Aaby, Peter 1984 Epidemics Among Amerindians and Inuit: a preliminary Interpretation

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Sharma, A. K. 1982 The Harappan Cemetery at Kalibangan: A Study. In: G. L. Possehl, ed. Harappan Civilization: A Contemporary Perspective. Oxford and IBH, New Delhi, pp. 297-299. CEMETERY, HARAPPAN, KALIBANGAN, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:192]
Sharma, J. N., et al. 1972 Arthritis in Ancient Indian Literature. Indian Journal of History of Science 7:37-42. ARTHRITIS, LITERATURE, INDIA, [CWHM-1977-095-#0083]
Sharma, Om P. 1989 Francesco Sassetti and Sarcoidosis. [Painting by Ghirlandaio]. Sarcoidosis 6:163-164. NOSE, SARCOIDOSIS, ART, [CWHM-1990-146-#1501]
Sharma, Om P. 1994 Beethoven's Illness: Whipple's Disease Rather than Sarcoidosis? Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 87(5):283-285. DISEASE, WHIPPLE'S DISEASE, INTESTINAL LIPODYSTROPHY, SARCOIDOSIS, BEETHOVEN, [JRNL]
Sharma, Pankaj 1990 Paget's Disease in a Painting by Quinten Metsys (Massys). [See also J. Dequeker, 1989.]. British Medical Journal 300(6720):333. PAGET'S DISEASE, OSTEITIS DEFORMANS, ACROMEGALY, ART, [JRNL]
Sharpe, Pamela 1995 Further Analysis of the Victims of Plague in Colyton, 1645-1646. Local Population Studies 54:66-68. PLAGUE, COLYTON; 1645-1646, [CWHM-1995-167-#0290]
Sharpe, W. D. 1983 Prehistoric Tuberculosis in the Americas. Edited by Jane E. Buikstra. 1981. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Archeological Program, Scientific Papers, Number 5. [Essay Review]. Transactions and Studies of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia 5(3):278-281. REVIEW OF, BUIKSTRA; JANE E., 1981, [NDX-Tuberculosis history-25-14-14706]
Sharpe, William D. 1985 The Wounds of War: With Particular Reference to 1861-1865. New York State Journal of Medicine 85(2):61-63. WOUND, WAR 1981-1865, [JRNL]
Shastri, M. K. 1965 Antiquity and Originality of Hindu Medicine. Journal of the Indian Medical Profession 12:5511-5512. MEDICINE, HINDU, HISTORY, [NDX-History of Medicine ancient-07-01-01866]
Shattock, Samuel G. 1905 A Prehistoric or Predynastic Egyptian Calculus. Transactions of the Pathological Society of London 56:275-291. CALCULUS, EGYPT, PREDYNASTIC, PREHISTORIC, [ARME]
Shattock, Samuel G. 1908-1909 A Report upon the Pathological Condition of the Aorta of King Merenptah, Traditionally Regarded as the Pharaoh of the Exodus. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine 2(Path Sect):122-127. MUMMIES, EGYPT, AORTA, PATHOLOGIC, KING MERENPTAH, EXODUS, [LSG3-Mummies & ARME]
Shattock, Samuel G. 1909 Microscopic Sections of the Aorta of King Merenptah. Lancet (London) 1:318. MUMMIES, EGYPT, AORTA, MICROSCOPY, KING MERENPTAH, EXODUS, [Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Vol 35 B (1979), No 1-4]
Shattuck, F. C. 1907 The Past, Present, and Future of Tuberculosis. Boston Medical and Surgical Journal 157:133-141. TUBERCULOSIS, PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE, [LSG2-Tuberculosis, history & statistics]
Shattuck, G. C. 1938 Lesions of Syphilis in American Indians. American Journal of Tropical Medicine 18:577-586. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, LESION, AMERICA, INDIAN, [STEINBOCK-1976:167 & ARME]
Shaw, A. F. B. 1938 Histological Study of the Mummy of Harmose, the Singer of the 18th Dynasty (C. 1490 B.C.). Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology 47:115-123. MUMMIES, EGYPT, HARMOSE, HISTOLOGY, [ARME]
Shaw, Christopher A. 1992 Old Wounds: The Paleopathology of Rancho La Brea. Terra 31(1):17. PALEOPATHOLOGY, ANIMAL, LA BREA, CALIFORNIA, [JRNL]
Shaw, Helen A., and Stanley P. Bohrer 1979 The Incidence of Cone Epiphyses and Ivory Epiphyses of the Hand in Nigerian Children. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 51(2):155-161. HEMOGLOBINOPATHY, CONE EPIPHYSIS, IVORY EPIPHYSIS, HAND, NIGERIA, [JRNL]
Shaw, Ian 1995 Rats!: They've Been with Us Longer than We Thought. Daily Telegraph 1995(22 February):16. PLAGUE, [CWHM-1995-165-#0269]
Shaw, James H. 1962 The Relation of Nutrition to Periodontal Disease. Journal of Dental Research 41(Supplement to No. 1):264-278. NUTRITION, PERIODONTAL DISEASE, [JRNL]
Shaw, John H. 1958 Nutrition and Dental Caries. Journal of the American Medical Association 166(6):633-637. DENTAL CARIES, NUTRITION, [JRNL]
Shaw, Leslie C. 1988 A Biocultural Evaluation of the Skeleton Population from the Nevin Site, Blue Hill, Maine. Archaeology of Eastern North America 16:55-77. REMAINS, SKELETAL, NEVIN SITE, BLUE HILL, MAINE, BIOCULTURAL EVALUATION OF, [JRNL]
Shawcross, W. F. 1967 An Investigation of Prehistoric Diet and Economy on a Coastal Site at Galatea Bay, New Zealand. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 33:107-131. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, GALATEA BAY, NEW ZEALAND, [WORLD-ARCHAEOL-1979-II-2:135]
Shea 1931 Report on the Human Skeleton Found in Stoney Island Bog, Portumna. Journal of the Galway Archaeological and Historical Society 15:73-79. BOG BODIES, STONEY ISLAND BOG, PORTUMNA, [LINDOW MAN:205]
Shea, Daniel E. 1976 A Defense of Small Population Estimates for the Central Andes in 1520. In: William M. Denevan, ed. The Native Population of the Americas in 1492. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, pp. 157-180. DEMOGRAPHY, AMERICAS 1492, CENTRAL ANDES, [BOOK]
Shea, Daniel E. 1985 Comment on "Demographic Estimates in Archaeology: Contributions from Ethnoarchaeology on Mesoamerican Peasants." [See Charles C. Kolb, 1985.]. Current Anthropology 26(5):594. DEMOGRAPHY, ARCHAEOLOGY, ETHNOARCHAEOLOGY, MESOAMERICA, [JRNL]
Shea, William Henry 1976 Famines in the Early History of Egypt and Syro-Palestine. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University Microfilms, #77-8035. [Dissertation, Department of Near Eastern Studies, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.]. FAMINE, EGYPT, SYRO-PALESTINE, [ROSE-J-C-1995-NPT]
Shear, M. 1966 Periodontal Disease as a Phase in Evolution: A Hypothesis. Journal of the Dental Association of South Africa/Tydskrif van die Tandheelkundige Vereniging van Suid Afrika 21:255-262. PERIODONTAL DISEASE, EVOLUTION, HYPOTHESIS, [ARME]
Shearin, N. L., E. J. King, and D. H. O'Rourke 1989 DNA Preservation in Pre-Columbian Remains from the American Southwest. Human Evolution 4:263-270. DNA, PRECOLUMBIAN, AMERICAN SOUTHWEST, PRESERVATION OF, [AM-J-HUM-BIOL-1996-8:571]
Sheenhan, E. 1981 Victorian Clitoridectomy: Isaac Baker Brown and His Harmless Operative Procedure. Medical Anthropology Newsletter 12(4):9-15. CLITORIS, CLITORIDECTOMY, [CWHM-1982-111-#0392]
Sheets, John 1977 Hominid Dental Evolution and the Origins of Language. MAN (London) 12:518-526. DENTITION, HOMINID, LANGUAGE, [JRNL]
Sheil, S. 1920 Circumcision as an Ancient Rite and as a Surgical Procedure. Medical Press and Circular 109(n.s.):485. CIRCUMCISION, RITUAL, SURGICAL PRACTICE, [LSG3-Circumcision ritual history]
Sheldon, H., and W. J. Owen 1972 A Roman Burial from Armagh Road, Old Ford (February 1972) with a Report on the Skeletal Remains. London Archaeologist 1:348-353. SKELETAL REMAINS, ROMAN BURIAL, ARMAGH ROAD, OLD FORD, ENGLAND, [CWHM-1972-075-#0876]
Sheldon, M., et al. 1946 The Relationship Between Microscopic Enamel Defects and Infantile Debilities. Journal of Dental Research 24:109-116. DENTAL ENAMEL DEFECT, INFANTILE DEBILITY, MICROSCOPY, [ARME]
Sheldon, W. 1936 Anemia with Bony Changes in the Skull. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine 29:743. ANEMIA, BONY CHANGE, SKULL, [BALDWIN-BLYTHE-THESIS:25]
Sheldrick, Peter 1980 'Skinny Bones' from the Dakhleh Oasis. Paleopathology Newsletter 30:7-10. BONE LESION, LONG BONE, ROMAN, DAKHLEH OASIS, EGYPT, [JRNL]
Shemluck, M. 1982 Medicinal and Other Uses of the Compositae by Indians in the United States and Canada. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 5:303-358. MEDICINE, COMPOSITAE, AMERICA, INDIAN, [CWHM-1982-114-#0029]
Shennan, Stephen 1980 Osteology and Prehistoric Society. Nature (London) 283(5748):620-621. OSTEOLOGY, PREHISTORIC SOCIETY, [JRNL]
Shepard, W. 1985 Maladies of Mummies. A Venture in Biohistory. Alabama Medicine 54(7):41-42. MUMMIES, MALADIES, BIOHISTORY, [MEDL & NDX-Paleopathology-26-12-12702]
Shepherd, F. J. 1892 Symmetrical Depressions on the Exterior Surface of the Parietal Bones. Journal of Anatomy (London) 27:501. PARIETAL, BIPARIETAL SYMMETRICAL DEPRESSION, [ARME]
Sheridan, Richard B. 1985 Doctors and Slaves: A Medical and Demographic History of Slavery in the British West Indies, 1680-1834. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [See review by Ted A. Rathbun, 1986.]. SLAVERY, MEDICINE, DEMOGRAPHY, WEST INDIES, [AJPA-69:553 & VERANO-&-UBELAKER-1992:248]
Sheridan, Susan Guise 1992 Minor and Trace Element Distributions in Bone: Reconstruction of Diagenetic, Dietary, and Disease Patterns in an Ancient Nubian Population. [Dissertation, University of Colorado, Boulder]. [For abstract, see Dissertation Abstracts International, 53(6):1989A, University Microfilms order number DA923279.]. [For abbreviated abstract, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1993, 83:16.]. DISSERTATION, BONE, TRACE AND MINOR ELEMENT DISTRIBUTION, DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, DIAGENETIC PATTERN, DISEASE PATTERN, NUBIA, [PPNL-1993-83:16]
Sheridan, Susan Guise 1993 Elemental Analysis of Iron-Deficiency Anemia in an Ancient Sudanese Population. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 16:178. ANEMIA, IRON DEFICIENCY, ELEMENTAL ANALYSIS, ANCIENT, SUDAN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Sheridan, Susan Guise 1995 Minor and Trace Element Distributions in Bone: Diagenesis in Archaeological Human Bone. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 20:194-195. BONE, ARCHAEOLOGICAL, MINOR AND TRACE ELEMENT DISTRIBUTION IN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Sheridan, Susan Guise, and Dennis P. Van Gerven 1991 Paleodemography of the Pueblo Grande Site: Issues of Preservation and Demographic Reconstruction. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 12:160-161. DEMOGRAPHY, PUEBLO GRANDE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Sheridan, Susan Guise, Diane M. Mittler, Dennis P. Van Gerven, and Herbert H. Covert 1989 Evidence for the Mandible-as-Lever Model from a Medieval Nubian Population. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 78(2):301. MANDIBLE-AS-LEVER, MEDIEVAL, NUBIA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Sheridan, Susan Guise, Diane M. Mittler, Dennis P. Van Gerven, and Herbert H. Covert 1991 Biomechanical Association of Dental and Temporomandibular Pathology in a Medieval Nubian Population. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1991, 76:19.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 85(2):201-205. TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT, BIOMECHANICS, DENTAL LOSS, DENTAL PATHOLOGY, [JRNL]
Sheridan, Susan Guise, Jeannette L. Mobley-Tanaka, Dennis P. Van Gerven, and William Lane Shields 1992 A Case of Late Prehistoric Mutilation on the Northwest Plains. Plains Anthropologist 37(141):289-298. SCALPING, MUTILATION, TORTURE, [JRNL]
Sheridan, Thomas 1993 Disease, Depopulation, and Culture Change in Northwestern New Spain, 1518-1764. By Daniel Reff. 1991. Salt Lake City, Utah: University of Utah Press. [Review]. Ethnohistory 40(2):326-328. REVIEW OF, REFF; DANIEL, 1991, [JRNL]
Sherman, Robert S., and Kenneth Y. Soong 1956 Ewing's Sarcoma: Its Roentgen Classification and Diagnosis. Radiology 66(4):529-539. NEOPLASM, SARCOMA, EWING'S, CLASSIFICATION, DIAGNOSIS, RADIOLOGY, [JRNL]
Sherman, Robert S., and Daniel Wilner 1961 The Roentgen Diagnosis of Hemangioma of Bone. American Journal of Roentgenology Radium Therapy and Nuclear Medicine 86(6):1146-1159. NEOPLASM, HEMANGIOMA, BONE, DIAGNOSIS, RADIOLOGY, [JRNL]
Sherman, William L. 1979 Forced Native Labor in Sixteenth-Century Central America. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. SLAVERY, FORCED LABOR, CENTRAL AMERICA, [COOK&LOVELL-1991:267]
Shermis, Stewart 1975 Common Types of Paleopathological Lesions and Some Cultural Inferences. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1976, 15:15.]. Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Quarterly 11(3):33-58. LESION, PATHOLOGICAL, CULTURAL INFERENCE, [JRNL]
Shermis, Stewart 1979 The La Brea Woman. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, University of California, San Francisco, 4 April 1979, p. SF5. SKULL, FRACTURE, DENTAL PATHOLOGY, LA BREA WOMAN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Shermis, Stewart 1982-1984 Domestic Violence in Two Skeletal Populations. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1985, 50:13.]. OSSA 9/11:143-151. FRACTURE, VIOLENCE, DOMESTIC, CALIFORNIA, SOUTH DAKOTA, [JRNL]
Shermis, Stewart 1983 Healed Massive Pelvic Fracture in a Smilodon from Rancho La Brea, California. Paléobios 1:121-126. PELVIS, FRACTURE, HEALED, ALTRUISM, SMILODON, RANCHO LA BREA, CALIFORNIA, [CWHM-1985-126-#1518 & ARME]
Shermis, Stewart 1985-1986 Alveolar Osteitis and Other Oral Diseases in Smilodon Californicus. OSSA 12:187-196. DENTITION, ORAL DISEASE, ALVEOLAR OSTEITIS, SMILODON CALIFORNICUS, [JRNL]
Sherwood, Joan 1995 Treating Syphilis: The Wetnurse as Technology in an Eighteenth-Century Parisian Hospital. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 50(3):315-339. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, TREATMENT, EIGHTEENTH CENTURY, PARIS, [JRNL]
Sheth, Pulin A., David J. Sartoris, Donald Resnick, Rose A. Tyson, and Parviz Haghighi 1994 An Analysis of Chronic Osteomyelitis of the Tibia in a Pre-Columbian Human Population Using Radiographic-Pathological Correlation. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1994, 86:15.]. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 4(1):3-12. TIBIA, OSTEOMYELITIS, RADIOLOGY, [JRNL]
Shetrone, Henry Clyde 1930 Chapter V. The Mound-Builder Burial Complex. In: Henry Clyde Shetrone. The Mound-Builders. New York: D. Appleton and Company, pp. 85-105. BURIAL COMPLEX, SKULL, TROPHY SKULL, MOUND-BUILDER, [BOOK]
Shetty, M. R. 1988 Odyssey of a Sailor's Diagnosis Since 1795 AD. Journal of Surgical Oncology 38(2):140-141. SCURVY, HISTORY, [JRNL]
Shevchenko, A. V. 1980 Antropologicheskaia Kharakteristika Srednevekovogo Naseleniia Nizov'ev Volgi. (Po Kraniologicheskim Materialam Mogil'nika Khan-Tiube). [Anthropological Characterization of the Medieval Population of the Lower Volga. (Using Craniological Materials from the Khan-Tiube Burial Mound).]. [Russian]. Sbornik Muzeia Antropologii i Etnografii (Leningrad) 36:139-168. PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, MEDIEVAL POPULATION, LOWER VOLGA, [ANTHROPOL-LIT-1982-4(1):#02467]
Shibata, M., N. Ito, A. Ishitani, Y. Matsuda, and K. Nishi 1984 [Black Larder Beetles (Dermestes ater Degeer) and Their Pupal Shells in a Mummy with Reference to the Postmortem Interval.]. [Japanese with English Abstract]. Nippon Hoigaku Zasshi/Japanese Journal of Legal Medicine 38(4):445-453. MUMMIES, DERMESTES ATER DEGEER, [MEDL & NDX-Mummies-26-12-12025]
Shiere, Frederic R., John E. Alman, and Helmi R. Fogels 1962 Method of Recording Clinical Caries Examinations Using the Mark-Sense System. Journal of Dental Research 41(4):815-820. DENTAL CARIES, CLINICAL EXAMINATION, RECORDING, [JRNL]
Shigehara, N. 1994 Human Skeletal Remains of the Middle to Late Jomon Period Excavated from the Inland Kitamura Site, Nagano Prefecture. Anthropological Science (Tokyo) 102(4):321-344. REMAINS, SKELETAL, JOMON PERIOD, JAPAN, INLAND KITAMURA SITE, NAGANO PREFECTURE, [ANTHROPOL-NDX-1994-32(4):288]
Shima, G., and Makoto Suzuki 1967 Problems of Race Formation of the Maori and Moriori in Terms of Skulls. Osaka City Medical Journal 13:9-54. SKULL, RACE FORMATION, MAORI, MORIORI, [NDX-Anthropology physical-09-02-01069]
Shimshony, A. 1986 Rift Valley Fever Caused the Fifth Plague of Egypt and that of 1977. [Letter]. Journal of the American Medical Association 256(11):1444. RIFT VALLEY FEVER, EGYPT, LETTER, [JRNL]
Shinoda, Ken-Ichi, and Takahiro Kunisada 1990 [Extraction and Amplification of the Human Mitochondrial DNA from the Jomon Skeletal Remains.]. [Japanese with English Abstract]. Journal of the Anthropological Society of Nippon/Jinruigaku Zasshi 98(4):471-482. DNA, MITOCHONDRIAL, EXTRACTION, AMPLIFICATION, JOMON PERIOD, JAPAN, [ANTHROPOL-INDEX-1991-29(3):216]
Shinoda, Ken-Ichi, and Takahiro Kunisada 1994 Analysis of Ancient Japanese Society Through Mitochondrial DNA Sequencing. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 4(4):291-297. DEMOGRAPHY, JAPAN, DNA SEQUENCING, [CWHM-1995-166-#0203]
Shipman, Jeff H. 1980 Part 10. Human Skeletal Remains from the Salmon Ruin (LA 8846). Appendix 10.0 Basic Data on Skeletal Remains from the Salmon Site (LA 8846), New Mexico: Statewide and Room 64W. In: C. Irwin-Williams, and P. H. Shelley, eds. Investigations at the Salmon Ruins: The Structure of Chacoan Society in the Northern Southwest, Volume IV. Eastern New Mexico University Print Services, pp. 47-58. REMAINS, SKELETAL, SALMON RUIN SITE, AMERICA, SOUTHWEST, INDIAN, [ANTHROPOL-SCI-1995-103:20]
Shipman, Jeff H. 1994 A Greenville Burial Ground: Human Remains and Mortuary Elements in British Columbia Coast Prehistory. Archaeological Survey of Canada, Mercury Series Paper Number 146. By Jerome S. Cybulski, Darlene Balkwill, Gregory S. Young, and Patricia D. Sutherland. 1992. Hull, Quebec: Canadian Museum of Civilization. [Review]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 94(2):285. REVIEW OF, CYBULSKI; JEROME S., 1992, [JRNL]
Shipman, Jeff H. n.d. An Analysis of the Cremations and Inhumations from the Peppersauce Wash Project. In: W. Bruce Masse. The Peppersauce Wash Project: Excavations at Three Multi-Component Sites in the Lower San Pedro River Valley, Arizona. Contribution to Highway Salvage Archaeology in Arizona. Tucson: Arizona State Museum. CREMATION, INHUMATION, PEPPERSAUCE WASH, ARIZONA, [KIVA-1982-47:160]
Shipman, Jeff H. n.d. Report on Cremated Human Remains from Ariz. EE:9:68. Manuscript. Tucson: Human Identification Laboratory, University of Arizona. CREMATION, ARIZONA, [KIVA-1978-43:252]
Shipman, Jeff H., E. Craig, and M. Johnston 1990 Factors Influencing Discrete Cranial Variation Among Prehistoric Indian Groups from San Pedro de Atacama, Chile. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 81(2):294. SKULL, VARIATION, PREHISTORIC, SAN PEDRO DE ATACAMA, CHILE, INDIAN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Shipman, Jeff H., and L. B. Wolf 1977 Analysis of Cremations from the Baca Float Sites, AZ DD:8:122 and AZ DD:8:128. In: David E. Doyel, ed. Excavations in the Middle Santa Cruz River Valley, Southeastern Arizona: An Archaeological Salvage Project conducted by the Arizona State Museum in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration and the Arizona Department of Transportation. Contribution to Highway Salvage Archaeology in Arizona 44. Tucson: Arizona State Museum, pp. 182-186. CREMATION, BACA FLOAT SITES AZ DD:8:122 AND AZ DD:8:128, SANTA CRUZ RIVER VALLEY, ARIZONA, AMERICA, INDIAN, [J-ARCHAEOL-SCI-1994-21:605 & MELVYL]
Shipman, Pat 1978 Patterns of Bone Breakage and Early Hominid Behavior. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 48(3):437. BONE, BREAKAGE, BEHAVIOR, HOMINID, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Shipman, Pat 1981 Applications of Scanning Electron Microscopy to Taphonomic Problems. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 376:357-385. TAPHONOMY, SEM, [MEDL & NDX-Paleontology-23-12-11364]
Shipman, Pat 1981 Life History of a Fossil: An Introduction to Taphonomy and Paleoecology. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. TAPHONOMY, [GRAUER-BODS-OF-EVIDENCE-1995:066 & MELVYL]
Shipman, Pat 1987 The Myths and Perturbing Realities of Cannibalism. Discover, March 1987:70-76. CANNIBALISM, MYTH, REALITY, [WHITE-PREHIST-CANNIBAL-MANCOS-1992:452]
Shipman, Pat, Giraud Foster, and Margaret J. Schoeninger 1984 Burnt Bones and Teeth: An Experimental Study of Color, Morphology, Crystal Structure and Shrinkage. Journal of Archaeology Science 11(4):307-325. BONE, BURNT, COLOR CHANGE, TEMPERATURE, [JRNL]
Shipman, Pat, and Jerome C. Rose 1983 Early Hominid Hunting, Butchering and Carcass-Processing: Approaches to the Fossil Record. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 2:57-98. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, HUNTING, BUTCHERING, CARCASS-PROCESSING, EARLY HOMINID, [AJPA-1995-98:209]
Shipman, Pat, Alan Walker, and David Bichell 1985 The Human Skeleton. Cambridge and London: Harvard University Press. [See review by John H. Langdon, 1986.]. SKELETON, HUMAN, [BOOK & AJPA-71:254.]
Shirk, M. V. 1981 The Black Death in Aragon, 1348-1351. Journal of Medieval History 7:357-367. PLAGUE, ARAGON 1348-1351, [CWHM-1984-121-#1714]
Shizusawa, K. 1981 [Columbus as the First Known Patient with Reiter's Disease.]. [Japanese]. Kango/Nursing 33(4):83. ARTHRITIS, REITER'S SYNDROME, COLUMBUS; CHRISTOPHER, [CWHM-1982-113-#1636]
Shkurkin, George V., Alan J. Almquist, Albert A. Pfeihofer, and Edward L. Stoddard 1975 Scanning Electron Microscopy of Dentition: Methodology and Ultrastructure Morphology of Toothwear. Journal of Dental Research 54(2):402-406. DENTAL WEAR, DENTAL MORPHOLOGY, DENTAL ULTRASTRUCTURE, SEM, [JRNL]
Shlomowitz, R. 1989 Epidemiology and the Pacific Labor Trade. Journal of Interdisciplinary History 19:585-610. EPIDEMIOLOGY, LABOR TRADE, PACIFIC, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1993-22:290]
Shoemaker, Michael T. 1993 African Burial Ground Addenda. [Letter]. Archaeology (New York) 46(4):10-11. REMAINS, SKELETAL, NEW YORK, AMERICA, SLAVE, BLACK, LETTER, [JRNL]
Shoemaker, Steven A. 1986 Mummies, Mycobacteria, and Molecular Biology--the Old and the New. [Editorial]. American Review of Respiratory Disease 134(4):642-643. MUMMIES, MYCOBACTERIA, MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, EDITORIAL, [JRNL]
Shoemaker, Steven A., James H. Fisher, Wilbur D. Jones, Jr., and Charles H. Scoggin 1986 Restriction Fragment Analysis of Chromosomal DNA Defines Different Strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. American Review of Respiratory Disease 134(2):210-214. TUBERCULOSIS, MYCOBACTERIUM TUBERCULOSIS, CHROMOSOMAL DNA ANALYSIS OF, [JRNL]
Shore, L. R. 1929 A Report on a Specimen of Spondylolisthesis Found in the Skeleton of a Bantu Native of South Africa: With Further Specimens Illustrating an Anomalous Mode of Development of the Lower Lumbar Vertebrae. British Journal of Surgery 16(63):431-439. SPONDYLOLISTHESIS, LUMBAR, BANTU, AFRICA, [JRNL]
Shore, L. R. 1930 Abnormalities of the Vertebral Column in Series of Skeletons of Bantu Natives of South Africa. Journal of Anatomy (London) 64:206-238. SPINE, ABNORMALITY, BANTU, AFRICA, [ARME]
Shore, L. R. 1935 On Osteo-Arthritis in the Dorsal Intervertebral Joints: A Study in Morbid Anatomy. British Journal of Surgery 22(88):833-849. ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, JOINT, INTERVERTEBRAL, ANATOMY, [JRNL]
Shore, L. R. 1935 Polyspondylitis Marginalis Ostophytica. British Journal of Surgery 22(88):850-863. SPINE, POLYSPONDYLITIS MARGINALIS OSTOPHYTICA, [JRNL]
Shore, L. R. 1936 Some Examples of Disease of the Vertebral Column Found in Skeletons of Ancient Egypt: A Contribution to Palaeopathology. British Journal of Surgery 24(94):256-271. SPINAL DISEASE, ANCIENT, EGYPT, [JRNL]
Shore, T. W. 1889 The Distribution and Density of the Old British Population of Hampshire. Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 18:334-346. DEMOGRAPHY, OLD BRITISH POPULATION, HAMPSHIRE, ENGLAND, [JRNL]
Short, Charles L. 1974 The Antiquity of Rheumatoid Arthritis. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1976, 14:16.]. Arthritis and Rheumatism 17(3):193-205. ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID, ANTIQUITY, [JRNL]
Shortt, John 1866 Description of a Living Microcephale. Memoirs Read Before the Anthropological Society of London 2:257-261. SKULL, MALE, MICROCEPHALIC, INDIA, [JRNL]
Shortt, John 1874 A Brief Account of Three Microcephales. Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 3:265. SKULL, MICROCEPHALIC, [JRNL]
Shoshan, A. 1980 [Rift Valley Fever and Its Relation to the 4th Plague.]. [Hebrew]. Koroth 7:810-814. RIFT VALLEY FEVER, [CWHM-1981-107-#0803]
Shoshan, Boaz 1981 Notes sur les Epidémies de Peste en Egypte. Annales de Démographie Historique (1981):397-404. PLAGUE, EGYPT, [CWHM-1987-132-#1555]
Shrewsbury, John Findlay Drew 1949 The Yellow Plague. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 1. PLAGUE, YELLOW PLAGUE, HISTORY, [ANTIQUITY-1979-53:120]
Shrewsbury, John Findlay Drew 1964 The Plague of the Philistines and Other Medical Historical Essays. London: Gollancz. PLAGUE, [CRAN]

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