simply, when the brain’s blood supply is interrupted, fainting results.

  4. Fainting can be treated, quite simply, by increasing the amount of blood going to the brain.

  5. To be concise, fainting leads to a reduction in the amount of blood going to the brain.

38. Başka yerde bazı mallar daha ucuz olduğu halde, sundukları hizmet için belli bir mağazaya gitmeye devam ettiğiniz hiç oldu mu?

  1. Have you ever continued to go to a particular shop because of the service they provide even though certain goods are cheaper elsewhere?

  2. Why continue to go to a particular shop because you like the service if certain goods are cheaper elsewhere?

  3. Would you keep on going to special shop with good service if you could get certain goods elsewhere for less money?

  4. Do you have to pay more for goods in the shops which offer particularly good service?

  5. Do you continue to go to that particular shop with the good service even though certain goods are cheaper elsewhere?

39. Aslında toplantıdaki sosyal hizmetler uzmanlarının çoğu, ülkenin gençleri arasında alkol sorununun giderek artmakta olduğu görüşünde.

  1. According to the social workers at the meeting, it is the drink problem of the young that is on increase.

  2. Actually the growing drink problem among the young people of the country was the main reason for the meeting of the social workers.

  3. Obviously, most social workers at the meeting believe that if the country’s young people go on drinking, this will create a problem.

  4. The fact that there is a drink problem among country’s young people was in the eyes of the social workers the real reason for the meeting.

  5. In fact, most of the social workers at the meeting are of the opinion that the drink problem among the country’s young people is on the increase.

40. Genellikle daha yüksek bir faiz oranının uzun vadeli tasarruflar için cazip olduğu doğrudur.

  1. On the whole, a higher rate of interest attracts more long-term savings.

  2. It is generally true that a higher rate of interest is attractive for long-term savings.

  3. It is generally agreed that the higher the interest rates, the more long-term savings there will be.

  4. Long-term savings are usually attractive because of the higher interest rates.

  5. It’s obviously true that higher interest rates must be used to attract long-term savings.

41. Kuyruklu yıldızlar, hala, zaman zaman muhteşem bir görüntü veren esrarengiz cisimlerdir.

  1. The mystery of why comets are so spectacular has still to be solved.

  2. Comets will continue to provide a magnificent but unexplained spectacle at regular intervals.

  3. Comets are still enigmatic objects which, from time to time, produce a spectacular sight.

  4. The mystery surrounding comets is in part dependent on their magnificent appearance.

  5. The splendid appearance of the comet contributes even more to its mysterious nature.

42. Güvenlik Konseyi, körfezdeki durumun düzeltilmesi için gerekli yeni önlemleri tartışmak üzere acilen toplantıya çağrıldı.

  1. The members of the Security Council will attend the meeting since new measures are essential if the crisis in the Gulf is to be overcome.

  2. Unless the situation in Gulf improves, the Security Council will have to meet to work out new measures immediately.

  3. The Security Council met to find ways of smoothing out the situation in the Gulf as quickly as possible.

  4. The Security Council has been urgently called for a meeting to discuss the new measures needed for the improvement of the situation in the Gulf.

  5. The Security Council has agreed that a new meeting should be held immediately to discuss new ways of improving the situation in the Gulf.

43. Önümüzdeki yıllarda, şimdi tam olarak anlaşılamayan pek çok hastalık, kesinlikle daha etkili bir biçimde tedavi edilecektir.

  1. In future, even little known diseases will certainly be more effectively treated.

  2. In the years ahead, many diseases now imperfectly understood will certainly be treated more effectively.

  3. From now on, diseases that are perfectly understood will be treated with more care.

  4. Years hence, most diseases will be better understood and treated more effectively.

  5. In the years ahead, a better understanding of many diseases will obviously lead to better treatment.

44. Rönesans’la birlikte, düşünürler kendilerini kilisenin tahakkümünden kurtarmaya ve böylelikle dünyayı tarafsız bir biçimde incelemeye başladı.

  1. Thinkers studied the world objectively in the Renaissance when the Church wasn’t dominant any longer.

  2. The Renaissance enabled thinkers to escape the domination of the Church and study the world independently.

  3. With the Renaissance, thinkers began to free themselves from the domination of the Church and study the world independently.

  4. During the Renaissance thinkers were free to study the world objectively as the Church was no longer dominant.

  5. In Renaissance times, since the Church was no longer dominated the world, people began to think more objectively.

45-52 sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

45. As soon as the German troops crossed the Polish frontier, ____

  1. the allied forces had launched their first massive attack.

  2. the people have been massacred and towns devastated.

  3. the Poles withdraw to a more strategic position.

  4. Britain declared war against Germany.

  5. disease had not been prevented.

46. Even though the imagery James Joyce used in his novels is intensely personal, ____

  1. themes related to Irish life had always been popular among Irish novelists.

  2. he had played a major role in the development of the novel.

  3. some critics have argued that it has archetypal patterns.

  4. perhaps the best-known Irish writer is Bernard Shaw.

  5. most Irish writers have been keenly interested in drama.

47. ____ only after the Iraqi government has fully complied with the resolutions of the Security Council.

  1. Life in Kuwait would have returned to normal

  2. The Gulf Crisis had to be solved

  3. The economic embargo imposed on Iraq can be lifted

  4. The oil wells in Kuwait were set on fire

  5. The pollution of the seas in the region is a matter of great concern

48. ___ that the sale of the factory was illegal.

  1. The magistrate was of the opinion

  2. Those responsible were prosecuted

  3. The process of laundering the black money has been discovered

  4. The documents submitted by the firm were all forged

  5. The police have arrested the owners

49. Dams can only be constructed in places ____

  1. in which there were adequate supplies of water

  2. where the ecological structure is suitable

  3. from which towns and villages may have to be constructed

  4. wherever the river bed has dried up

  5. that there are mountains as well as rivers

50. ____ not even his wife will be allowed to visit him.

  1. Before the results of the tests had come through

  2. Although the surgeon was unwilling to operate for a week

  3. As long as the patient started to recover

  4. Despite the fact that he proved allergic to certain medicines

  5. While he remains in the intensive care unit

51. ____ the trend to withdraw savings from bank continues

  1. Since the value of many shares on the stock would have dropped by as much as a half every hour

  2. When export restrictions on certain goods were finally lifted

  3. If the Central Bank had taken firmer instructions at the start

  4. Unless the interest rates are raised at once

  5. Inasmuch as the financial situation is steadily deteriorating

52. ____ the end result was extremely disappointing.

  1. Although much energy and time had gone into the production of the play

  2. Even if the government has approved the new scheme

  3. Working only a few hours a day

  4. Owing to the qualified employees

  5. What made the staff feel disappointed

53-58 sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca en yakın olan cümleyi bulunuz.

53. If Mr Drake doesn’t hand in resignation, then Paul will.

  1. Apparently, neither Paul nor Mr Drake plans to resign.

  2. Either Mr Drake resigns or Paul does.

  3. Mr Drake gave in his resignation before Paul.

  4. Paul would have resigned if Mr Drake had.

  5. Paul won’t resign unless Mr Drake does.

54. Few of the people who attended the opening the exhibition realised just how remarkable the exhibition was.

  1. Many people at the opening were unable to appreciate the worth of the exhibition.

  2. Most people who came to the opening did not expect the exhibition to be of any value.

  3. A great majority of the people were, in fact, impressed by the exhibition when it was opened.

  4. At the opening of the exhibition some people thought it was inefficiently organised.

  5. Of those who attended the opening, some thought the exhibition was rather disappointing.

55. A comparative study of religions is a subject that appeals to most theologians.

  1. Religions are often compared by some of the theologians.

  2. Many theologians argue that religions should have been studied comparatively.

  3. Comparatively, many theologians are involved in the study of religions.

  4. For most theologians, religious subjects are interesting even though they are studied comparatively.

  5. For the majority of theologians, the comparison of religions is a subject of great interest.

56. Efforts at the collective bargaining have failed because what was demanded was more than the firm could afford.

  1. The demands made at the collective bargaining could have been met by the firm.

  2. Even if the firm could have afforded more, the collective bargaining wouldn’t have been useful.

  3. The failure of the efforts of the collective bargaining was due to the lack of interest on the part of the firm.

  4. Since the firm could not possibly meet the demands, the parties at the collective bargaining could not reach an agreement.

  5. Both sides made considerable efforts to ensure the success of the collective bargaining.

57. In view of the evidence, it seemed quite clear that John had committed the crime.

  1. At court John was charged with crime.

  2. From the evidence it was fairly obvious that the criminal was John.

  3. As far as the evidence is concerned, John seems to be a suspect.

  4. All the evidence showed that John was the only person to be charged with the crime.

  5. If John had committed the crime, the evidence would have shown it.

58. He advised me not to sell such a quantity of shares without consulting an expert.

  1. The expert’s advice was to consult him first and then sell the shares.

  2. He told me that only experts could sell so many shares.

  3. He thought it would be better if I were to seek professional advice before selling so many shares.

  4. The sale of shares, he argued, was to be done on the advice of professionals.

  5. He claimed that professional advice was necessary before we sold any quantity of shares.

59-64 sorularda, parçada boş bırakılan yere uygun düşen ifadeyi bulunuz.

59. It seems that in most countries, the categorising of the handicapped is undergoing a change. In particular, the idea of mental handicap is being recognised. The case of autistic children is an example of this. ____ .

  1. It is now clear that these children can be taught

  2. On the contrary, the handicapped can get effective education in regular classrooms

  3. As far as the authorities are concerned, more attention should be given to budgetary restrictions

  4. Judging from the data gathered recently, throughout the world the handicapped are not receiving the care they actually need

  5. In fact, among reforms proposed by the ministry, is the form of general election.

60. In this age crime has become everyday event, and this has had an effect on our reading. Readers no longer look for an escape when they pick up a crime novel. ____ . That is, they want to learn something about the real world, and about those good and bad, who inhabit it.

  1. Crime novelists cannot be dismissed simply because the incidents they describe are inherently more interesting than those in other kinds

  2. Today the crime novel, in all its forms, proceeds more surely and satisfactorily from character

  3. Most novelists see crime as a fascinating topic when they creatively write about

  4. They read it for the same reasons they read novels of any other kind

  5. A great majority of readers regard incidents in a crime novel as more fantasy

61. The word “psychology’ was coined by the ancient Greeks as a label for their philosophic probings into the human “psyche”. ____ . But how does this go about studying the mind scientifically? Science implies measurement. How does one measure something which can neither be seen nor heard nor touched?

  1. This is why psychology has come to be known as the study of behaviour

  2. It is not the only discipline that is concerned with a systematic study of behaviour

  3. All of these disciplines are rightly regarded as behavioural sciences

  4. Sociology, on the other hand, is devoted in largest part to the nature and development of human society

  5. Gradually it came to mean the study of the “mind”, and still, in part, retains that meaning.

62. ____ . Size alone has clearly nothing to do with the distinction, there are some huge colleges and some small universities. Is the difference to be found in breadth or scope of instructional offerings? Not according to the late Hastings Renewal, whose three-volume “Universities of Europe in the Middle Ages” is a classic in the field.

  1. Public institutions are in a different situation

  2. The content and the structure of general education need to be improved

  3. First, let us clarify the terms “college” and “university”

  4. In most countries college has come to mean a label for a higher institution of limited or special scope

  5. A number of colleges and universities have experimented with curricular structures

63. For centuries, scientists and philosophers have speculated on the structure of the universe and the existence of galaxies outside our own. But until the 20th century, they were able to do no more than speculate. ____ . Using grant telescopes, ultraviolet and infrared instruments, and high speed computers, they are studying the formation of galaxies for further insights into the nature of cosmos.

  1. Meanwhile, the study of other galaxies has led to an extraordinary insight into the possible structure of the universe

  2. We know, of course, that the universe is designed on a scale far more grand

  3. After decades of speculation, in fact, we have started to penetrate to the very centre of our own galaxy

  4. Now, however, scientists have determined that the universe is made up of thousands of millions of galaxies

  5. They have located regions that are very much disturbed with hot turbulent gases swirling at great force about the centre

64. Few artists have had such an impact on their own and succeeding ages as has Michelangelo. He became a myth even in his own lifetime. Now a vast amount of source material about him has been collected including letters poems and contracts. ____ .

  1. For him manual execution was a vital component of the creative process and, on occasion, seemed part of the process of design itself

  2. Nevertheless, modern history of art has formed an image of the artist that is much nearer to historical truth than those presented by his first biographers

  3. Precisely for this reason, the earlier history of art is filled with distorted material which is mostly mere speculation

  4. Indeed, one of the most striking peculiarities of his work is the great number of pieces that were left unfinished

  5. Thus the artist’s character, his daily habits, and his working habits are known to us

65-70 sorularda, anlam bakımından hangi cümlenin parçaya uymadığını bulunuz.

65. (I) In recent years remarkable results have been achieved in the field of organ transplants. (II) Gradually, we are learning more about the chemistry of memory. (III) This also concerns the genes. (IV)Formerly, tissues could not be transplanted. (V)Now by using genetically identical twin tissues, surgeons are able to do successful organ transplants.

  1. I

  2. II

  3. III

  4. IV

  5. V

66. (I) It is true that the Arabs carefully studied Greek thought, and translated into Arabic many outstanding Greek writings on medicine, science and philosophy. (II) Europe, even when at war with them, eagerly learned from their scholars.(III) Many European students attend Arab universities in Spain, and returned home as admirers of Arab learning. (IV) Indeed, the Western impact on the Arab world has been enormous. (V) Hence, medieval Europe was greatly indebted to the Arabs.

  1. I

  2. II

  3. III

  4. IV

  5. V

67. (I) Financially, 1975 was a difficult year for the airline industry, with only meagre increases in traffic. (II) In the US, the situation was particularly bad. (III) There the airlines put most of the blame on the continuing rise in fuel prices. (IV) The economic recession combined with inflation lowered demand for railways. (V) In Europe, however, air traffic continued to increase but at a slower rate than in recent years.

  1. I

  2. II

  3. III

  4. IV

  5. V

68. (I) Men of science and philosophers, from very early times, have attempted to define life. (II) They even tried to prove that all living things possess souls. (III) Nearly all living things grow during some of their life. (IV) Aristotle, for example, who may be looked upon as the “father of biological research” tried hard to establish the presence of souls in plants. (V) But for many centuries it was not realised that to define life is practically impossible.

  1. I

  2. II

  3. III

  4. IV

  5. V

69. (I) In modern world, political crime poses cruel political and moral problems. (II) These problems are particularly acute in more democratic societies. (III) At the other hand of the political spectrum, a totalitarian regime is virtually immune to terrorism. (IV) For here the security apparatus of the state makes it almost impossible for terrorist groups even to exist. (V) Therefore, among the reasons of terrorism can be mentioned bad economy.

  1. I

  2. II

  3. III

  4. IV

  5. V

70. (I) Throughout history the Mediterranean has served as profitable commercial route between the East and the West. (II) Those who visit the Mediterranean are invariably impressed with its unity. (III) Everywhere it is the same, for the shades of difference here is less important than the resemblances. (IV) Yet this unity is the result of aggressive contrast; sea and mountain, sea and desert. (V) In these respects, the Mediterranean is very different from the rest of the world.

  1. I

  2. II

  3. III

  4. IV

  5. V

71-76 sorularda, verilen durumda söylenebilecek ifadeyi bulunuz.

71. Everyone in the department store seems to be greatly impressed by the new technician, but you know him better than they do. So, you decide to contradict this impression and say:

  1. I’m afraid I don’t agree with you, either.

  2. I can tell you he is not what he seems to be.

  3. I’m sure you won’t be disappointed in him later.

  4. I’m sure he’ll prove useful in the department.

  5. He just needs a little encouragement, I suppose.

72. A friend of yours has been a heavy smoker for years and clearly this is seriously affecting his health. You say:

  1. Your health is rapidly deteriorating; Why don’t you give up smoking altogether?

  2. I know you enjoy a smoke. I think, you should continue to smoke heavily.

  3. I can understand why, after all these years, you smoke so heavily.

  4. More and more people are cutting down on their smoking, but I think you shouldn’t.

  5. I presume it is only at work that you smoke so heavily.

73. Mr. and Mrs. Jones are at a formal dinner. Mr. Jones has spilled wine on the table cloth and he is extremely embarrassed. Afterwards Mrs. Jones wants to console him and says:

  1. At the dinner you made me feel very uncomfortable and embarrassed. Do learn to be more careful.

  2. Something was wrong tonight. Everyone at the dinner seemed uncomfortable.

  3. I think it was a dreadful dinner party, don’t you?

  4. Don’t worry. I’m sure few people actually noticed what happened at the table.

  5. On the whole, the conversation was tedious; don’t you agree?

74. You are in charge of a building site and want to discuss, as soon as possible, a technical problem with the chief engineer. As he is not at his office, you leave the following message:

  1. I’m leaving early. Please keep an eye on the site.

  2. I wonder if we can meet for a drink after work tonight.

  3. You might have told me that you were going to have visitors.

  4. The cement hasn’t been delivered. Why not?

  5. There’s a problem we must discuss. It is urgent.

75. You have been invited to attend a conference on drug trafficking. However, as you have been in poor health for some time you feel you must decline the invitation, so you say:

  1. Conferences of this kind bore me greatly.

  2. Although I’ve recently had an operation, that needn’t prevent me from attending.

  3. Normally I’d have been pleased to attend, but on health grounds, I must be excused.

  4. Since drug trafficking is a major world problem, I’m sure the conference will be a great success.

  5. I believe the medical aspects of drugs should be taken into account at the conference.

76. In board meeting a young colleague has put forward a new policy suggestion which conflicts to the general policy of the firm. You think it is right and, therefore, you want to support it, so you say:

  1. The general policy of our firm should at all costs be upheld.

  2. What he has suggested can really be ignored.

  3. Our young colleague’s suggestion really deserves our serious consideration.

  4. As far as I’m concerned, there is little to be said.

  5. Our young colleague seems to have weakened the traditions of the firm.

77-82 sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan kısmında söylenmiş olabilecek sözü bulunuz.

77. Mathers: Bill’s in a bad mood today. What’s happened?

Lawson: The firm is threatened with a takeover.

Mathers: ____

Lawson: No, but it’s never been this serious before.

  1. Who told you that?

  2. Well, it’s not the first time.

  3. That is bad news.

  4. I don’t believe you.

  5. Well, I can see you’re enthusiastic about it.

78. Surgeon: You now realise that you should have consulted someone earlier, don’t you?

Patient: I admit I’ve been negligent, but I really didn’t think it was so serious.

Surgeon: ____

Patient: Good, that’s what I wanted to hear.

  1. All this time you have been careless.

  2. You must be joking.

  3. Clearly, you’ve already had several operations.

  4. Even so, we can still treat you.

  5. You were prepared for a very long and rather painful treatment.

79. Paul: I’m applying for the public relations post.

Interviewer: ____

Paul: Well, I’ve got the right economic training, know two foreign languages and get on well with people.

  1. Why did you decide to resign from the job?

  2. Have you been involved in the incident?

  3. If we offer you the post, when could you start?

  4. What sort of duties are involved?

  5. What makes you think you can make success of a job of this kind?

80. James: Have you read that article on cancer yet?

Steve: ____

James: Well, I wish you would. I’d like to hear your opinion.

  1. I gave the report to Brian. It’s really well prepared.

  2. Yes, I read it yesterday. Didn’t think much of it.

  3. No, I haven’t. Should I?

  4. It seemed reasonably sound to me. What about you?

  5. I know many people are suffering from it.

81. Redger: I hear Peter’s not going to Amsterdam Congress. Is that true?

Nancy: It is. His wife has to have an operation; so he asked not to be sent.

Redger: ____

Nancy: It is still not definite.

  1. Too bad. Who’ll go in his place?

  2. What bad luck! He was looking forward to going.

  3. I wish I were going too.

  4. That’s really very unfortunate.

  5. What a pity! I know he is a very gifted man.

82. Peter: What are you working on?

Gordon: The feasibility report concerning the construction of the new railway.

Peter: ____

Gordon: No, that one will be constructed in the South of the country.

  1. The ministry has withdrawn the proposal, hasn’t it?

  2. Are you really satisfied with it?

  3. Why is the transportation of goods so important?

  4. May I take a look at the figures?

  5. Do you mean the one to be financed by an international consortium.

83-85 soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

The practical advantages of prefabrication are two-fold: It is quicker and it does away with uncertainty. Speed in building is important in these days because of the high cost of land: the time during which such an expensive commodity is out of use must be reduced to a minimum. And, partly or wholly prefabricated methods of construction save time on the job because parts are prepared in the factory beforehand. Prefabrication does away with uncertainty because it means that the whole building is made of standard parts the behaviour of which is known and has been tested.

83. Since land is extremely valuable it is important that ____ .

  1. costs do not continue to rise

  2. the building materials should also be expensive

  3. people should not disagree as to the advantages of prefabrication

  4. building costs be reduced to a minimum

  5. it does not remain out of use for long

84. One advantage of using prefabricated parts is that ____ .

  1. fewer skilled workmen are required

  2. this method is much cheaper than standard methods

  3. less land is required

  4. buildings can be put up much faster

  5. there is more scope for experiment

85. When a building is constructed from standard parts that have been well tested ____ .

  1. there is no scope for originality

  2. the costs will naturally be excessively high

  3. new methods of construction are overlooked

  4. one knows in advance that the result will be satisfactory

  5. one is still not sure how they will behave in a particular situation

86-88 soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

Computers can store vast amounts of information in a very small space and are used by the banks to keep accounts, print out statements and control transactions. They are also used by the police to keep personal records, fingerprints and other details. In the rapidly developing field of robotics computers are now being used to control manual operations done by mechanics. These, too, are taking over work, previously done by people in the manufacture of cars, in weaving and in other industries. Computers play an important role in controlling artificial satellites, decoding information and communications generally. They are used to predict the weather with increasing accuracy.

85. One can conclude from the passage that ____ .

  1. computers have become an indispensable part of our life

  2. despite great advantages in computer techniques, they are not proving as useful as once was hoped

  3. weather forecasts carried out by computers are not reliable at all

  4. robotics has long been a field of keen scientific interest for man

  5. computerised banking has led to an increase in unemployment.

87. The author points out that ____ .

  1. industry is turning back to traditional methods of production

  2. the police use computers to make sure that their records are not tested

  3. the principal use of computers is in space industry

  4. computers are too complex for everyday use

  5. the use of robots, directed by computers, is becoming widespread in industry

88. The passage is not concerned with ____ .

  1. the application of computers in industry

  2. how computers are manufactured

  3. the conservation of information by computers

  4. the role played by computers in crime detection

  5. the use of computers in communications and the transfer of information

89-91 soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

Looking ahead from the present position where food production has kept ahead of population growth globally, but has fallen per capita in 55 (mainly African) countries, it would seem that these trends will continue. About 30 countries - most of them African - can expect serious problems unless they reduce population growth and give higher priority to agriculture and conservation. Though a warmer, wetter earth with high CO2 levels is likely to be capable of producing more food, the amounts will still be inadequate for many poorer countries. In many cases, the population projections are greater than the entire local land resources can support.

89. Of all the countries in the world it is those in Africa ____ .

  1. which have taken the most drastic measures to prevent population growth

  2. that are most threatened by food shortages

  3. which are environmentally most at disadvantage

  4. that are most conscious of the need to preserve this environment

  5. in which poverty has been greatly reduced through agricultural development.

90. It is argued that in the passage that ____ .

  1. changes in the world climate are increasing the problems of food production

  2. agricultural development will presently put an end to global food shortages

  3. with the exception of African countries, the global production of food is adequate and likely to continue so

  4. the conservation of land resources is of minor importance

  5. any effort must be made to prevent the co2 level from rising.

91. According to the passage it is anticipated that ____ .

  1. the per capita income in African countries will continue to increase

  2. food production will double in the years ahead

  3. the present situation concerning population growth and population will soon improve

  4. all the African countries will soon solve all their population problems

  5. unless serious measures are taken, the poor countries of the world will be faced with famine.

92-94 soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

Psychology is literally the study of mind (or soul) but its areas has broadened somewhat in the last century as we have learned that one cannot consider the mind as totally isolated from the body, and it now includes the study of human personality and behaviour. It is important to realise that psychologists are first and foremost trained as scientist rather than as medical experts and do not necessarily take much interest in abnormalities of the brain and mental processes.

92. As can be inferred from the passage, psychology ____

  1. has in time developed as a branch of medicine

  2. has always been confined to the study of the mind

  3. primarily concentrates on the study of animal behaviour

  4. mostly deals with mental abnormalities

  5. is not concerned with the mind alone, but also with human personality and behaviour

93. In the passage attention is drawn to the fact that ____ .

  1. psychologists give great importance to the study of mental processes for medical purposes

  2. psychologists are basically scientists

  3. the body and the mind are separate entities in the eyes of psychologists

  4. the human mind can best be understood through the study of animal behaviour

  5. there have been no noticeable developments in psychology since the last century

94. It is pointed out in the passage that ____

  1. a close cooperation between psychologists and medical experts is essential

  2. the study of human behaviour alone is what interests present day psychologists

  3. as a branch of science, psychology is no longer to be understood in its literally sense

  4. the mind and the body function independently

  5. in recent years psychologists have concentrated mostly on the study of the mind

95-97 soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

Aid to underdeveloped countries takes many forms and it is given for many reasons. Underdeveloped countries need aid to provide finance for development projects; to provide foreign exchange with which imports for development purpose can be bought; and to provide the trained manpower and technical knowledge they lack. The motives of the donor are not always humanitarian. “Aid” can take a military form; it can be used to support an incompetent or unjust government. Nor is aid always beneficial to the recipient country. It may be wasted on ill-conceived or prestige projects, or cause the government simply to relax on its own efforts.

95. In the passage, it is argued that the reasons behind the aid given to the underdeveloped countries ____

  1. are always of a military nature

  2. are varied in purpose and in effect

  3. can be disregarded altogether

  4. invariably involve humanitarian principles

  5. relate only to the technical needs of the recipient country

96. One infers from the passage that what is generally referred to as “aid” ____ .

  1. usually leads to the overthrow of the government of the recipient country

  2. is, in fact, monetary support for development projects only

  3. is actually one country’s intervention in another country’s internal affairs

  4. does not necessarily benefit the recipient country

  5. can really be regarded as a waste of resources

97. According to the passage, unless they receive aid, underdeveloped countries ____ .

  1. will lose their world-wide prestige

  2. often face military coups

  3. will be at the mercy of donor countries

  4. will have to rely on foreign technical advice for many years to come

  5. cannot provide money and human resources for development

98-100 soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

Both as a profession and a science, economics lost considerable prestige during the recession of 1974-75. The crisis that seized the western industrialised countries including Japan was of a character not to be found in economics textbooks. Rate of inflation exceeding 10% a year coupled with declining production and high levels of unemployment. Hitherto, peacetime inflation had been associated with high employment and an overactive economy, while high rate of unemployment went with the recession or depression. The next combination was apply called stagflation.

98. The term stagflation can be defined as ____ .

  1. the combination of high inflation and economic recession

  2. inflation in an overactive economy

  3. high unemployment in spite of high levels of production

  4. a decrease in the rates of inflation

  5. high levels of peacetime inflation

99. The economic crisis of the mid-1970’s ____ .

  1. followed the same pattern as earlier economic crisis

  2. caused economy to overactive

  3. caused people to lose faith in economics

  4. had little effect on the industry of developed countries

  5. was characterised only by high inflation and low production

100. The main subject of the passage is ____

  1. the growing unpopularity of economics as a science

  2. the relationship between unemployment and recession

  3. the industrial decline of Japan and some Western countries

  4. the unusual nature and extensive effects of the economic crises of the 1970’s

  5. how to combat high inflation and unemployment

1-24 sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen kelime veya ifadeyi bulunuz.

1. The topics included in the conference programme are not as ____ as one might have hoped.

  1. obsessed

  2. illuminated

  3. preoccupied

  4. varied

  5. disposed

2. At the opening of the new production of Aida the guest soprano gave a superb, a truly ____ performance.

  1. dazzling

  2. declining

  3. disappointing

  4. recalling

  5. degrading

3. Diplomatic relations between the two countries, which were ____ during the war, have not yet been restored.

  1. defeated

  2. established

  3. severed

  4. determined

  5. featured

4. If the situation in Somalia improves, a significant part of the allied forces will be ____ .

  1. enclosed

  2. withdrawn

  3. encouraged

  4. recruited

  5. sustained

5. They raised no ____ to his prolonged leave of absence since they didn’t want to lose him altogether.

  1. refutation

  2. refusal

  3. objection

  4. refund

  5. compulsion

6. The criticism he made concerning the annual fiscal report was ____ to the point.

  1. remarkably

  2. immediately

  3. incessantly

  4. preferably

  5. incompetently

7. I would like to open a private old people’s home but I don’t know yet how to ____ it.

  1. look through

  2. set about

  3. rush upon

  4. put on

  5. turn on

8. He was rather ____ when he learned that his proposal had been turned down.

  1. hurried on

  2. sent away

  3. found out

  4. seen to

  5. put out

9. Research into the causes of cancer is ____ vital importance if we are to learn how to control the disease.

  1. on

  2. with

  3. in

  4. of

  5. under

10. The economy of most Middle Eastern countries is largely based ____ oil exports.

  1. with

  2. upon

  3. about

  4. onto

  5. for

11. In his new job he will be responsible ____ the coordination of relief to the refugees.

  1. about

  2. to

  3. for

  4. at

  5. from

12. As far as I am concerned he is one of ____ talented lawyers the company has ever had.

  1. most

  2. the most

  3. more

  4. mostly

  5. least

13. Some of the board members are convinced that the price quoted is ____ high to be accepted.

  1. more

  2. so

  3. little

  4. too

  5. as

14. John said he couldn't make it on Tuesday or Wednesday; I told him I couldn’t ____ .

  1. either

  2. also

  3. too

  4. neither

  5. as well

15. I suspect the most interesting developments in space exploration have been the most recent ones, ____ ?

  1. aren’t are

  2. are they

  3. is it

  4. do I

  5. haven’t they

16. Surely we’re in a position now ____ we can afford to pay for the best legal advice.

  1. where

  2. which

  3. what

  4. that

  5. whom

17. ____ decision he makes we’ll have to accept it.

  1. Whenever

  2. Whatever

  3. Whatsoever

  4. Wherever

  5. Whoever

18. The doctor advised him to have monthly check-ups ____ any return of symptoms might be detected immediately.

  1. if ever

  2. in case

  3. such as

  4. even though

  5. so that

19. If you really ____ to promote him, you ____ so right away.

  1. are meaning / did

  2. meant / will have to do

  3. have meant / had to do

  4. mean / must do

  5. were meaning / had done

20. One way of ____ waste is ____ such things as glass and paper.

  1. cut down / recycling

  2. cutting down / to recycle

  3. cutting down / recycle

  4. cut down / recycling

  5. being cut down / to have recycled

21. No new staff ____ appointed since the two companies ____ merged.

  1. are / would be

  2. were / have been

  3. are going to be / have

  4. would have been / are being

  5. have been / were

22. Today the telephone ____ an indispensable part of our daily life but ____ so.

  1. had been / had not always been

  2. has been / is not always

  3. is / has not always been

  4. will be / would not always be

  5. was / couldn’t always have been

23. In the end I ____ him for the election since the attitude of the delegates ____ so completely.

  1. didn’t propose / had changed

  2. have proposed / will change

  3. am proposing / would have changed

  4. could not have proposed / is changing

  5. had not proposed / changed

24. I ____ him taking notes frantically while the minister ____ the troops.

  1. saw / had addressed

  2. could see / was addressing

  3. see / was addressing

  4. had seen / would be addressing

  5. have seen / addressed

25-34 sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümlenin Türkçe dengini bulunuz.

25. I would probably have reacted in a similar manner if I had been faced with the same situation.

  1. Böyle bir durumla karşılaşırsam, onunkine benzer bir tepki gösterebilirim.

  2. Aynı durumla herhalde ben de karşılaşırsam onunkine benzer bir tepki gösterebilirim.

  3. Eğer aynı durumla karşılaşsaydım herhalde ben de benzer şekilde tepki gösterirdim.

  4. Eğer aynı durumla yine karşılaşırsam, herhalde aynı tepkiyi gösteririm.

  5. Belik ben de aynı durumla karşılaştım ve tepkim de benzer şekilde oldu.

26. In the past many writers enhanced their repute by travelling and lecturing on a variety of public issues.

  1. Geçmişte şöhretini artırmak isteyen pek çok yazar, bol bol seyahat ediyor ve çeşitli konulardaki konferanslara katılıyordu.

  2. Geçmişte pek çok yazar seyahat ederek ve çeşitli toplumsal konularda konferanslar vererek şöhretini artırmıştır.

  3. Geçmişte pek çok yazar, gerek şöhretini artırmak gerek toplum sorunları ile ilgilenmek için sık sık seyahat ediyordu.

  4. Geçmişte şöhretini artırmak isteyen pek çok yazar hem seyahat ediyor hem de toplumun konuları üzerinde konuşuyordu.

  5. Geçmişte yazarların çoğu seyahat ederek ve toplumsal konulardaki derslere katılarak şöhrete ulaşıyordu.

27. Certain amendments will have to be made in the law before free trade zones can be made to work effectively.

  1. Yasalarda gerekli değişiklikler yapıldığı takdirde, serbest ticaret bölgelerinin hemen faaliyete geçmesi sağlanabilir.

  2. Yasalarda çeşitli düzenlemeler yapılmadan serbest ticaret bölgelerinin verimli bir şekilde çalışması imkansızdır.

  3. Serbest ticaret bölgelerinin en verimli şekilde çalışmalarını sağlamak için bazı yasal değişikliklerin yapılması gereklidir.

  4. Serbest ticaret bölgelerinin etkili bir şekilde işletilmesi sağlanmadan önce, yasada bazı değişikliklerin yapılması beklenmektedir.

  5. Serbest ticaret bölgelerinin karlı bir şekilde işletilmesi için bazı yasal değişikliklerin yapılması şarttır.

28. Many oil producing countries have balance of payments surplus; some of this amount should be used for humanitarian purposes.

  1. Petrol üreten pek çok ülkenin ödemeler dengesinde büyük bir artış gözlenmektedir; bunun önemli bir miktarı insanlara yardım amacıyla kullanılabilir.

  2. Petrol üreten pek çok ülke, ödemeler dengesi fazlalığına sahiptir; bu miktarın bir bölümü insancıl amaçlar için kullanılmalıdır.

  3. Petrol üreten çeşitli ülkelerin ödemeler dengesindeki fazlalık önemli bir miktarda olmasa da, bunun bir bölümü insancıl amaçlara tahsis edilebilir.

  4. Petrol üreten pek çok ülke ödemeler dengesi bakımından iyi durumda bulunmaktadır; bu nedenle, insanlara yardım için önemli bir miktar kaynak ayırabilirler.

  5. Ödemeler dengesi fazlalığına sahip olan petrol üreticisi çeşitli ülkeler, insancıl amaçlar için kullanılmak üzere bir kaynak oluşturdular.

29. Some people are of the opinion that privatisation should be first implemented in the areas which are a big burden on the budget.

  1. Bazı çevreler, öncelikle bütçe üzerinde etkili olan alanlarda özelleştirmeye gidilmesini savunuyor.

  2. Bütçe üzerinde büyük bir yük olan alanlarda özelleştirmeye gidilmesi düşüncesi bazılarınca kabul ediliyor.

  3. Bazıları, özelleştirmenin öncelikle bütçeye büyük bir yük olan alanlarda uygulanması gerektiği görüşündedir.

  4. Bazıları özelleştirme uygulanırken önceliğin, bütçeye büyük bir yük olan alanlara verilmesini savunuyor.

  5. Bazılarının görüşü, bütçe üzerinde büyük bir etkisi olan alanların özelleştirmeye öncelikle alınması doğrultusundadır.

30. The negotiations on the border dispute are long drawn out because neither side has agreed to make any concessions whatsoever.

  1. Hiçbir tarafın taviz vermeye yanaşmaması nedeniyle, sınır anlaşmazlığı ile ilgili tartışmalar daha da sürecektir.

  2. İki tarafında herhangi bir esneklik göstermemesi ve tavizden kaçınması nedeniyle, sınır anlaşmazlığı tüm çabalara rağmen uzayıp gitmektedir.

  3. İki taraf da karşılıklı taviz vermeyi kabul etmediği sürece, sınır anlaşmazlığının çözümü ile ilgili görüşmeler daha da uzayacaktır.

  4. Sınır anlaşmazlığı ile ilgili görüşmeler, hiçbir tarafın kesinlikle herhangi bir taviz vermeyi kabul etmemesi nedeniyle çok uzadı.

  5. Hiç kimse taviz vermeye yanaşmadığı için sınır anlaşmazlığını çözmeye yönelik görüşmeler uzayıp gidiyor.

31. He is the only person with enough experience and expertise to carry out this scheme.

  1. Bu projeyi yürütecek yeterli deneyim ve uzmanlığa sahip tek kişi odur.

  2. Deneyim ve uzmanlığa sahip bir kişi olarak bu projeyi o yürütecektir.

  3. Bu projeyi ancak yeterli deneyim ve uzmanlığa sahip bir kişi yürütebilir.

  4. Bildiğim kadarıyla, bu projeyi yürütecek deneyim ve uzmanlığa sahip tek kişi vardır.

  5. Yeterli bilgi ve deneyimi ile bu projeyi yürütebilecek tek kişinin o olduğu açıktır.

32. Since the economic situation is improving, many international companies have increased the scope of their investments in the country.

  1. Ekonomik durumun iyileşmesi üzerine, uluslararası pek çok şirket ülke içindeki yatırımlarının miktarını oldukça yükseltmiştir.

  2. Ekonomik durum düzelmekte olduğundan, uluslararası pek çok şirket ülkeleri yatırımlarının kapsamını genişletmiştir.

  3. Ekonomik durumun iyileştiğini gören uluslararası pek çok şirket, ülke içindeki yatırımlarının sayısını ve miktarını artırmaya yönelmiştir.

  4. Uluslararası pek çok şirket, ekonomik durumu düzeltmek amacıyla ülke içindeki yatırımlarının düzeyini yükseltmiştir.

  5. Ülkedeki ekonomik durumun düzelmesini takiben, uluslararası pek çok şirket yatırımlarının kapsamını daha da genişletmiştir.

33. On taking office last week, he made it clear that he would introduce a number of radical changes in the management.

  1. Geçen hafta göreve başlarken açıkladığı pek çok köklü yönetim değişikliğini uygulamaya başladı.

  2. Yönetimde yapacağı çok sayıdaki kapsamlı değişikliği, geçen hafta göreve gelir gelmez açıkladı.

  3. Geçen hafta görevi devralırken, yönetimi temelden değiştireceğini ifade etti.

  4. Yönetimde yapmak istediği pek çok önemli değişikliği geçen hafta göreve gelir gelmez açıkladı.

  5. Geçen hafta göreve başladığında, yönetime bir dizi köklü değişiklik getireceğini açıkça belirtti.

34. The article he has published is concerned with the way matter behaves at very low temperatures.

  1. Onun makalesinde açıkladıkları, maddenin çok düşük sıcaklıklardaki davranış biçimi ile uyuşmaktadır.

  2. Maddenin çok düşük sıcaklıklardaki hareketi ve biçimi ile ilgili bir makale yayınlandı.

  3. Yayınladığı makalede, maddenin oldukça düşük sıcaklıklardaki davranış biçimini açıklamaktadır.

  4. Onun yayınladığı makale, maddenin çok düşük sıcaklıklardaki davranış biçimi ile ilgilidir.

  5. Düşük sıcaklıklarda maddenin gösterdiği davranışlar onun yayınlanan makalesinde ele almaktadır.

35-44 sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümlenin İngilizce dengini bulunuz.

35. Ahlak değerlerindeki çöküş, daima toplumda yozlaşmaya yol açar.

  1. When a society is really decadent it ignores moral issues.

  2. A decadent society always disregards immoral behaviour.

  3. A decline in moral values invariably leads to decadence in society.

  4. Moral issues lose importance when a society is truly decadent.

  5. The decadence of a society is apparent in the absence of moral standards.

36. Aleyhinde kanıtlar kesin olmadığı için muhtemelen beraat edecek.

  1. He will naturally be detained if the evidence against him is conclusive.

  2. He is likely to be acquitted though the evidence against him is not conclusive.

  3. If the evidence against him had been conclusive he would have naturally been detained.

  4. His acquittal seems likely though there is plenty of conclusive evidence against him.

  5. He will probably be acquitted since the evidence against him is not conclusive.

37. Halkın onaylamamasına rağmen, yeşil kuşak içinde iskana izin verilmektedir.

  1. In spite of public disapproval, housing is being permitted within the green belt.

  2. If the public had not shown its disapproval, housing might have been permitted in the green belt.

  3. Housing in the green belt is subject to public approval.

  4. The housing scheme for the green belt is dependent upon public approval.

  5. There will be no housing on the green belt as this has met with so much public disapproval.

38. Barajın inşaatı ile ilgili sözleşmeyi imzalamadan önce bir avukata danışması gerekirdi.

  1. He ought to consult his lawyer before signing a contract for the construction of the dam.

  2. He should have consulted a lawyer before signing the contract for the construction of the dam.

  3. The contract for the construction of the dam will have to be drawn up by a lawyer.

  4. His lawyer advised him on the drawing up of a contract for the construction of the dam.

  5. His lawyer would have advised him to sign the contract concerning the construction of the dam.

39. Ne istersen söyle, gerçekten sert önlemler almadıkça ekonomik durgunluğu aşmamız mümkün değildir.

  1. As you say, with really strong measures we could get over the economic recession.

  2. Whatever anyone says, the only way to get over the economic recession is by firmly cutting back expenditure.

  3. In spite of what you have said, we shall never get over the economic recession unless really strong measures are taken.

  4. Say what you like, we can’t possibly get over the economic recession without taking really drastic measures.

  5. As you’ve pointed out, we’ll never stop the economic recession unless we take some really drastic measures.

40. Onun gibi hırslı birinin böyle bir baskıya boyun eğmesi pek olası değildir.

  1. It’s hardly likely that someone as ambitious as he is will yield to such pressure.

  2. I can’t imagine, anyone with his forceful character yielding to pressure of that sort.

  3. Anyone as ambitious as that would never be able to yield to pressure.

  4. It’s really not possible to make such ambitious people yield to pressure.

  5. It would be almost impossible to put enough pressure on someone as forceful as he is to make him yield.

41. Kuşatmanın bir yılı aşkın bir süredir devam etmesine rağmen teslim olmamaya kararlılar.

  1. Even if the siege had continued for more than a year they would never have agreed to surrender.

  2. If the siege goes on for a full year they will be bound to surrender.

  3. Even though the siege has been going on for over a year, they are determined not to surrender.

  4. They were determined not to surrender until they had endured the siege for almost a year.

  5. Their determination not to surrender failed when the siege had gone on for over a year.

42. Satışlardaki ani düşüş sonucu iflasa doğru sürüklendiğini en yakın dostları bile anlayamadı.

  1. It was only his closest friends who realised that he was heading for bankruptcy with this sharp fall in sales.

  2. Even his very close friends did not realise that, following a sharp fall in sales, he was heading for bankruptcy.

  3. His close friends should have realised that the sharp fall in sales could lead to his bankruptcy.

  4. His close friends even warned him that a sharp fall in sales could lead to bankruptcy.

  5. Even his close friends ignored the fact that he was on the edge of bankruptcy when sales dropped so low.

43. Benim tavsiyemi göz ardı edip, kendi sezgilerine güvenerek, tüm kazancını çok iyi tanınmayan şirketlerin hisse senetlerine yatırdı.

  1. She behaved impulsively and, contrary to my advice, invested all her winnings in the shares of some little-known companies.

  2. Instead of disregarding my advice and trusting her intuition she would have invested her earnings in these little known companies.

  3. My advice was in line with her intuition, so she invested her winnings in the shares of some well-known companies.

  4. I advise her to invest her earnings in the shares of some well-known companies but she was against this.

  5. Disregarding my advice but trusting her intuition, she invested all her earnings in the shares of companies that are not very well known.

44. Personel geliştirme projesi ile ilgili olarak yönetim kurulu hangi kararı alırsa alsın, projenin başarısını tayin edecek olan, ayrılan para miktarıdır.

  1. The executive committee realises that the success of the staff development scheme really depends upon the amount of money they can allocate to it.

  2. Whatever decision the executive committee may take as regards of the staff development scheme, it is the amount of money allocated that will determine its success.

  3. Whatever decision they reach, the executive committee will allocate the staff development scheme an adequate amount of money to ensure the success.

  4. The success of the staff development scheme will depend on the amount of money the executive committee allocates to it.

  5. However much money is allocated to the staff development scheme, this does not, as the executive committee knows, guarantee its success.

45-52 sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

45. All medicines should be kept in a safe place ____ .

  1. in case there were any side effects

  2. if they can be found in an emergency

  3. so that they were kept cool

  4. where small children cannot reach them

  5. which mustn’t exceed the recommended dose

46. James insisted on taking us all for dinner ____ .

  1. whenever he comes to Istanbul for a weekend

  2. since he’s really very hard up at the moment

  3. even though he really couldn’t afford to

  4. that there was so little to eat in the house

  5. before the contract would have been signed

47. ____ he’ll never be as successful as his father is.

  1. However hard he tries

  2. He should have realised years ago

  3. It must have been hard for him to admit

  4. Walter should have said

  5. It didn’t seem likely

48. I would require a number of people in this company to take early retirement, ____ .

  1. until the affair is forgotten

  2. since I have the authority to do so

  3. that such a scandal had really happened

  4. were I in full charge

  5. even if I had been fully informed of matters well in advance

49. ____ as if surgery may be unnecessary.

  1. They had already explained

  2. In the light of the latest report, it looks

  3. The doctor might have decided

  4. According to the final tests one can conclude

  5. The patient was encouraged

50. ____ by the time they him got to the hospital.

  1. The cause of the accident will be fully understood

  2. He has been critically ill

  3. The condition of patient had deteriorated considerably

  4. They still don’t realise how serious his situation is

  5. The doctor on duty should give him a blood transfusion

51. ____ unless more funding is made available.

  1. He was praised for his scholarly achievement

  2. He failed to reach any satisfactory conclusion

  3. The company has taken serious measures to improve the working conditions

  4. No remarkable progress had been made

  5. It will be impossible to carry out any further research

52. ____ that nothing concrete had emerged from the negotiation concerning the continental shelf.

  1. As members of the committee we were extremely disappointed to learn

  2. The public opinion polls revealed a lack of interest

  3. Both delegations have been withdrawn

  4. So far neither side has been involved

  5. Clearly, the legal position makes it imperatives

53-58 sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca en yakın olan cümleyi bulunuz.

53. He was sent for trial for causing a disturbance.

  1. The trial turned out to be an extremely unpleasant one.

  2. He found the trial extremely disturbing.

  3. He is upset at the idea of having to stand trial.

  4. He was brought before the judge, accused of breaking the peace.

  5. The trial was conducted under rather unpleasant circumstances.

54. The architects were told to give practical considerations precedence over aesthetic ones.

  1. The architects had to be reminded that a well-designed building is both beautiful and useful.

  2. Architects are supposed to give more attention to appearance than to right construction.

  3. It is said that architects prefer aesthetic considerations to practical ones.

  4. The architects were reminded that the appearance of a building is not of primary importance.

  5. The architects had to concentrate, not on the appearance of the building, but on making it functional.

55. He’s being paid out of all proportion to his usefulness.

  1. A proportion of his salary is kept in reserve.

  2. The extra money has proved most useful.

  3. With piece-work one is paid for each item produced.

  4. He receives far more money than he deserves.

  5. Yüklə 3,1 Mb.

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