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Szakképzettség: villamosmérnök

Elérhetőségei (telefonok, e-mail): 483-8300, simonyi@renyi.hu
2. Jelenlegi munkahelye (BME) : BME, Villamosmérnöki és Informatikai Kar

Számítástudományi és Információelméleti Tanszék

Kinevezésében feltüntetett munkakör (BME): egyetemi docens

Foglalkoztatás típusa (BME): Határozatlan időre szóló közalkalmazotti jogviszonyban, részmunkaidőben foglalkoztatott.

Munkahelye más intézményben: Rényi Alfréd Matematikai Kutatóintézet

Beosztása: tudományos főmunkatárs
3. Tudományos fokozat a tudományág megjelölésével:

CSc (matematika), 1991

4. Tudományos akadémiai tagság; (MTA tagság), MTA doktora (DSc); „dr habil” cím, egyéb címek:
5. Széchenyi professzori ösztöndíj, Széchenyi István Ösztöndíj, vagy Békésy György Posztdoktori Ösztöndíj juttatásának időpontja:
6. Eddigi oktatói tevékenység (oktatott tárgyak, oktatásban töltött idő);

1991 óta a BME a következő tárgyakat tanítottam: analízis, bevezetés a számítás­elméletbe, kombinatorika es gráfelmélet, algoritmuselmélet, információelmélet, hipergráfok és halmazrendszerek kombinatorikája, gráfok és információelmélet, grá­fok és hipergráfok.

7. Az eddigi szakmai gyakorlat és teljesítmény bemutatása;

Kutatási terület:

Kombinatorika, gráfelmélet, információelmélet és gráfelmélet határterületei.


Bolyai Farkas-díj, 1998

Alexander von Humboldt ösztöndíj, 1985-86

Grünwald Géza Emlékdíj, 1982
8. Az elmúlt 5 év szakmai, tudományos (művészeti) munkássága (a legfontosabb maximum 5, az oktatott tárgy/tárgyak szakterületéhez tartozó publikáció, alkotás felsorolása);

  1. J. Körner, C. Pilotto, G. Simonyi, Local chromatic number and Spernercapacity, J. Combin. Theory Ser. B, 95 (2005), 101--117.

  2. G. Simonyi, G. Tardos, Local chromatic number, Ky Fan's theorem, andcircular colorings, Combinatorica, 26 (2006), 587--626.

  3. G. Simonyi, Asymptotic values of the Hall-ratio for graph powers, Discrete Math., 306 (2006), 2593--2601.

  4. G. Simonyi, G. Tardos, Colorful subgraphs in Kneser-like graphs, European J. Combin., 28 (2007), 2188-2200.

  5. J. Körner, C. Malvenuto, G. Simonyi, Graph-different permutations, SIAM J. Discrete Math., 22 (2008), 489-499.

9. Az eddigi tudományos-szakmai életmű szempontjából legfontosabb 5 publikáció vagy alkotás felsorolása (amennyiben az előbbiektől különböznek);

  1. G. Simonyi: On write-unidirectional memory codes, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, Vol. IT-35, No. 3 (May 1989), 663--669.

  2. I. Csiszár, J. Körner, L. Lovász, K. Marton, G. Simonyi: Entropy splitting for antiblocking corners and perfect graphs, Combinatorica, 10 (1) (1990), 27--40.

  3. J. Körner, G. Simonyi: A Sperner-type theorem and qualitative independence, J. Combin. Theory Ser. A, Vol. 59, No. 1, (Jan. 1992), 90--103.

  4. A. Sali, G. Simonyi: Orientations of self-complementary graphs and the relation of Sperner and Shannon capacities, European J. Combin., 20 (1999), 93--99.

  5. G. Simonyi: Perfect Graphs and Graph Entropy. An Updated Survey, Chapter 13 in: Perfect Graphs (Jorge Ramírez-Alfonsín, Bruce Reed eds.), John Wiley and Sons, 2001, 293--328.

10. Tudományos, szakmai közéleti tevékenység, nemzetközi kapcsolatok;

Az 1992-93 tanévben DIMACS posztdoktori ösztöndíjas voltam az Egyesült Államokban, a New Jersey állambeli DIMACS (Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science) Kutatóközpontban. 1986-ban két hónapot, majd 1987-88-ban hat hónapot töltöttem Párizsban az Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications Informatika Tanszékén.

Az angol nyelvű CV-k listája

List of CV-s in English
Program coordinator: Lajos Rónyai

1. Personal data:

Birth date: 1955

Highest school degree: university diploma

Speciality: mathematician

Phone, email: 463-2094, lajos@math.bme.hu
2. Present employer (BME): Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Department of Algebra

Position held at BME: full professor

Type of employment (BME): full time, tenured

Other employer: MTA SZTAKI

Position: research professor
3. Scientific degrees (PhD / CSc / DLA);

CSc, mathematics, 1987

4. Membership in the Academy and other degrees:

DSc in mathematics, 1999

member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007
5. Major Hungarian Scholarships:

Széchenyi Professorial Scholarship, 1998-2001.

6. Teaching activity so far (with list of courses taught)

I teach at BME since 1990. Earlier I gave lectures on algorithms and database systems at the School of Electrical Engineering, for informatics majors. Lately I gave lectures to students of mathematics at the School of Natural Sciences on various subjects form algebra and algorithms.

7. Results and experience:

My area of research is computer science and algebra. I've published 58 research papers so far.

8. Selected publications (maximum 5) from the past 5 years:

  1. Shattering news; Graphs and Combinatorics 18, (2002), 59-73. (with R. P. Anstee and A. Sali)

  2. Standard monomials for q-uniform families and a conjecture of Babai and Frankl; Central European Journal of Mathematics 1, (2003), 198 - 207. (with G. Hegedűs)

  3. Gröbner bases for complete uniform families; Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 17, (2003), 171-180. (with G. Hegedûs) Order shattering and Wilson's theorem; Discrete Mathematics 270, (2003), 127-136. (with K. Friedl)

  4. Trie: an alternative data structure for data mining algorithms; Mathematical and Computer Modelling 38, (2003), 739--751. (with F. Bodon)

  5. On a conjecture of László Rédei; Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 69, (2003), 523531.

9. The five most important publications (if different from the preceding ones):
10. Activity in the scientific community, international connections:

I am serving on the Computer Science and Informatics Committee of the MTA. I am on the editorial board of Acta Mathematica Hungarica, Matematikai Lapok, and Alkalmazott Matematikai Lapok.

Coordinator of the special program in Applied Analysis: Miklós Horváth

1. Personal data:

Birth date: 1960

Highest school degree: university diploma

Speciality: mathematician

Phone, email: 463-2324, horvath@math.bme.hu
2. Present employer (BME): Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Department of Analysis

Position held at BME: associate professor and head of department

Type of employment (BME): full time, tenured
3. Scientific degrees (PhD / CSc / DLA);

CSc in mathematics, 1992: On spectral expansions of Laplace and Schrödinger operators

4. Membership in the Academy and other degrees:

dr. habil., 2000, BME

5. Major Hungarian Scholarships:
6. Teaching activity so far (with list of courses taught)

Between 1984 and 88-ig I held a position at Eötvös University, since 1988 each term I was teaching at BME. During the past 20 years I taught more than 20 different subjects, in most cases as a lecturer.

7. Results and experience:

44 papers, approx. 120 independent citations, OTKA project leader 2x4 years

Awards : Géza Grünwald Memorial Prize, 1985, university awards
8. Selected publications (maximum 5) from the past 5 years:

  1. M. Horváth, On the first two eigenvalues of Sturm-Liouville operators, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 131(2003), 1215-1224.

  2. M. Horváth, Inverse spectral problems and closed exponential systems, Annals of Math. 162(2005), 885-918.

  3. M. Horváth, Inverse scattering with fixed energy and an inverse eigenvalue problem on the half-line, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 358 (11)(2006), 5161-5177.

  4. M. Horváth and M. Kiss, A bound for the ratios of eigenvalues of Schrödinger operators with single-well potentials, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 134 (5)(2006), 1425-1434.

  5. M. Horváth and M. Kiss, A bound for ratios of eigenvalues of Schrödinger operators on the real line, in: Proceedings of the AIMS’ Fifth International Conference on Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations, Supplement Volume of Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 2005., 403-409.

9. The five most important publications (if different from the preceding ones):

  1. P. Erdős, M. Horváth and I. Joó On the uniqueness of the expansions , Acta Math. Hung. 58(3-4)(1991), 333-342.

  2. M. Horváth, On a theorem of Ambarzumian, Proc. Royal Soc. Edinburgh, 131A(2001), 899-907.

  3. M. Horváth, Inverse spectral problems and closed exponential systems, Annals of Math. 162(2005), 885-918.

  4. M. Horváth, Inverse scattering with fixed energy and an inverse eigenvalue problem on the half-line, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 358 (11)(2006), 5161-5177.

  5. M. Horváth and M. Kiss, A bound for the ratios of eigenvalues of Schrödinger operators with single-well potentials, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 134 (5)(2006), 1425-1434.

10. Activity in the scientific community, international connections:

Co-organization of the International Conference on Inverse Quantum Scattering Theory, August 27-31, 2007, Siófok

3 invited conference talks in 2007.

PhD supervisor of Márton Kiss (defense in July 2007) and Orsolya Sáfár

Reviews of journal papers, participation in scientific qualifications (e.g. in the DSc defense of Mihály Pituk), member of the OTKA Jury: 2x3 years.
Coordinator of the special program in Operation Research: Tamás Szántai

1. Personal data:

Birth date: 1946

Highest school degree: university diploma

Speciality: mathematician

Phone, email: 463-2140, szantai@math.bme.hu
2. Present employer (BME): Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Department of Differetial Equations

Position held at BME: full professor, head of department

Type of employment (BME): full time, tenured
3. Scientific degrees (PhD / CSc / DLA);

CSc in mathematics, 1985

4. Membership in the Academy and other degrees:

Dr. habil, 2005

DSc in mathematics 2005
5. Major Hungarian Scholarships:

Széchenyi Professorial Scholarship, 2000-2003

6. Teaching activity so far (with list of courses taught)

BME (13 years): - practice hours on mathematics for engineers;

- lectures on operations research;

- lectures on probability theory;

ELTE ( 9 years) - lectures on operations research;

BME (16 years) - lectures on operations research;

- lectures on probability theory.
7. Results and experience:

Probability theory, point processes.

Numerical calculation of multivariate probability distribution functions and their application int he solution algorithms of stochastic programming problems.

Technical applications of operations research.

Reliability investigations of special networks.
8. Selected publications (maximum 5) from the past 5 years:

  1. Probabaility bounds given by hypercherry trees, Optimization Methods and Software, 17 (2002) 409-422, coauthor: J. Bukszár.

  2. Computing multivariate normal probabilies: A new look, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 11 (2002) 920-949, coauthors: I. Deák and H. Gassmann.

  3. New sampling techniques in variance reduction Monte Carlo simulation algorithms for calculation of Dirichlet probabilities, The Central Europian Journal of Operational Research,12 (2004) 389-403, coauthor: A. Gouda.

  4. New bounds and approximations for the probability distribution of the length of the critical path, in: Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, 532, Dynamic Stochastic Optimization, Proceedings of the IFIP/IIASA/GAMM-Workshop on ''Dynamic Stochastic Optimization'', held at the International Institute for Systems Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg, Austria, March 11-14, 2002, eds. K. Marti, Y. Ermoliev and G. Pflug, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2004, 293-320, coauthors: J. Long and A. Prékopa.

  5. Stochastic programming based PERT modeling, in: Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, 581, Coping with Uncertainty, Modeling and Policy Issues, Proceedings of the IFIP/IIASA/GAMM-Workshop on ''Coping with Uncertainty'', held at the International Institute for Systems Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg, Austria, December 13-16, 2004, eds. K. Marti, Y. Ermoliev, M. Makowski and G. Pflug,. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2006, 241-255, coauthors: A. Gouda and D. Monhor.

9. The five most important publications (if different from the preceding ones):

  1. A new multivariate gamma distribution and its fitting to empirical data, Water Resources Research, 14 (1978) 19-24, coauthor: A. Prékopa.

  2. Flood control reservoir system design using stochastic programming, Mathematical Programming Study, 9 (1978) 138-151, coauthor: A. Prékopa.

  3. On optimal regulation of a storage level with application to the water level regulation of a lake, Europian Journal of Operations Research, 3 (1979) 175-189, coauthor: A. Prékopa.

  4. Improved bounds and simulation procedures on the value of the multivariate normal proba­bility distribution function, Annals of Operations Research, 100 (2000) 85-101.

  5. Approximation of multivariate probability integrals, in: Encyclopedia of Optimization, eds. P.M. Pardalos and C.A. Floudas, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2001, Volume I. A-D, 53-59.

10. Activity in the scientific community, international connections:

Technical editor of the Hungarian Journal: Alkalmazott Matematikai Lapok 1975-91, responsible editor 1991-2003, deputy editor in chief since 2003.

Member of the Editorial Board of the Central European Journal of Operational Research since 2002.

President of the Section of Applied Mathematics at János Bolyai Society of Mathematics since 2006.

Secretary of the Hungarian Operations research Society 1991-93, deputy president 1993-96, president 2002-04.

Member of the Operations Research Committee of Hungarian Academy of Sciences since 1987.

Committee on Stochastic Programming, Mathematical Programming Society member of the Managing Committee 1988-2001.

Coordinator of the special program in Financial Mathematics: József Fritz

1. Personal data:

Birth date: 1943

Highest school degree: university diploma

Speciality: mathematician

Phone, email: 463-1359, jofri@math.bme.hu
2. Present employer (BME): Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Department of Differential Equations

Position held at BME: full professor

Type of employment (BME): full time, tenured
3. Scientific degrees (PhD / CSc / DLA);

CSc in mathematics

4. Membership in the Academy and other degrees:

DSc in mathematics , 1986

member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2001

5. Major Hungarian Scholarships:

6. Teaching activity so far (with list of courses taught)

Probability theory, statistical physics, partial differential equations, financial mathematics, mathematical analysis.

7. Results and experience:

More than 50 scientific papers and university teacher’s texts in the disciplines above.

8. Selected publications (maximum 5) from the past 5 years:

  1. J. Fritz, Entropy pairs and compensated compactness for weakly asymmetric systems, Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics 39 (2004), 143-171.

  2. J. Fritz and B. Tóth, Derivation of the Leroux system as the hydrodynamic limit of a two-component lattice gas, Commun. Math. Phys. 249 (2004), 1-27.

  3. J. Fritz and Katalin Nagy, On uniqueness of the Euler limit of one-component lattice gas Models, ALEA 1 (2006), 367-392.

  4. J. Fritz and Katalin Nagy and S. Olla, Equilibrium fluctuations of harmonic oscillators with conservative noise., J. Statist. Phys. 122 (2006), 399-415.

  5. Fritz József, Lax Péter tudományos munkásságáról, Természet Világa 6 (2005), 345-346.

9. The five most important publications (if different from the preceding ones):

  1. J. Fritz, Distribution-free exponential error bounds for nearest neighbor pattern classification, IEEE IT 21 (1976), 552-558.

  2. J. Fritz and R.L. Dobrushin, Non-equilibrium dynamics of two-dimensional infinite particle systems with singular interaction, Commun. Math. Phys. 55 (1977), 67-89.

  3. J. Fritz, On the hydrodynamic limit of a one-dimensional Ginzburg-Landau lattice model. The a priori bounds, Journ. Stat. Phys. 47 (1987), 551-572.

  4. J. Fritz, T. Funaki, J.L. Lebowitz, Stationary states of random Hamiltonian systems, Probab. Theory Rel. Fields 99 (1994), 211-236.

  5. J. Fritz, Entropy pairs and compensated compactness for weakly asymmetric systems, Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics 39 (2004), 143-171.

10. Activity in the scientific community, international connections:

Member of the Editorial Board of:

Journal of Statistical Physics, 1991–1994.

Acta Math. Hungarica, 1995–

Publicationes Math. Debreceniensis, 1996–

Periodica Math. Hungarica, 1998–

Markov Processes and Related Fields, 2002–

Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 2004–
Coordinator of the special program in Stochastics: Bálint Tóth

1. Personal data:

Birth date: 1955

Highest school degree: university diploma

Speciality: physicist

Phone, email: 463-1101, balint@math.bme.hu
2. Present employer (BME): Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Department of Stochastics

Position held at BME: full professor, head of department

Type of employment (BME): full time, tenured
3. Scientific degrees (PhD / CSc / DLA);

CSc (mathematics) 1988

PhD (mathematics) 1998
4. Membership in the Academy and other degrees:

DSc (mathematics) 1999

Dr Habil (BME) 1998
5. Major Hungarian Scholarships:

Széchenyi Professorial Fellowship, 1999-2002

6. Teaching activity so far (with list of courses taught)

Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, 1989-1991

Applied mathematics 1 (mechanics)

Applied mathematics 2 (partial differential equations)

College International, Budapest Semesters in Mathematics program, 1992-1998

Probability theory

Functional analysis

ELTE (Budapest), External Department of Mathematical Physics, 1993-1998

Mathematical methods of statistical physics

Percolation theory

The quantum Heisenberg and Hubbard models

Topics in random walks

Budapest University of Technology and Economics, 1998-2008

Probability theory 1,2

Stochastic processes

Markov chains

Limit theorems of probability theory

Mathematical methods of statistical physics

Percolation theory

Selected topics from modern probability theory

7. Results and experience:

Research: I am active in main stream research in modern probability theory. I have published so far cca 40 research papers mostly in leading international journals. I have been invited as invited or plenary speaker to numerous highly ranked international conferences. I have acted as member of editorial board for the Annals of Probability (2001-2005) and Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré (2003-….). For more details consult my CV at the web page http://www.math.bme.hu/~balint

PhD students: Two of my graduated PhD students are already active members of the international scientific community. Three more are ont he way to become so.

University teaching: For cca ten years I have supervised the mathematics program of BME. I have founded and coordinated the specialization in stochastics, which is a major success. Students graduating from our Institute with this specialization get best job offers or contiunue their academiccareer as PhD students.

8. Selected publications (maximum 5) from the past 5 years:

  1. Thomas M. Liggett, Jeffery E. Steif and Bálint Tóth: Statistical mechanical systems on complete graphs, infinite exchangeability, finite extensions and a discrete moment problem. The Annals of Probability 35 (2007) 867-914

  2. Bálint Tóth and Benedek Valkó: Perturbation of singular equilibria of hyperbolic two-component systems: a universal hydrodynamic limit. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 256 (2005) pp. 111-157

  3. József Fritz and Bálint Tóth: Derivation of the Leroux system as the hydrodynamic limit of a two-component latice gas. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 249 (2004) pp. 1-27

  4. Bálint Tóth and Benedek Valkó: Onsager relations and Eulerian hydrodynamic limit for systems with several conservation laws. Journal of Statistical Physics, 112 (2003) pp. 497-521

  5. Bálint Tóth and Benedek Valkó: Between equilibrium fluctuations and Eulerian scaling: Perturbation of equilibrium for a class of deposition models.
    Journal of Statistical Physics, 109 (2002) pp. 177-205

9. The five most important publications (if different from the preceding ones):

  1. Domokos Szász and Bálint Tóth: Bounds on the limiting variance of the ``heavy particle'' in R^1. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 104 (1986) 445-457

  2. Domokos Szász and Bálint Tóth: Towards a unified dynamical theory of the Brownian particle in an ideal gas. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 111 (1987) 41-62

  3. Bálint Tóth: `True' self-avoiding walk with bond repulsion on Z: limit theorems. The Annals of Probability, 23 (1995) 1523-1556

  4. Bálint Tóth: Generalized Ray-Knight theory and limit theorems for self-interacting random walks. The Annals of Probability, 24 (1996) 1324-1367

  5. Bálint Tóth and Wendelin Werner: The true self-repelling motion. Probability Theory and Related Fields, 111 (1998) 375-452

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