Aaby, Peter 1984 Epidemics Among Amerindians and Inuit: a preliminary Interpretation

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Dunn, Frederick L. 1978 Epidemiological Factors: Health and Disease in Hunter-Gatherers. In: Michael H. Logan, and Edward E. Hunt, Jr., eds. Health and Human Condition: Perspectives on Medical Anthropology. North Scituate, Massachusetts: Duxbury Press, pp. 107-117. MEDICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, HEALTH, HUMAN CONDITION, DISEASE, HEALTH, EPIDEMIOLOGY, HUNTER-GATHERER, [MASCA-1992-9:011 & AM-ANTHROPOL-1979-81:957]
Dunn, Frederick L., and R. Watkins 1970 Parasitological Examinations of Prehistoric Human Coprolites from Lovelock Cave, Nevada. In: Robert F. Heizer, and Lewis K. Napton. Archaeology and the Prehistoric Great Basin Lacustrine Subsistence Regime as Seen from Lovelock Cave, Nevada. Berkeley, California: Contributions of the University of California Archaeological Research Facility, Number 10, pp. 176-185. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1973, 2:11.]. COPROLITE, LOVELOCK CAVE, NEVADA, PARASITISM, [JRNL]
Dunn, P. M. 1989 Baron Dupuytren (1777-1835) and Congenital Dislocation of the Hip. Archives of Disease in Childhood 64(7):969-970. HIP, DISLOCATION, CONGENITAL, HISTORY, [JRNL]
Dunnell, R. C. 1993 Why Archaeologists Don't Care About Archaeometry. Archeomaterials 7:161-165. ARCHAEOMETRY, ARCHAEOLOGISTS DISINTEREST, [J-ARCHAEOL-SCI-1995-22:458]
Dunning, G. C., and Calvin Wells 1966 Report on the Human Remains from Nethercourt. Neolithic Occupation Sites in East Kent. Antiquaries Journal 46(1):24-45. REMAINS, HUMAN, NEOLITHIC, KENT, [GWELSPAL.BIB]
Dunning, G. C., and R. E. M. Wheeler 1932 A Barrow at Dunstable, Bedfordshire. Part I. The Archaeological Evidence. Archaeological Journal 88:193. ARCHAEOLOGY, BARROW, BEDFORDSHIRE, [DIS IN ANT:443 & CRAN]
Dunning, James M. 1953 The Influence of Latitude and Distance from Sea Coast on Dental Caries Disease. [Abstract]. Journal of Dental Research 32(5):643-644. DENTAL CARIES, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Dunning, James M. 1953 The Influence of Latitude and Distance from Sea Coast on Dental Caries Disease. Journal of Dental Research 32(6):811-829. DENTAL CARIES, INFLUENCE, [JRNL]
Dunning, Nicholas P. 1993 Precolumbian Population History in the Maya Lowlands. Edited by T. Patrick Culbert, and Don S. Rice. 1991. Albuquerque, New Mexico: University of New Mexico Press. [Review]. Science 260(5106):376. REVIEW OF, CULBERT; T. PATRICK, AND DON S. RICE, 1991, [JRNL]
Dunstan, H. 1975 The Late Ming Epidemics. Ch'ing-Shih Wen-t'i 3:1-59. EPIDEMIC, MING DYNASTY, CHINA, [CWHM-1977-095-#0454]
Dupertuis, C. Wesley, and John A. Hadden, Jr. 1951 On the Reconstruction of Stature from Long Bones. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 9(1):15-53. STATURE ASSESSMENT, LONG BONE, [JRNL]
Duplay, J., M. A. de Lumley, and G. Julliard 1970 Un Pariétal Anténéandertalien, Problème Diagnostique. [An Ante-Neanderthalian Parietal Bone: A Diagnostical Problem.]. [French]. Neuro-Chirurgie 16(1):5-13. PARIETAL, DIAGNOSTIC PROBLEM, PRE-NEANDERTAL, [NDX-Paleopathology-11-02-07185 & PPNL 1974-7:14 & ARME]
Dupont 1893 La Régime Frugivore est le Régime Naturel de l'Homme. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Bruxelles 12:50-72. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, NUTRITION, FRUIT, [ARME]
Dupouy, Walter 1943 Un Cráneo con Extraordinaria Deformación Artificial. [Comunicación Breve]. Acta Americana 1(2):264-265. SKULL, DEFORMATION, ARTIFICIAL, [JRNL]
Duque, G. A. Perez, et al. 1995 Carlos Chagas y la Enfermedad de Chagas. [Spanish with English Abstract]. G E N 49(2):179-188. MEDICAL HISTORY, CHAGAS'S DISEASE, [CWHM-1996-170-#0411]
Duque, M. 1910 L'Histoire de la Lèpre en Cuba. Lepra (Leipzig) 10:74:76. LEPROSY, HISTORY, CUBA, [LSG3-Leprosy history & statistics]
Duraiswami, P. K., M. Ch. Orth, and S. M. Tuli 1971 5000 Years of Orthopaedics in India. [Letter]. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 75:269-280. ORTHOPEDICS, INDIA 5000 YEARS, LETTER, [JRNL]
Durán, Carlos M. 1962 La Patológia en el Arte Prehispánico. Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala 41:. ART, PREHISPANIC, PATHOLOGY, [ARME]
Durán, Carlos M. 1963 Surgery of the Mayas. Abbottempo; English Edition 1(4):14-20. SURGERY, MAYA, [JRNL]
Durán, Carlos M. 1964 Pathology in Pre-Columbian Central-American Art. Ciba Symposium (Basel) 12:87-91. PATHOLOGY, ART, PRECOLUMBIAN, CENTRAL AMERICA, [NDX-Archaeology-06-02-00397 & ARME]
Durán Serrano, Eliana, and Silvia Quevedo Kawasaki 1992 Ofrendas a los Dioses en las Montañas. [Offerings to the Mountain Gods.]. [Abstract]. 1 Congreso Internacional de Estudios Sobre Momias, Programa y Resúmenes. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, 3-6 February 1992, p. 176. FUNERARY RITE, PERU, INCA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Duray, Stephen M. 1990 Deciduous Enamel Defects and Caries Susceptibility in a Prehistoric Ohio Population. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1990, 70:11.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 81(1):27-34. DENTAL ENAMEL HYPOPLASIA, DENTAL ENAMEL HYPOCALCIFICATION, DENTAL DISEASE, LIBBEN SITE, [JRNL]
Duray, Stephen M. 1990 Enamel Defects and Caries Susceptibility in the Permanent Teeth from The Libben Site. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 81(2):218. DENTAL ENAMEL DEFECT, DENTAL CARIES, DENTITION, PERMANENT, LIBBEN SITE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Duray, Stephen M. 1992 The Distribution of Enamel Defects and Its Relationship to Patterns of Stress and Mortality in the Prehistoric Libben Population from Ottawa County, Ohio. [Dissertation, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio]. [For abstract, see Dissertation Abstracts International, 54(2):577A, University Microfilms order number #DA9317540.]. [For abbreviated abstract, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1994, 87:19.]. DISSERTATION, DENTAL ENAMEL DEFECT, METABOLIC STRESS INDICATOR, LIBBEN POPULATION, OHIO, [PPNL-1994-87:19]
Duray, Stephen M. 1992 Enamel Defects and Caries Etiology: An Historical Perspective. In: Alan H. Goodman, and Luigi Capasso, eds. Recent Contributions to the Study of Enamel Developmental Defects. Chieti, Italy: Journal of Paleopathology Monographic Publications--2. DENTAL ENAMEL DEFECT, DEVELOPMENTAL, DENTAL CARIES ETIOLOGY, HISTORY, [PPNL-1993-81:6 & J-PALEOPATH-FLYER]
Duray, Stephen M. 1994 Enamel Defects and Reduced Age at Death in Prehistoric Native Americans. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 18:83-84. DENTITION, DENTAL ENAMEL DEFECT, AGE AT DEATH, AMERICA, INDIAN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Duray, Stephen M. 1996 Dental Indicators of Stress and Reduced Age at Death in Prehistoric Native Americans. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1996, 94:9.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 99(2):275-286. DENTITION, STRESS INDICATORS, AGE AT DEATH, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Duray, Stephen M. 1996 Stress and Mortality: Evidence from the Deciduous Dentition. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 22:100. DENTITION, DECIDUOUS, MORTALITY, STRESS, EVIDENCE OF, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Durbin, Thomas E. 1975 Comment on "New Evidence for a Late Introduction of Malaria into the New World." [See Corinne Shear Wood, 1975.]. Current Anthropology 16(1):97. MALARIA, NEW WORLD, [JRNL]
Duret 1898 La Trépanation dans les Temps Préhistorique. Journal des Sciences Médicales de Lille 1:167-172. TREPHINATION, PREHISTORIC, [LSG2-Trephining, prehistoric & primitive]
Durham, Janette D., David Rubinstein, Robert B. Pickering, Victor M. Spitzer, R. Edward Hendrick, and Michael L. Manco-Johnson 1994 Computerized Tomographic Evaluation of DMNH I and DMNH II. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twenty First Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Denver, Colorado, 29-30 March 1994, pp. 18-19. MUMMIES, DENVER MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY, DMNH I, DMNH II, COMPUTERIZED TOMOGRAPHIC EVALUATION OF, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
During, Ebba M. 1989 Cut Marks on a Neolithic Cranium from Sweden: A Case of Prehistoric Scalping in the Old World. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 78(2):216. SCALPING, NEOLITHIC, SWEDEN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
During, Ebba M. 1990 An Osteological and Anthropological Analysis of the Human Skeletal Remains from the 352 Years Old Swedish Warship Vasa. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 81(2):218. OSTEOLOGY, ANTHROPOLOGICAL ANALYSIS, SWEDISH WARSHIP, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
During, Ebba M. 1992 Pathological and Other Changes in the Human Skeletal Remains from the Swedish Warship Vasa, with Emphasis on Some Special Cases. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Las Vegas, Nevada, 31 March-1 April 1992, p. 6. REMAINS, HUMAN, WARSHIP VASA, SWEDEN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
During, Ebba M. 1994 Results of Pathological Examinations of the Human Skeletal Remains from the 17th Century Swedish Man-of War, the Vasa. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Tenth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994, pp. 8-9. REMAINS, SKELETAL, SWEDISH SHIP VASA, PATHOLOGICAL EXAMINATION, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
During, Ebba M. 1994 Results of Pathological Examinations of Human Skeletal Remains from the 17th Century Swedish Man-of-War, the Vasa. [Abstract]. HOMO 45(Supplement, Special Issue, Xth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994):S42. REMAINS, SKELETAL, SWEDISH SHIP VASA, PATHOLOGICAL EXAMINATION, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
During, Ebba M. 1995 Some Observations with Respect to the Skeletal Injuries from the Ongoing: Analysis of the Human Skeletal Remains from the Swedish 17th Century Man-of-War Kronan (The Crown). [Abstract]. Journal of Paleopathology 7(2, Abstracts of Papers Presented at the XI European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996):97. REMAINS, SKELETAL, INJURY ANALYSIS, MAN-OF-WAR KRONAN, SWEDEN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
During, Ebba M. 1996 Some Observations on Injuries from the Ongoing Analysis of the Human Skeletal Remains from the Swedish 17th Century Man-of-War Kronan (The Crown). [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eleventh European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996, p. 8. REMAINS, SKELETAL, INJURY ANALYSIS, MAN-OF-WAR KRONAN, SWEDEN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
During, Ebba M., and Lennart Nilsson 1991 Mechanical Surface Analysis of Bone: A Case Study of Cut Marks and Enamel Hypoplasia on a Neolithic Cranium from Sweden. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1991, 74:13.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 84(2):113-125. SCALPING, DENTAL ENAMEL HYPOPLASIA, STYLUS INSTRUMENT, SURFACE IRREGULARITY, THREE DIMENSIONAL, NEOLITHIC, SWEDEN, [JRNL]
During, Ebba M., Michael R. Zimmerman, Morrie E. Kricun, and J. Rydberg 1994 Helmsman's Elbow: An Occupational Disease of the 17th Century. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1994, 88:10.]. Journal of Paleopathology 6(1):19-27. DISEASE, OCCUPATIONAL DISEASE, HELMSMAN'S ELBOW, [PPNL-1994-88:10 & CWHM-1994-164-#0400]
Durrant, R. E. 1988 Bubonic Plague. [Letter]. Scientific American 259(1):8. PLAGUE, BUBONIC PLAGUE, [CWHM-1989-139-#1520 & JRNL]
Dussau, A. 1968 [Ancient Beliefs on the Origin of Toothache.]. [French]. Information Dentaire 50:4323-4326. DENTITION, TOOTHACHE, HISTORY, [NDX-Toothache history-10-02-09880]
Dussau, A. 1987 The Tooth "Worm" in Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt. [French]. Chirurgien-Dentiste de France 57(26 November):28-33. DENTITION, TOOTHACHE, TOOTH WORM, MESOPOTAMIA, EGYPT, [CWHM-1989-139-#1969]
Dusseau, E. M., and R. J. Porter 1974 The Search for Animal Parasites in Paleofeces from Upper Salts Cave. In: Patty Jo Watson, ed. Archeology of the Mammoth Cave Area. New York: Academic Press, p. 59. COPROLITE, PARASITE, ANIMAL, UPPER SALTS CAVE, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:339]
Dusseau, J. L. 1978 Mesozoic Medicine: A Backward View from Outside. Pharos of Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society 41(3):12-19. MEDICINE, ANCIENT, HISTORY, [NDX-History of Medicine ancient-20-10-07927]
Dutour, Olivier 1986 Enthesopathies (Lesions of Muscular Insertions) as Indicators of the Activities of Neolithic Saharan Populations. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1986, 56:15.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 71(2):221-224. ENTHESOPATHY, MUSCULAR INSERTION LESION, NEOLITHIC, SAHARA, [JRNL]
Dutour, Olivier 1987 Les Enthésopathies en Paléopathologie: Principes, Intérêts et Limites Méthodologiques. [Abstract]. In: 18e Coll des Anthropologistes de Langue Française, L'Escala 21-24 Oct 1978, Vol des Résumés, p. 13. ENTHESOPATHY, ABSTRACT, [BULL-SOC-ANTH-PARIS-1992-4:229]
Dutour, Olivier 1992 Activités Physiques et Squelette Humain: Le Difficile Passage de l'Actuel au Fossile. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 4(3-4):233-241. REMAINS, SKELETAL, OCCUPATIONAL ACTIVITY, [JRNL]
Dutour, Olivier 1992 Les Marqueurs d'Activités sur l'Os Humain Fossile. Une Tracéologie Paléoathropologique? In: Tracéologie et Fonction, le Geste Retrouvé, Volume 50. Liège: Colloque International de Liège, Edition ERAUAL. BONE, FOSSIL BONE, MARK OF ACTIVITY, [J-PPATHOL-1993-5:24]
Dutour, Olivier, Jacques Berato, and P. C. Acquaviva 1988 Contribution of Rheumatology in Human Paleopathology. [Abstract]. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Seventh European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Lyon, France, 1-4 September 1988, p. 4. RHEUMATOLOGY, PALEOPATHOLOGY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Dutour, Olivier, and C. Oberlin 1991 Un Cas d'Arthrose du Poignet chez un Homme de Cro-Magnon Africain. [Abstract]. In: 27ème Congrès Société de Chirurgie de la Main Paris (FR) Décembre 1991, Vol Résumés. WRIST, ARTHRITIS, CRO-MAGNON, AFRICA, ABSTRACT, [BULL-SOC-ANTH-PARIS-1992-4:240]
Dutour, Olivier, György Pálfi, Jacques Berato, and Jean-Pierre Brun, eds. 1994 L'Origine de la Syphilis en Europe: Avant ou Après 1493? Paris: Editions Errance-Centre Archéologique du Var. [See review by Luigi Capasso, 1994.]. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, EUROPE, ORIGIN, [PPNL-1995-91:14 & J-PALEOPATHOL-1994-6:172]
Dutour, Olivier, György Pálfi, Jacques Berato, and Jean-Pierre Brun, eds. 1994 The Origin of Syphilis in Europe: Before or After 1493? Toulon: Centre Archéologique du Var. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, EUROPE, ORIGIN, [CURR-ANTHROPOL-1995-36:872]
Dutour, Olivier, György Pálfi, M. Panuel, and B. Gely 1995 Paleopathological Study of Upper Palaeolithic Remains from Southeastern France. [Abstract]. Journal of Paleopathology 7(2, Abstracts of Papers Presented at the XI European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996):98. SPINE, SPONDYLOLYSIS, TIBIA, PERIOSTITIS, PLATYCNEMIA, IBOUSSI┼RES, FRANCE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Dutour, Olivier, György Pálfi, M. Panuel, and B. Gely 1996 Paleopathological Study of Upper Palaeolithic Remains from Southeastern France. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eleventh European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-18 August 1996, pp. 8-9. SPINE, SPONDYLOLYSIS, TIBIA, PERIOSTITIS, PLATYCNEMIA, IBOUSSI┼RES, FRANCE, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Dutour, Olivier, M. Panuel, and Bruce M. Rothschild 1994 Spondyloarthropathies in [an] Early Holocene Saharan Population. [Abstract]. HOMO 45(Supplement, Special Issue, Xth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994):S44. SPINE, SPONDYLOARTHROPATHY, HOLOCENE, SAHARA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Dutour, Olivier, M. Panuel, and Bruce M. Rothschild 1994 Spondyloarthropathies in an Early Holocene Saharan Population. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Tenth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994, p. 9. SPINE, SPONDYLOARTHROPATHY, HOLOCENE, SAHARA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Dutour, Olivier, and J. Onrubia Pintado 1993 Observation de Deux Mandibules Humaines à Quatre Molaires Datant de la Préhistoire Récente des Iles Canaries (Tumulus Préhispaniques de la Guancha--El Agujero, Gáldar, Grande Canarie. [French with English Abstract]. Préhist Anthropol Médit 2:173-180. MANDIBLE, GUANCHE, CANARY ISLANDS, [ANTHROPOL-INDEX-1994-32(2):87]
Dutta, Pratap C. 1969 Bilateral Parietal Thinning in Bronze Age Skull. British Medical Journal 1(5635):55. PARIETAL, BIPARIETAL THINNING, BRONZE AGE, [JRNL]
Dutta, Pratap C. 1971 Earliest Indian Human Found in a Late Stone Age Site. Nature (London) 233(5320):500-501. REMAINS, HUMAN, STONE AGE, INDIAN, [NDX-Anthropology-13-04-03682]
Dutta, Pratap C. 1972 The Bronze-Age Harappans: A Re-Examination of the Skulls in the Context of the Population Concept. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 3(3):391-396. SKULL, HARAPPA, [JRNL]
Dutta, Pratap C. 1983 An Odontometric Study of Molar Crown Characteristics of the Bronze Age Harappans. Anthropologischer Anzeiger 41(1):67-72. DENTITION, MOLAR, CROWN, HARAPPAN, [NDX-Paleodontology-24-12-12357]
Dutta, Pratap C., and A. Pal 1972 The Earliest Indian Human Skeletal Find and the Estimation of Stature. Current Science 9:334-335. REMAINS, SKELETAL, STATURE ASSESSMENT, INDIA, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1980-09:424]
Dutton, Gail 1994 Precolumbian Tuberculosis. [Newsbrief]. Archaeology (New York) 47(4):19. MUMMIES, PERU, TUBERCULOSIS, PRECOLUMBIAN, [JRNL]
Duve, A., and K. Ree 1975 [Ibsen's Physicians Personalities.]. [Letter]. [Norwegian]. Tidsskrift for den Norske Laegeforening 95(32):1872-1874. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, HISTORY, [NDX-Syphilis history-17-08-11827]
Duvette, Jean-François, and Jöel Blondiaux 1993 Two Early Cases of Leprosy from Northern and Southern France. [Poster]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twentieth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Toronto, Ontario, 13-14 April 1993, p. 20. LEPROSY, FRANCE, POSTER, [JRNL]
Dwight, Thomas 1878 The Identification of the Human Skeleton: A Medicolegal Study. Boston, Massachusetts: Massachusetts Society Prize Essay, 1978. REMAINS, SKELETAL, FORENSICS, IDENTIFICATION, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1982-11:130]
Dwight, Thomas 1880-1881 The Sternum as an Index of Sex and Age. Journal of Anatomy and Physiology 25:327-330. AGE ASSESSMENT, SEX ASSESSMENT, STERNUM, [LSG4-AUTHOR-581 & AJPA-1980-53:224]
Dwight, Thomas 1890 The Sternum as an Index of Sex, Height and Age. Journal of Anatomy and Physiology 24:527-535. STERNUM, AGE ASSESSMENT, STATURE ASSESSMENT, SEX ASSESSMENT, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1982-11:130]
Dwight, Thomas 1895 The Significance of Anomalies. American Naturalist 29:130-135. ANOMALY, SIGNIFICANCE, [JRNL]
Dwight, Thomas 1905 The Size of the Articular Surface of the Long Bones as Characteristics of Sex: An Anthropological Study. American Journal of Anatomy 4:19-32. BONE, LONG BONE, ARTICULAR SURFACE, SEX ASSESSMENT, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1982-11:130]
Dwivedi, S. N., and H. Sharma 1991 Stature Estimation of Central Indians from Metacarpal Bones by Regression and Autometry. Journal of the Indian Anthropological Society 26(3):237-243. STATURE ASSESSMENT, METACARPAL BONE, INDIA, [ANTHROPOL-INDEX-1994-32(2):116]
Dwyer, Edward, and Jane P. Dwyer 1975 The Paracas Cemeteries: Mortuary Patterns in a Peruvian South Coastal Tradition. In: Elizabeth P. Benson, ed. Death and the Afterlife in Pre-Columbian America: A Conference at Dumbarton Oaks, 27 October 1973. Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collections, Trustees for Harvard University, pp. 145-161. MUMMIES, PERU, PARACAS, [DILLEHAY-TOM-D-1995:023 & MELVYL]
Dye, T. J. 1994 The Pink Teeth of the Dead: The Causes of the Phenomenon in Archaeological and Forensic Cases. [Dissertation, Department of Archaeological Sciences, University of Bradford, England]. DENTITION, PINK TEETH, POST-MORTEM PHENOMENON, CAUSE OF, [INTERNATL-J-OSTEOARCHAEOL-1995-5:347]
Dye, T. J., David Lucy, and A. M. Pollard 1995 The Occurrence and Implications of Post-Mortem 'Pink Teeth' in Forensic and Archaeological. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 5(4):339-348. DENTITION, FUNGAL, TRAUMA, PINK TEETH, POST-MORTEM, [JRNL]
Dyer, A. 1985 Epidemics of Measles in a Seventeenth-Century English Town. Local Population Studies 34:35-45. MEASLES, SMALLPOX, POX IN BOLTON, ENGLAND, [CWHM-1986-127-#0681]
Dyer, Alan D. 1978 The Influence of Bubonic Plague in England 1500-1667. Medical History 22(3):308-326. PLAGUE, BRITAIN 1500-1667, [JRNL]
Dyer, C. 1989 Standards of Living in the Later Middle Ages. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. LIVING STANDARD, MIDDLE AGES, [BRITSECTNEWS-1990-9:05]
Dymond, D. 1977 Infanticide. Local Population Studies 19:52-53. INFANTICIDE, [CWHM-1978-097-#0721]
Dyson, Stephen L. 1979 The Mummy of Middleton. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1980, 29:17.]. Archaeology (New York) 32(5):57-59. MUMMIES, MIDDLETON, [JRNL]
Dzierzykray-Rogalski, Tadeusz 1958 Crania et alia Ossa Polonica: Cmentarzyska Neolityczne w Stoku i Lesie Stockim. Materialy i Prace Antropologiczne, Number 30. Wroclaw: Polska Akademia Nauk. REMAINS, SKELETAL, POLAND, NEOLITHIC, [MELVYL]
Dzierzykray-Rogalski, Tadeusz 1963 Zmumifikowane Szczatki Ludzskie Znalezione w Miesce Umarlych w Deir El Bahari, Egipt. [Mummified Human Skulls Found in Places of the Dead in Deir El Bahrain, Egypt.]. [Polish]. Czlowiek w Czasie i Przestrzeni (Warsaw) 2:22. MUMMIFICATION, EGYPT, [Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Vol 35 B (1979), No 1-4]
Dzierzykray-Rogalski, Tadeusz 1966 An Anatomical and Anthropological Analysis of Human Skeletal Remains from the Arab Necropoles at Kom El Dikka Alexandria (Egypt). Etudes et Travaux du Centre d'Archéologie Méditerraneenne de l'Académie Polonaise des Sciences 1:201-216. REMAINS, SKELETAL, KOM EL-DIKKA, ALEXANDRIA, EGYPT, [ROSE-J-C-1995-NPT]
Dzierzykray-Rogalski, Tadeusz 1968 Human Bones from Trench F and G of the Moslem Necropoles at Kom El-Dikka, Alexandria (Egypt). Etudes et Travaux du Centre d'Archéologie Méditerraneenne de l'Académie Polonaise des Sciences 2:229-242. REMAINS, SKELETAL, KOM EL-DIKKA, ALEXANDRIA, EGYPT, [ROSE-J-C-1995-NPT]
Dzierzykray-Rogalski, Tadeusz 1970 Demographic Problems in Studies of Human Bones from Sector M-IX of the Moslem Necropoles at Kom El-Dikka in Alexandria (Egypt). Studia Demograficzne 22:187-191. REMAINS, SKELETAL, KOM EL-DIKKA, ALEXANDRIA, EGYPT, DEMOGRAPHIC PROBLEM, [ROSE-J-C-1995-NPT]
Dzierzykray-Rogalski, Tadeusz 1977 Neolithic Skeletons from Kadero, Sudan. Current Anthropology 18(3):585-586. REMAINS, SKELETAL, NEOLITHIC, SUDAN, [JRNL]
Dzierzykray-Rogalski, Tadeusz 1977 Problemes de Paleopathologie dans les Necropoles Musulmanes a Kom El-Dikka. In: L'Ancienne Alexandrrie dan les Recherches Polonaises. Varsovie, pp. 211-216. REMAINS, SKELETAL, KOM EL-DIKKA, ALEXANDRIA, EGYPT, [ROSE-J-C-1995-NPT]
Dzierzykray-Rogalski, Tadeusz 1977 Zagadnienia Paleopatologii w Nekropolach Muzulmanskich na Kom El-Dikka. In: Starozytna Aleksandria w Badaniach Polskich. Varsovie: Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe-Editions Scientifiques de Pologne, pp. 211-221. REMAINS, SKELETAL, KOM EL-DIKKA, ALEXANDRIA, EGYPT, [ROSE-J-C-1995-NPT]
Dzierzykray-Rogalski, Tadeusz 1978 Badania Antropologiczne w Oazie Dakhla Prowadzone w 1977 R. Przeglad Antropologiczny 44(2):353-359. PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, DAKHLEH OASIS, EGYPT, [ROSE-J-C-1995-NPT]
Dzierzykray-Rogalski, Tadeusz 1978 Un Cas de la Lèpre à un Stade Avancé Découvert dans la Nécropole Musulmane de Kôm El-Dikka, à Aléxandrie. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1980, 32:12.]. Africana Bulletin 28:140-146. LEPROSY, EGYPT, [PPNL 1980-32:12 & ARME]
Dzierzykray-Rogalski, Tadeusz 1978 Etudes Preliminaires des Ossements Humains des IVe-IIIe Millenaires av J.-C. a Kadero (Soudan). In: Jean Leclant, and Jean Vercoutter, eds. Etudes Nubiennes. Colloque de Chantilly. 2-6 Juillet 1975. Caire: L'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale du Caire, pp. 87-90. REMAINS, SKELETAL, SUDAN, [ROSE-J-C-1995-NPT]
Dzierzykray-Rogalski, Tadeusz 1978 Paleopathology of the Ptolemaic Population of Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Second European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Turin, Italy, 20-22 October 1978, p. TU4. PATHOLOGY, PTOLEMAIC, DAKHLEH OASIS, EGYPT, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]

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