fizik yoki shaxsiy himoya, ishonchli apparat.
Types of protection mechanisms-
some kinds
of protection mechanisms
are: encryption, key management aspects of administrative, digital signature
access control mechanisms, mechanisms for data integrity,
information exchange mechanisms authentication mechanisms fill traffic routing
control mechanism, the mechanism of notarization, physical or personal protection,
reliable hardware / software.
небольшая программа, которая вставляет саму себя в другие
программы при выполнении. еще - программа, способная самопроизвольно
создавать свои копии и модифицирующая
другие программы, записанные в
файлах или системных областях, для последующего получения управления и
воспроизводства новой копии.
- o‘zini boshqa dasturlar bajarilayotganida ularga kirituvchi unchalik
katta bo‘lmagan dastur. Yana - nusxalarini beixtiyor yaratish va keyinchalik yangi
nusxasini boshqarish va qayta yaratishga erishish maqsadida fayllardagi va tizimli
sohalardagi boshqa dasturlarni modifikatsiyalash imkoniyatiga ega dastur.
- a small program that inserts itself into other programs when
executed. Still - a program which can spontaneously
create their copies and
modifies other programs stored in files or system areas for subsequent
management and reproduction of a new copy.
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