1992 mayis kpds sorulari

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92-94 soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

Much in medicine which is now taken for granted was undreamed of even as recently as 50 years ago. Progress in diagnosis, in preventive medicine and in treatment, both medical and surgical, has been so rapid as to be almost breathtaking. Today a doctor retiring from active practice will among other things have seen smallpox completely eradicated, tuberculosis become curable, coronary artery disease relievable surgically. One aspect of medicine still resistant to progress in understanding is the effect of mind on body. Many of us still like to think that our bodies are just something we have got into, like cars, that ill health is simply something that has “gone wrong” in one system or another and that therefore provided we find the appropriate expert to correct the fault, we will recover.

92. According to the passage, the rate at which medical advances have taken place during the recent decades ____ .

  1. was previously envisaged

  2. has been underestimated

  3. is quite startling

  4. cannot be accounted for

  5. has been subject to a great deal of controversy

93. It is pointed out in the passage that there is a close relationship between the workings of mind and the body ____ .

  1. which is of little importance in the treatment of illness

  2. but this has yet to be properly understood

  3. which most doctors tend to overlook

  4. and medical research has made great progress in this field

  5. but research into this area is not likely to prove useful

94. The writer uses the “car” comparison to emphasise that most people ____ .

  1. tend to have a mechanical view of the human body

  2. have great confidence in the medical profession

  3. have the right attitude towards medical progress

  4. regard surgery as an indispensable part of medicine

  5. think some body parts cannot be replaced at all

95-97 soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

National income is a measure of the total income accruing to the residents in a country in return for services rendered. It therefore consists of the sum of wages, salaries, profits and rents. But not all these income accrues to persons; for instance, companies do not distribute all their profits to shareholders and some nationalised industries earn profits. This is part of national income but not of personal income. On the other hand, some personal incomes are not payments for services rendered. Such incomes are called transfer incomes to emphasise that their payment does not add to the national income, but only transfers income from one agent to another. Included in this category are retirement pensions, family allowances, and student grants.
95. The passage is concerned with ____ .

  1. the need to maintain a balance between the various types of incomes

  2. methods of increasing various types of incomes

  3. how incomes can be transferred from one person to another

  4. the importance given to wage problems

  5. the definition of various income categories.

96. By "transfer income", the writer means ____.

  1. an income like a student grant, which is not paid in return for services rendered

  2. the sum total of payments, including retirement pensions, distributed by companies to their employees

  3. the revenues contributing to the growth of the national income

  4. the circulation of money through trade and other means

  5. the incomes realised by shareholders out of company profits

97. It is understood from the passage that the national income ____ .

  1. does not benefit from the majority of financial transactions

  2. mainly consists of the profits made by industry

  3. relies almost exclusively on personal gains

  4. does not include all income categories

  5. can be increased through the nationalisation of industry

98-100 soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

According to the United Nations sources, world population in mid-1985 was, 5,290 million, an increase of 90 million in one year. More than half of the total live in Asia (56,9 per cent). Different countries are at different stages in a demographic transition from the stability provided by a combination of high birth rate and high death rate to that provided by a combination of low birth rate and low death rate. Their recent population history and current trend of growth, the age-structure of their population, and consequently their population potential for the near future are all widely different. Most rapid growth is in Africa with rates of over 3 per cent in some countries. In most European countries the rate is less than 1 per cent.
98. It is pointed out in the passage that, of the continents of the world, it is ____ .

  1. Asia where population stability has been achieved most recently

  2. Europe that hopes to see an increase in its population

  3. Asia that accommodates the largest proportion of the world's population

  4. Africa where the population growth has stabilised over recent decades

  5. Africa which is the most densely populated

99. According to the passage, the demographic trend, observed in various countries ____ .

  1. is towards a stability with low birth and low death rates

  2. involves high birth and low death rates

  3. is pointing to a continued state of population instability

  4. will have to be checked

  5. will be reversed in the near future

100. The author points out that there is little uniformity ____ .

  1. in the way birth rates are being controlled among rural and urban populations

  2. of population growth among African countries

  3. as regards population figures in Europe

  4. as far as birth and death rates are concerned

  5. in the current pattern of the demographic transition of the various countries of the world

1-24 sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen kelime veya ifadeyi bulunuz.

1. His study of the situation covers a great deal of relevant material but does not tackle the real issues _____ enough.

  1. disturbingly

  2. outrageously

  3. vaguely

  4. adequately

  5. currently

2. At present the rate of economic growth is very satisfactory, but _____ when foreign competition makes itself felt this will not be the case.

  1. enthusiastically

  2. eventually

  3. considerably

  4. effectively

  5. preferably

3. Serbian _____ in Bosnia has been strongly condemned by the civilised world but little serious action has been taken against it.

  1. conduct

  2. settlement

  3. investment

  4. treaty

  5. compliment

4. In view of the severe economic recession his appointment to this office was regarded as highly _____

  1. refutable

  2. compulsory

  3. persuasive

  4. appropriate

  5. considerable

5. In a child, curiosity normally suggests intelligence and is welcomed; but an _____ adult is best avoided.

  1. indefinite

  2. indulgent

  3. indecisive

  4. impartial

  5. inquisitive

6. I am not _____ that his proposal actually will lead to an improvement in the situation.

  1. impressed

  2. deterred

  3. convinced

  4. refrained

  5. deserved

7. It is a society that is _____ to waging war on all forms of environmental pollution.

  1. regarded

  2. preferred

  3. referred

  4. committed

  5. upheld

8. Many of the pictures sent from outer space are presently on _____ in the public library.

  1. duty

  2. display

  3. account

  4. exchange

  5. reinforcement

9. One way _____ cutting down waste is to recycle such things _____ glass and paper.

  1. of / as

  2. to / of

  3. as / off

  4. in / to

  5. with / in

10. Some of these new drugs, capable _____ curing a variety of diseases, are sometimes hazardous _____ use or disposal.

  1. about / with

  2. for / at

  3. by / through

  4. in / by

  5. of / in

11. As he failed to reply in time, the organisers took his name _____ the list.

  1. below

  2. to

  3. in

  4. by

  5. off

12. Why don't you take your lawyer with you to the meeting _____ there are problems he can deal with for you?

  1. whether

  2. even if

  3. as ever

  4. unless

  5. in case

13. _____ of the information he gave could have been found in any encyclopaedia.

  1. A few

  2. Many

  3. Few

  4. Much

  5. A great many

14. The director has promised that _____ finds a solution to this particular problem will be well awarded.

  1. who

  2. whoever

  3. the one

  4. whomsoever

  5. anyone

15. I was immensely impressed by both the qualifications and the personality of the candidate, but _____ on the selection committee was.

  1. all the rest

  2. several others

  3. many

  4. hardly anyone else

  5. most of the others

16. Several members of the research team haven't handed in their reports yet, and I must admit I haven't _____

  1. as well

  2. too

  3. either

  4. also

  5. neither

17. The judge ruled that the evidence given by the witnesses at the trial was not substantial _____ to prove the doctor guilty of negligence.

  1. already

  2. alright

  3. enough

  4. fairly

  5. still

18. Weren't they supposed _____ a detailed study of the area before they chose the site for the new factory?

  1. to have to make

  2. to have made

  3. making

  4. having made

  5. to be made

19. Since he became the chairman of the company he _____ used to working late, and he seems to enjoy it.

  1. has got

  2. gets

  3. was getting

  4. had got

  5. will be getting

20. Until the very last minute we could not find out whether or not he _____ to sign the treaty.

  1. will agree

  2. would agree

  3. has agreed

  4. is going to agree

  5. has to agree

21. By the end of the 20th century all the countries in the European Community _____ a political union.

  1. formed

  2. have formed

  3. are forming

  4. are being formed

  5. will have formed

22. The banks complained that they _____ adequate notice regarding this new monetary policy.

  1. are not being given

  2. are not given

  3. haven't given

  4. had not been given

  5. will not be giving

23. Hardly ever _____ such a gathering of distinguished scientists from so many different countries.

  1. there was

  2. there has been

  3. has there been

  4. would there have been

  5. there had been

24. The rescue workers _____ able to rescue some of those who _____ still alive under the rubble.

  1. should be / were

  2. may be / are

  3. might have been / have been

  4. will be / would be

  5. were / will be

25-34 sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümlenin Türkçe dengini bulunuz.

25. You may take your salary in foreign currency, should you so wish.

  1. Maaşınızı döviz olarak almak istediğinizi belirtiniz.

  2. Maaşınızı döviz olarak alabilmeniz için başvuruda bulunmanız gerekir.

  3. Maaşınızı döviz olarak almak istediğinizi yazı ile bildirin.

  4. Arzu ederseniz, maaşınızı döviz olarak alabilirsiniz.

  5. İsterseniz maaşınızın dilediğiniz miktarı döviz olarak ödenebilir.

26. Whatever verdict the court gives, the public will always regard him as guilty.

  1. Mahkemenin kararına rağmen, herkes onu hâlâ suçlu olarak görüyor.

  2. Mahkeme nasıl karar verirse versin, halk onu daima suçlu olarak görecek.

  3. Herkesin onu suçlaması, mahkemenin vereceği kararı etkilemeyecek.

  4. Onun suçu ile ilgili olarak mahkemenin vereceği kararı herkes merakla bekliyor.

  5. Mahkeme ceza vermese bile, o yine de herkesin gözünde suçlu olacaktır.

27. In the post-war period higher education became one of the policy priorities for western governments.

  1. Yükseköğretim, batılı hükümetler için ancak savaştan sonra siyasi özelliği olan bir konu oldu.

  2. Yüksek öğretim, ancak savaştan sonra batılı hükümetlerin üzerine öncelikle eğildikleri bir konu oldu.

  3. Savaş sonrası dönemde, yükseköğretim batılı hükümetler için siyasi önceliklerden biri oldu.

  4. Batılı hükümetlerin savaş sonrası siyasetlerinde yükseköğretim konusu önemli bir yer tutmaktadır.

  5. Savaş sonrası dönemde, yükseköğretim, batılı ülkelerin en çok önem verdikleri konulardan biriydi.

28. Some people are able to adapt more easily to sudden changes in working conditions.

  1. Bazı insanlar çalışma koşullarındaki ani değişimlere daha kolay uyum sağlayabilirler.

  2. Çalışma koşullarında önemli gelişmeler yaparak, bazı insanların işe daha kolay uyum sağlamasına olanak verilebilir.

  3. Bazı insanların kolay uyum sağlamaları için çaIışma koşullarının derhal değiştirilmesi gerekir.

  4. Bazı insanların işlerine kolay uyum sağlamaları çalışma koşullarındaki köklü değişikliklere bağlıdır.

  5. Bazı insanların çalışma koşullarına kolay uyum sağlayabilmeleri için değişiklik gerekebilir.

29. All through the 1970s many industrial countries experienced a serious energy crisis owing to the rapid rise in oil prices

  1. 1970'li yıllarda petrol fiyatlarındaki hızlı artış, en çok sanayi ülkelerinde enerji bunalımı yarattı.

  2. 1970'Ierde tüm sanayi ülkelerinde yaşanan ciddi enerji bunalımına petrol fiyatlarındaki hızlı artış yol açmıştır.

  3. 1970'ler boyunca, pek çok sanayi ülkesi, petrol fiyatlarındaki hızlı artış nedeniyle ciddi bir enerji bunalımı yaşadı.

  4. Sanayi ülkelerinde 1970'Ierde yaşanan enerji bunalımının temel nedeni petrol fiyatlarındaki sürekli değişiklikti.

  5. 1970'li yıllarda petrol fiyatlarındaki ani değişiklikler, sanayi ülkelerini ciddi bir enerji bunalımına sürükledi.

30. Even though a number of measures have been taken to prevent the smuggling of arms, the problem has not yet been solved

  1. Alınan tüm önlemler, silah kaçakçılığını engellemede ve sorunu kökten çözümlemede yetersiz kalmıştır.

  2. Silah kaçakçılığı sorununun çözümlenebilmesi için daha pek çok önlem alınması gerekiyor.

  3. Alınan çeşitli önlemler sonucu silah kaçakçılığı azalmışsa da sorun tamamen çözümlenmiş değildir.

  4. Silah kaçakçılığını engellemek için bir dizi önlem alınmasına rağmen, sorun henüz çözümlenmiş değildir.

  5. Silah kaçakçılığına karşı alınan bir dizi önleme rağmen, sorunun çözümü mümkün görülmemektedir.

31. If the birth rate is not adequately controlled, especially in the poorer countries, the resources of the world will soon be used up.

  1. Doğum oranı, özellikle yoksul ülkelerde, yeterince denetim altına alınmazsa dünya kaynakları kısa sürede tükenecektir.

  2. Dünya kaynaklarının hemen tükenmemesi için yoksul ülkelerde doğum oranı denetim altına alınmalıdır.

  3. Yoksul ülkelerdeki doğum oranı denetlenmediği sürece, dünyanın kaynakları yetersiz kalacaktır.

  4. Özellikle yoksul ülkeler, doğum oranını denetim altına almadıkları için dünyadaki tüm kaynaklar kısa sürede tükenecektir.

  5. Dünyada doğum oranı denetim altına alınınca kaynaklar özellikle yoksul ülkelerce kullanılacaktır.

32. It is too early yet to tell whether the new mayor will actually be able to fulfil the promises he has made.

  1. Henüz hiç kimse yeni belediye başkanının verdiği sözleri gerçekten yerine getirdiğini söyleyemez.

  2. Yeni belediye başkanının verdiği sözleri gerçekten yerine getirip getiremeyeceğini söylemek için henüz çok erken.

  3. Yeni belediye başkanı gerçekten o kadar çok söz verdi ki bunları yerine getirip getiremeyeceğini söylemek için daha çok erken.

  4. Yeni belediye başkanı, verdiği sözleri yerine getirebilmesi için, vaktin çok erken olduğunu söylüyor.

  5. Yeni belediye başkanından verdiği sözleri yerine getirmesini istemek için vakit henüz çok erken.

33. The recently-appointed head of the department has got to gain the confidence of the faculty before he can introduce any radical changes.

  1. Bölümde köklü değişiklikleri başlatmak üzere atanan yeni bölüm başkanı, öncelikle öğretim üyelerinin desteğine gerek duydu.

  2. Yeni atanan bölüm başkanı, öncelikle öğretim üyelerinin güvenini kazanmaya çalışarak bir değişiklik yarattı.

  3. Yeni atanan bölüm başkanı, kapsamlı değişiklikleri başlatmadan önce tüm öğretim üyelerinin güvenini kazandı.

  4. Yeni atanan bölüm başkanı, köklü değişiklikler başlatmadan önce öğretim üyelerinin güvenini kazanmak zorundadır.

  5. Öncelikle öğretim üyelerinin desteğini isteyen yeni bölüm başkanı, önemli değişikliklere daha sonra başladı.

34. As Dr Fawcett has demonstrated in his latest article, it is the underdeveloped countries that have been worst hit by the economic recession.

  1. Son makalesinde Dr Fawcett'in belirttiği gibi, azgelişmiş ülkelerdeki ekonomik durgunluğun etkisi çok yaygındır.

  2. Dr Fawcett, son makalesinde, ekonomik bunalımların en yoğun olarak azgelişmiş ülkelerde yaşandığını öne sürdü.

  3. Dr Fawcett'in son makalesinde de belirttiği gibi, azgelişmiş ülkeler ekonomik durgunluktan en çok etkilenenlerin başında geliyor.

  4. Ekonomik bunalım nedeniyle ekonomileri sarsılan azgelişmiş ülkeler Dr Fawcett'in son makalesine konu oldular.

  5. Son makalesinde Dr Fawcett'in açıkladığı gibi, ekonomik durgunluktan en kötü biçimde etkilenenler, azgelişmiş ülkelerdir.

35-44 sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümlenin İngilizce dengini bulunuz.

35. Dünyadaki pek çok havayolunun tersine, "Blue Air" bu yıl kar etmeyi gerçekten başarmıştır.

  1. Unlike many of the world’s airlines, "Blue Air" has actually managed to make a profit this year.

  2. "Blue Air" is just one of the world airlines which has managed to make e substantial profit this year.

  3. Very many of the world's airlines have, unlike "Blue Air", managed to make a good profit, this year.

  4. Even though there are so many world airlines "Blue Air" has still managed to make a profit this year.

  5. Contrary to what many world airlines have inferred, "Blue Air" really has made a profit this year.

36. Akdeniz ülkelerindeki uyuşturucu kaçakçılığı ile ilgili raporunuzu sundunuz mu?

  1. isn't your report concerning the drug trafficking across the Mediterranean due in yet?

  2. Have you submitted your report concerning the drug trafficking in the Mediterranean countries yet?

  3. Has your report on drug traffic to be submitted for consideration to the Mediterranean countries?

  4. Haven't you been asked yet by the Mediterranean countries to submit a report on drug traffic?

  5. Hasn't the subject of drug traffic in the Mediterranean countries been included in your report?

37. Rehinelerin başlangıçta korkulduğu kadar kötü muameleye tabi tutulmadığı anlaşılıyor.

  1. Everyone presumed that the hostages would be badly treated and at first they were.

  2. Apparently the first fear of the hostages was that they would be badly treated.

  3. It seems that the bad treatment of the hostages did not continue as at first they feared It would.

  4. The hostages seemed to be afraid but actually they were not ill-treated.

  5. It would seem that the hostages were not so badly-treated as was feared at first.

38. Başkan yıllık toplantıyı açış konuşmasında harcamalarda kesinti yapılması gereğini vurguladı.

  1. In his opening speech at the annual conference, the chairman will discuss ways of curtailing expenditure.

  2. The chairman stressed at the annual conference that ways to reduce expenditure would have to be considered.

  3. In his opening address at the annual conference, the chairman stressed the need to cut down on expenditure.

  4. The emphasis the chairman gave to cutting down on expenditure was well received at the annual conference.

  5. The expenses of the annual conference, maintained the chairman in his speech, would have to be reduced.

39. Onun görüşüne göre, özel sektör gelişmek için daha çok rekabete ihtiyaç duymaktadır.

  1. His view is that the need of the private sector for competition has been over-rated.

  2. He reckons that it is the keener competition that makes the private sector flourish.

  3. His argument is that there should be more competition from the flourishing private sector.

  4. The private sector, he thinks, needs more competition to flourish.

  5. The private sector, in his opinion, has done well because it faces constant competition.

40. Tam Avrupa’nın siyasi birliğe doğru gittiği sırada, ekonomik politika ile ilgili çeşitli şüpheler ortaya çıktı.

  1. Various doubts regarding economic policy surfaced and prevented the political unification of Europe.

  2. Before the political unity of Europe can be really achieved, doubts regarding economic policy must be overcome.

  3. Just when Europe was heading towards political unity, various doubts regarding economic policy came to the surface.

  4. If Europe could have achieved political unity, doubts regarding economic policy would not have emerged.

  5. If only Europe could have achieved political unity, economic unity would, doubtless, have followed easily.

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