Research interests

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Mohammad Al-Towaiq

Associate Professor of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science


Parallel Computing/ Numerical Analysis, Operations Research/ Markov Chains, and Mathematical Modeling.


IEEE and ACM professional member. Published 40 papers in various journals and conference proceedings, 3 papers submitted, and one paper in process. Author for a research book (in process). Supervised and examined a number of graduate (M.Sc.) theses. Developed several graduate (M.Sc.) and undergraduate programs in various fields of Mathematics and Computer Science.


1) Award and certificate of recognition, WM Paterson College, USA, 1979.

2) Award and certificate of recognition of performance with distinction in the college study of Statistics, American Statistical Association, USA, 1981.

3) Honors Certificate, WM Paterson College, USA, 1981.

4) School of Science Award for academic excellence and outstanding in mathematics, WM Paterson College, USA, 1981.

5) Man of the year 2008. I have been selected by the American Biographical Institute (ABI) as the man of the year representing Jordan 2008.




Applied Mathematics

SUNY at Stony Brook, USA



Applied Mathematics

SUNY at Stony Brook, USA (degree awarded in 1985)




W. Paterson College of State of New Jersey, USA




Amman Teachers Training Institute, Jordan


Dec. 7, 2015-present
Sept. 1, 2015 – Dec. 6, 15
Sept.2,2013–Aug. 1,2015
Sept 2, 2011–Aug 31, 13

Sept 1, 09 – Aug. 31, 11

Aug 31,08 – Aug 31, 09
Sept 1, 05 - -Aug 31, 08

Associate Professor
Associate Professor and Head of Computer Science Dept.

Associate Professor

Associate Professor and Dean of Admission and Registration and Students Affairs,.

Associate Professor

Associate Prof. and University Academic Coordinator

Head of Computer Science Dept. and Associate Prof.

Dept. of Math. and Stat., Joint faculty with the Computer Science Dept, JUST, Jordan.

Dept. of Math. and Stat., Joint faculty with the Computer Science Dept, JUST, Jordan.

Dept. of Math. and Stat., Joint faculty with the Computer Science Dept, JUST, Jordan.

College of Computer Engineering and Information

Technology, Dar Al-Uloom University, KSA (Sabbatical leave from JUST).

Dept. of Math. and Stat., Joint faculty with the Computer Science Dept, JUST, Jordan.

Dept. of Math. and Stat., Joint faculty with the Computer Science Dept, JUST, Jordan.

Sept 1, 04 – Aug 31, 05

Chairman of Dept. of Math. And

Stat and Associate Professor

Joint faculty with the Computer Science Dept, JUST, Jordan.

Feb, 03 – Sep, 04

Associate professor

Dept. of Math. and Stat., Jointly with the Computer Science Dept. since Feb 2004, JUST, Jordan.

99 – Feb, 03

Associate professor

Dept. of Computer Science, Sultan Qaboos Univ., Oman (Leave without payment from JUST).

1998- 99

Associate Professor

Dept. of Computer Science, Al Bayan University, UAE (Leave without payment from JUST).


Chair and Associate Professor

Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, JUST, Jordan.


Vice President of GSSR and

Associate Professor

Dept. of Mathematics, Al al-Bayt University, Jordan (Sabbatical leave from JUST).


Vice Dean & Associate Professor

Faculty of Arts and Sciences, JUST, Jordan.


Chair and Associate Professor

Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, JUST, Jordan.



Dept. of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, JUST


Assistant Professor

Faculty of Arts and Sciences, JUST, Jordan.


Assistant Professor

Dept. of Mathematics, Yarmouk University, Jordan.


Teaching & Research Assistant

SUNY at Stony Brook, USA.


Lecturer in Mathematics

Ministry of Education, Jordan.


27 years experience in teaching various topics in applied and pure mathematics as well as several topics in computer science at both undergraduate and graduate levels, such as Numerical Analysis, Differential Equations, Discrete Mathematics, Linear Programming and Game Theory, Operations Research, Optimization, Automata and Formal Languages, Theory of Computations, Foundation of Computer Science, Programming Languages as well as many other subjects.


27 years of active participation in almost every academic committee and extracurricular activities in all universities I served in.


Journal papers

  1. Mohammad Al-Towaiq and Yousef Abu-Hour, “Two improved classes of Broyden's methods for solving nonlinear systems of equations”, accepted for publiction in the Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, August 2016.

  2. Mohammad Al-Towaiq, Marwan Al-Quran, and Osama Al-Khazaleh, “A Modified Algorithm for the Clenshaw-Curtis Method”, accepted for publication in the Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences. August 2016.

  1. M. H.Al-Towaiq and Y.S. Abu-Hour, “Two improved methods based on Broyden's Newton methods for the Solution of Nonlinear Systems of Equations” , conference paper, 2016 APPEMSE 2016, 26-29, 2016, Malisya, accepted for publiction in the Jurnal Teknologi.

  1. Khaled Day and Mohammad Al-Towaiq, “An Efficient Parallel Gauss-Seidel Algorithm on a 3D Torus Network-on-Chip”, SQU Journal for Science, 2015, 20(1), pp 29-38.

  1. Ameina Nuseir and M. Al-Towaiq, “The Modified Variational Iteration Method for Solving the Impenetrable agar Model Problem”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, V. 96, No. 4, 2014, pp 445-456.

  1. M. Al-Towaiq, “ PARALLEL IMPLEMENTATION OF THE GAUSS-SEIDEL ALGORITHM ON K-ARY N-CUBE MACHINE Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2013, 4, PP 177 - 182.

  2. M. Al-Towaiq, “Qualitative Study of an Adaptive Three Species Predator-Prey Model”, Far East Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 70, No. 2, 2012, PP 123-138.

  3. M. Al-Towaiq and Khaled Day, Parallel Gauss-Seidel on A TORUS NETWORK-ON-CHIP Architecture”, Journal of Interconnection Networks, Vol 13, Nos. 1 & 2 (2012) 1250001-1-14.

  4. M. Al-Towaiq and Osama Alayed, “AN EFFICIENT ALGORITHM BASED ON THE CUBIC SPLINE FOR THE SOLUTION OF BRATU-TYPE EQUATION”, J. of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, V. 17 (2014) No. 5 & 6, pp 471-484.

  1. M. Al-Towaiq, Abdallah Obeidat, and Assma Al-Momani, “Clustered Diagnally Explicit Runge-Kutta Method for the Solution of Systems of Differential Equations”, J. of Parallel and Cloud Computing, Vol. 2, Iss. 3, (2013), PP 58-64.

  1. M. Al-Towaiq and Hasan Al-Bzoor, " An Efficient Algorithm for the Solution of Second Order Linear PDE's Using Expansion Polynomials", Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography, vol 14 No. 1, 2011, PP 9-31.

  1. Ameen Alawneh, Kamel Al-Khaled, and Mohammed Al-Towaiq, "Reliable algorithm for solving integro-ddiferential equation with applications", International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Vol 87, issue 7, 2010, PP 1538-1554.

  1. Feras Awad and M. Al-Towaiq, "Parallel Algorithm for the Solutions of PDE's in Linux Clustered Workstations", Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation, 200(2008) pp 178-188.

  1. M. Al-Towaiq, "Clustered Gauss-Huard Algorithm for the Solution of Ax = b", Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation, 184 (2007) PP 485 - 595.

  1. M. Al-Towaiq, F. Masoud, A.B. Mnaour, K. Day, “ An Implementation of A Parallel Iterative Algorithm for the Solution of Large Banded Systems on a Cluster of Workstations”, International Journal of Modeling and Simulation, Vol. 28, issue 4, 2008, pp 378-386.

  1. M. Al-Towaiq , K. Day, and E. Al-Daoud, “An Improved Algorithm for the Solution of Sparse Linear Systems,” J. Inst. Math. & Computer Sciences, (Comp. Sci. Ser.) Vol. 14, No. 1(2003) pp 63-69.

  1. A. B. Mnaouer, K. Day, M. Al-Towaiq, F. Masoud, "Performance Evaluation of Database Systems Using Colored Petri Nets", Journal of Science and Technology, SQU, 8(2003), pp33-46.

  1. M. Al-Towaiq “Reverse Process of an Absorbing Markove Chains with r Absorbing States”, Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences, Vol. 16 (1995), No. 2, pp. 277-280.

  1. M. Al-Towaiq and B. Al-Eideh, “A Central Limit Theorem for Absorbing Markov Chains

with Absorbing Subchain,” J. Advances in Modelling & Analysis, AMSE, 2000-Vol. 37,

No. 3, pp. 15-22.

  1. M. Al-Towaiq, “ Asymptotic normality of maximum likelihood estimators for multiparamater

Markov chains”, J. of Information and Optimization Sciences, Vol. 20 (1999), No. 2, pp. 309-312.

  1. M. Al-Towaiq, “An Improved Algorithm for the Iterative Refinement Method,” J. of

Discrete Mathematical Sciences & Cryptography, Vol.2, No3, (1999), pp. 73-76.

  1. B. Al-Eideh and M. Al-Towaiq, “Limiting Distributions for Absorbing Markov Chains with r Absorbing States,” J. Advances in Modeling and Analysis, AMSE, Vol. 29(1995), No.1, pp. 17-24.

  1. M. Al-Towaiq and B. Al-Eideh, “Quasi Stationary Distribution in Absorbing Markov

Chains with r Absorbing States,” Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences, Vol.

15, No. 2, pp. 89-95, 1994.

  1. M. Smadi and M. Al-Towaiq, “A Note on Jackknife Estimators and Empirical Results for

the First and Second Order Autoregressive Process,” Journal of Information and

Optimization Sciences, Vol. 13, No. 3,pp. 399-406, 1992.

  1. M. Al-Towaiq and B. Al-Eideh, “An Application of the McNemar Test for the Existence of

Absorbing Subchains in a Given Markov Chain,” Journal of Information and Optimization

Sciences, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 467-475, 1991.

  1. M. Smadi and M. Al-Towaiq, “Empirical Comparison for Bays Estimator for the Parameter

of AR(1) Process in Case of Short Series,” Journal of Information and Optimization Science,

Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 229-233, 1991.

  1. M. AL-Towaiq, “A Direct Method for the Solution of Large Systems of Linear Equations

Using Incomplete LU-Factorization,” Mathematica Japonica, Vol. 34, No. 5, 1989.

  1. M. AL-Towaiq, “A Two-Term Iterative Solution Scheme for Linear Sparse Systems,”

ISNA, METU, pp. 123-140, 1987.

Conference Papers

  1. K. Day and M. Al-Towaiq, A Parallel Gauss-Seidel Algorithm on a 3D Torus Network-on-Chip Architecture, IEEE Computer Society, 9th International Workshop on Interconnection Network Architecture: On-chip, Multi-Chip (INA-OCMC 2015), PP 13-16, January 19 - 21, 2015, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

  1. Khaled Day and M. Al-Towaiq, Parallel Gauss-Seidel on A TORUS NoC Architecture”, proccedings of the 1 IASTED International Symposium on Power and Energy PE 2013, Nov. 11-13, 2013, Marina del Rey, USA. 795 – 025.

  1. Rehab Duwairi, Ebraheem Elhaddadand, M. Al-Towaiq, “Coupling Web Usage Mining with Content Mining for Recommendation Systems”, Proceedings of the 14stth World Multi-conference on Systemics, Cypemetics, and Informatics (WMSCI 2010), Orlando, USA, June 29 – July 2, 2010.

  1. Eyas El-Qawasmeh, Ahmed Mansour, and Mohammad Al-Towaiq, “Development of a New Compression Scheme”, Published in: F. Zavoral et al. (Eds.): NDT 2010, Part I, CCIS 87, PP. 85-90, 2010, Spriger-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010.

  1. Eyas El-Qawasmeh, M. Al-Towaiq, and Vaclav Snasel, "Increasing the Efficiency of Data Compression", Proceeding of the NaCSES'07, Kuantan, Malaysia, 20-21 Aug. 2007.

  1. Al-Towaiq and Huda Al-Aamri, “ Parallel Implementation of Gauss-Huard Algorithm on a Cluster of Linux Workstations”, Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on Applied Computing 2004, Lisbon, Portugal, 23 to 26 March 2004, pp. I-543-550.

  1. K. Day, M. Al-Towaiq, F. Masoud, A. B. Mnaouer, “ Comparative Performance Evaluation of Client-Server Database Systems”, ACIT’2003, International Arab Conference on Information Technology, 20-23 December 2003, Alexandria, Egypt, Vol. 1, pp. 254-261.

  1. M. Al-Towaiq and Huda Al-Aamri ,“ A Parallel Implementation of GESPP on a Cluster of Silicon Graphics Workstations”, Proceedings of the Ninth IEEE Inter. Conf. On Parallel and Distributed Systems, pp. 226-230, 17-20 December 2002, Taiwan.

  1. A.B. Mnaouer, K. Day, M. Al-Towaiq and F.A. Masoud: “ Colored Petri Nets Based Modeling and Simulations of Replicated Database Systems”, Proceedings of the 2002 Inter. Conf. On Information and Knowlede Engg. (IKE’02), pp. 606-613, Las Vegas, USA, June 24-27, 2002.

  1. K. Day, F.A. Masoud, A.B. Mnaouer and M. Al-Towaiq, " Centeralized Versus Replecated Client-Server Database Systems", Proceedings of the IASTED Inter. Conf. On Applied Informatics, pp. 295-299, Feb. 18-21, 2002, Innsbruck, Austria.

  1. M. Al-Towaiq, K. Day, A. Mnaouer, F. Masoud, “ A New Parallel Algorithm for the Solution of Large Banded Shifted Systems”, Proceeding of the IASTED Inter. Conf. (ASM 2001), pp. 355-358, Sept. 4-7, Spain.

  1. K. Day, A. B. Mnaouer, F. Masoud, and M. Al-Towaiq “A Fault-Tolerant Asynchronous

Data Replication Protocol,” Proceedings of The 19th IASTED International Conference

on Applied Informatics, AI’2001, pp. 59-63, February 19-22, 2001, Innsbruck, Austria.
M. Al-Towaiq and B. Al-Eideh, “Introduction to Finite Markov Chains”, book in process.

  1. M. Al-Towaiq, “On a Two-Term Iterative Scheme Based on Incomplete Factorization of

Large Sparse systems,” Ph. D. Thesis, 1985, Advisor: Professor Reginald P. Tewarson.

  1. Refree for

(a) Journal of Systems and Software, Elsevier Inc.

(b) Soft Computing and Automation Journal (Autosoft ). 

(c) AMSE, Series A, Advances in Modeling and Analysis, France.

(d) Dirasat, University of Jordan.

(e) Damascus J. for Basic Sciences and Agricaltural Engineering/ University of Damascus.

(f) Abhath aL-Yarmouk J., Yarmouk University.

(g) Mu'tah J. for Research and Studies/ Natural and Applied Sciences Series, Mu'tah


(2) Refree for several national conferences and international conferences.
Funded Research Grants

  1. SQU/DOPSAR/R/SCI/00/12. “ High-Performance Computing on a Cluster of Workstations Interconnected by a High-Speed Switched Network”. (Grant total RO 10,800 =US$27,835). Principle investigator: Drs. K. Day, M. Al-Towaiq, F. Masoud, and A. Ben Mnaouer.

  2. SQU/IG/SCI/COMP/02/01. “ Parallel Implementation of Gauss-Jordan and Gauss-Huard Algorithms in a Cluster Computing Environment ”.( Grant total RO 1,416=US$3,670). Principle investigator: M. Al-Towaiq, and Huda Al-Aamri.

  3. 134/2005, JUST. " Parallel Implementation of an Efficient Algorithm for the Solution of PDEs in a Cluster Computing Environment", ( Grant total 300JD). Principle investigator:Feras Awad and M. Al-Towaiq.

  4. 133/2005, JUST. " On Taylor Polynomial Solution of Second Order Linear PDEs". ( Grant total 200JD). Principle investigator: Hasan Al-Bzoor and M. Al-Towaiq.


Undergraduate Teaching

Computer Science Courses:

Computational Methods I & II, Finite Automata and Formal Languages, Problem Solving and Computer Programming Using VB, Programming in Fortran 77 and 90/95 (SQU4 and JUST), Operations Research (JUST), Foundation of Computer Science (JUST), Personal Computers and Software Packages (SQU), Discrete Mathematics (JUST), Linear Programming and Game Theory (Al al-Bayt and JUST), Operations Research (JUST), Theory of Computations (JUST), Introduction to Computer Science (JUST), Also, I can teach Data Structures, Algorithm Analysis, Compiler and Parallel Processing and Computing.


Mathematics and Statistics Courses:

Calculus I, II, and III, Ordinary Differential Equations, linear Algebra (YU3, JUST, AlBayan, and Al al-Bayt), Partial Differential Equations (YU), Numerical Analysis (JUST, YU, AlBayan and Al al-Bayt), Applied Algebra (JUST), Engineering Mathematics, Boundary Value Problems (SUNY), Statistics I (JUST and AlBayan), and Probability and Statistics (JUST), Linear Programming (JUST and AL al-Bayt).

Graduate Teaching

Advanced Numerical Analysis (JUST & YU), Least Squares Solution (YU).

Biostatistics and Mathematics for Pharmacists (JUST).

Curriculum Development

I was actively involved in developing the following study programs. I also played a major role in developing several courses for these programs.

B.Sc. Program in Computer Science at JUST and SQU.

B.Sc. Program in Mathematics at YU and Al al-Bayt University.

B.Sc. Program in Mathematical Sciences/Operation Research and Programming Analysis at JUST.

M.Sc. Program in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics at JUST, YU, and Al al-Bayt University.

M.Sc. Program in Computer Science at JUST.

Theses Supervision/Examination

  1. Yousef Abu-Hour, “Improved classes of Broyden’s methods for solving nonlinear systems of equations”, JUST, Dept. of Math & Stat., MSc. Thesis, Supervisor, May 2016.

  1. Asma’a M. Al-Momani, “Parallel Implementation of Runge-Kutta Method for the Solution of Systems of Differential Equations”, JUST, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, MSc. Thesis, Supervisor, 2011.

  2. Osama H. Ala’yed, “ An Efficient Algorthim for the Solution of Bratu-Type Equation Using Cubic Spline Method”, JUST, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, MSc. Thesis, Supervisor, 2011.

  3. Ahmed H. Kasasbeh, “An efficient algorithm using Romberg extrapolation on Trapezoidal rule for the solution of linear integro-differential equations”, JUST, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, MSc. Thesis, Supervisor, 2010.

  4. Amal A. Al-Hossban, “A Simulation Study of Some Estimators of First Order Moving Average Model”, JUST, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, MSc. Thersis, Examinar, 2010.

  5. Osama E. Alheeh, "Software Clustering Using Weighted Usage Graph and Genetic Algorithm", JUST, Department of Computer Science, MSc. Thesis, Supervisor, 2008.

  6. Mohammad K. Al-Saafeen, "Homotopy Perturbation Method for Fractional Hirota-Satsuma KdV Coupled Equations", JUST, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, MSc. Thesis, Examinar, 2008.

  7. Ghada Fadel Shatnawi, "Development and Investigation of a Compression Technique using Boolean Minimization", JUST, Department of Computer Science, MSc. Thesis, Co-Supervisor, 2007.

  8. Ebraheem Mohammed Al-Haddad, "Coupling Web Usage Mining with Content Mining for Recommendation Systems", JUST, Department of Computer Science, MSc. Thesis, Supervisor, 2007.

  9. Mohammed Kamel Jaradat, "Decomposition Methods for Fourth-Order Nonlinear Parabolic Equations", JUST, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, MSc. Thesis, examinar, 2007.

  10. Malak A. Abdullah, "The Chained-Cubic Tree: A New Interconnection Network", JUST, Department of Computer Science, MSc. Thesis, examinar, 2007.

  11. Firas Awad, " Parallel Implementation of an Efficient Algorithm for the Solution of PDE's in a Cluster Computing Environment", JUST, Department of Math. and Stat., MSc. thesis, Supervisor, 2006.

  12. Hasan Al-Bzoor, " On Taylor Polynomial Solutions of Second order Linear PDE's", JUST, Department of Math. and Stat., MSc. thesis, Supervisor, 2005.

  13. Zakwan Al-Arnout, " Attack Path Accompaniment for Tracing Flooding Denial of Service Attacks in IP-Based Network", al-Albayt University, Department of Computer Science, MSc. Thesis, external examiner, Feb. 2004.

  14. Emad Jaradat, "Line Integrals Over Implicitly Defined Curves", JUST, Dept of Math. and Stat., MSc. thesis, examiner, 2003.

  15. Mohammad Al-Qudah, "Jacobi-Weighted Orthogonal Polynomials on Triangular and Simplex Domains", JUST, Dept of Math and Stat, MSc. thesis, examiner, 2003.

  16. Mufeed Al-Mushrafi, “Design and Analysis of Recursive Binary Sequences for the Use of Stream Cipher Crypto-System”, SQU, Dept. of Information Engineering, M.Sc. thesis, external examiner, 2001.

  17. Said A. Al-Hadhrami, “ Moving Extremes Ranked Set Sampling (MERSS)”, SQU, Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics, M. Sc. thesis, external examiner, 2001.

  18. Essam F. Al-Daoud, “New Algorithm for the Solution of Linear Sparse Systems,” Al al-Bayt University, M.Sc. thesis, supervisor, 1997

  19. Ali W. Al-Attaiwi, “Some Applications of Genetic Algorithms,” Al al-Bayt University, MSc. thesis, Cooperator supervisor and examiner, 1997.

  20. Zeyad A. Al-Zohour, “Kronecker Products and Some Applications,” Al al-Bayt University, M.Sc. thesis, examiner, 1997.

  21. Amer H. Omar, “Generalization of Fractional Calculus Solutions to a Class of Linear Ordinary Integro-Differential Equations,” Al al-Bayt University, M.Sc. thesis, examiner, 1997.

  22. Ibrahim M. Al-Ayyoub, “On the Learning Algorithms of Artificial Neural Networks and Singular Value Decomposition of Matrices,” Al al-Bayt University, M.Sc. thesis, examiner, 1997.

  23. Kamel M. Al-Khaled, “On the Lagrange Interpolation of Entire Functions,” Yarmouk University, M.Sc. thesis, examiner, 1988.

  24. Abedallah M. Rababah, “On Hermite-Fejer Interpolation for Functions of Bounded Variation Based on the Zeros of Certain Jacobi Polynomials,” Yarmouk University, M.Sc. thesis, examiner, 1988.

Final-Year Project Supervision

  1. Solution of System of Linear Equations using Gaussian Elimination with Scaled Partial

Pivoting in Parallel Computer.

  1. Solution of System of Linear Equations using Gauss-Seidel Method in Parallel


  1. Implementation of Genetic Algorithms for the solution of the Lecture Room Assignment



Department level: Coordinator of the Appointment Committee, Staff Affairs

Committee and Student Affairs committees (SQU, 99 /00, 00/01, 2001/02).

Student / Staff Liaison Committee (SQU, 99/2000, 2001/02)

Served in and coordinated most committees in JUST, YU, and Al al-Bayt.

College level: Appointment Committee (SQU, 00/01and 2001/02)

Technical Training Committee ( SQU, 00/01)

Adhoc Committee for Technician Training (SQU, 99/2000)

Curriculum committee (JUST and YU)

Coordinator of the library committee (JUST)

Coordinator of the scientific research committee (JUST)

Scientific research committee (JUST)

Several different ad hoc committees (JUST)

Exam and disciplinary committee (JUST)

University level: Library committee (JUST)

Committee for developing research and graduate study (JUST)

Scientific Research Council (JUST)

Scientific Research and Graduate Study Council (Al al-Bayt University)

Graduate Study Council (JUST)

Other major services

Planning committee for the establishment of the Department of Mathematical Sciences, JUST.

Actively involved and chaired the department of Applied Mathematical Science in JUST for

more than 7 years. Also, I served as an acting head of the Computer Science Department in

SQU for several times ( 6 –8/11/00, 18-21/11/00, 17/6-14/7/00, 22-31/7/00, 6-13/1/01, and


Served in the organizing committee of the Jordanian Conference in Mathematical Sciences for

the years 1992, 1996, and 1998.

Other Activities

  1. Member of IEEE Computer Society.

  2. Member of Jordanian Alumni Society Graduates of U.S. Universities and Institutes.

  3. Member of Association of Information Systems (AIS).

  4. Member of ACM Group (3 years, stopped)

  5. Member of IASTED Society (3 years, stopped)

  6. Member of Jordan Mathematical Sciences Association ( 8 years, stopped).

  7. Member of Jordan Computer Society (two years, stopped).

  8. Member of Japanese Association of Mathematical Sciences (3 years, stopped)

SELECTED Professional and Scientific Meetings

  1. Interactive Workshop: Accredetation Induction and Course File, KSA, 23 October 2012.

  2. The First International Conference on Assessment and Evaluation, Riyadh, KSA 02-04 December 2012.

  3. Third International Conference on Quality Assurance in Postsecondary Education, AlDamam, KSA, 27-29 April 2013.

  4. Interactive Workshop: Introduction to Online Teaching and Learning, Lebanon, 5 – 9/9/2005.

  5. Workshop on Mathematica, Wolfram, June 21-22, 2005, JUST.

  6. Conference on Applied Mathematics, 3 - 6 January 1987, Cairo, Egypt. Contributed a Paper Entitled " A Direct Method for the Solution of Large Systems of Linear Equations Using an Incomplete LU-Factorization”.

  7. International Symposium on Numerical Analysis, 1-4 September 1987, METU, Ankara, Turkey. Contributed a Paper Entitled "A Two-Term Iterative Solution Scheme for Linear Sparse Systems".

  8. Round Table meeting " Education for all by the year 2000 ", 20-23 Dec. 1992, Amman, Jordan.

  9. Workshop on "Active Learning Mathematics", March 3-6/1996, United Arab Emirates Univ., Al-Ain, UAE.

  10. Member of the primary committee of the first Jordanian Conference in Mathematical Sciences, Jordan 2 - 4 /1992.

  11. The third Jordanian Conference in Mathematical Sciences, Jordan 2-4/1996.

  12. Member of the primary committee of the 4th. Jordanian conference in Mathematical Sciences, Jordan, 24 - 26 / 8 / 1998.

Computer Related Experience

Adept in Mathematical programming: Working knowledge of numerical algorithms, PVM, MPI, DRIVE, MATLAB, MATHEMATICA, LINPACK, SPSS and the ISML subroutines. Also, I have excellent experience in Computer Literacy and programming languages such as Fortran, Visual Basic, and C++.


  1. Professor Mohammed Hailat, Dean of College of Arts and Science, JUST, Jordan. Email: , in sabbatical leave, Chair of the Mathematical Sciences dept, University of South Carolina Aiken, ,

  2. Professor K. Day, Chairman of Department of Computer Science, SQU, Oman.

  3. Professor Abdul-Majid K. Nusayr, Dept. of Applied Mathematical Sciences, JUST, P.O.Box 3030, Irbid, Jordan. Email:

  4. Professor R. P. Tewarson, SUNY at Stony Brook, AMS Dept., Stony Brook, NY, 11974, USA. Email:

Personal Data

Date of Birth: Feb. 10, 1950

Place of Birth: Ramtha, Jordan

Nationality: Jordanian

Marital Status: Married

Number of Children: Five
Address: Jordan University of Science and Technology

Faculty of Science and Arts,

Department of Mathematics and Statistics

P. O. Box 3030, Irbid 22110, Jordan.

Phone: (Office)00 962 2 7201000 ext 23456

GSM : 00962 777318925

Fax : 00 962 2 7095014


Permanent address: P.O.Box 133, Ramtha, Jordan.

Statement of Research

Mohammad Hasan Al-Towaiq

I work in the area of Applied mathematics, focusing on the solution of large sparse systems, implementation of parallel algorithms on a cluster computer, and on the Quasi-Stationary Distributions of Markov Chains. I have published papers in international journals and conferences, including a number of single authored papers.

Parallel Computing research is an increasingly important subject, which plays a central role in large scale scientific computing. My contribution deals specifically with the implementation and applications of computer algorithms in order for effective mathematical software in linear systems of equations in general and sparse matrix technology to be used as tools in science and engineering. Currently, I improved and implement some parallel algorithms for the solution of large linear systems on a cluster of silicon graphics workstations, analytical performance evaluation of database systems using colored petri nets, and comparative performance evaluation of client-server database systems. The results we obtained are published in international journals and conferences proceedings. Also, I am involved in two research groups, UNDP project in Distributed Modeling of Pipe Network and a proposal to HCST on Solid Waste Landfill in Jordan.

Quasi-stationary distribution of absorbing Markov chains appears as models for process in Medicine, Biology, and other fields. Our contribution deals with more than one absorbing state and we study the different types of quasi-stationary distributions conditional on an eventual absorption into a specified state. Such a case encounters for instance in some biological research where the absorbing states correspond to the extinction of certain characteristics. Currently, we investigate the limiting distributions and the Central Limit Theorem for absorbing Markov chains with absorbing subchains. Also, we are working in a research book in Finite Markov Chains.

I adapted a model in Three-Species Dynamics Food Chain. Interesting preliminary results are already achieved. Future experimental work is needed to support this model.

My plan is to continue working on the area of modeling, numerical algorithms, and the implementation of parallel numerical algorithms in various areas of applied mathematics.

Statement of Teaching

Mohammad Hasan Al-Towaiq

I started my teaching experience at the Jordanian high schools from 1971 to 1978. After I got my Ph. D. (1985) I am involving in teaching, research, and curriculum development in five universities (Yarmouk, JUST, Al al-Byat, Al Bayan, and SQU).

Curriculum Development:

At JUST I was involved in a field study at Jordan in order to establish the undergraduate program in Mathematical Sciences. I played a central role in this study by direct contact with educational experts in Europe, USA, Arab States, and locally in Jordan. Several course syllabi in Applied Mathematics, Operation Research, and Computer Applications were prepared as a part of this project.

At YU I was involved in developing the graduate program in applied mathematics. Several course syllabi were prepared.

At Al al-Byat University I was involved in developing the undergraduate and graduate programs in Mathematics. Several course syllabi were prepared. Also I was the Vice President of the Scientific Research and Graduate Study Council and I made numerous contributions to this academic body.

At SQU I was involved in updating the undergraduate program in Computer Science. Several course syllabi were prepared.


On the time we established the Dept. of Applied Mathematics I established and organized two labs. The two labs are equipped with several simulation packages useful for teaching various courses in programming analysis and related Math. courses. Also, I was involved in establishing a parallel and distributed labs setup at both SQU and JUST. Also, I was involved in establishing another two labs for the Computer Science department.

Teaching Philosophy

Teaching is an enjoyable career for me, especially teaching Mathematics. Mathematics is a beautiful subject and a good tool to acquire the process of learning, thinking, computing, and communicating. As an applied mathematician, I always try to make the subject interesting. I ask questions, assigning group work to make students communicate with each other, I ask students to solve problems on the blackboard, and encourage them to ask questions.

In recent years I made great strides toward modernization of courses taught using E-Learning, computer technology and available software. We established computer labs for teaching, and we use books using Matlab and Mathematica. I assign weekly homework and projects where the students need to use MatLab, Drive, or computer programming. I always keep in mind that technology is just a tool and not a substitute for the process of deriving answers.

1 Jordan University of Science and Technology

2 Graduate Studies and Scientific Research

3 Yarmouk University

4 Sultan Qaboos University

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Mohammad Al-Towaiq

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