A historical Perspective During the Reign of

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Su-Yama was comprised of many mountains and mountain ranges like Taishutsu-Yama, Shoshutsu-Yama. From these the 24 and 36 other smaller peaks surround all three in protective ring of sorts. Shoshutsu-Yama and Su-Yama were the two biggest in size. During the early years the Shorin-Ji's head priest was one Kobchu Seikoku. He lived during the Yuan era 1101. He came from Tofuken or Tofu prefecture. He had a home in an area around the smaller peak area ring. Next we will entertain some more historical info in the Shorin-Ji priests.


(Mountain poems about the 36 Shoshitsu-Yama Peaks)
-San Ju Roku Hofu Heijo-

36 poems
To view the writings are the key, The Tang and Sung’s existence was forever,
The areas east & west were strange; however the mountain rivers shape is majestic,
Riding the wind with the royal seal, looking upon our state is strange to most,
The ancient state of Korea flourishes in white toward heaven, Sing their praise in poems,
The shape of victory long ago, one can only grieve from the poems at times,
As we have two legs we have mind and spirit, this is seen in our literature of the world,
The many wisdom’s are like plums in a tree, we are often forced to choose one,
Our strength floats like the wind, we proceed with strange thoughts,
One must look at sacrifice agility or happiness, thru the law we profit from sacrifice,
In order to proceed we must error, then we can command either day or night,
The steep mountains tower over all, within these mountains there is a window,

Thru this window one can control day and night, this is view of strength,

In these 36 poems is the cause and effect of all; the world is spread at your feet,
There are also mistakes which if kept hidden it becomes tragic,

The clouds are like children floating in the sky, the northern mountain is man,

He watches his every step in flattery; His spirit is as free as a running horse,
Alone he stands as if decreed to forge his spirit, He rejoices when he floats,
With his conduct he controls the winds; He expels the dark and leaves it behind,
He looks back at the four cardinal points; He posses now true mind and spirit,
This is the height of a Buddhist, Questions come and go,
He posses the truth of the four ways, Where is the stopping point,

Is it fear, he pauses to see where he should go?

He knows he is decreed to climb; the male is the pillar of strength in heaven,
The horizon is strange at this point; one must curl around the spirit,

In this the dragon swallows the tiger; He uses the sorcerer’s power of 9 and 12,

Buddhists believe the power is 6 and 6, a person is taught pain with the staff,
A man like a child can develop any attitude, alone at the top of heaven in his room,
In his lofty tower he looks over the mountains as morning raises, Shining Mountains,
He spots villages 18 Ri away, the ring of knowledge surrounds him,
He is wary of shallow areas were substance is hidden, He sees 100 villages at 10 Ri,
He grieves, as he has no Yang, He works at preserving peace,
Beyond all is village in shadow; He pauses to listen in that direction,
He flutters around like rain in the wind, From above he applauds the lofty trees,
The emperor is at rest like leaves on a tree, the stones drop one by one,
The person top has many advantages, the king pauses to look at his position,
His dress is light like feathers; in the clouds he pauses to assemble his treasure,
At this new light he stares, the day melts away to the night,
He feels ten feet tall and pauses to look; He sees 1000 years of opportunity,
He pauses to look at the golden waters below; He possesses strength to write about this,
The spirit is strange like a gem or a woman, Multifaceted inflamed to weave brocade,

He sees moneymen perplexed white with tears, the cloud cave commands he pauses,

He sees in pity a stork weeping at a well, A king child advances and pauses,
He is favored upon as the tower rains on him,

The mountains possess a watch peak of 18 rooms, which are vacant; a hundred more face west to stave off attack. The mountain day rooms tower ten above the rest watching the country in peace. Recording is ongoing in these rooms. The 16 highest peaks contain sutras of the mountain secrets. Even the mountain trees possess infinite knowledge.

The wise sits to contemplate and rest and watch the leaves float and the willow branches bend yet snaps back un-relentless. In the small rooms are un-polished gems. The mountain peaks have many white gems, which are beyond most. The advantages of a country are written in gold. One must follow the white mist into the small room. One must see the mother cloud, which houses the spirit of the teacher. The Shoshitsu or small Room Mountain is the key to all. The five grains are in the spirit. To possess a 1000 years of knowledge that the mountain does one must sit in the small rooms writing or reciting sutras to eat as if nothing else matters. One is a pillar here the food is the sutra. The Middle Mountain has many sutras of strength. The many peaks rise like flattering kings. The northern mountains are like a woman, a rare gem weaving brocade while standing at heavens temple gate. The northern mountain temple is entirely of stone and the sun shines on its spots and reflects back as gems. The eastern and southern mountains possess the bee’s milk or mother’s milk. Each mountain has many large holes, which one can see deep into the north and south 5-500 feet deep. During night or day the light is shining bright thru both directions. Listen hard and a person can hear many things. The mouth of the stone wells is the entrance into antiquity. Buddhist salvation is attained here. The stork is even wishing for a quick death and cries aloud for salvation.

Next the prince child is in this place unknown to most

The stature of a person rests in his spirit

What is name of nature?

Justice prepares us, Even a child know this
Yet to know the true meaning of the two (Mind/Spirit)
A child can outride most, yet not knowing how
Justice is always ongoing to know 6 and 6 one must pause to crow is justice
To the east is a small shrine shinning bright to show us a 100 serious spirits
The full moon shows the capitol city in detail, the 1000 rooms in palace bright
To see the big will small willow is an exception, the southern peaks in moonlight
The willows hid the mountains, Stone castles bamboo in stone
The water of heavens palace, to possess the stone of heaven
Is like the beauty of bamboo and stone, incense and red cedar

Both treasures of the palace, many cedars in the mountains

The incense is pair as the spirit, this place resembles nature it self
Look out over the heavens purple sky, there is much energy
The peaks and its grooves are close to heaven and touch all
Its silky gauze show the seven images of Buddha, Prepare yourself
The gauze of time conceals the Han one must be refined before possession
The wizard arrives to seek the spirit; the cave is deep

The call for justice seeks the saint his ways are concealed in his manners

His word is higher that the peaks, He seeks the spirit of the wizard
The victory is the Manchu treasure; the temples signpost is in Sanskrit
To possess the Manchu spirit there exists within the stone temple a word and in this is victory
This is a happy omen, congratulations the gem is a sphere
The many peaks hold the magic to happiness, to possess spirituality the body must face east and seek one color either red or silver
Purple is flower of power; Smoke will freeze all
The flower will only grow in the green mist
The flower and grass are part of the soul
There has been the birth of many things strange; perhaps the three medicines are in purple flower of the peaks
The path to heaven is in white and it is filled with virtue
To place a name on an object of character is greatness
Thru antiquity one will possess the way thru the white path there are strange truths, which are hidden, to possess the character of an emperor the word is in the peaks
Hold high the white sword of truth thru this the true account of truth will be seen, High in the peaks above you
Golden oxen in the bright moonlight

Colorful images will rise up

The color of yellow gold, is the light of the peaks, the images will show themselves
Greet the hazy pale green freeze
Assemble in heavens bright light
Above there are many green and blue green stones in great numbers in the peaks
Thru these stones the eastern Dynasty will be seen,
The truth is in the gem and flower,
Gold stones glitter,
At the peaks entrance the flowers and gems are abundant and in all three colors lies the word,
The mountain horse and deer must be tethered
The spirit wizards are in great numbers
To possess the character of a child is to advance, the valley peaks are the horses pillars, above the peaks are many white deer, and some say they are all white
This follows the 6 by 6 justice law
A person must see and use the 6 by 6 law
When the willow greens it is spring in the peaks
The sign of spring leaves many marks
Such a fine mix of reds, greens and purples can one sew them all
The birds sing and chirp endlessly which improves ones outlook
Move the stars from above to suit the zodiac
The women’s gem is in the wizard’s spirit
The classes form a rebellion and pound the millet together

The color of grass and trees and cinnabar help the fool overturn the truth

The mountain clouds the spirit
Perhaps to be overturned by heaven
Watch the energy rise and fall
The purple and yellow storks
Flutter about in the air to produce a gifted person
The flame is gold and the leaves command
The mountain is chopped to stone
Possibly the wizard is forging something
The bright moon is white and full
The gem and the reed instrument
They become clear once play properly
Previously the mystery was in the forest and must be used
The mountain shape is like ragged bone, its frozen snow is produced at 1,000 Ri
The gem and the dragon recall the white tiger
The four cardinal ways are the path
The existing dark principal leap up to show us fortune
The way must be looked at carefully
The white dragon the bird exert their power
To touch them is negate the power one holds
Use the way of the past Dynasties
The prince child leaves to hide in introspection as a statue
1,000 to 10,000 changes occur in the mountain sutras
To what end does quantity become negated
Some return only to see that the same face as before
Some revere this some look askance, some scatter perchance to forget
But only to assemble again
Some are after peace, some just wait
Some are humble and act as guides
Such priceless people, some rejoice because of this aspect
Some become angry or defiant, some like the Manchu advance
Some pause with whip or cane in hand full of hope,
Some have peace in their hearts; some crouch and stoop behind plants
Some assemble on high perhaps to change the masses
Some apply dignity and manhood, as does the king
Some decide to run like horse
Some just float, some just skip
The common man also prays like this in rural areas
The big man inside the wrapping is moved to a coffin to a burial knoll
Some come to see the mausoleum and pray for the contents
To bear such a load on such a gloomy day
Groups are gathered and weapons and halberds are put aside
Quietly by rank and file they pass by to pay their respects

Much energy of different types is emitted at this procession

But mysteriously it is returned to all who gave it without remorse
Some considered this strange event and passed it to others
Afterwards there was much talk
These 36 poems not understood by most will be taken back by the wizard to his cave to meditate on this has been so decreed
These 36 are also taken back to the palace to consult the stars
The queen bride listens to these stories and laughs as the swallows rise and fall in the garden
The wearer of the crown sits at a distance and watches all
He watches the lazy dragon flies as they light on the fountain
He fears his peers not and the current is high
At night the heavens are wide open and the stars blaze
The stars are like gems in the sky at peace with all
In the pine and bamboo groves a lone flute is heard
It appears the music is right and open up heavens gates
The music is a like a cloud flowing along
An eyebrow is cocked in amazement
The evening mist also floats along on gauzimer wings
The dragon and deer appear alight
They become stretched out like a rainbow
As they extend they float away
Then comes the thunder and lightening
On the vehicle the return to the palace from the constellations

Words not yet formed, the child look in awe, others get drunk

Such to a degree do others awake abruptly
Mistakes are made and medicines miscounted
Others just forget
The ability suffer is advancing but there is victory in the mountains
In the mountain is the light toward the spirit and the soul
There are few who hold the staff and fewer who know how to use it
There are more left in the dust
Build a beautiful and the start of reign and will follow forever

(This poem temple was built during the first reign of the year 9th month 23rd day

by the military warrior priest Shinryo Sho

who was the chief priest of the Zen temple

teaching Buddhism. Taken from a stone

tablet at the temple and signed:

Rakuyo Choshi Neikan)


(An explanation)
From the above during Sung Dynasty we had Tofuken Ryoro who composed the 36 poems about Su-Yamas's Shoshitsu-Yama. During the beginning of the Konchusei 9th month 23rd day the Shorin-Ji Chief Priest Shoko was in attendance. Su-Yama consisted of Taishitsu-Yama, Shoshitsu-Yama of which was located in two different prefectures, Tofu-Ken and Enshi-Ken both were east and west of the centrally located Su-Yama. The five mother’s milk peaks are average as mountain ranges go but were very famous. In the Tomu no Yu or the dreams of Tomu it it’s said that these middle peaks float on the open air it is said. An author Ki Shu I said there 200 reasons why this is so. It is said that these smaller peaks are like children. They consist of groups of smaller peaks in circles or ridges each apparently having their own soul or spirit. These historical landmarks it is said is to have an abundance of wealth in some form or another.
From time immemorial TaishitsuYama and its 24 lesser peaks and Shoshitsu-Yama's 36 lesser peaks were always given special status by whatever Chinese government in charge. Taishitsu's peaks were very slim and towering. Shoshitsu's peaks were inaccessible during most times of the year and could only be seen from afar. Most literary scholars and famous writers who came to this area came to enjoy the scenery like Kantaishi, Byakurakuten, Oyobun Chito and Shichi. This was also visited regularly by the high priests of each temple to enjoy the sights and scenes.
These two lesser mountains were named because of the thing they do to complement each other. Taishitsu-Yama is famous for the temple erected for Gautama, which has effigies at Suyo-Ji, Eitai-Ji, and Eizen-Ji these areas are very famous.
The temple dedicated to Gautama is very important and famous in this area. It was built during the Sakoku-Jidai\ (220-280). Shoshitsu-Yama has imbued in it the spirit of the Shorin-pJi and Daruma. Currently these 36 peaks talked about before are famous for their poems and what they illicit from the Chinese people. Shoshitsu was also called Rishitsu a long time ago.
People from far away a aware of the legends of this area involving the Ko and Hyo or Tiger and Leopard. Even a lot of the rock formations look these animals. Many of the high peaks above the gorges look like tigers or leopard’s teeth. Shi-Yama's north and south face are reputed to appear strange depending on how the light shines but appear to take on a bright blue hue. The north face is the only entrance and guards the rest of this mountain fortress. In a different direction we see another range Gosai-Yama. This mountain had a fort known as the lenient peace fort. It was known to have four heavenly gates. Each gate was shaped like a soldier.
Once long ago gold and silver was mined here. After the government proclaimed it a sacred area for religious practices but stopped that after a while and declared it a national monument to preserve its natural state. Some famous in this mountain area like the emperors cup well, stone fat well, gem paste summit, mica well, stone hiding well, bright gate, princes fort gate, raised king well and an area rock formation that looks like a women weaving brocade. This area is truly heaven on earth. Below are the 36 peaks names noted for their righteousness:

1. Chogaku(Dynasty Peak)

2. Moraku (Moon Capital Peak)

3. Taiyo (Great Principal Peak)

4. Shoyo (Small Principle Peak)

5. Ishi Sei (Stone Castle Peak)

6. Ishi Take Stone Bamboo Peak)

7. Danko (Cedar Incense Peak)

8. Tansai (Red Mountain Peak)

9. Haci U (Rice Bound Peak)

10. Koro (Incense Peak)

11. Renten (Heaven Range Peak)

12. Shitsu U (Purple Sky Mountain Peak)

13. Arhat Mountain Peak

14. Shichi Butsu (7 Buddhist Mountain Peak)

15. Rein (Soul Concealment Peak)

16. Raisen (Next Wizard Mountain Peak)

17. Seiyo (Purified Mountain Peak)

18. Hosho (Villian Peak)

19. Zuio (Congratulations Peak)

20. Tama Tama (Red Stone Ball Peak)

21. Shi-Yama (Purple Mountain Peak)

22. Geha (Green Flare Mountain Peak

23. Yakudo (Medicine Peak)

24. Shimi (Purple Mill Peak)

25. Byakudo (White Way Peak)

26. Tentoku (Heavenly Virtue Peak)

27. Takuken (High Sword Peak)

28. Byaku Un (White Cloud Peak)

29. Kingun (Gold Peak)

30. Getsdusuke (Bright Moon Peak)

31. Gyoheku (Frozen Green Peak)

32. Geika (Hazy Green Peak)

33. Gyokuha (Flowering Gem Peak)

34. Hochu (Treasure Pillar Peak)

35. Keima (Anchored Horse Peak)

36. Byaku Roku (White Deer Peak)
Each mountain peak was named because of a natural particular chevron that is emblazoned on each peaks face. Each season they change or appear to change into a different position. The same when light and dark occur. These mountains have their own sutra based on their topography. These mountains are always in a transcendental state first initiated by the three great wizards whose cave homes are somewhere inside these mysterious peaks.
(Bodai Daruma Su-Yama Shiseki Taiha no yori) This

historical landmark from a philosopher’s point of view

In the prefecture of Seiko in the village of Soryo there was a lumber dealer Zoden Kinsanryo. He lived in the Taisho era. This episode takes place during the 9th month of the Taisho era. During the summer of this year the paulowina trees were in full bloom. It so happens that this tree produces a very high grade lumber when milled. It was the most the most sought ought after of all the other woods. It was milled, cut and sent to Honan province to the city of Loyang. It was the only area that one could procure this type of wood.
According to historical records Zoden spent much of his time in the city of Loyang. It was one the more beautiful cities in Honan province. This is an area that Daruma also frequented he often visited the Shorin-Ji temples nearby. It was said that Zoden dealt frequently with the Shorin-Ji in procuring this type of lumber.

This wood being that it was used at all the temples is one favored by Daruma and it also thought that his spirit is imbued into this wood hence the interest by locals, the Shorin-Ji sect and Zoden.

Main interest of the day was Su-Yama, Bodai Daruma and the public’s point of view and how this came about. Zoden learned much in his dealing about Daruma and in and out of the Shorin-Ji precincts and had first hand knowledge of their historical records. He met with many people during his travels in this area and new the uniqueness of all the areas, flavors, and its people. He also had learned much of Kobushi-Ho. His point of view had gradually changed toward the Shorin-Ji priests. He had come to admire these ancient and eclectic sects of priests along with their ideas, religion and separate culture. It was only Zoden who on his own developed a full understanding of the term Bodai Daruma Su-Yama Shishi Taihan or the big picture Daruma had in mind about Su-Yama. His experiences were recorded in the history records under on complete book.

It was titled "Koden Shoeitai". The hatsubun or proscript of this book is the most important and if read it muss be read thoroughly.

As we find Zoden Shinsan he is in the Showa era 5th year during the springtime. He brought with him three people Kokikaisho, Tohenshin Goro and Denkyu Konan. As we stated earlier Zoden was a lumberman in his early years dealing in import and export. Gradually all the good lumber was petering out and one had to travel deep into the backwoods to find good quality lumber. So he backed out this business for while to explore other areas. He then traveled with his group to Peking.
He wanted to set up a scenic are area there with all the beauty and splendor of Honan province, Loyang city. He wanted to bring a little of the country into a bigger city to show others the beauty of the countryside, Daruma and Shorin-Ji eventually. But there were those who were in opposition to this idea for a number of reasons.
The crux of the problem then was the Su-Yama area and its priests. The place was razed and Daruma and the priests history a fading memory. Some did not want to dredge this era up again especially the government. So he was forced back into the lumber business again temporarily. There was one man Sensei Shashin who helped Zoden purchase and area in a mountain area of Peking much that of Loyang. With Zoden and help of the Sensei who had building experience Zoden ultimate plan was to reconstruct a temple and pattern it after the one that was destroyed in honor of Daruma. It was to be just as it was when Daruma lived and returned from his sojourn. She did this not for profit but to benefit all mankind.
The subject of this book that he wrote was about spirit or soul. His point of view was more historical base don personnel experiences. Historians and scholars alike especially the Zen Priests from whom much of this information was possible is a valuable resource book. Some think as was the case back then that this book did no justice to the Buddhists or their religion. It was then decided to keep this book hidden at a Zen temple.
But to all of you Zoden states in earnest this book is a treasure and all should read.
His hard work and diligence paid off eventually as its popularity grew. Now the book it resides at the Tokyo Imperial College. A PHd acquired it by the name of Shubi Junkei. He re-entered it into publication once understanding what this book was about and its historical significance. There was a preface introducing Zoden and his accomplishments. With this done the publication was ready for release. Once published it was accepted readily by all in the literary or historical arena.
Many thought this mysterious writing had vanished and were surprised at it re-surfacing. I believe that Zodens principles were sound during this writing. Some think he had a motive and forced his way into this history of Daruma and his religion and then into the Shorin-Ji era.
But quite the contrary, during the 5th year of Showa 5th month the government in regards to this document made a decision.
Shubi Junkei the PhD who re-entered this book along with Zoden had it published for all to read not just an elite section of society. This complete rubbed edition was entrusted to a one Kakukai Sei for safekeeping. During the Taisho era another rubbed edition was posted in museum but was destroyed by unknowns. It was lucky this again re-surfaced and copies made again for all to see.
These copies, rubbings and new additions were kept alive for all to see and read.
The original copy of Zodens document had been edited and corrected. The Chinese call this document a look at the historical past. A majority of pictures in this book are hand rubbed photos. The photographic plates for these rubbings are very old. The copies sometimes when made were prone to aging and cracking over a period of time. But as photos go they were the best of the era. Kohan Sensei skill in this area was remarkable.

He was making arrangements during this time to publish a new copy of his works during the 6th year 3rd month of Showa.

In present day and back then plate making was a difficult art. The techniques had to be well mastered in order to render a decent photo.
Zoden was gradually beginning to update his methods in order to keep up with technology.
He was trying to implement this new technology but as a last resort he would revert the old ways for special customers. Sometime though did not like what he was doing. There reasons were always unclear.
During the latter part of the 6th year of Showa 12th month during the last 10 days of the month Zoden set up a traveling itinerary to show his works and talk about his book, especially his photo rubbings. Accompanying him was a Shubi another friend and PhD. Their tours were always welcome and his endeavors at this were prosperous. Another of his many arts was bookbinding and he lectured on this also as well as helping out others with books needing re-binding.
However his distribution of his new book was delayed as scholars and literary historians were still reviewing it.
Even though he had full backing there was some trepidation by so go ahead with this project. There was much praise for his writing but again some thought them a little esoteric. However, much to his satisfaction the book was finally approved. This was due to Subi's efforts in the field doing interviews and assuring historians of the books benefits.
Also credit went to Kiyuyason and Kitsuchu Ryoshi who had a hand in assisting Shubi in these efforts. The other effort went toward the making of these platters using his rubbings. These were made of finest metals and carved to perfection. His works since then were short of divine. People would say that his photos were so good they almost looked alive and in actual motion. There was a lot of effort and devotion put into these rubbings for this book and others.
In the beginning of his book in the preface there is an acknowledgement to several people especially the high priest whose efforts made most of it possible.
It was titled the Shohonbun or literary preface to a priest. From this Zoden received the title Chosonkasetsu Gahairu as literary master. After this his life changed so profoundly. He was in deep gratitude to all who helped him. Much to his satisfaction the results or outcome of this book was beyond his wildest dreams. After this there were many other publishers who made little if any changes to the original manuscript. It is toady as is was long ago.
Showa 7th year 2nd month Johan

Koden Eitaro

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