Aaby, Peter 1984 Epidemics Among Amerindians and Inuit: a preliminary Interpretation

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Rosenberg, G. 1937 Hjortspringfundet. [The Hjortspring Find.]. [Danish]. Nordiske Fortidsminder (Copenhagen) 3. BOG BODIES, HJORTSPRING FIND, [GLOB 1965:196]
Rosenberg, Karen R. 1988 Skeletal Analysis in Southeastern Archaeology. North Carolina Archaeological Council Publication 24. Edited by Janet E. Levy. 1986. Raleigh, North Carolina: Archaeology Branch, NC Division of Archives and History. [Review]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 75(3):424-425. REVIEW OF, LEVY; JANET E., 1986, [JRNL]
Rosenberg, Karen R., A. Washburn, and J. F. Custer 1988 Dental Health and Diet in a Preagricultural Woodland Population of Delaware. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 75(2):263. DENTAL HEALTH, NUTRITION, WOODLAND POPULATION, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Rosenberg-Naparsteck, R. 1983 Life and Death in Nineteenth Century Rochester. Rochester History 45:1-24. DEMOGRAPHY, ROCHESTER, NEW YORK, [GRAUER-BODS-OF-EVIDENCE-1995:195]
Rosenberger, B., and H. Triki 1973 Famines et Epidémies au Maroc aux XVIe et XVIIe Siècles. Hespéris-Tamuda 14:109-175. FAMINE, EPIDEMIC, SIXTEENTH TO SEVENTEENTH CENTURY, [CWHM-1977-093-#0566]
Rosenberger, B., and H. Triki 1974 Famines et Epidémies au Maroc aux XVIe et XVIIe Siècles. Part Two. Hespéris-Tamuda 15:5-105. FAMINE, EPIDEMIC, SIXTEENTH TO SEVENTEENTH CENTURY, [CWHM-1978-097-#0424]
Rosenblat, Angel 1935 El Desarrollo de la Población Indígena de América. Tierra Firme 1(1):115-133. DEMOGRAPHY, AMERICA, INDIAN, [NATIVE-POP-AMER-1492-DENEVAN-WM-1976:324]
Rosenblat, Angel 1935 El Desarrollo de la Población Indígena de América. Tierra Firme 1(2):117-148. DEMOGRAPHY, AMERICA, INDIAN, [NATIVE-POP-AMER-1492-DENEVAN-WM-1976:324]
Rosenblat, Angel 1935 El Desarrollo de la Población Indígena de América. Tierra Firme 1(3):109-141. DEMOGRAPHY, AMERICA, INDIAN, [NATIVE-POP-AMER-1492-DENEVAN-WM-1976:324]
Rosenblat, Angel 1945 La Población Indígena de América Desde 1492 Hasta la Actualidad. Buenos Aires: Institución Cultural Española. DEMOGRAPHY, AMERICA, INDIAN, [NATIVE-POP-AMER-1492-DENEVAN-WM-1976:324]
Rosenblat, Angel 1954 La Población Indígena y el Mestizaje en América. Two Volumes. Buenos Aires: Editorial Nova. DEMOGRAPHY, AMERICA, INDIAN, MESTIZO, [NATIVE-POP-AMER-1492-DENEVAN-WM-1976:324]
Rosenblat, Angel 1967 La Población de América en 1492: Viejos y Nuevos Cálculos. México, D.F.: Colegio de México. DEMOGRAPHY, AMERICA 1492, POPULATION ESTIMATE, [NATIVE-POP-AMER-1492-DENEVAN-WM-1976:325]
Rosenblat, Angel 1992 The Population of Hispaniola at the Time of Columbus. In: William M. Denevan, ed. The Native Population of the Americas in 1492. 2nd Edition. Madison, Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin Press, pp. 43-66. DEMOGRAPHY, AMERICAS 1492, HISPANIOLA, [BOOK & YEAR-BOOK-PHYS-ANTHROPOL-1994-37:151 & MELVYL]
Rosenblatt, M. 1906 Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Chronischen Bleivergiftung. Rostock. LEAD POISONING, HISTORY, [PPNL-1979-27:11]
Rosenblum, J. 1967 [Dental Prophylaxis.]. [German]. DDZ; Das Deutsche Zahnärzteblatt 21:439-447 Contd. DENTAL PROPHYLAXIS, ANCIENT, [NDX-History of Medicine ancient-09-02-03359]
Rosenblum, J. 1968 [Dental Prophylaxis.]. [German]. DDZ; Das Deutsche Zahnärzteblatt 22:344-356. DENTAL PROPHYLAXIS, ANCIENT, [NDX-History of Medicine ancient-09-02-03359]
Rosencrantz, Esther, Angela Piscitelli, and Frederick Bost 1941 An Analytical Study of Bone and Joint Lesions in Relation to Chronic Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 23(3):628-638. TUBERCULOSIS, BONE LESION, ARTICULATION, JOINT, [JRNL]
Rosengarten, F., Jr. 1982 A Neglected Mayan Galactagogue--Ixbut (Euphorbia lancifolia). Journal of Ethnopharmacology 5:91-112. LACTATION, EUPHORBIA LANCIFOLIA, [CWHM-1982-112-#0572]
Rosenkrans, J. H. 1917 Historical Evidence of the Origin of Syphilis. Journal of the Medical Society of the State of New Jersey 14:268-271. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, ORIGIN, [LSG3-Syphilis history]
Rosenkrantz, Barbara Gutmann, ed. 1994 From Consumption to Tuberculosis: A Documentary History. Diseases, Epidemics, and Medicine, Volume 1; Garland Reference Library of Social Science, Volume 808. New York: Garland Publishing. [See review by Barron H. Lerner, 1995.]. TUBERCULOSIS, HISTORY, [BULL-HIST-MED-1995-69:134 & MELVYL]
Rosenkranz, H. S. 1992 Past Plagues and Modern Biotechnology. Mutation Research 282(1):1-2. PLAGUE, BIOTECHNOLOGY, [NDX-Paleontology-33-09-11384]
Rosenthal, Bernard 1993 Salem Story: Reading the Witch Trials of 1692. New York: Cambridge University Press. [See review by Moria Smith, 1996.]. WITCHCRAFT, SALEM TRIAL; 1692, [J-AM-FOLKLORE-1996-109:209]
Rosenthal, Theodore 1961 Aulus Cornelius Celsus: His Contributions to Dermatology. Archives of Dermatology 84:613-618. DERMATOLOGY, AULUS CORNELIUS CELSUS, [JRNL]
Rosenzweig, Kurt A., and Dalia Garbarski 1965 Numerical Aberrations in the Permanent Teeth of Grade School Children in Jerusalem. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 23(3):277-283. DENTITION, NUMERICAL ABERRATION, CHILDREN, JERUSALEM, [JRNL]
Rosenzweig, Kurt A., and M. Sahar 1962 Enamel Hypoplasia and Dental Caries in the Primary Dentition of Prematuri. British Dental Journal 113:279-280. DENTAL ENAMEL HYPOPLASIA, DENTAL CARIES, PRIMARY DENTITION, [ARME]
Rosenzweig, William 1983 Disease in Art: A Case for Carcinoma of the Breast in Michelangelo's La Notte. Paleopathology Newsletter 41:8-11. NEOPLASM, CARCINOMA, BREAST, MICHELANGELO'S LA NOTTE, [JRNL]
Roses, Daniel F. 1992 From Hunter and the Great Pox to Jenner and Smallpox. Surgery, Gynecology and Obstetrics 175(4):365-372. SMALLPOX, HISTORY, [JRNL]
Roshem, J. 1920 Momie Vraie, Momie Fausse. Paris Médical: La Semaine du Clinicien 38(Annexe):469-473. MUMMIES, TRUE, FALSE, [LSG3-Mummies]
Roshem, J. 1925 La Séparation des Lépreux au Moyen Age. Paris Médical: La Semaine du Clinicien 56(Annexe):282-284. LEPROSY, LEPER SEGREGATION, MIDDLE AGES, [LSG3-Leprosy history & statistics]
Rösing, Friedrich W. 1970 Prädynastische Menschenreste von der Nilinsel Elephantine vor Aswan (Ägypten). HOMO 21:210-220. MUMMIES, EGYPT, [Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Vol 35 B (1979), No 1-4]
Rösing, Friedrich W. 1972 The Human Remains from the Tomb of Tut'ankhamun. By F. Filce Leek. 1972. Tut'ankhamun's Tomb Series. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [Review]. [German]. HOMO 25:202. REVIEW OF, LEEK; F. FILCE, 1972 [JRNL]
Rösing, Friedrich W. 1973 Population Biology of the Ancient Egyptians. Edited by Don R. Brothwell, and Brunetto A. Chiarelli. 1973. London: Academic Press. [Review]. [German]. HOMO 24:275. REVIEW OF BROTHWELL; DON R., AND BRUNETTO A. CHIARELLI, 1973, [JRNL]
Rösing, Friedrich W. 1974 Aspects of South-Western Palaeoepidemiology. By Stephen J. Kunitz, and Robert C. Euler. 1972. Prescott College Anthropological Reports Number 2. Prescott, Arizona: Prescott College Press. [Review]. [German]. HOMO 25:131. REVIEW OF, KUNITZ; STEPHEN J., AND ROBERT C. EULER, 1972, [JRNL]
Rösing, Friedrich W. 1976 Elemente de Demografie si Ritual Funerar la Populatiile Vechi din România. By Nicolaescu-Plopsor, and W. Wolski. 1975. Bucuresti: Editura Acad Rep Soc România. [Review]. [German]. HOMO 27:246. REVIEW OF, NICOLAESCU-PLOPSOR, AND W. WOLSKI, 1975, [JRNL]
Rösing, Friedrich W. 1976 Prehistoric Human Skeletal Remains from Papua New Guinea and the Marquesas. Asian and Pacific Archeol Series Number 7. By Michael Pietrusewsky. 1976. University of Hawaii. [Review]. [German]. HOMO 27:246. REVIEW OF, PIETRUSEWSKY; MICHAEL, 1976, [JRNL]
Rösing, Friedrich W. 1977 Methoden und Aussagemöglichkeiten der Anthropologischen Leichenbrandbearbeitung. Archäologie und Naturwissenschaften (Mainz) 1:53-80. CREMATION, [PACT-19:110]
Rösing, Friedrich W. 1978 Das Bronzezeitliche Gräberfeld bei Tápé. By O. Trogmayer, 1975. Mit einem Beitrag von György Farkas, und Pal Lipták: Anthropologische Auswertung des Bronzezeitlichen Gräberfeldes bei Tápé. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó. [Review]. [German]. HOMO 29:266. REVIEW OF, TROGMAYER; O., 1975, [JRNL]
Rösing, Friedrich W. 1978 Reconstruction of Demographic Profiles from Ossuary Skeletal Samples: A Case Study from the Tidewater Potomac. Smithsonian Contributions to Anthropology Number 18. By D. H. Ubelaker. 1974. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press. [Review]. [German]. HOMO 29:72. REVIEW OF, UBELAKER; D. H., 1974, [JRNL]
Rösing, Friedrich W. 1978 Spondylolyse: Problematik und Vorkommen im Altslawischen Knochenmaterial. By Lubos Vyhnánek, and Milan Stloukal. 1977. Prague: Studie CSAV. [Review]. [German]. HOMO 29:72. REVIEW OF, VYHN┴NEK; LUBOS, AND MILAN STLOUKAL, 1977, [JRNL]
Rösing, Friedrich W. 1979 Diagnostic Criteria of Syphilis, Yaws and Treponarid (Treponematoses) and of Some Other Diseases in Dry Bones. Sitzungsberichte der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse 4. By C. J. Hackett. 1976. Berlin: Springer Verlag. [Review]. [German]. HOMO 30:64. REVIEW OF, HACKETT; C. J., 1976, [JRNL]
Rösing, Friedrich W. 1980 Du Diagnostic des Scolioses en Paléopathologie. By F. Metz. 1977. [Dissertation, Caen, France]. [Review]. [German]. HOMO 31:271. REVIEW OF, METZ; F., 1977, [JRNL]
Rösing, Friedrich W. 1980 Medical Papyri and Medical Treatment--a Contradiction. [See also Rösing, Friedrich W., 1987, Abstract.]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1986, 55:19.]. Antropologia Contemporanea 3:1-7. MEDICAL PAPYRUS, MEDICAL TREATMENT, EGYPT, CONTRADICTION, [PPNL-1980-31:17 & PPNL-1986-55:19 & MASCA-4(4):206]
Rösing, Friedrich W. 1980 Pathologie de Quelques Populations Anciennes de Basse Normandie. By Y. Bonzom. 1976. [Dissertation, Caen, France]. [Review]. [German]. HOMO 31:271. REVIEW OF, BONZOM; Y., 1976, [JRNL]
Rösing, Friedrich W. 1980 La Traumatologie dans la Préhistoire en France. By J. -F. Klein. 1977. [Dissertation, Caen, France]. [Review]. [German]. HOMO 31:271. REVIEW OF, KLEIN; J. -F., 1977, [JRNL]
Rösing, Friedrich W. 1981 On the Anthropology of the Mesolithic to Chalcolithic Human Remains from the Tell es-Sultan in Jericho, Jordan. By Gottfried Kurth, and Olav Röhrer-Ertl. In: Kathleen M. Kenyon, ed. Excavations in Jericho, Volume 3. 1981. London: British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem, pp. 407-499. [Review]. [German]. HOMO 32:270. REVIEW OF, KURTH; G., AND O. RÖHRER-ERTL, 1981, [JRNL]
Rösing, Friedrich W. 1981 Pueblo Population and Society: The Arroyo Hondo Skeletal and Mortuary Remains. Arroyo Hondo Archaeological Series 3. By Ann M. Palkovich. 1980. Santa Fé, New Mexico: School of American Research Press. [Review]. [German]. HOMO 32:145. REVIEW OF, PALKOVICH; ANN M., 1980, [JRNL]
Rösing, Friedrich W. 1981 Saugeen Osteology: The Evidence of the Second Cemetery at the Donaldson Site. By Joseph Eldon Molto. 1979. London, Ontario: Museum of Indian Archeology, University of Western Ontario 14. [Review]. [German]. HOMO 32:145. REVIEW OF, MOLTO; JOSEPH ELDON, 1979, [JRNL]
Rösing, Friedrich W. 1982 Egyptian Mummies in the Czechoslovak Collections. By Eugen Strouhal, and Lubos Vyhnánek. 1979. Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, 35B(1979):Number 1-4. [Review]. [German]. HOMO 33:155. REVIEW OF, STROUHAL; EUGEN, AND LUBOS VYHN┴NEK, 1979, [JRNL]
Rösing, Friedrich W. 1983 The Cemetery of St. Helen-on-the-Walls, Aldwark. The Archaeology of York. Volume 12: The Medieval Cemeteries. By J. D. Dawes, and J. R. Magilton. 1980. York, England: William Sessions Ltd. [Review]. [German]. HOMO 34:61. REVIEW OF, DAWES; J. D., AND J. R. MAGILTON, 1980, [JRNL]
Rösing, Friedrich W. 1983 Sexing Immature Human Skeletons. [See also Rösing, Friedrich W., 1984, Abstract.]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1984, 45:18.]. Journal of Human Evolution 12(2):149-155. SKELETON, IMMATURE, SEX ASSESSMENT, [JRNL]
Rösing, Friedrich W. 1984 Cirencester Excavations II: Romano-British Cemeteries at Cirencester. By Alan McWhirr, Linda Viner, and Calvin Wells. 1982. Cirencester, England: Cirencester Excavation Committee Corinium Museum. [Review]. [German]. HOMO 35:295. REVIEW OF, MCWHIRR; ALAN, LINDA VINER, AND CALVIN WELLS, 1982, [JRNL]
Rösing, Friedrich W. 1984 Discreta of the Human Skeleton: A Critical Review. Journal of Human Evolution 13(4):319-323. REMAINS, SKELETAL, [JRNL]
Rösing, Friedrich W. 1984 Pathologie Osseuse au Moyen Age en Provence. By B. -Y. Marfart. 1983. Paris: Edition du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. [Review]. [German]. HOMO 35:293. REVIEW OF, MARFART; B. -Y., 1983, [JRNL]
Rösing, Friedrich W. 1984 Sexing Immature Human Skeletons. [Abstract]. MASCA Journal 3(1):30. SKELETON, IMMATURE, SEX ASSESSMENT, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Rösing, Friedrich W. 1985 Die Anthropologische Untersuchung der C-Gruppen- und Pan-Gräber-Skelette aus Sayala, Ägyptisch-Nubien. By Eugen Strouhal, and Johann Jungwirth. 1984. Vienna: Verlag der Österr Akad d Wiss. [Review]. [German]. HOMO 36:256. REVIEW OF, STROUHAL; EUGEN, AND JOHANN JUNGWIRTH, 1984, [JRNL]
Rösing, Friedrich W. 1986 Kith or Kin? On the Feasibility of Kinship Reconstruction in Skeletons. In: A. Rosalie David, ed. Science in Egyptology: Proceedings of the 'Science in Egyptology' Symposia. Manchester, England: Manchester University Press, pp. 223-237. REMAINS, SKELETAL, KINSHIP RECONSTRUCTION, [SEMPOWSKI&SPENCE-1994:467]
Rösing, Friedrich W. 1987 Medical Papyri and Medical Treatment--a Contradiction. [Abstract]. MASCA Journal 4(4):206. MEDICAL PAPYRUS, MEDICAL TREATMENT, EGYPT, CONTRADICTION, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Rösing, Friedrich W. 1988 Degenerative Joint Disease in a Medieval Nubian Population. By Lynn Kilgore. 1984. [Dissertation, University of Colorado, Boulder]. [Review]. [German]. HOMO, 1986 37:273. REVIEW OF, KILGORE; LYNN, 1984, [JRNL]
Rösing, Friedrich W. 1988 Iron Age Man in Denmark. Prehistoric Man in Denmark, Volume III. Nordiske Fortidsminder, Serie B, Band 8. By B. J. Sellevold, U. Lund Hansen, and J. Balslev Jφrgensen. 1984. Kopenhagen. [Review]. [German]. HOMO, 1986 37:109. REVIEW OF, SELLEVOLD; B. J., U. LUND HANSEN, AND J. BALSLEV JφRGENSEN, 1984, [JRNL]
Rösing, Friedrich W. 1988 Ried/Mühlehölzli: Ein Gräberfeld mit Frühmittelalterlichen und Hallsstattzeitlichen Bestattungen. Anthropologie. Freiburger Archäologie. By B. Kaufmann, and M. Schoch. 1983. Freiburg, Schweiz: Universitätsverlag. [Review]. [German]. HOMO, 1986 37:109. REVIEW OF, KAUFMANN; B., AND M. SCHOCH, 1983, [JRNL]
Rösing, Friedrich W. 1988 Zur Paläodemographie der Urgesellschaft: Methodische Möglichkeiten und Materialgrenzen. Wittenberg, DDR: Vortrag Tagung Evolution. DEMOGRAPHY, METHODOLOGY, MATERIAL, [HOMO-1995-45:288]
Rösing, Friedrich W. 1988/1989 Bones: Treasuries of Human Experience in Time and Space. Newsletter, Department of Anthropo-Osteology, University of Utrecht. Edited by W. R. K. Perizonius. 1988-.... [Review]. [German]. HOMO, 1987 38:250. REVIEW OF, PERIZONIUS; W. R. K., ED., 1988-...., [JRNL]
Rösing, Friedrich W. 1988/1989 Cremated Bones: A Medical-Anthropological Study of an Archaeological Material on Cremation Burials. By P. Holck. 1986. Oslo: Anat Inst, University of Oslo. [Review]. [German]. HOMO, 1987 38:61. REVIEW OF, HOLCK; P., 1986, [JRNL]
Rösing, Friedrich W. 1988/1989 A Field Guide for Human Skeletal Identification. By K. A. Bennett. 1987. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas. [Review]. [German]. HOMO, 1987 38:250. REVIEW OF, BENNETT; K. A., 1987, [JRNL]
Rösing, Friedrich W. 1988/1989 Human Bones in Archaeology. By Ann J. Stirland. 1986. Aylesbury: Shire Publications. [Review]. [German]. HOMO, 1987 38:128. REVIEW OF, STIRLAND; ANN J., 1986, [JRNL]
Rösing, Friedrich W. 1988/1990 The Bog Man and the Archaeology of People. By Don R. Brothwell. 1987. London: British Museum Publications Ltd. [Review]. [German]. HOMO, 1988 39:230. REVIEW OF, BROTHWELL; DON R., 1987, [JRNL]
Rösing, Friedrich W. 1988/1990 Patterns of Dental Attrition and Craniofacial Shape Among Australian Aborigines. By J. F. McKee. 1985. [Dissertation, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri]. [Review]. [German]. HOMO, 1988 39:54. REVIEW OF, MCKEE; J. K., 1985, [JRNL]
Rösing, Friedrich W. 1989 Ancient Disease and Coping Strategies: Future Option of Paleopathology? [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1990, 72:13.]. Journal of Paleopathology 3(1):5-6. DISEASE, ANCIENT, STRATEGY, COPING, [PPNL-1990-72:13]
Rösing, Friedrich W. 1989/1990 A Bibliography on Cremation. PACT, 19:1-168. By Martina Lange, Holger Schutkowski, Susanne Hummel, and Bernd Herrmann. 1987. Strasbourg: Consel de L'Europe. [Review]. [German]. HOMO, 1988 39:231. REVIEW OF, LANGE; MARTINA, HOLGER SCHUTKOWSKI, SUSANNE HUMMEL, AND BERND HERRMANN, 1987, [JRNL]
Rösing, Friedrich W. 1989/1990 Identification of Pathological Conditions in Human Skeletal Remains. Smithsonian Contributions to Anthropology, No. 28, Reprint Edition with a New Index. By Donald J. Ortner, and Walter G. J. Putschar. 1985. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press. [Review]. [German]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1982, 38:12; 1985, 51:18.]. HOMO, 1988 39:231. REVIEW OF, ORTNER; DONALD J., AND WALTER G. J. PUTSCHAR, 1985, [JRNL]
Rösing, Friedrich W. 1989/1990 Das Frühmittelaterliche Gräberfeld von Moos-Burgstall, Ldkr. Deggendorf in Niederbayern. Bericht der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission 68, Tf. 45-68, Beilage 1-2. By U. von Freeden. 1987. Mainz: Verlag P. von Zabern, pp. 495-637. [Review]. [German]. HOMO, 1988 39:230. REVIEW OF, FREEDEN; U. VON, 1987, [JRNL]
Rösing, Friedrich W. 1989/1990 The Origins of Human Disease. By Th. McKeown. 1988. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. [Review]. [German]. HOMO, 1988 39:231. REVIEW OF, MCKEOWN; TH., 1988, [JRNL]
Rösing, Friedrich W. 1989/1990 Das Römische Gräberfeld von Stettfeld. I. Osteologische Untersuchungen der Knochenreste aus dem Gräberfeld. Mit Beiträgen von Sigrid Alföldy-Thomas, und G. Falkner. By J. Wahl, and M. Kokabi. 1988. Stuttgart: Konrad Theiss Verlag. [Review]. [German]. HOMO, 1988 39:232. REVIEW OF, WAHL; J., AND M. KOKABI, 1988, [JRNL]
Rösing, Friedrich W. 1990 Qubbet el Hawa und Elephantine: Zur Bevölkerungsgeschichte von Agypten. Stuttgart: Gustav Fischer Verlag. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1995, 89:18.]. KINSHIP RECONSTRUCTION, GENETIC CHANGE, POPULATION AFFINITY, NECROPOLIS ELEPHANTINE, EGYPT, [PPNL-1995-89:18]
Rösing, Friedrich W. 1991 La Población Medieval Cántabra de Santa Maria de Hito: Aspectos Paleobiodemográficos, Morfológicos, Paleopatológicos, Paleoepidemiológicos, y de Etnogénesis. V. Galera. 1989. [Tesis Doctoral, Universidad de Alcala, Madrid]. [Review]. [English]. HOMO 42(1):96. REVIEW OF, GALERA; V., 1989, [JRNL]
Rösing, Friedrich W. 1992 Zur Identifizierung des Mozartschädels. By H. Kritscher, and J. Szilvassy. 1991. Annalen des Naturhistoriches Museums Wien, Band 93, Serie A. [Review]. [German]. HOMO 43(2):202. REVIEW OF, KRITSCHER; H., AND J. SZILVASSY, 1991, [JRNL]
Rösing, Friedrich W. 1993 Aiterhofen-Ödmühle, Paläodontologie eines Bandkeramischen Gräberfeldes in Niederbayern. Praehistorisch Zeitschrift 65, pp. 157-203. By N. Baum. 1990. [Review]. [German]. HOMO 43(3):307. REVIEW OF, BAUM; N., 1990, [JRNL]
Rösing, Friedrich W. 1993 Possible Future Directions of a Bioanthropology of Ancient Egypt. In: W. Vivian Davies, and Roxie Walker, eds. Biological Anthropology and the Study of Ancient Egypt. London: British Museum Press, pp. 191-196. BIOLOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, EGYPT, POSSIBLE FUTURE DIRECTIONS, [BOOK]
Rösing, Friedrich W. 1993 Regional Atlas of Bone Disease: A Guide to Pathologic and Normal Variation in the Human Skeleton. By Robert W. Mann, and Sean P. Murphy. 1990. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas. [Review]. [German]. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1991, 74:14.]. HOMO 43(3):304. REVIEW OF, MANN, ROBERT W., AND SEAN P. MURPHY, 1990, [JRNL]
Rösing, Friedrich W. 1994 Cartilage Ossification and Socio-Ecological Conditions. The Case of Late Medieval Ulm. [Abstract]. HOMO 45(Supplement, Special Issue, Xth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994):S113. CARTILAGE, OSSIFIED, SOCIO-ECOLOGICAL CONDITION, MEDIEVAL, ULM, GERMANY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Rösing, Friedrich W. 1994 Cartilage Ossification and Socio-Ecological Conditions. The Case of Late Medieval Ulm. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Tenth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994, p. 24. CARTILAGE, OSSIFIED, SOCIO-ECOLOGICAL CONDITION, MEDIEVAL, ULM, GERMANY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Rösing, Friedrich W. 1995 Prehistoric Human Bone--Archaeology at the Molecular Level. Edited by Joseph B. Lambert, and Gisela Grupe, eds. 1993. Berlin: Springer Verlag. [Review]. [German]. HOMO 45(3):303. REVIEW OF, LAMBERT; JOSEPH B., AND GISELA GRUPE, EDS., 1993, [JRNL]
Rosing, Jens 1986 The Sky Hangs Low. Moonbeam, Ontario: Penumbra Press. [See review by Charles F. Merbs, 1995.]. MUMMIES, GREENLAND, QILAKITSOQ, [ARCTIC-ANTHROPOL-1995-32:173]
Rosner, Fred 1969 Gout in the Bible and Talmud. Journal of the American Medical Association 207(1):151-152. GOUT, BIBLE, TALMUD, [JRNL]
Rosner, Fred 1972 Leprosy and Ancient Egypt. [Letter]. Lancet (London) 2(7783):926. LEPROSY, EGYPT, LETTER, [JRNL]
Rosner, Fred 1972 Scurvy in the Talmud. New York State Journal of Medicine 72(22):2818-2819. SCURVY, TALMUD, [JRNL]
Rosner, Fred 1977 Gout in the Bible and the Talmud. [Letter]. Annals of Internal Medicine 86(6):833. GOUT, BIBLE, TALMUD, LETTER, [JRNL]
Rosner, Fred 1977 Medicine in the Bible and Talmud. Yeshiva University Press. MEDICAL HISTORY, BIBLICAL, TALMUDIC, [INTNATL-J-OSTEOARCHAEOL-1995-5:81]
Rosner, Fred 1983 Earliest Description of Gout. [Letter]. Arthritis and Rheumatism 26(2):236. GOUT, DESCRIPTION, EARLIEST, LETTER, [JRNL]
Rosner, Fred 1985 Embalming and Cremation in Judaism. Koroth 8(11-12):218-235. CREMATION, EMBALMING, JUDAISM, [CWHM-1986-127-#0499]
Rosner, Fred 1986 Bloodletting in Talmudic Times. Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine 62(9):935-946. BLOODLETTING, TALMUD, [JRNL]
Rosner, Fred 1994 Hemophilia in Classic Rabbinic Texts. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 49(2):240-250. HEMOPHILIA, RABBINIC TEXT, [JRNL]
Ross, Anne 1957 The Human Head in Insular Pagan Celtic Religion. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 91:10-43. SKULL, RELIGION, CELTIC, [LINDOW MAN:205]
Ross, Anne 1962 Severed Heads in Wells: An Aspect of the Well Cult. Scottish Studies 6:31-48. SKULL, SEVERED, WELL CULT, [LINDOW MAN:206]
Ross, Anne 1986 Lindow Man and the Celtic Tradition. In: I. M. Stead, J. B. Bourke, and Don R. Brothwell, eds. Lindow Man: The Body in the Bog. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, pp. 162-169. BOG BODIES, LINDOW MAN, CELTIC TRADITION, [BOOK]
Ross, Anne, and Don Robins 1989 The Life and Death of a Druid Prince: The Story of Lindow Man, an Archaeological Sensation. New York: Summit Books. [See review by Brian M. Fagan, 1991.]. BOG BODIES, LINDOW MAN, [AMANTHROPOL-1991-93:738]
Ross, E. M. 1980 Epilepsy Through Four Thousand Years. History of Medicine (London) 8(2):29-30. EPILEPSY, [CWHM-1980-106-#0512]
Ross, Edward S., and H. R. Roberts 1943 Mosquito Atlas, Part 1. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Academy of Natural Sciences. MOSQUITO, ATLAS OF, [REFF-1991:314]
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