Anexa E2
D enumirea şi tipul lucrării
Denumirea şi codul proiectului în cadrul căruia a fost realizată lucrarea
Studii privind sinteza structural- şi stereo- selectivă a compuşilor organici polifuncţionali, inclusiv cu conţinut de azot cu diverse proprietăţi utile pentru farmaceutică şi agricultură, 11.817.08.20F.
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Anul nr. ISBN al lucrării
Autorii lucrării
Fliur Macaev, doctor habilitat în ştiinţe chimice, şeful laboratorului Sinteza Organică al Institutului de Chimie al AŞM
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Descrierea ştiinţifică a lucrării (până la 100 cuvinte)
În monografie sunt generalizate date privind utilizarea monoterpenoidelor α-pinenului, carvonei, 2- şi 3-carenelor în sinteza substanţelor organice optic active. Sunt sistematizate metodele de construire a compuşilor chiralici cu păstrarea sau scindarea scheletului carbonic nativ. Un capitol separat este dedicat studierii datelor privind transformarea reciprocă a α-pinenului, carvonei, 3- şi 2-carenelor.
Monografia este adresată colaboratorilor ştiinţifici, profesorilor, studenţilor, doctoranzilor, precum şi personalului tehnic, ce activează în domeniile: chimia organică şi chimia compuşilor naturali.
Forma 4
Anexă la Raportul de activitate al
Institutului de Chimie al A.Ş.M.
lucrărilor publicate în anul 2011
monografii (naţionale / internaţionale),
MACAEV, F. Natural α-pinenes, carvones, 2-and 3-carenes as source of enantio-pure compounds. Red. şt. P. VLAD, A. De GROOT, V. BOLDESCU. Ch.: Tip. AŞM, 2011. 236 p. ISBN 978-9975-62-294-3.
capitole în monografii şi culegeri (naţionale / internaţionale),
LUPAŞCU, T; DUCA Gh, Obţinerea preparatelor medicamentoase şi agricole in baza substanţei bioligic active Enoxil sintetizat din enotaninuri. Capitol in monografia ”Produse vinicole secundare” 2011. ÎEP Ştiinţa, p.171-234
ЛУПАШКУ, Т.; НАСТАС, Р. Синтез, исследование пористой структуры, адсорбционных свойств и применение новых косточковых активных углей. In: Адсорбция, адсорбенты и адсорбционные процессы в нанопористых материалах. М.: Издательская группа «Граница», 2011. с. 425-446. ISBN 978-5-94691-460-4.
articole din reviste cu factor de impact:
- articole din reviste cu factor de impact mai mare 3
BEJAN, V.; IUREA, D.; ARICU, A.; DELEANU, C.; MANTU, D.; MANGALAGIU, I.I. Design, synthesis and in vitro cytotoxicities of new tetra- and penta- cyclic azasteroids mimics against human tumor cell lines. Eur. J. Med Chem., 2011, (in tipar). ISSN: 0223-5234 (IF ISI 3.29).
CROITOR, L.; COROPCEANU, E.B.; SIMINEl, A.V.; KRAVTSOV, V.Ch.; FONARI, M.S. Polymeric Zn(II) and Cd(II) Sulfates with Bipyridine and Dioxime Ligands: Supramolecular Isomerism, Chirality, and Luminescence. Crystal Growth & Design. 2011. V. 11. P. 3536-3544. LVI. 2011. 2. P. 29 – 37. ISSN: 1528-7483, DOI: 10.1021/cg200465f (IF: 4.390).
IASCO, O.; NOVITCHI G.; JEANNEAU, E.; WERNSDORFER, W. and LUNEAU, D. Benzoxazole-Based Heterometallic Dodecanuclear Complex [DyIII4CuII8] with Single-Molecule-Magnet Behavior, Inorg. Chem. 2011, 50, p.7373–7375, ISSN 0020-1669 (IF: 4,326)
LAZARESCU, A.; SHOVA, S.; BARTOLOME, J.; ALONSO, P.; ARAUZO, A.; BALU, A.; SIMONOV, YU.; GDANIEC, M.; TURTA, C.; FILOTY, G.; LUQUE, R. Heteronuclear (Co-Ca, Co-Ba) 2,3-pyridinedicarboxylate complexes: syntesis, structure and physico-chemical properties. Dalton Transactions, 2011, 40, 463-471. ISSN: 1477-9226 (IF: 4.08).
LEHMAN, U.; KLINGELE, J.; LOZAN, V.; STEINFELD, G.; KLINGELE, M.; KASS, S.; RODENSTEIN, A.; KERSTING, B. Dependence of the Chemical Properties of Macrocyclic [NiII2L(µ-O2CR)]+ Complexes on the Basicity of the Carboxylate Coligands (L2- = macrocyclic N6S2 ligand). Inorganic Chemistry. 2010, 49, 11018-11029. ISSN: 1099-0682 (IF =4,657).
MEREACRE, V.; PRODIUS, D.; LAN, Y.; TURTA, C.; ANSON, C.E.; POWELL, A.K. Antiferromagnetically Coupled Iron Ions in a Polynuclear FeIII-Dy Complex: Confirmation by Variable-Field 57Fe Mössbauer Spectroscopy, Chemistry - A European Journal. 2011, 17, 123-128. ISSN 0947 – 6539. doi: 10.1002/chem.201002060 (IF: 5.476)
- articole din reviste cu factor de impact 1,0-2,9
BACA, S.G.; FILIPPOVA, I.G.; KEENE, T.D.; BOTEZAT, O.; MALAESTEAN, Iu.L.; STOECKLI-EVANS, H.; KRAVTSOV, V.Ch.; CHUMACOV, Iu., LIU, S.-X.; DECURTINS, S. Tetranuclear iron(III) pivalate-based complexes with N-containing ligands: formation of cluster and polymeric architectures. Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2011, 3, 356-367. ISSN: 1099-0682; doi: 10.1002/ejic.201000838 (IF: 2.909).
BOUROSH, P.N.; COROPCEANU, E.B.; RIJA, A.P.; BOLOGA, O.A.; GDANEC, M.; BULHAC, I.I. Structural evidence of [Rh(thios)6]3+ and [Rh(thios)]2+ cations in three novel ionic systems, based on Co(III) dioximates. Journal of Molecular Structure. 2011, 938, 198-205. ISSN: 0166-1280 (IF: 1,55).
COROPCEANU, E.B.; CROITOR, L.; SIMINEL, A.V.; FONARI M.S. Unique tetranuclear heterometallic compound [Na2Zn2{(4-py)-C(H)NOH)}2(CH3COO)6(H2O)4]2H2O with luminiscent properties. Inorganic Chemistry Communications. 2011, 14, 1528-1531. ISSN 1387-7003. doi: 10.1016/j.inoche. 2011.06.014 (IF: 1.974).
CROITOR, L.; COROPCEANU, E.B.; SIMINEL, A.; BOTOSHANSKY, M.M.; FONARI, M.S. Synthesis, structures, and luminescence properties of mixed ligand Cd(II) and Zn(II) coordination compounds mediated by 1,2-bis(4-pyridyl)ethane. Inorganica Chimica Acta. 2011, 370, 411-419. ISSN: 0020-1693 (IF: 1,918).
FEUERSENGER, J.; PRODIUS, D., MEREACRE, V.; CLÉRAC, R.; ANSON, C.E.; POWELl, A.K. Structure and magnetic properties of hexanuclear 3d-4f clusters with {MnIII2LnIII4} (Ln = Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho) core. Inorg. Chem. Comm. 2011, 14(12), 1851-1854. ISSN 1387-7003. doi:10.1016/j.inoche.2011.08.007 (IF: 1.974)
GORINCHOY, N.; BALAN, I. and BERSUKER, I.B.; Jahn-Teller, pseudo Jahn-Teller and Renner-Teller effects in systems with fractional charges; Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, 2011, p. 113-119, ISSN: 2210-271X, (IF: 1,288)
GUTSANU, V.; SCHITCO, C.; LISA, G.; TURTA, C. Ultra dispersed particles of Fe(III) compounds in the strongly basic crosslinked ionic polymer-precursors for new sorbents and catalysts. Materials Chemistry and Physics. 2011, 130, 853– 861. ISSN 0254-0584. doi: 10.1016/j.matchemphys.2011.08.007 (IF: 2.353)
LACH, J.; VOITEKHOVICH, S.V.; LOZAN, V.; GAPONIK, P.N.; IVASHKEVICH, O.A.; LINCKE, J.; LÄSSIG, D.; KERSTING, B. Magnetic Properties of Mixed Ligand NiII2 and NiII4 Complexes Composed of Macrocyclic Hexaamine-Dithiophenolato and Bridging Tetrazolato Ligands. Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 2010, 636, 1980–1986. ISSN:0044-2313 DOI: 10.1002/zaac.201090000 (IF: 1,247). (n-a fost inclus în raportul din a. 2010).
MACAEV, F. ; RIBKOVSKAIA, Z. ; POGREBNOI, S. ; BOLDESCU, V. ; RUSU, G.; SHVETS, N.; DIMOGLO, A.; GERONIKAKI, A.; REYNOLDS, R. The structure - antituberculosis activity relationships study in a series of 5-aryl-2-thio-1,3,4-oxadiazole derivatives. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry. 2011, 19, 6792-6807. ISSN 0968-0896. doi: 10.1066/j.bmc.2011.09.038 (IF 2.978).
MELNIC, S.; PRODIUS, D.; SIMMONS, C.; ZOSIM, L.; CHIRIAC, T.; BULIMAGA, V.; RUDIC, V.; TURTA, C. Biotechnological application of homo- and heterotrinuclear iron(III) furoates for cultivation of iron-enriched Spirulina. Inorganica Chimica Acta. 2011, 373, 167–172. ISSN 0020-1693. doi:10.1016/j.ica.2011.04.011 (IF: 1.899).
MILANESE, A.; GORINCIOI, E.; RAJABI, M.; VISTOLI, G.; SANTANIELLO, E. New synthesis of 6[3-(1-adamantyl)-4-methoxyphenyl]-2-naphthoic acid and evaluation of the influence of adamantyl group on the DNA binding of a naphthoic retinoid. Bioorganic Chemistry. 2011, 39, 151-158. ISSN: 0045-2068. doi:10.1016/j.bioorg. 2011.07.003 (IF: 1,77).
POVAR, I.; CAZAC, T.; CHIRIAC, L.; SANDULESCU, R. Catalytic determination of vanadium in solutions of 2,3-dihydroxybenzaldehide and bromate – ions. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 661 (2011) 275-279. IF 2.74
RAJABI, M.; MEHRZAD, J.; GORINCIOI, E.; SANTANIELLO, E. Antiproliferative Activity of N6-Isopentenyladenosine (iPA) on HCT-15 Colon Carcinoma Cell Line. Nucleic Acid Therapeutics. 2011, 21(5), 355-358. ISSN: 2159-3345 (IF: 2,986).
VERLAN, V.I.; IOVU, M.S.; CULEAC, I.; NISTOR, YU.; TURTA, C.I.; ZUBAREVA, V.E. Photoluminescence properties of PVP/Eu(TTA)2(Ph3PO)2NO3 nanocomposites. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 2011, 357, 1004-1007. ISSN: 0022-3093 (IF: 1,48).
- articole din reviste cu factor de impact 0,1-0,9
BOUROSH, P.; BULHAC, I.; COCU, M.; COROPCEANU, E.; CIOBANICA, O.; GUTIUM, V.; LIPKOWSKI, J. Two Co(III) dioximates with unprecedented V-shape ligands in apical positions. Acta Cryst. 2011, A 67, 378-379. ISSN: 1600-5759 (IF: 0.777).
CAZAC, T.; COROPCEANU, E.; SĂNDULESCU, R.; CROITOR, L. The electrochemical behavior of [Cu2(DH)4 ,-bpy] by cyclic and adsorptive stripping voltammetry. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, seria Chemia. LVI, 2011, 2, 29-37. IF 0.231
Geru, I.I. Anomalous Behavior of Trihomonuclear Magnetic Clusters Due to Their Four-Color Symmetry, Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics, 2011, 6(4), 1-12, ISSN: 1555-130X, (IF: 0,9).
Geru, I.I.; Gubceac, G. N.; Ignat, M.I.; and Popovici, E.N. Synthesis and Physico-Chemical Properties of Mesoporous Carbon Nanotubes. Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics. 2011, 6, 1–7. ISSN: 1555-130X (IF: 0,9)
KUCHKOVA, K.I.; ARICU, A.N.; BARBA, A.N.; VLAD, P.F.; LIPKOVSKII, J.; SIMONOV, Yu.A.; KRAVTOV, V.Kh. Synthesis of nitrogen-containing drimane sesquiterpenoids from 11-dihomodrim-8(9)-en-12-one. Khim. Prirod. Soedin. 2011, (2), 205-210. [Chem. Nat. Comp., 2011, 47 (2), 223-228. (Engl. Transl.)] ISSN: 0009-3130 (IF ISI 0.693).
SACHENKO, A.V.; KORBUTYAK, D.V.; KRYUCHENKO, Yu.V.; KAGANOVICH, E.B.; MANOILOV, E.G.; BEGUN, E.V.; SRESELI, O.M.; and GERU, I.I. Photoelectric Properties of Heterostructures with Oxide Films Containing Si(Ge) Quantum Dots Formed by Pulsed Laser Deposition, Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics, 6(4), 1-7, 2011, ISSN: 1555-130X, (IF: 0,9).
TCACI, M.; HIMCINSCHI, C.; NASTAS, R.; PETUHOV, O.; LUPASCU, T.; ZAHN, D.R.T. Non-destructive Characterization of Modified Activated Carbon. Rev. Chim. (Bucharest). 2011, 62(7), 727-731. ISSN 0035-3930, (IF: 0.693).
VERLAN, V.I.; IOVU, M.S.; ANDRIESH, A.M.; NISTOR, YU.H.; CULEAC, I.; MALAHOV, L.; TURTA, C.I. and ZUBAREVA, V.E. Optical absorption and photoluminescence of luminophorenanocomposites. Phys. Status Solidi (C). 2011, 8(9), p. 2837–2840. ISNN: 2837–2840. 1610-1634, OCLC: 51951216 (IF: 0,5).
VLAD, P.F.; CHOCYRLAN, A.; D’AMBROSIO, M.; COLTSA, M.; EDU, K.; BYRYYAK,A.; NICOLESCU, A.; MARI, A.; DELEANU, K. Synthesis of ent-crotonadiol and compounds related to it from(+)-larixol. Khim. Prirod. Soedin. 2011, (3), 356-361. [Chem. Nat. Comp., 2011, 47 (3), pp. 397-403. (Engl. Transl.)] ISSN: 0009-3130 (IF ISI 0.693).
VLAD, P.F.; CIOCARLAN, A.; COLTSA, M.; EDU, C.; BIRIIAC, A.; BARBA, A.; DELEANU, C.; NICOLESCU, A.; D’AMBROSIO, M.; DE GROOT, A. Synthesis of (-)-albrassitriol and (-)-epi-albrassitriol from (+)-larixol. Nat. Prod. Res., 2011, (accepted for publication). ISSN 1478–6419 (IF ISI 0.906).
VLAD, P.F.; EDU, K.; COLTSA, M.N.; CHOCYRLAN, A.; NICOLESCU, A.; DELEANU, K. Enantioselective synthesis of 11-homodrim-7-en-9α,12,13-triol. Khim. Prirod. Soedin. 2011, (4), 509-512. [Chem. Nat. Comp., 2011, 47 (4), pp. 574-578. (Engl. Transl.)] ISSN: 0009-3130 (IF ISI 0.693).
КАЗАК, T.; КИРИЯК, Л.; РЕВЕНКО, М.; ПОВАP, И. Влияние 4- фенилтиосемикарбазида на высоту пика кадмия при его определении методом катодной инверсионной вольтамперометрии в водах реки Прут. Вода: Химия и экология. 2011, 9, 67-71. IF 0.30
ПОВАР, И.; РУСУ, В. Новый Тип Диаграмм Распределения Растворимых и Нерастворимых Форм Алюминия в Натуральных Гетерогенных Водных Системах. Вода: Химия и Экология. 2011, 1, 44-50. IF 0.30
ПОВАР, И.; РУСУ, В. Теоретические Аспекты Ион-Молекулярной Буферности в Природных c Водах в Равновесии с Минеральной Фазой Гиббсит. Вода: Химия и экология, 2011, 7, 71-79. IF 0.30
РИЖА, А.П.; НИКОЛЕСКУ, A.; СОРАН, A.; КОРОПЧАНУ, Э.Б.; БУЛХАК, И.И.; БОЛОГА, O.А.; ДЕЛЕАНУ, К.; БОУРОШ, П.Н. Cинтез и строение диметилглиоксиматов кобальта(III), содержащих селеномочевину и необычный диселеномочевинный лиганд. Координационная химия. 2011, 37(10), 759-767. ISSN: 0132-344X (IF: 0,534).
ЧИОБЭНИКЭ, О.; БОУРОШ, П.; ЛОЗАН, В.; БОЛОГА, О.; БУЛХАК, И.; ВИХЕР, Б.; СИМОНОВ, Ю. Синтез и строение координационных соединений α-диоксиматов кобальта с изоникотинамидом. Журнал неорганической химии. 2011, 56 (7), 1114-1124. ISSN: 1868-1751 (IF: 0,417).
articole din alte reviste editate în străinătate,
BALASOIU, M.; ANGHEL, L.; ROGACHEV, A.; ISHCHENKO, L.; JIGOUNOV, A.; ARZUMANIAN, G.; STOLYAR, S.; ISKHAKOV, R.; RAIKHER, Yu. Ultrasonic treatment effect on the long-term stability of biogenic ferrihydrite nanoparticles samples in aqueous solution under ambient conditions; FLNP Annual Report 2010, electronic version (
BULIMAGA, V.; RUDIC, V.; EFREMOVA, N.; DJUR, S.; ELENCIUC, D.; DENCICOV, L.; LOZAN, V. The utilization of some coordination compounds of V(IV) and Co(III) as regulators of the content of bioactive substances with antioxidant properties at Spirulina platensis. Analele Universităţii din Oradea-Fascicula Biologie. 2011, 18(1), 53-59. ISSN: 1844-7589 (categoria B+ din România).
CAZAC, T.; COROPCEANU, E.; SĂNDULESCU, R.; CROITOR, L. The electrochemical behavior of [Cu2(DH)4 ,-bipy] by cyclic adsorptive stripping voltammetry. STUDIA UBB CHEMIA
COROPCEANU, E.B.; CROITOR, L.; SIMINEL, A.V.; KRAVTSOV, V.Ch.; FONARI, M.S. 1D and 2D Zn(II) and Cd(II) sulfates with bipyridine and dioxime ligands. Acta Cryst. 2011. A67. C752.
CЫРБУ, Т.Ф.; ТУРТЭ, К.И.; МИХАЙЛОВА, Р.В.; МОРОЗ, И.В.; ЛОБАНОК, А.Г., БУРЦЕВА, С.А.; ГОРИНЧОЙ, В.В.; МЕЛНИК, С.В. Влияние салицилатных и фуроатных комплексных соединений железа на образование каталазы грибами рода Pеnicillium. Весци нациянальнай Акадэмии Навук Беларуси, Серыя Биялагичных навук. 2011, № 3, 57-61. ISSN 0002-3558.
GERU, I.I. Narowing of the exciton lines using WAHUHA method of solid state NMR spectroscopy, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2011, 324, 012023, ISSN 1742-6596, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/324/1/012023.
MACAEV, F.; SUCMAN, N.; SHEPELI, F.; ZVEAGHINTSEVA, M.;. POGREBNOI, V. Facile and Convenient One-Pot Process for the Synthesis of Spirooxindole Derivatives in High Optical Purity using (-)-(S)-Brevicolline as an Organocatalyst. Symmetry. 2011, 3, 165-170. ISSN 2073-8994. doi: 10.3390/sym3020165
RUSU, V.; POSTOLACHI, L.; POVAR, I.; ALDER, A.; LUPASCU, T. Phosphorus dynamics in water, particulate materials and bottom sediments of river Prut during 2010 year. Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle II. 2011, 34, 154-160. ISSN 2067-2071.
articole din reviste naţionale:
categoria A,
DIAKON, I.; DONU, S.; CHAPURINA, L. Structural features of the Cu2Gly2(D-HoSer)(L-HoSer) crystals”. Moldavian Journal of the Physical Sciences, 2010, 9(3-4), 355-357. ISSN 1810-648X.
GHERCO, O.; KEENE, T.D.; FILIPPOVA, I.G:; BACA, S.G.; DECURTINS, S. Two-dimensional manganese(II) coordination polymer based on phthalate and pyrazine bridges exhibiting antiferromagnetic properties. Moldavian Journal Physical Sciences, 2011, 1, 103-108.
ПАРШУТИН, В.В.; ШОЛТОЯН, Н.С.; СИДЕЛЬНИКОВА, С.П.; КОВАЛЬ, А.В.; БУЛХАК, И.И.; БОЛОГА, О.А.; ШОФРАНСКИЙ, В.Н. Влияние водного экстракта плодов конского каштана на коррозию стали Ст. 3 в воде. Электронная обработка материалов. 2011, 47(3), 90-99. ISSN 0013-5739, ISSN 1068-3755 – varianta engleză.
ARÎCU, A. Synthesis of nitrogen-containing compounds from higher terpenoids. Chem. J. Mold., 2011, 6 (1), pp. 10-28. ISSN 1857-1727.
BALAN, I.; GORINCHOY, N. ab initio study of chemical activation and hydrogenation of white phosphorus in reaction with rhodium trihydride complex; accepted by Chemistry J. of Moldova, 2011, ISSN 1857-1727.
BALANESCU, S.; DONICA, GH.; STRATAN, N.; LUPAŞCU, T.; BALANESCU, D. Eficacitatea terapeutică a preparatului Enoxil 5%-soluţie apoasă în dermatita alergică şi în microsporia naturală la câine. Ştiinţa agricolă. Medicină veterinară. 2011, Nr. 1, 78-82. ISSN 1857-0003.
BIRIIAC, A. Synthesis and photooxygenation of the methyl ester of 11-homodrim-6,8(9)-diene-12-oic acid. Chem. .J. Mold., 2011 (in redactie). ISSN 1857-1727.
CHIRIAC, L.; CAZAC, T.; POVAR, I.; REVENCO, M. The influence of thiosemicarbazone 2,3-dihydroxybenzaldehyde on catalytic currents in the system molybdenum (VI) – potassium chlorate in acid sulfate solutions. Chemistry Journal of Moldova 2011, 6(1), 52-56. ISSN 1857-1727.
CIOCÎRLAN, A. Synthesis of C6 and C7 functionalized drimanes from larixol and sclareol. Chem. .J. Mold., 2011 (in redactie). ISSN 1857-1727.
Gavagnin, M.; Kulciţki, V. Continuous evolution in collaborations between Moldovan and Italian chemists. Chem. J. Mold., 2011 (in redactie). ISSN 1857-1727.
KALABEGISHVILI, T., MURUSIDZE, I., PATARAYA, D., GINTURI, E., FRONTASYEVA, M., KIRKESALI, E., DUCA, GH., ZINICOVSCAIA, I.; Mercury adsorption by Arthobacter globiformis and Spirulina platensis; Chem. J. Mold. 2011, 6 (1), p. 6-9, ISSN 1857-1727.
KULCIŢKI, V. Synthetic Approaches to Polyfunctionalized Perhydrindanes. Chem. .J. Mold., 2011 (in redactie). ISSN 1857-1727.
KULCIŢKI, V.; SÎRBU, T.; UNGUR, N. On the peculiarities of the ring contraction reactions of homodrimanes via acid mediated epoxide rearrangement. Chem. J. Mold., 2011, 6 (1), pp.110-112. ISSN 1857-1727.
LUPAŞCU, T.; CIOBANU, M.; BOGDEVICI, O.; BOŢAN, V. Products derived from catalytic oxidation of methylene blue. Chemistry Journal of Moldova. 2011, 6(1), 77-80. ISSN 1857-1727.
NEMŢOI, GH.; AIRINEI, L.; LUPAŞCU, T.; CECAL, A. Voltammetric behavior of some steels in aqueous solutions of HNO3. Chemistry Journal of Moldova. 2011, 6(1), 45-51. ISSN 1857-1727.
NEMŢOI, GH.; LUPAŞCU, T.; CIOMAGA, A.; CECAL, A. Voltammetric caracterizasion of the behavior of biologicaly active compounds Enoxilin in various media. Chemistry Journal of Moldova. 2011, 6(1), 62-68. ISSN 1857-1727.
POVAR, I.; TIMBALIUC, N.; CAZAC, T.; SHEPEL, D.; SPINU, O.; CHIRIAC, L. To the equilibrium model choice in heterogeneous aqueous systems. 1. Theoretical basis in the case of two coexisting solid phases. Chemistry Journal of Moldova. 2011, 6(1), 57-61. ISSN 1857-1727.
RADUL, O.; SUCMAN, N.; POGREBNOI, S.; BARBA, A.; GERONIKAKI, A.; MACAEV, F. Synthesis and antiviral activity of new thiazole, 1,2,4-triazol and oxindole derivatives. Chemistry Journal of Moldova. 2011, 6(1), 101-109. ISSN 1857-1727.
RIBKOVSKAIA, Z.; POGREBNOI, S.; BARBA, A.; MACAEV, F. Synthesis and characterization of [(5-mercapto-1,3,4-oxadiazol-2-yl)aryl]-3,5-diaryl-4,5-dihydro-1H-pyrazole-1 carbothioamides. Chemistry Journal of Moldova. 2011, 6(1), 90-100. ISSN 1857-1727.
RUSU, V.; NASTAS, R.; OBREJA-NISTOR, L.; MAFTULEAC, A.; PETUHOV, O.; PUŞCAŞU B. Particularităţi de sinteză a adsorbanţilor intercalaţi pe bază de montmorilonit. Buletinul Institutului de Geologie şi Seismologie al AŞM, 2011, Nr. 1, p. 94-105. ISSN 1857-0046.
SECARA, N.; DUCA, GH.; VLAD, L.; MACAEV, F. Occurrence and chemistry of dihydroxyfumaric acid. Chemistry Journal of Moldova. 2011, 6(1), 29-44. ISSN 1857-1727.
SÎRBU, D.; MARIN, I. Synthesis and IR, NMR, caracterisation of new p-(N,N-diphenylamino) chalcones. Chem. J. of Moldova. General, Industrial and Ecological Chemistry. 2011, 6 (1), 86-89. ISSN 1857-1727.
UNGUR, N. Targhet-oriented synthesis of some terpenoids of marine origin. Chem. .J. Mold., 2011 (in redactie). ISSN 1857-1727.
BULHAC, I.; ŞTEFÎRŢĂ, A. Compuşi coordinativi ai unor metale de tip 3d cu activitate biologică. Akademos. 2011, 1(20), 19-24. ISSN 1857-0461.
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